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Neko Project II fmgen and PC-98 Touhou (guide now included)

<< < (12/12)

Ah, thank you very much for the clarification! In that case my setup is working well for me, I got a resolution that indeed works with my current monitor without any of the visual issues you demonstrated. ^^

Unfortunately, even with the setup you showed for fullscreen, I still could not get Neko Project II to work with the stretch filter on in fullscreen mode, it even crashed at times when trying to enable it, but most of the times it just left me with a black screen, but the stretch filter works just fine in windowed mode. Perhaps there is a specific .exe I should be using as my current one is the np21nt.exe as apposed to the others, but at the same time I much prefer having the stretch filter off anyway, so I'm in no rush to use it. ^^;

Hopefully this helps others though as I ultimately prefer the use of Neko Project II and T98-Next. I'm quite thankful for these setup guides.

Silent Sinner in Scarlet:

--- Quote from: Arcorann on October 22, 2011, 08:12:45 AM ---Installation
* Download the emulator. There are a few versions that are good for playing Touhou:
** The fmgen version is recommended for general use. This link should guarantee that you have the latest build. Select the first entry in the list labelled np2fmgen.7z.
*** As of 2017-10-12 the latest version is the 2017-10-11 build.

--- End quote ---
Those links above now return me a 403 Forbidden Access error, thus preventing me from getting np2fmgen. Any alternative links for the latest fmgen build (other than that ridiculously-humongous 2+GB MEGA.NZ upload that has been circulating through Discord)?


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