Questions are really vague and complicated, I think what you want to know is better written than surveyed. I still will send my anwsers, but if I would like to say something more I will do it here.
People do not have higher and lower levels of value, but rather different kinds of values. > Maybe then have both hinger and lower levels of values and different kinds? This question is too vague.
A religion that is constantly changing represents a weakness in that religion's moral system. > Not really, a weakness in religion, or rather is religious believes you probably wanted to ask about, is hardly measured by anything. Someone can just "belong" in the religion not really thinking much of it. Moral systems are also much beyond just religion, but religion itself have a part of it,. But in point of view, a religion that would constantly change what it believes in can't be a real religion no?
It is a mathematical certainty that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. > Mathematics aren't certain, as there is no certain thing in this world, only probabilities.
A stable family requires that parents listen to their children, but have the final word on family matters. > Nothing wrong with this question honestly...
The government has an obligation to manage the social welfare system. > Nothing wrong here...
There is no absolute morality, but different kinds of morality. > Nothing wrong here...
It is important that we devote the space program to finding habitable planets elsewhere in the universe as possible migration points. > Nothing wrong here...
Voting is ultimately useless. > What do you mean voting? The question is really vague...
Belief in a deity is important for maintaining a stable moral code. > Nothing wrong here...
Some form of population control program will have to be implemented at some point in the next 100 years. > Nothing wrong with this one either..
Listening to reason is better than listening to intuition. > Nothing wrong here...
Money is better spent trying to reverse environmental damage on the planet that we are on than to find another planet to live on. > It's really hard to compare the money that would be spend on reverse environmental damage and terraforming other planets.
Sometimes, nations are justified in going to unilateral war. > Nothing wrong with that...
Religion has done more for social stability than governments. > Nothing wrong here...
Some cultures should always remain separate. > Nothing wrong here...
It is likely that we will irreparably damage the planet and bring about our own extinction. > Nothing wrong with that...
Sometimes violently overthrowing a democratically elected government is justified. > Nothing wrong with that...
Some people are luckier than others. > Nothing wrong here...
Technology helps humanity more than it harms it. > Nothing wrong here...
Deep down, all people are basically good. > Good as? I suspect you mean good to other people or something in moral sense...
So long as they do not break the law, immigrants should be allowed to preserve their own ethical practices. > You mean Human rights or the law in the country? The law created in any country have little to do with ethics, more with money...
You can choose to be happy, no matter what your situation in life. > Do you mean, can any Human choose or just myself?
A job is simply a means to afford to enjoy one's interests. > Nothing wrong with this one...
Men and women think differently from each other at a biological level. > Well you don't say what Biological level really means, but I don't think it's that vague that people would not understand the meaning of this question.
Some day we will be visited by intelligent life. > Probably everyday we will, but I guess you mean visitors from other planets yes?
Genetic engineering should never be privatized. > Nothing wrong with that...
The world has grown more peaceful over the past 200 years. > Nothing wrong with that...
The government can be justified in temporarily suspending human rights in the interests of national security. > Nothing wrong with that...
It is possible to predict a future event with the aid of extrasensory perception. > Nothing wrong with that...
There are some morals which are recognized by all people. > Nothing wrong with that..
Doing what you love is more important than how much you get paid doing it. > Nothing wrong with that...
Immigrants should not be required by law to learn the language spoken by most people in that country. > Nothing wrong here..
Soveriegn nations should be allowed to develop whatever kind of military they believe suit them best. > Nothing wrong I see there...
If we manage our resources better, we can maintain the growth of the human race. > Implying resources management does improve "growth of the human race" whatever that means...
The key to happiness is to have simple needs. > Nothing wrong with that..
All religions are of equal value to humanity. > That's ok too...
It is healthy for nations to compete with each other. > Nothing wrong here...
Humanity is too industrialized. > Nothing wrong with that, but it's rather a question how much industrialization is too much for humanity, which is a different thing...
Overall, human beings are becoming more moral. > More moral as more good to each other or... bad to each other?
If you concentrate hard enough on achieving good luck, you can make it happen. > Nothing wrong with that..
In a truly just society, the gap between rich and poor is as small as possible. > I can't really grasp the meaning of this question at all, what are you asking for?