~Beyond the Border~ > Aya's Personals Section

UK and E-Mouse (Season 1)

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--- Quote from: E-mouse on October 07, 2009, 03:33:25 AM ---Yeah pretty much. Though you're not exactly helping with that apparent role reversal. I thought you were supposed to be the submissive type. Or did Serp ask for this?

And to be honest 'seduction' is kinda silly friendship-type stuff works better with less lollust mistakes and the like.

Man I'm taking this too seriously.

--- End quote ---

My first move left the king completely open. You could have won there.

But, your riposte went the wrong way. Now, would you like to try actually seducing me or are we just going to spin around with our arms crossed and our backs to each other?

The North Wind usually fails against the Sun, yanno.

I actually have no idea what you're talking about.

Also, riposte is a fun word, even if I can't spell it.

And man, I don't really do seduction anyway. For that matter I'm not sure how well it's supposed to work on tzundere. Maybe it would help if I was an alcoholic?

Also, Serp mentioned that you were 'hiding behind him.' SUSPECT.

Fine, ya wanna switch?

Then allow me to teach you a girl's way of getting someone to love her.

Well...ok, more a sluts way.

I'll show you how the sun does things, since you are obviously a failure as a seducer.

Your next post better be agreement or refusal, in which case I'll crush you with rejection.

* E-mouse pats UK on the head and calls her a good girl.
Memetic references aside, uh... I can probably guess, but go ahead if you really want to.

... hey now that I think of it, this contest is kinda silly, actually. Relationships are supposed to be mutual things, not forced, aren't they? Whole thing's a travesty against healthy relationships, honestly. Oh, those silly Western dating schemes.


--- Quote ---* E-mouse pats UK on the head and calls her a good girl.

Memetic references aside, uh... I can probably guess, but go ahead if you really want to.

... hey now that I think of it, this contest is kinda silly, actually. Relationships are supposed to be mutual things, not forced, aren't they? Whole thing's a travesty against healthy relationships, honestly. Oh, those silly Western dating schemes.
--- End quote ---

Ok, we both want to win right? As it stands, me refusing and you attacking won't be comedic. You have no clue what you are doing. It will be far more comedic to see how UK tries to attract a guy.

The point of this game isn't actually to force a submission, it's to be hilarious as fuck.

So, in this case, it WOULD be funnier to see me, who is usually submissive, try to attract you as opposed to you trying and failing to break down my wall.

So, in the end it's your choice. Wanna switch or would you rather keep going like this?


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