~Beyond the Border~ > Genji's Battle Arena

[RO] HatOnline Renewal! Back again!

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Read this in a very tired way and thought it was about TF2 hats. Nope, but oh well. Didn't want more of those anyway.

Glad this subforum can have another game regularly played though. The MC-TF2 streak was getting a bit long. :V


I'll come back and do fun things on Friday when I have more time, but this is cool and neat news! I'll be happy to play with everyone again.

I'd like to check out the changes made to Mages and Wizards in action, so I might make one of those my first character. We'll see!


Buncha newbie quests got added, decent free gear and super simple stuff. Should get you pretty far actually.

Aaaah I could kiss you! Missed this so much, and was just remembering the fun last night. Thank you for revving this up again!

The client files and all that I downloaded from the last time should still be good, right?


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