~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games

Questions, doubts, requests, answers - Public discussion thread.

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I have been wondering if, so to say, "custom" games are allowed to be made.

In this case, by "custom" I mean games with a non-Touhou setting (original world, characters and such). Not that I don't like Touhou text adventures (as it's the exact opposite : I like them a lot!), but I felt like it'd be best to ask about this beforehand, just to be sure, and I also feel like it'd be better at doing an original setting rather than a Touhou game, should I feel like making one later down the road. In particular, I've seen Greater Centenary Festival take a more customized approach to it, but it also retains Touhou elements. (SDM, characters)

Hello Purvis:
It's certainly allowed!

That said, you gotta be ready to put more work into it, because it'll need a ton of description to come to life.

Glad to hear that, thank you for the reply!

I am aware that original settings and characters require quite a lot of work to start and progress them, which is something I feel am okay at, at the very least... except when it comes to descriptions of surroundings/areas (like buildings, for example) and satisfactory conclusions. These aren't really strong points in my case.

Oh, well. I'll read up more before jumping straight into it.

Branneg Xy:

--- Quote from: Mr.Ownage on May 21, 2019, 09:30:41 AM ---Glad to hear that, thank you for the reply!

I am aware that original settings and characters require quite a lot of work to start and progress them, which is something I feel am okay at, at the very least... except when it comes to descriptions of surroundings/areas (like buildings, for example) and satisfactory conclusions. These aren't really strong points in my case.

Oh, well. I'll read up more before jumping straight into it.

--- End quote ---
I suggest checking both fairly recent and  older stories which are fit for elements fit for your criteria of inspiration (Original Non-Touhou or mostly so ) here and especially in the " Mystia 's Stored Game/Favorites Section",and even more so on https://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php/board,4.0.html and Kosuzu's (Koakuma's at that time) Section .

After some reading in previous and ongoing games (mainly Quests) to learn both the GM side and players side in more detail, there's something that has came up in my mind that I wasn't able to find a precise answer so far. Namely... what would be okay to be included and what isn't.

Since most (if not all) Quests I have seen so far include danmaku as the fighting method of choice, I hadn't come across situations where, for example, grisly details would be mentioned (like the results of a well executed strike in a swordfight). As not everyone is a "fan" of such things, I felt like it'd be best to ask about this as well. Better to know in advance than make a big mistake, after all! (not that the ideas I have are all about senseless killing, naturally, but big fights are a common theme in them)


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