~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
The Complex of Horrors! (RP Thread)
Hello Purvis:
It is a lovely day in Alpha Complex. The overhead lights shed a constant 22.5 lumens per watt, the bots are chirping, and InfraRed citizens bustle along to and from work on their properly mandated schedules. The VidShows bring everyone the latest news ("Have mutants infected your toothpaste?") and products ("Buy AlphaStrong Bouncy Bubble Beverage Today! It's the only beverage that prevents treasonous thoughts! Are you eager to keep having treasonous thoughts?"). The occasional Vulture roars past overhead, no doubt out to dispense some indiscriminate justice to some misguided traitors. Everyone just tries to stay out of the way of the Warbots that periodically make their way through the crowds.
Video cameras in the walls, the ceilings, and especially the bathrooms quietly convey knowledge of the citizenry's every movement and action, helping IntSec guard them from themselves. Well, except for the places where the cameras are broken. Where are those places? What is your clearance level, Citizen? And watching all is The Computer, making certain that every little thing goes just right.
But as the Vultures and warbots suggest, all is not well in Alpha Complex. Somewhere out there, mutants and traitors are plotting and scheming their schemes, hoping to bring down Friend Compute and the whole of humanity. And for a few individuals, they find proof of this when they receive a message from their Personal Data Devices:
--- Quote ---You are scheduled to appear at 1000 hours at briefing room 423 in Central Processing Building UN-0W3N for a mission briefing.
-Friend Computer
Thought of the Day: Exemplary is the mind too small for treason.
--- End quote ---
A mission briefing! The Computer has a task for its loyal troubleshooters!
It is now 0950 hours, 3 hours after the summons to briefing was issued. The door to Briefing Room 423 slides open to admit any troubleshooters who have arrived early. The room itself is fairly spacious, with enough capacity to seat 50 people and a lectern at the front of the room. A lone scrub bot is trying to clean the room, but seems to have gotten itself stuck in a corner; slamming into it every couple of seconds. A closed door can be seen at the far end of the room.
(OOC: Once you've read the PMs I've sent you, please intro your character as you will. Do things, mingle, whatever you like. And good luck, and I hope you have fun. =])
"Loyal Hygiene Officer, I commend your effort to keep this corner of the room free of untidiness and potential infectious dirt."
Abot-R-FCP1 has arrived early for the meeting. He tries to make small talk with the scrub bot while oblivious to the presence of other troubleshooters.
M. Burusu:
Walking into the room at a brisk pace, looking left and right, RED-clearance Troubleshooter Marrow-R-BAP-1 took up a position surveying the room -- with her back to a corner of the wall -- but not before shutting the door behind her as quietly as she could.
'I wonder what The Computer will have us doing . . . '
(OOC: NOTE: For the unaware, I may occasionally share some of Marrow's thoughts with the role-players -- for after all, why hide what's not treasonous -- so as a person can get a better idea of her mood at the time. Of course, unless the other character is emphatic or otherwise able to sense someone's thoughts, such thoughts merely reflect upon her appearance towards the other characters. For future reference, words spoken aloud will be "in quotes like this", while words thought in Marrow's mind will be 'inbetween apostrophes like so'. That is all, friends.)
Hello Purvis:
The scrub bot emits a series of beeps varying in tone. Then small hatch on the side slides open. A little metal hand extends with an whirring noise, and gives an OK sign to Abot. Then it retracts the arm and returns to its prior business.
"Good morning, fellow Troubleshooters!"
Satsuki-R-INN-01 walks into the room with a bright, cheerful grin on her face. "Let us thank The Computer for such a glorious daycycle!"
She then briskly takes a seat and smiles happily at anyone who makes even the slightest bit of eye contact with her.
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