~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch:
(Alrighty then, let's get this show started. Now, as you can see, the format is basically the same: place, time, and day. Every once in a while, I will do a news report which could help you later on, who knows. Anyhow, here you go!)
Gensokyo Foundaries Time 7:00 AM Day ??
The sounds of welding echoes throught the quiet of the morning. Although grudingly, everyone decide the best place to meet was at the Moriya Shrine. The (supposed) Great Powers of Gensokyo met around the large table.
"Ladies, I'm sure you are all aware of the danger that is closing in. The Border around Gensokyo, as strong as it is, is weakening at an alarming rate. It will not be long before outside forces will overrun Gensokyo" Yukari stated to the others. "Kanako, how much longer until the vessel is complete?"
"The modification of the treasure vessel is nearly finished. We are currently working on furnishing of the ship, and the Bio-domes are almost ready to take in the fragments." Kanako said, looking at a number of sheets of paper.
"Excellent. Remilia, Yuyuko, have you found able bodied people to serve as the crew for the ship?" Yukari asked
"Yes, we have. They have already been assigned stations around the ship." Remilia.
...this is how the meeting started out, but then it turned to this...
"So, how are we to defend ourselves?" Satori questioned. "From the specs of the ship, there are not many ways we can defend ourselves. And we cannot rely on our powers alone, Suwako. We'd run out of energy with the lack of ambient mana in the outside."
"Wh-- oh. Nevermind then." Suwako sat back down.
"Well, there must be something we can do, right?" Asked Kaguya, looking around the room. From the doorway, un-noticed until now, a single word was uttered by the resident miko at the shrine.
"Mechas..." Sanae said.
"Mechas, of course!" Yukari shouted while getting up from her chair. The best way to go is with mechas!" Everyone else shot doubtful glances at each other. "Think about it! We can store energy in the mech and fight with relative freedom!" Everyone began uttering sounds of agreement. "Sanae, you shall be in charge of creating a defensive force of mechas!"
"This is just an excuse for something weird." Ran groaned silently to herself.
"Alright, now we need a cool sounding name for the team!" Yukari said with new-found energy.
"Army of Scarlet!" Remilia piped up.
"Battlestar Galactica!" Shouted Kaguya.
This sort of nonsense continued for a while until...
"Why don't we just name it the Gensokyo Coalition?" Suika spoke up. Everyone agreed to the name. And preparations continued.
Years pass, and the war over raw materials ignites as the border to Gensokyo was ripped apart. The fate of the Colony Ship Gensokyo was unknown for many years until one fateful day...
Lunar Base 057 Time 11:50 AM Day 1
....the time is now 11:50 AM. At 10:00 AM, Premier Acrulov of the United Republics of Jupiter made a statement today regarding the ongoing rebellion on Europa.
"Commrades, we must not let this cancer affect our rise to greater glory! Those who stand in the way of creating a utopia for the common person are oppressors, who must be stopped!" The Premier went on to talk about nationalism as well as stopping the Europan Rebellion.
The Martian 32nd Fleet mobilized and attempt to sweep out the radical group, the Liberators of Eden, from the asteroid belt. The LE have intensified their attacks over the past few months, even venturing as far out as to strike a Martian convoy enroute to the recently established Venus colony. The Martian CEO has refused to make any statements on the matter.
In other news, Terran Munitions and Martian Foundaries have stated that they will work together in alarge scale operation. There were no details, but it is expected to be the largest one since the migration to Jupiter.
In Colonial news, military forces have discovered traces of an ancient Lunar city while exploring the dark side of the moon. Previous claims made by scientists, stating that such a city was not possible have been shot down as move artifacts are discovered.
The Lunar Corporation CEO Alexis Shoungrain announced an energy crisis. The extended use of personal heaters has cause blackout to occur in several districts of the Lunar colony. The CEO has advised that people turn down their heaters in order to spare power for the entire colony.
In local news, Thrax Farnsword died today. The noted scientist worked on many revolutionary inventions and pioneered the terraformation of Venus. He then worked on more efficient energy cells and plasma cells. He died of a heart attack at the age of 173 years.
In entertainment news, pop star Mitokana Ayushi's solo hit "Remember Me Gently" has risen to the top spot of most popular songs, knocking all other songs off the charts. Tickets have sold out for the Lunar idol's next concert, which is to be held in the Lunar Capitol, and many have camped out in front of the Selia Park waiting for the concert.
The time is now 12:00 PM. That's all for the 11:00 hour news. Stay tuned for the "In the Kitchen" with Arnold Shwartzenburger.
Forte turned the TV off. It was a shame that he couldn't see what new antics the pyromaniac chef was up to, but lunch hour was lunch hour. Unfortunately, this meant patrol duty, so no proper lunch today, again.
"God damn it, I hate the food they give in the mech." Forte grumbled. He walked down the pale hallway to reach the recreation room, where his flight members were resting until their shift came on. What he walked in on was a rather unusual sight for military men.
"Captain!" The men were doing some sort of dance, in step to Mitokana Ayushi's older music video, "Neko Miko".
"What in the world are you doing? It's time to depart. There wil be more time for your idol crap or whatever it is..." Forte turned to leave. The squad members began talking loudly.
"How can you call it Idol crap?!?"
"Mitokana is the best!"
"Seriously guys, that stuff is kinda creepy" Forte said, looking back at his fellow pilots. "Ah, whatever. Come on, we have to go."
The familiar whines of the fusion cores echoed in the hangar bay as Forte's flight took off. It wasn't long before a large Terran fleet was spotted making its way towards Mars.
"Full Moon, this is Mission Control. You have new orders. You are to trail the Terran Fleet and relay their co-ordinates to our fleet stationed nearby."
"Roger that." Forte trailed the Terran fleet, unknowing of what laid ahead of him...
MFC fleet, Mars High Orbit, 3:00 PM Day 1
MFC forces awaited the orders high above the Martian surface, their top pilots on standby in should the need arise. Their distinct shapes hung in the upper atmosphere. The commander of the fleet stood at the bridge and waited for the attack. Hopefully, the operation could end quickly. If the TMC found out about this, then all hell would break loose. Little did the MFC forces know, the TMC was already on it's way, out to fight the MFC for control of the target. The target being the Sactuary ship, Avalon.
Welcome to Team Heaven and Earth Border of Ecstasy Love and Be Loved Gift of Earth I?m Hungry Froggy and Her Merry Men No Frogs! Frog Legs <3 That?s cannibalism! Towel-Fu Rocks From the Gap With Love Celestial Pain Froggy and her Emo Men then? I said no frogs! Gap Express <3 Marsh-Mal-lows perhaps? Towel Circus? Pain and Peaches! We are not naming this team PEACHES! Huh? Wut?! Densha Otome, desho? Ministry of Corn, because The Amphibian Movement Will you people make up your mind? Froggy and?. Shut up! FUBAR, the team that runs on tea, sake, peaches, and general madness.
It?s easy enough to explain away the reason why such an unlikely cast managed to come together to form this traveling circus of a team ? they were all victims of fate?
?or so they claim?
But that?s a lie. That?s a terrible lie.
The truth is, fate doesn?t do shit like this. It wont' touch shit like this with a 20 foot pole and a biohazard suit. Rather, it takes shit like this and shoots it at heavy booster units and watches to see what comes out the other side.
No, they came together because nobody else wants them on their teams. Yes, this is the reject pile, by rejects, for rejects.
Nobody wants Suwako because she?s made of concentrated sugar, topped with sugar, with a side of sugar. They say that the reason the Noble White lacked a pilot up till now is because whoever tried, male or female, would either die in a diabetic coma or moe-splode majorly. Some people, who other people consider insane, say that the Noble White?s so-called nosebleed buster cannon is an actual nosebleed shed by some poor unlucky sod stuck in the same cockpit as Suwako. Besides, she talks to her Nachtmare and shares her cookies and milk with it. That?s creepy.
Nobody wants Yukari because she?s a manipulative middle-aged b**** who can?t stop chuckling ominously at every single little thing you say, as if every little breath you?re taking is a step closer to some giant mousetrap she kindly set up for you. Besides, she has a bad habit of molesting anything and everything, male or female, living or inanimate. She's so infamous that she has been banned for life from every single public bath in Gensokyo. Nobody wants to be stuck in the same ship as her, let alone the same cockpit.
Nobody wants Tenshi because all she has in her brain is peach puree and all she ever wishes is to be made into peach puree. Nobody else could get so bored that they?d stick their hand in a cageful of hungry weasels on purpose. Besides, nobody could stand that godawful racket of a song she always plays when she?s co-piloting, something titled ?Get Down? or similar. Some believe it?s a form of psychological warfare. Some (more rightly) believe that she simply enjoys the painful headache. Many believe this is specifically the reason why the Celestials dumped her and left her with the Gensokyoites - to spare themselves the agony while slowly killing the Gensokyoites through mind-rape.
Nobody wants Trent because he?s a Trent.
While none of them seem to be aware of this fact, they still seem to stick together somehow. Was it the tea and sake? Was it the cake? Or was it the general lack of actual leadership in the team that kept them together? Well, Tenshi would like to think she's the leader. Yukari thinks she's manipulating Tenshi into believing she's the leader while following her whims. Suwako knows better though....'kero~'. As for Trent, he's just following the voice of the towel which is telling him that there might be cake and frog legs for him at the end of this, no matter how much Suwako tells him otherwise....
This is their story, a story of love towels, pink hippos, froggies, peaches and cream?.
Now pay attention. The special effects are quite costly?
Borroughsbury Royal Palace, Avalon Haven Colony Biodome, 3.25 PM, Day 1
?This is a trap, I just know it!? Chief Ambassador Princess Watatsuki Yorihime of the Lunarian Capital Haven hissed to her diplomatic entourage as they walked into the spacious, ornately decorated circular meeting room.
?Your highness, please?? Lunarian Ambassador Yutsuha whispered as they took their seats around the gigantic round table. ?Marius-sama has requested that we take part in these talks. You have already been briefed on the threat of the corporations?.besides, we need help in taking back the moon from the Lun-?? Her whisper was cut short as all the delegates in the room turned as one to face the center of the round table where a stately, blond-haired woman in a long, frilly white dress had taken the podium.
?It?s that Yukari Yakumo!? Yorihime hissed. ?She gathered us all in one place for a reason!?
?Ladies and Gentlemen, honoured dignitaries of the Havens and Sanctuaries?? Yukari began, abruptly, as if to hammer home the urgency of the situation. ?Firstly, my thanks to the Avalon Haven and the Avalon Royal Family for allowing us use of your fair Haven for this meeting. It is a huge security risk you?ve undertaken to make this possible. You have our tanks. Now, you are all aware of the looming threat that encroaches upon our peaceful Havens. The corporations are aware of our existence. They?are aware of our Mana Cores??
?And just how could that have been possible?!? A dignitary, one of the El-Dorado contingent it seemed, stood up and bellowed. ?We of the Havens never interact openly with the outside world!? Whispers broke out all throughout the ranks at this.
?Yes!? Another, this one from the Atlantian entourage, stood up to have his say. ?Somebody divulged that information!? Everyone?s eyes centered heatedly on Yukari. The mass accusation was left unspoken.
??Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow Haven dwellers, I will not mince words.? Yukari continued on as if nothing happened. ?The situation is far too grave for long speeches. You all know now that our survival depends on us sharing intelligence, resources, and effort in defending against the?.?
Another interruption, this one from the Shangrilla contingent, who shrieked a long string of incomprehensible babble. The translator looked stricken with fear as he gathered the courage to translate. ?Uhh?ummm?a-an a-alliance?? His shaky, nervous voice not carrying the strength of the original. ??you dare talk friendship, Yakumo? What this, a ruse so you can stab us in our behinds at your convenience? I would not be?err?surprised if you?.? He looked at his ambassador with a fearful look. The ambassador nodded curtly, gesturing him impatiently to continue. ??.you spiked tea with?errr? fairy dung?? He finished, gulping perceptibly.
The room erupted in roars of fury and accusations at this.
?Dear friends!? The Emperor of Avalon boomed over the commotion, in the sort of patronizing tone that said ?you?re all children. Shut up. Listen to me.? ?I believe some sort of cooperation is the way forwards! With unity under leadership, we can??
?Leadership ay?? The Tir A Nog ambassador hammered the table with his cane for attention. ?And who, I asks, who?ll do the leadin? aye? You, your frilly highnessness aye? Gotcha breeches down, did'ya? Too much air around yer privates??
"I'll ventilate YOUR privates, you whisky-blubbering blob!" The Emperor launched himself at the Tir A Nog Ambassador.
The uproar had reached a din. It was only a matter of time until they?d be at each other?s throats.
?This?is pointless?.? Representative Tenshi Hinanai of the Celestials muttered, burying her face in her hand as she poured her tea over the screaming dignitary beside her, causing him to gasp in shivering outrage. ??and you, putty face, shut up before I improve your face with my tea cup. I knew it. Yakumo wants us all dead, and we?re doing her the favour!?
The crowd paused amidst attempting grievous bodily harm on one another.
?You know, this?ll save the corporations a lot of trouble?? Yukari eyed the entire room. ?Let?s kill each other right here and now. Yes. And let them march in and take the rest for themselves! Have you all forgotten why you left earth in the first place?! Peace! Now that the peace is threatened, you seek to disrupt it amongst yourselves!?
Before she could pause for effect, she was again interrupted, this time by the doors slamming open to reveal?
?.a towel?
Everyone blinked as they tried to squint to make out the towel?s design under all the grime on it.
?Oh?was I late? It looks like you?ve already started without me?? The towel spoke.
?Who is this?.this??? The Emperor of Avalon began.
??walking towel??? Tenshi supplied.
?Oh, I apologize, Kero-chan is a little excited at the prospect of tea and cake.? A hand moved the towel aside to reveal a pile of tousled black hair and a pair of bright blue eyes. ?Oh dear, no cookies. Plus you all started without me. Now I?m sad.? He sighed, before picking up a second towel slung around his hips. ?Shirayuki is sad too?? He sighed, swinging the second towel around a little. ?Aren?t you all sad? I know I am. This won?t do?? The boy sighed as he lowered his towel onto his shoulders. ?So let?s have a little intermission to cheer everyone up. Now, please mind the gaping gap?in my sanity! AHAHAHAHAHA!? He broke out in cackling laughter as he threw his first towel up into the middle of the room.
Everyone hit the deck?.
?everyone peeked up to see the evil tattered thing bloomed up, as if taking on a life of its own, its froggies waving at them menacingly, like?.
?wait, it?s a towel?
?everyone?s eyes watered, their noses screwing up in horror, as the smell hit them with the force of a tsunami?
?.It?s a SMELLY towel!
?Biowogikal weaponly wash bannembed by the Geneha conhention!? The Emperor gasped, dying from oxygen deprivation.
?Geneha?? The crazy frog man asked, taking out a pair of assault rifles from under his second towel. ?Never ate that!? He cackled. ?Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!?
Command Bridge, MFC All-Terrain Boarding Frigate, GranShario, High Mars Orbit, behind the moon Deimos, 3.55 PM, Day 1
?Sir, the mercenaries have declared their occupation of the anomaly Avalon??
??.now, begin the operation??
And the MFC personal space marine force detached itself from shadow of Deimos and quickly fell on Avalon like vultures on a piece of rotten meat?.
Holding Cells, Death Row, MFC All-Terrain Boarding Frigate, GranShario, in the air above the Borroughsbury Palace, within the Avalon biodome, 5.45 PM, Day 1, around sunset
Much later?.
So this was it?.?
Captured? Waiting for them to deal him death? Helpless?
?Hmmphh?? He leaned back and smiled up at the pink hippos watching him from the ceiling. It wasn?t?too bad at all, actually. So far he had been struggling to survive, to stay alive, doing whatever it takes to survive the battlefield so that he could come back again?and again?and again?.
?.but come to think of it, now that he had time to himself to think,?just what was he surviving for?
??just to keep on surviving, really?? he murmured to the green hyenas beside him, before chuckling, amused at his own answer. ?Eehhh?well, good place to end, I suppose. Everyone now thinks I?m some sort of terror-thingy-whatever, some double-crossing bit of space crap, no more jobs, no more cash?eh, who needs it.?
He didn?t really care much about the reason why he was suddenly jumped by his own employers. There was probably some really devious, cunning plan of some sort behind it all. Didn?t matter to him though. Nothing did. Revenge didn?t even occur to him. People died getting revenge. Nope, it wasn?t his style.
Now, if someone put a price on their heads, he?d?.
Nah, nobody would ever hire him ever again. Nobody hires double-crossers, no matter how good they are.
So that?s that. His living?s dead. He?s dead. The pink hippos have won and will soon celebrate with the orange sea cucumbers.
?.at least they let him have his towels?.his dear Kero-chan and Shirayuki towels?
?.they were all for stripping him of his assault rifles, but they wouldn?t come anywhere near his towel?.
?ah, they were all well versed in the ways of the towel. Good for them. That meant they knew that coming within wrapping range of the dreaded towel meant instant?.
What?s a kid doing in a cell?? On death row??
In the cell next to his, sitting on the bench, with her thighhighs swinging to and thro under her, was what seemed like a young girl in a purple skirt, a rather oversized purple pilot?s tanktop, and a set of puffy detached white sleeves. To top it all off, she had a huge ridiculous delicious-looking yellow hat sitting atop her golden auburn hair.
While Trent felt very much at home here on death row, he had some semblance of sanity, enough to know that most ordinary people have some aversion to sitting on death row?
?and this kid looked as if she was sitting there waiting for her school bus, all smiles and cheeriness?.
??.kid??? He finally ventured. Nobody else was allowed to be insane like him. It?s trademarked!
??.? No response.
???.kid?? He repeated, a little louder this time.
????.? Even louder silence. No response.
??.young lady??? He finally said.
?Yes?? The young girl aimed her bright, seventy seven gajillion gigawatts lighthouse-Xenon-lamp-like smile at him.
??hmmm?? He cocked his head to one side. ?Nah, you?re still a kid.?
??? The girl seemed a little surprised, actually. What at, Trent couldn?t pinpoint it.
?You realize what this place is?right?? Trent asked.
?Yep. Death rows.? The girl said, without hesitation, as if simply answering a question in class.
??..you know what a death row is?? Trent asked, raising an eyebrow.
?Yep. It means I?m gonna dies, yep.? The girl said, her smile not deflating one bit.
??..hmmm?.do you know what it means to die??? Trent asked, curious.
??.hmmmm?? The girl seemed to give this some thought. ?Well, nope. I?ve never died befores, so nopes.?
??heh, you?re not scared?? Trent asked.
?A littles.? She conceded. ?But why worries when I can?t do much about its, nopes??
?Heh, wise words.? Trent nodded. ?Just what Kero-chan was telling me, isn?t that right, Kero-chan?? He asked his towel.
?Oh! Your towel speaks?!? The girl asked, seemingly surprised and fascinated.
?Yeah, off course she does. She?s my very bestest best friend in the whole wide world.? Trent nodded. ?Here, meet Kero-chan.?
?Oh, hello there, Kero-chans.? The girl said, reaching through the bars to shake a tattered end of the towel. ?I?m Suwako, pleased to make your acquaintances, yeps. You smell nice~?
?Hmm, Kero-chan said she?s flattered to make yours.? Trent nodded at Suwako. That was the first time anybody ever told Kero-chan they liked her smell, so he found himself rather pleasantly mollified. ?I?m Trent, by the way. And this is Shirayuki.? He showed her the other towel, this one bedecked with dandelion patterns.
?A fun fun pleasures indeeds, Trent, yep.? Suwako smiled, taking Trent?s hand in her own small one, before shaking Shirayuki?s frayed edge too. ?Ne, ne, I couldn?t hear Kero-chan or Shirayuki-chan speaks??
?Ah, they?re a little shy. Don?t worry though. It took me a whiles until I got to hear their voice. Warmed up to me one day after I saved them from a rocket explosion, y?see. The red elephants were out to get me that day. Bloody dangerous they were.?
?Red elephants?!? Suwako gasped. ?That sounds dangerouses, yeps. How?d you escapes?!? She asked, excited.
?Well?.? And Trent went on at length about the time he encountered the red elephants on Europa, and the time he barely managed to escape from a horde of giant ping-pong balls shaped like anteaters, and the time he?.
?.an hour passed?.
?Suwako took in all of his stories, while hugging Kero-chan (Trent gave her special permission to hold onto Kero-chan, cause she was such a good girl), cooing with excitement at every turn, gasping with shock and cheering with happiness at each little thing.
?Ne, ne, so you?re a mercenary, right?? Suwako finally asked, after Trent finished relating to her his pursuit of a group of drunk purple spotted dinosaurs. ?You work for people who hire yous, yep??
?Yeah.? Trent nodded. ?People call me the Frame-Reaper?.though I?m not quite sure why?.I don?t do interior designing after all??
?I wish to hire yous, yep.? Suwako said.
??.what?s the pay?? He asked, partly out of habit, partly out of resigned amusement.
??your life.? The girl grinned brightly.
??my?life??? Trent gave this some thought.
Just then, a few MFC soldiers walked in and unlocked their cells. The cuffs on their wrists flew together and locked themselves in front of them. ?Move.? The soldier snapped at them both, as his colleagues shoved them out of the cells and into the long corridor.
?Oooh?is this the part where we get to shake hands with that big purple rhinoceros?? Trent asked, excitedly.
?Whatever.? The soldier pushed him on with the butt of his rifle. ??someone hand me a gas mask?something stinks to hell here?.?
They were herded out into the open. Trent felt himself blinded by Avalon?s artificial setting sun for a bit as he was led onto a raised platform amidst an open space atop the ship where a number of soldiers, a camera crew, and a judge were gathered.
He found himself left with Suwako and a few other people atop the platform, facing the judge. The camera seemed to focus in on him. He gave it a bright foxy grin in response, something that freaked out half the Martian population watching the live feed out of their wits.
He noticed the soldiers tossing out a number of bodies off the platform, off the ship, and into the ground far below the frigate.
?Trent?.no-last-name?.? The judge began. ?You?ve been accused of leading a terrorist attack with the goal of dropping this unidentified anomalous extraterrestrial object into Martian lands and thusly kill billions of innocents. How do you plead.?
??cake?? Trent asked.
?I hereby sentence you to death by firing squad.? The judge said, simply, before turning to Suwako. ?Suwako Moriya?you are accused of taking part in a conspiracy against the Martian Peoples, one that may bring grievous harm to billions of innocents. How do you plead??
?Guilty!? Suwako chimed, happily.
?I hereby sentence you, ah, same.? The judge turned to the next person in line. ?Astral Pancake, you are?.?
?Hey?about the deal??? Trent asked.
??.what about it?? Suwako asked, sweetly.
?What?s the job?? Trent asked.
??hmmm?? Suwako seemed to give this some thought. ?Well?fight for me.? She said, with a huge grin.
??is there cake?? Trent asked.
??.no, not really.? Suwako said, after a thought. ??.hmmm?there are cucumbers??
??.Kero-chan?s sure there?ll be cake?? Trent said. ?And I trust Kero-chan?so?I?m in.?
?Good.? Suwako nodded, happily.
Trent looked around at the soldiers around him. ?Eh, sorry misters, I?ve got a client now, so?? He roped in one of the soldiers holding onto him with his towel, pulled him in, banged his head into his, knocking him out, before stealing his assault rifle and smacking it into the other two soldiers around him, freeing Suwako. With a sommersault, he knocked the last soldier next to him unconscious, giving his head one last good stomp before wiping his boots clean on his face.
?You bastard!? The other soldiers leveled their rifles at them. Trent blinked upon seeing them aim for Suwako.
??protect her?? He heard his towel, Shirayuki, speak, before it detached itself from his hips and flew off in the violent wind, straight into the line of fire, obscuring the soldiers? view.
?N-no! S-SHIRAYUKI-CH-CHAAAN!? Trent roared after his beloved towel as the soldiers opened fire. He too ran into the line of fire, unconsciously shielding Suwako?s body with his own. But he could only watch as the bullets ripped his beloved dandelion towel to shreds.
?N-NOOOOOO!? He screamed, closing his eyes as tears burst forth, just as the bullets pulled through the towel and homed in on him and Suwako. ?Sh-SHIRAYUKIIIIIIIII!?
But the bullets never came?.
The ground underneath them shook?
He opened his bleary eyes and looked out through his tears to see a huge metal wall in the way. Whatever it was, it had blocked the bullets.
He looked up and noticed that it was in fact a giant mechanical hand?.attached to a mechanical arm?.attached to?
?what the?
He blinked as he looked up into a giant, somewhat humanoid metal face.
?S-Shirayuki?? He whispered. ?S-Shirayuki?.y-you?re alive?.a-and y-you?ve grown??
?Trent, come ons!? Suwako?s cry caused him to turn around to see an open hatch just below the gigantic humanoid body?s chest, where the guts should be. ?Shirayuki-chan?s waiting!?
Trent sniffled as he wiped his tears away and grinned up at Suwako. ?Right behind you!?
He leapt onboard and sat down in one of the seats. ?Eh, comfy?? He smiled, bouncing up and down a little in the seat as the hatch closed securely behind them with a faint whisper of well-maintained pneumatics.
??.err?that?s my seats, yep.? Suwako pointed out. ?Yours is that one.? She pointed up at the big seat right behind her own. It was elevated about half a meter above Suwako?s, surrounded by an array of controls and set of what looked like joysticks.
??cool?.just like the arcade back on Europa?? He grinned, taking his seat. ??err?what?re the two other seats for?? He asked, glancing at the other two seats on either side of his, set at angles towards the front.
??.passengers?? Suwako suggested, seemingly not sure herself.
??fair enough.? Trent shrugged, placing Kero-chan on one of them. ?The pink hippo can have the other seat.?
??.so, what?re we waiting for??? Trent asked.
?Umm?you?re?sort of in the pilot?s seats?? Suwako hazarded.
??and?? Trent asked. ??what, should I switch places with the pink hippo??
?No, you?re piloting this child, Shirayuki-chan, yeps.? Suwako pointed out. ?She?s been waiting for you?that?s what she?s telling mes??
?Ah, is that so?? Trent grinned a wide grin. ?Eh, well, let?s see how this goes. Shirayuki-chan, let?s party!?
Just then, a huge explosion rocked the Borroughsbury Palace below. The Liberation of Avalon had begun. And the Combat Construction Nachtmare Shirayuki had been caught right in the middle of it,
Hello Purvis:
Avalon Colony, Not to terribly long before the previous events.
"I don't believe this," says Kisume as she hops up and down the corridor. "They brought us out all the way here for this crap?"
"It seems that way," says Shizuha, as she out a window into the depths of the void and shudders.
Kisume bounces up to her and gives her a look. "You okay?"
Shizuha nods. "Please do not worry. It's just...out there. There's nothing. No seasons, no leaves...nothing. It's hard to look at for too long, that is all."
"Welp," says Kisume, as she bounces toward the door. "Time to fix that."
Shizuha frowns. "What are you doing?"
"Breaking in," says Kisume, as she reaches into her bucket and produces a small knife. "You said yourself, you need something new to look at, right? There you go."
Shizuha crosses her arms. "You're going to break into Yukari's chambers. As someone intimately familiar with the concept of divine wrath, please understand that you're taking your life into your hands i the worst of ways."
Shrugging, Kisume eyes the door. "I've lived in a city with oni."
Shizuha puts a hand on her forehead and sighs. "Look, Yukari asked us to guard her room. It is completely against the spirit of the task to break into her room! Rumia, please say something."
Rumia looks up. "Mhf Mfhmi mf mwarmuh!"
"...After you finish your mochi, dear,"
"Look," says Kisume, "We were asked to guard Yukari, right? This room? That's no Yukari. And you know we aren't even in this gig to guard stuff to begin with. I know what it's like out there. And you know Grumpy. Okay? So if Yukari's just going to shunt us off to the side like we're some kind of joke, to hell with it. I'm gonna have some fun."
Shizuha prepares to reply. Then an explosion echoes throughout the complex. "Well," she says instead, "That is probably not supposed to happen."
Kisume nods. "Let's go."
"Mhf!" Says Rumia, bunching her hands into fists and grinning.
"I suppose the room isn't going to go anywhere, is it?" says Shizuha as she breaks into a run to keep up with Kisume and Rumia...
"Yes! Yes! Keep on going" Suwako shouted excitedly over the horrendous banging sounds shaking the cockpit. "....We'll show them that their ship's hull is no matchs for Shirayuki's hard head, nopes!"
"...hmmm....I'm pleased you're happy, but I assure you it wasn't the pink hippo's intention..." Trent said, pulling on his controls awkwardly. "Oh, you don't think I can destroy them by banging our head against its hull, Kero-chan?" He asked his towel. "I can't?"
The soldiers atop the ship's deck watched, in stricken morbid fascination, as the giant white mecha continuously flew into the ship's hull, repeatedly banging its head against their ship's command tower, before bouncing back and repeating.
That was before the ship's captain bellowed right into a poor, hapless soldier's ear, "WHAT'RE YOU DOING TO MY BEAUTIFUL SHIP?! Men, open fire!"
"I think he's angry, yeps..." Suwako nodded at the captain.
"I would be too if I was down there with all those orange buffalos dancing the lambada around him." Trent said. "Isn't that so, Kero-chan?"
"Oh?" Trent turned around just in time to see missile launchers and artillery cannons turn their ugly mugs on their beautiful white mecha.
"...you can put someone's eye outs with thats, yeps..." Suwako cheerfully, as she grasped the finger imprints in the two spheres on either side of her seat. "Let's go, Shirayuki-chan!"
'...protect her...' The voice resounded in his head.
"Protect?" Trent blinked at this rather foreign concept. "Oh, what does this do?" He asked, pushing the platforms the joysticks were mounted on far forwards.
A heavy boom shook the entire cockpit as the whine of the nachtmare's main thrusters rose in pitch. They were thrown backwards into their seats, their bodies eating up the G-force as the nachtmare spiralled forwards, scraping along the side of the ship's hull, spitting out sparks, before slipping off the edge and flying off into the biodome's open sky.
The entire colony shook violently with the booming echo of hundreds of guns and missile batteries unloading hellfire simultaneously into the air after Shirayuki.
"....more of them red elephants!" Trent grinned as red lock-on warnings flared up all over their heads-up-display....which was spinning violently as the mecha spun round and round through the blazing-orange-tinted-sky. "What's that, Kero-chan? ...what happens if I do this, you ask?" He asked, pulling both controls sharply back.
...the whine of the engines wound down rapidly as the thrusters cut abruptly....
...allowing gravity to catch up with the Shirayuki, pulling it abruptly earthwards....
The barrage missiles, tracers, plasma and dumb artillery rounds flew on, missing them by mere inches. The smarter missiles managed to turn around in their flight, though a lot did so only to end up in the path of the dumb projectiles, causing them to explode harmlessly in mid-air.
"....so that's the 'off' button..." Trent nodded as Suwako went 'wheeeeeeeee~!' with her arms in the air, giggling happily. "What's that, Kero-chan?" He asked as his towel floated up weightlessly beside him. A number of smart missiles cleared the smoke and dust up above to speed down after them.
"Do a barrel rolls! Do a barrel rolls!" Suwako cheered excitedly as they went into a flat-spin.
"A barrel roll?" Trent tried pushing one control platform directly forwards, while pushing down on one of the foot pedals. "Stop that, you stupid pink hippo..." He slapped at the air and accidentally flipped a few switches.
The thrusters roared into life again as the mecha began to veer off to one side...while still spinning...and spinning....and....it did a barrel roll!
The missiles spun round and round dizzily after it before, as if giving up in confusion, colliding into one another and exploding harmlessly in the air behind them.
"Ho!" Trent looked at the display screens behind his seat showing the fiery explosion behind them. "Can't handle man's gas, eh? That's what you get for eating too many of those Geneha things, whatever they are!"
"Wheeeeeeeee~! Nyahahahahahahaha!" Suwako flapped her sleeves about happily, seemingly over-excited.
"Eh...what's that coming at us?" Trent asked, bring Suwako's attention back from cheering and giggling wildly back to paying attention to Trent's piloting. "It's big and huge and spinning and....err..."
"It's the ground, I thi-..." Suwako observed, before...
That was the end of the Borroughsbury Palace's East Wing.
Maid Xan~:
I gazed across the blackness, trying to spot any sign of the enemy. Nothing. Intelligence had shown, our commander had told us, that there were a few squads of enemy mechs had been spotting guarding something big around here. Orders were that we were to eliminate them and hold the area until the main force arrived and we could safely deal with whatever they were protecting. I cursed softly. Nothing. Nothing at all. Then one of my squad-mates called out "Sir, hostiles spotted at 10 o'clock!", and we got down to business. An easy fight, we cut through them like a hot knife through butter. Now it just came down to waiting.
After about half an hour, I spotted something moving behind some of the debris. "Commander, I think I saw some more bogeys. Can anyone else confirm?"
"It's probably nothing. That should be all of them, according to the reports we were given." The captain in charge of our side of the operation said dismissively. Then suddenly, our radar was assaulted by a multitude of hostile blips from all sides. A shot grazed my mech's shoulder...
Three years later, Avalon Colony, immediately following MtG's post
A sudden shaking roused me from my sleep. "Damnit, what the hell?"
My question was answered for me by the suddenly active alarm systems. The colony was under attack. I cursed loudly. The place my client was staying just HAD to come under attack right before I got to go here the details of what he wanted me to do. While I don't like standing up a client, there was simply no way I was going to go and see them if the whole place was under attack. No, I was getting off this place. Now. If the enemy force was small enough, I'd see if I could pick a few of them off and come back and see about the job. If it was anything major... I'd get the hell out of the area. Rin Kaenbyou, my engineer and the only member of my crew that I took with me to job related negotiations (due to her intimate knowledge of what we should request for our payment), stumbled out of her room as another blast rocked the colony.
"Orin, tell the others that we're getting the hell out of here. Make sure they have the Nachtmare ready for launch, in case someone decides to give us trouble on the way out. Not that anyone should pay attention to our ship if we time our exit well, but it's probably for the best."
Orin nodded, flicking the com device off of her belt and into the air with one of her tails and catching it smoothly. "Sure. Should I also have them ready the drones for 'corpse collecting'?"
She was refering to our other source of spare parts and materials: salvage from downed mechs. Her remote controlled salvage drones had proven quite useful.
"No. I don't think we'll be sticking around."
"If you say so, boss. Say, that reminds me of the time when Okuu and I..."
"Not now, please. Just call Yuyuko already and give her the information already." Orin's stories about her and her old combat buddy Utsuho tended to go on for hours if you let them.
Orin let out a irritated nya at not being able to tell her story for the eleventy fourth time, but made the call regardless, as we started on our dash to the docking bay.
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