Normal - ReimuA
633idk - 738,977,660 - C - 0.0%
My score.dat got corrupted randomly so I figured I should unlock extra again. 1 miss during Kanako's streaming card, and also, lol I'm still traumatized by Aya so I bombed everything.
Extra - ReimuA 633idk - 712,078,960 - C - 0.2% - Replay Upon unlocking extra I wanted to try that bomb trick at the beginning of the fight, and failed. Feel free to watch and laugh at me. However, I also glitched the first card by accident trying it, and I apologize for that, I guess it made my spell bonus slightly higher than it would have been otherwise. 1 miss due to serious derp during the red frog card. I've yet to capture Suwa war, but I'm somewhat consistent on everything else. Well, picking up items during that green amulet streaming nonspell is something I've never done.
Extra - ReimuA633idk - 823,100,270 - C - 0.2% - Replay I finally got that no death run. The only spell cards failed were Suwa war and Misaguji-sama. I bombed the green streaming non-spell to safely collect items above the PoC. I'm happy with this for now.
Extra - ReimuA
633idk - 872,033,080 - C - 0.2% -
Replay Another run where I also capture Misaguji-sama.