~Hakurei Shrine~ > High Score Entry!

東方鬼形獣 ~ Wily Beast and Weakest Creature

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Post your Wily Beast and Weakest Creature scores here!

- Only submit scores achieved without continues.
- At most 5% slowdown allowed.
- Including a replay is highly recommended. 1st place submissions without a replay will not be added to the scoreboards.

Please post your scores in this format:

Difficulty - Character-Beast
Name - Score - Stage - Slowdown - Replay

Hard - Youmu-Wolf
Player113 - 1,234,567,890 - C - 0.1% - Replay

Please use C to indicate clears!

 1. Jimmy            -   455,253,060 - C - 0.0% - Replay
 1. Jimmy            -   785,774,780 - C - 0.0% - Replay

 1. Jimmy            -   742,152,160 - C - 0.0% - Replay

 1. kurzov           -   138,672,850 - 5 - 0.1% - Replay

 1. Karisa           - 2,280,547,680 - C - 0.0% - Replay
 2. Crested          - 2,000,116,580 - C - 0.0% - Replay
 3. KirbyComment     - 1,999,069,910 - C - 0.0% - Screenshot - Replay





 1. spaceboy         -   460,826,040 - C - 2.4% - Replay


 1. Jimmy            -   871,706,700 - C - 0.1% - Replay


 1. KirbyComment     - 2,593,521,260 - C - 0.0% - Screenshot - Replay


























 1. KirbyComment     -   220,980,860 - C - 0.0% - Screenshot - Replay (No-Miss No-Bomb)

 1. KirbyComment     -   492,397,090 - C - 0.0% - Screenshot - Replay



 1. KirbyComment     -   467,852,630 - C - 0.0% - Screenshot - Replay


Normal - Reimu-Otter
Karisa - 130,395,430 - Trial-C - 0.0% - Replay

Experimental scorerun. Only stage 1 and early stage 2 were routed (and I haven't learned the stage 3 boss yet so it was full of bombing, yes I know I bomb-spammed a stage 3 Normal boss). Also not sure if I know all the mechanics yet-- in particular, I haven't found any function for graze.

Some random notes:
- Any 5 beast items will give a hyper; 3 of a wolf/otter/eagle gives a special hyper. (3+ of anything else doesn't seem to have any special effect.)
- 4 or 5 of a wolf/otter/eagle increases the hyper's duration. The hyper matching your beast subweapon is powered up, and also has increased duration I think?
- Shooting enemies during any hyper (including a generic hyper with no 3-of-a-kind) gives PIV.
- Canceled bullets give PIV if from finishing a spell, or from otter hyper, but not from bombing.
- If a 1up/bomb/power/point beast item is used for a hyper, the actual item(s) will spawn at the end of the hyper. If one is collected mid-hyper, the item(s) will spawn immediately.
- 1up/bomb beast items only give a single life/bomb part, regardless of whether the hyper was a success or failure.
- If a beast item is collected mid-hyper, some hyper duration is restored. (Not sure if this is actually useful compared to waiting out the hyper for the 2 free beast items. It does let you not worry about needing to match another 3-of-a-kind, at least?)
- Dying gives you 2 beast items of the type matching your subweapon. Unlike normal beast items, the death-generated beast items don't change color over time. (This is why I chose otter, so that I could route in deaths for more otter hypers later.)
- The 2 beast items (or 5 if a special midboss beast item was part of the hyper) dropped after timing out a hyper seem to start at a random color. The set of 5 varies by midboss:
    - midboss 1 (squid item, don't kill any spirits that spawn during the midboss): 1 life part, 4 normal beasts
    - midboss 2 (cow item, stay close to the midboss??): 1 life part, 1 bomb part, 3 normal beasts
    - midboss 3 (chick in egg item, defeat using an otter hyper): 1 life part, 2 bomb parts, power, point

Easy - Reimu-Eagle
Kurzov - 11,497,760 - 3 - 0.0% - Replay

Easy - Reimu-Otter
Kurzov - 23,567,800 - 3 - 0.0% - Replay

Hurrah! New trial time!

Easy - Reimu-Otter
Crested - 133,737,220 - Trial-C - 0.0% - Replay attached to post

I swear the scoring's more about dodging items than dodging bullets.

Lunatic - Reimu-Otter
KirbyComment - 302,896,460 - Trial-C - 0.1% - Replay

Normal - Reimu-Otter
KirbyComment - 181,359,670 - Trial-C - 0.0% - Replay

Thoughts on the game: It has a neat mechanic. If you can get past the really bad bullet/background blending colors that are present in some parts, it's an alright survival-game. Scoring is looking very bad though.


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