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Touhou 16 「東方天空璋(とうほうてんくうしょう) ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons」 announced
~Shin Kuroi~:
do you think each character has a season associated with them? Marisa is dressed in winter gear, but Cirno is tanned and has "SUMMER" in the background in one of the pictures... maybe Aya is autumn and Reimu is spring? i wonder what it means, assuming i'm correct... hmm...
Brace yourselves on another round of "Mima is Back" lmao
Wow! I was not expecting such a quick tease of the game. I'm excited how this game gonna turn out!
The title screen is way too flashy imo, so it kinda looks like MS paint.
Is there gonna be a plot involved why Cirno is tanned? Was she cursed by Lily White? I can't wait to find out!
And don't forget the obligatory Mima is the hidden star.
Now that I look, it seems that all four have a different symbol in the corner. Reimu has something pink (presumably cherry blossoms), Aya has a flower, Marisa has something blue (presumably a snowflake). I wonder if that'll have some gameplay aspect or if it's just aesthetic.
Cirno being summer might be weird, but remember, the title is " Hidden Star in Four Seasons".
How more hidden can you be than an ice spirit during summer? :V
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