~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games

Payload Gensokyo

<< < (2/11) > >>

>How much do we know about Soldier and Demo's friendship? Wasn't one of them originally from the opposite team, or did that friendship develop on our side after that mess (assuming we know of it)?
>Do we have our other weapons stored somewhere, (i,e: Frontier Justice, Pomson 6000, etc) or is what's in our inventory all we have to our name, period?
>Will a disguised Spybot sound mechanical when talking, or will they imitate the voice of whoever they're disguising perfectly?

> You do not know of such thing, however you do know that during the Gravel War inter-company friendship was banned by corporate policy.

> You keep your other weapons at your team's resupply cabinet

> During the Robo War Spy bots used to be quite bad at imitating voices and sounded very mechanical indeed, however Gray Mann eventually addressed this issue and designed a better voice generator.  Now they are as good at imitating voices as Spy himself

>What intel did we get about this place. Does it produce those doggone Sentry Busters?
>If so, how long do we reckon until the inevitable?

>Equip Rescue Ranger. Spin around as quickly as possible to avoid potential backstabs.
>As soon as we see them, make a split second decision about whoever is behind us:
>>If it's an undisguised Spybot, shoot to kill.
>>If it's anybody but Spy, especially if it's Heavy, Medic, or Scout who can't possibly be behind us right now, shoot to kill.
>>If it's Spy, do a quick spy check shot while backing away.
>>>If it damages him, shoot to kill.
>>>If it proves he's friendly: "Dagnabbit, Spy. Don't you sneak up on me like that!"

//After this one I'll hold off on posting in this quest for a few hours after the next parse to see if anyone else jumps in.

> It does however you have set up your nest in a spot where they can't reach you and end up detonating below you where the Payload currently is.  One just blew up less than a minute ago so you doubt there will be another any time soon.

> You switch to your Rescue Ranger then quickly turn around and see Scout having jumped towards you and starting to strafe left around you, so you fire your Rescue Ranger at him but fail to lead your shot enough to account for its travel time and the Scout's move speed causing you to miss your first shot, however you then proceed to track him, destroying the bot on your 3rd and final round.  Immediately afterwards Miss Pauling announces "All Spybots have been destroyed!"

> You are now reloading your Rescue Ranger and quickly spot a sniper sightline laser trying to close in on you through the open window

>Speaking of snipers, do we know what our sniper's job was for this operation?
>Can we see the sniper bot through the window?
>If so, do we think we could snipe them with a Wrangled rocket volley from our Lvl 3 Sentry?


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