Apologies for reviving this thread. I was informed earlier that reviving fangame threads is the better option than starting up an entirely new thread. Otherwise, I'm not sure what to do with this information other than starting up a new thread...
Version 1.03 of Fantastic Danmaku Festival was released earlier this month (if I'm reading the dates correctly). What version 1.03 includes are new spellcards (similar to last words or a spell practice mode if I had to compare this to anything), staff credits, and achievements. The main attraction I found (due to the language barrier) are the new spellcards.
Developer's blog regarding version 1.03's release:
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9a6e83210102v21p.htmlBoth links in the blog lead to pan.baidu. The first link in the developer's blog leads to the DLC. Supposedly, I think you can just transfer the files from that to the game folder, but I had no luck running the game doing this (I'm bad at solving computer problems so I took the other option). The second link leads to the installation file. If you had Fantastic Danmaku Festival previously installed, you have to uninstall it if you want to go through this method. My guess for the problems I had with the first link is due to the installation for version 1.03 from the second link creating a new folder in the StarX folder when I installed it (and as a result, new data for the game to use). Just mentioning it in case someone runs into a similar problem. There is a post with more information on the DLC posted a day after the link I provided, but I'm not sure if the problems addressed in that are what I encountered based on what I get with google translate.
And before anyone asks, I don't know if there are any new spellcards for extra based on information from someone I have talked to when I first heard of this update. I've yet to beat extra either.
Other than that, here are some timeouts I did:
Meiling Timeouts (Not much I can do with the lag)