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I've got a work where I'm needing an editor/proofreader for a story? 

I'm really unsure if I'm going the right way with the edits and the problem of mental blindspots are really hurting me as it's now into the problems of things Word's grammar checker won't pick up.  Thankfully the story's completed but I'm not sure if to put the entire story here or if there is a dedicated thread or are for finding them?

I searched back about four years in archives and with nothing there so what should I do.

Alfred F. Jones:

Been a while since we talked in here. I just wanted to say, if anyone wants an invitation to Archive of Our Own so they can also post their Touhou fanworks there as well as here, please let me know! This offer will stand until it is no longer valid, so even if you're seeing this late, PM me anyway.

I also recommend reading through their stuff! Lots of good fanfics over there if you want some more recent stuff, since PSL hasn't had much activity.
I keep reading stories here, but am always afraid to post because I don't know whether feedback'd be well-received/is even wanted. Is that bad?
Alfred F. Jones:

--- Quote from: Bardiche on March 23, 2019, 11:49:02 PM ---I keep reading stories here, but am always afraid to post because I don't know whether feedback'd be well-received/is even wanted. Is that bad?
--- End quote ---
It's not bad! But you should know that on AO3 it's perfectly acceptable to leave a comment on a story months or even years later. I constantly hear from writers that they get super happy and excited when people leave comments on their older works as well as their new ones.

ETA: example

--- Quote from: Alfred F. Jones on April 24, 2019, 07:58:48 PM ---It's not bad! But you should know that on AO3 it's perfectly acceptable to leave a comment on a story months or even years later. I constantly hear from writers that they get super happy and excited when people leave comments on their older works as well as their new ones.

ETA: example

--- End quote ---

I wasn't referring to the age of the post. Not all people publish their writing because they want others to give them a technical opinion on it. Some just want others to read and enjoy. I'm hesitant to post feedback here because I'm not quite sure if it's... right? No one comes here to say, "Hey, dig your story, but I think if you worked on x and y, it'd become better."
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