~Hakurei Shrine~ > Touhou Addict Recovery Center
Reisen's last name is Jenet.
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Useless little bunny, only good for her qcf+K.
Anon-Fairy already beat you to the Reisen's-last-name punch.

I forget what he picked but I remember it being racistly appropriate for the story.

--- Quote from: Stuffman on May 03, 2009, 04:36:21 AM ---

Useless little bunny, only good for her qcf+K.

--- End quote ---

for some reason this made both the touhou fan and the SNK fan in me laugh their respective asses off
♛ Apher-Forte:

--- Quote from: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2009, 05:00:23 AM ---Anon-Fairy already beat you to the Reisen's-last-name punch.

I forget what he picked but I remember it being racistly appropriate for the story.

--- End quote ---

Wow... someone remembers.

Reisen Id-Ishtar Isaiah (it has very Babylonian origins it seems.)

Ishtar was chosen for the Goddess of fertility, love, WAR and SEX (aptly applied for a useless bunny no? (fic wise))
Isaiah is chosen for

"The land will be completely laid waste and totally plundered. The LORD has spoken this word." (Isaiah 24:3).

I don't see a racist approach tho, I may have missed something.

Also, there is a hidden note of OC-ism by linking the initials, you get Reisen III.
--- Quote from: Stuffman on May 03, 2009, 04:36:21 AM ---

Useless little bunny, only good for her qcf+K.

--- End quote ---

I approve, and for you information, this character is not bad to use.
I rather enjoy using B.Jenet on my team when I go for quick KOs and spam moves in Reg A Maximum Impact.
please stop spoiling Jenet, people :(  (the way this thread's going makes Reisen have a different personality, in terms of behavior and fighting style. There are many substantial differences between these two characters to make such comparison look weird, forced, and an offense to Jenet fans, instead of a homage. It also makes Reisen look like she needs Jenet's image and/or fans to be more appealing or likable -- at the expense of the 'related character' --, as a consequence of such strange comparison)

Seriously, I didn't expect this thread to go this far.
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