~Bunbunmaru News~ > Ask a *Blank* Archive
Ask a Staffer Ep. 21 - Sapz
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Are you mad that this makes you have to go back and edit your post you were making before I posted this?

Where do you get your kicks?

What is your favorite era in history, and how would you want a shmup to take place there?

About that game you complained about earlier, do you feel the awesome intro cheated you? Do you feel as though you were nickle and dimahoo'd?

--- Quote from: Sapz on July 07, 2011, 07:42:43 PM ---Another one to point out is Dimahoo. It has the greatest intro clip ever created, but the scoring system is a mess. You essentially have a charge shot and depending on how long you charge it up, a meter fills up determining what level of item a certain enemy will drop and if you get all the items in a set you get a multiplier, and there's a polarity system aside from that and... really, I have no idea. Give this a watch if you want a look.

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I confess disappointment that it wasn't my clip. :getdown:

And, because I've been waiting since my week to ask this:

Are you an Englishman in New York?
Why should we vote for you becoming president?

--- Quote from: theshim on July 07, 2011, 08:05:16 PM ---I confess disappointment that it wasn't my clip. :getdown:
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My thoughts exactly.

--- Quote ---Are you an Englishman in New York?

--- End quote ---
Wooooo~, I'm an Alien
I'm a Heian Alien
I'm a youkai girl in New York~
n i c o l e:
thoughts on the news of the world phone hacking scandal?

(tl;dr explanation for those who don't understand the q)
Zengar Zombolt:
Expectations for STGT?
Expectations for RL?
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