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Touhou Project 17.5 「東方剛欲異聞 ~ 水没した沈愁地獄 Submerged Hell of Sunken Sorrow.」
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Suspicious person:
Haven't gotten the demo and currently waiting for the pity release of an online demo by Tasofro (plz happen), but from what I've watched, this game honestly seems to be more of a side scroller than a platformer. I hope this demo being a boss rush of sorts is merely a decision to keep to the meat of the game (that is the boss fights) and that there is going to be some platforming / stage sections in the full game, complete with, dunno, some kind of water / oil puzzles and a bunch of mobs to wipe the floor with.  Spoiler: I'm tempted to believe that the vengeful spirits enjoying a dip in the stage 3 onsen are gonna be some kind of mob that we'll get to see during certain stage sections (if there is gonna be any)
The game would have quite a bit of substance if they added stage sections for the story mode, implemented a separate boss rush of sorts for the, well, bosses, put some challenges and the like and so on. The replay value of the integer games lie in them being challenging, while the fighters can always be played against someone else : they're gonna need to come up with something to make this game interesting to re-explore after completion imo.

Still not sure about this new style of sprites tho, what's with those Sonic the hedgehog rollouts animations and the Spoiler: onsen goers that look like they still need to be unlocked), but I'm pretty okay with TOKIAME doing the portraits.

Spoiler: Speaking of portraits, Yuugi spills her booze in one of hers ... she's so OP she can actually destroy memes
not ZUNs wife:
i was mislead by the 'platforming game' marketing, i thought we'd get like a hippy hoppy exploration game, but it's just a fighting game on ground. :wat:

and as usual, i'm so bad at these that i can't get past the second fight.
Okay, have my 10 cents.

I absolutely adore the presentation of this game. The CRT/arcade machine look, the music, the adorable sprites and TOKIAME's art.

It also plays smooth like butter. Took me a bit to get a grip of all the moves Reimu can do with just one button, but after mastering them it's so much fun to just zoom across the screen. Bringing back the red shield/blue shield mechanic from AoCF for guard breaks works really well (or, even better than in that game) and makes you look for openings in each pattern. The risk mechanic of tying bombs to your life energy and having to graze patterns to spawn black water to absorb to regain health/bombs also adds a lot to the game and with some things the final boss of the demo does, I can already see this going quite some places.

If future characters play as well and are as fun to play as Reimu, then I believe this will be a very fun game with lots of replay value - at least, I can't stop myself from restarting it over and over again right now.

Game crashes a lot, especially if you try to skip through dialogs, but also just randomly, but I guess that's what it means to be a beta. Definitely looking forward to what this game will look like in future iterations.

I also hope they will add some kind of stage portions. I'm sure they can figure something out, but even if they don't I think this concept works really well.
Now, time to go back to listening to the Stage 2 boss theme~
R. P. Genocraft:
The game seems interesting, but it's a nightmare if you have a slow-ish pc. Spoiler: They did that thing where if the game detects it's going to lag, instead of slowing down like every other fighting game, it instead skips the frame. That wouldn't be that much of a problem if it weren't for the water system, it causes so much lag that you just CAN'T tell what's going on AT ALL. Seriously, it makes Yuugi so excruciatingly hard, I spent like 20 minutes trying to beat her and then the game crashed and I gave up. I hope to God they remove this, or at least let you toggle it.
Edit: Nevermind, apparently turning one of the settings that I had turned off(because it seemed to do nothing) back on severely reduced lag. Don't go around toggling things when you don't know what they do I guess.
look ma i posted on the internet again
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