~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
Guide me along this barren path
M. Burusu:
> Put Giygas Made Of Beeswax in Flandre's line of sight, and have Rumia resume making those strange noises (preferrably her trying to say 'I feel good' over and over for about 10 repetitions). See if anything happens.
Hello Purvis:
--- Quote from: UncertainKitten on July 12, 2009, 07:12:46 PM --->Ask Flandre how to obtain the purity required to hug her
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>"Breaking down your molecules into their potential energy," Flandre replies. "At that point, you will have been reduced to the simplest and most pure state. Such is the fate of all matter. This one does not believe you would survive the process, but it is touching that you care."
--- Quote from: Cadmas on July 12, 2009, 10:57:00 PM --->Ask Flandre what drugs she is on and can we trade for w/e pills you have.
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>She shakes her head. "This one has nothing to trade with you. Such possessions are unimportant to my purpose."
--- Quote from: M. Burusu on July 12, 2009, 11:44:14 PM ---> Put Giygas Made Of Beeswax in Flandre's line of sight, and have Rumia resume making those strange noises (preferrably her trying to say 'I feel good' over and over for about 10 repetitions). See if anything happens.
--- End quote ---
>Flandre watches this display with a frown. "She has impurity beyond what is normal."
>"Then how are you pure if you are unbroken?"
>Also "Can you help purify her? But only a little bit, we like our Rumia not dead" Punctuate this by hugging Rumia.
Hello Purvis:
--- Quote from: UncertainKitten on July 13, 2009, 03:16:35 AM --->"Then how are you pure if you are unbroken?"
>Also "Can you help purify her? But only a little bit, we like our Rumia not dead" Punctuate this by hugging Rumia.
--- End quote ---
>"This one is not pure," says Flandre. "But, it pleases me to avoid further impurity, just as it pleases me to comtemplate the riddles. As well, it helps maintain my devotion to my purpose."
>She looks over Rumia. "This one cannot remove the impurity without breaking her."
>I have no idea what going on atm.
>Check Quest Log.
>Check Allies.
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