~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games

Money is forever - Poverty Quest

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Lt Colonel Summers:

--- Quote from: Hello Purvis on August 14, 2018, 05:02:17 AM --->A crowd! That means hope!
>Grab our bowl and make our way toward it.

--- End quote ---

>Eyes shining with hope, you hold your bowl tight as you head toward the crowd.

>Now that you've reached the crowd, it became very apparent what drew their attention in the first place. You can't see what is going on due to the tight crowd formation, but you can hear what is being said in the middle of the crowd circle.
>"How dare you steal from our turf?!" You hear a teenage girl saying in a delinquent-like tone.
>"I-I swear, I d-did not mean to offend the Sukeban!" You hear another teenage girl saying in a whimpering tone.

Hello Purvis:
>What do we know about the capital S Sukeban?
>Either way, try to shift through the crowd to have a look at what's going on.

Lt Colonel Summers:

--- Quote from: Hello Purvis on August 14, 2018, 10:12:47 PM --->What do we know about the capital S Sukeban?
>Either way, try to shift through the crowd to have a look at what's going on.

--- End quote ---

>Absolutely nothing. This is the first time you've even heard of the name.
>You try your best to get through the crowd and take a look at what is going on.

>As you get through the crowd, you see two teenage girls in the middle of the circle.
>One of them wears a black biker jacket over a black shirt, and a black knee-length skirt. Her hair is a pink-and-purple streak that definitely doesn't look natural. She seems to be beating up the other one.
>The other one wears a green blouse and short, and has blue hair tied into twintails. She appears to be the one beaten up.

>"Now listen up, Kappa. I'm going to make you regret the day you crossed from the Yorigami Sukeban!" Says the black-clad girl, as she draws a knife and slowly drag its tip over the blue-headed girl's forehead.


Hello Purvis:
>What does the crowd seem to be doing?
>Do we have any ability to defend ourself outside of our own two fists? Any magic or danmaku or weaponry? Or are we just a normal beggar?
>Are there any nearby rocks?

Lt Colonel Summers:

--- Quote from: Hello Purvis on August 15, 2018, 03:19:14 AM --->What does the crowd seem to be doing?
>Do we have any ability to defend ourself outside of our own two fists? Any magic or danmaku or weaponry? Or are we just a normal beggar?
>Are there any nearby rocks?

--- End quote ---

>The crowd gasped upon seeing the knife. You see some of them very hesitant to do anything at all, and some making a quick escape from the scene.
>Unfortunately, you just happened to be one of those ordinary people in a world full of magical and superpowered individuals. And you also lacked any weapons or combat skills...
>There aren't any rocks. However, you do see a rotten apple core between your feet.


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