Author Topic: PURPLEQUEST - An MSPaint Adventure!  (Read 284720 times)

Re: PURPLEQUEST - An MSPaint Adventure!
« Reply #990 on: November 21, 2012, 03:48:22 AM »
It's supposed to be the Doom Guy.
If I didn't know exactly where the face in the BFG9000 panel was from,

Third Eye Lem

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Re: PURPLEQUEST - An MSPaint Adventure!
« Reply #991 on: November 21, 2012, 03:57:56 AM »
:| Forget inserting foot into mouth, I inserted my foot into my EYE. X_X


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Re: PURPLEQUEST - An MSPaint Adventure!
« Reply #992 on: November 22, 2012, 05:57:51 AM »
:| Forget inserting foot into mouth, I inserted my foot into my EYE. X_X

Guess you'll need a fourth eye patch  :V

Third Eye Lem

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Re: PURPLEQUEST - An MSPaint Adventure!
« Reply #993 on: November 22, 2012, 08:11:52 AM »
Guess you'll need a fourth eye patch  :V
That would require glasses, and glasses are expensive :< I'm over it now though.


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Re: PURPLEQUEST - An MSPaint Adventure!
« Reply #994 on: November 26, 2012, 03:56:14 AM »
> Reisen: Enter foyer.

You enter to find Eirin and Tewi having a discussion while Medicine looks on absentmindedly. Since none of the other rabbits are being brought to the party, primarily FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY, they are being permitted to throw a party here in Eientei for themselves while you are gone. It appears that Tewi had just finished going over the ground rules with her subordinates.

> Reisen: Examine Eirin.

This is your master, EIRIN YAGOKORO, a founding member of the LUNAR CIVILIZATION and one of the greatest geniuses it has ever seen. Although knowledgeable in nearly all matters of academia, her specialty is in the FIELD OF MEDICINE. It can be safely assumed that she has the most advanced PHARMATECH in the world, be it Gensokyo, the moon, or anywhere beyond the border. If it can be cured by modern medical technology, she can cure it. With the aid of the Princess, she even succeeded in creating the legendary HOURAI ELIXIR - which, in the end, wound up being her own undoing.

To keep the story short, after Kaguya imbibed the FORBIDDEN ELIXIR OF IMMORTALITY and was banished to the Earth, Eirin followed her there and joined her in exile out of her own guilt. Since then, they've lived quietly here in Eientei. After the hubbub of the IMPERISHABLE NIGHT INCIDENT, Eientei was opened up and began interacting with the humans and youkai again, and Eirin has been offering her services as a doctor to the public. You also travel out to the HUMAN VILLAGE to sell her medicines.

Your master is so intelligent that she can be hard to follow sometimes. Furthermore, she is very strict; the Princess is pretty much the only person she doesn't drill into around here. Regardless, you know that she does care for you, and you can't say that working under her hasn't been beneficial. Your skills are developing at an impressive rate.

> Reisen: Examine Tewi.

Here she is. The touhou that needs no introduction, as she is quite possibly the most hated character of all: TEWI INABA. Tewi is well known for her seemingly endless supply of lies, pranks, and scams. She does at least stop short of outright theft, claiming "that's the chump way to do it".

Tewi is the leader of all the Earth rabbits that live in Eientei. Eientei is built on what could be considered the RABBIT'S PROPERTY, so the Princess and Eirin are basically in a sort of partnership with Tewi (one that no doubt works very much to her advantage).

Although you are ostensibly in charge of the rabbits as well, they will always take Tewi's word over yours, so you are effectively the LOWEST-RANKING PERSON IN EIENTEI. This makes you Tewi's favorite target for her SHENANIGANS, which you are subjected to almost every day. Needless to say, you and Tewi DON'T REALLY GET ALONG.

You patiently wait for her conversation with Eirin to finish.

But before that happens, Kaguya walks in! Looks like the Princess fully intends to throw her weight around as THE PRETTIEST GIRL IN GENSOKYO. Eirin, Tewi, and Medicine offer their sincere praise for her OVERWHELMING PULCHRITUDE.

You, on the other hand, warn Kaguya that the oni's party will be not so much of a BALLROOM AFFAIR and more akin to a DRUNKEN BAR FIGHT. However, she insists that this will be their first time meeting any Lunarians and that she needs to make a STRONG IMPRESSION. Besides, her MANIPULATION OF ETERNITY will keep her dress in perfect shape!

> Reisen: Depart.

With that settled, it's about time for all of you to get going. Eirin gives a few final instructions to a few of the rabbits, and the Eientei crew is out the door and on their way.

After a few minutes, your master turns to you and asks if you remembered to LOCK UP THE LAB. You reply that YOU DID NOT. This perplexes you, because you do not remember any such order and Eirin usually handles that responsibility herself. Seeing that you are confused, she explains that she TOLD MEDICINE to relay the order to you earlier this morning. You tell her that Medicine did not complete this duty, but Medicine protests and insists that she told you while you were in the FOREST OF MAGIC. Eirin asks, regardless, if you could run back and make sure it's secure.

Just before you turn to go, Tewi says she just remembered she ALSO FORGOT SOMETHING, and tells Eirin she'll BE RIGHT BACK. She hurries along with you, and brings Medicine too.

Your SHENANIGANS DETECTION is going wild, so you ask Tewi what she forgot. She tells you that she forgot to tell the rabbits where she stored the TIKI TORCHES. You ask why she's bringing Medicine along. She tells you that it's to add INSECT REPELLANT to the torches, duh!

For a normal person these would be perfectly valid excuses (hiding the tiki torches is part of your master's FIRE SAFETY PROTOCOLS), but Tewi can make up stuff like that on the spot, no problem. However, she does have a habit of breadcrumbing her pranks from time to time, and you're pretty sure she wouldn't do something as brutish as SETTING YOU ON FIRE, so your questions are DECIDEDLY FRUITLESS.

> Reisen: Go to the lab.

You arrive at your master's lab a few minutes later, only to discover a THIEF within!

You discover one of the rabbits, and scold her for trying to get into EIRIN'S DRUG SUPPLY.

Poor Parsnips. Addiction is a powerful thing. You tell her you'll have a talk with her after you get back from the party, and lock up the lab securely after seeing her out.

> Reisen: Catch up with Eirin.

You head back into the forest, hustling along to catch up to your masters. Along the way, you encounter some of the Princess's handiwork.

Before you catch up to Eirin and Kaguya, however, Tewi and Medicine catch up to you. Tewi calls out for you to wait.

Tewi says that she has made a cake to give to YUUGI HOSHIGUMA as a gift, but knows that oni don't trust pranksters and is concerned that Yuugi won't eat it if she is the one to give it to her. As such, she ASKS YOU TO GIVE YUUGI THE CAKE.

NICE TRY, you tell Tewi, but this one is too obvious!! She put soybeans in the cake, and wanted you to take it so that when Yuugi tried to eat it her anger would be misdirected towards you! don't taste any soybeans...

Suddenly, your body goes stiff, and you fall to the ground!

WHAT A SHAME, says Tewi. That cake had Medicine's paralyzation poison in it! For flavor, of course. Not enough to affect an oni, but a rabbit like you will be paralyzed for hours. IF ONLY you had just given the cake to Yuugi, nothing bad would have happened! You should really trust her more, she says.

Medicine thinks this is hilarious.

You do not.

The two of them run away laughing, leaving you on the bamboo forest floor, stiff as a board. You swear MORTAL VENGEANCE against them, and prepare yourself for a EXCEPTIONALLY UNPLEASANT COUPLE OF HOURS.

[ This is a good breaking point, so this update will continue in a new thread! ]


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: PURPLEQUEST - An MSPaint Adventure!
« Reply #995 on: November 26, 2012, 04:21:39 AM »
Courtesy lock.