Author Topic: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING SPRING 2020 M3 REQUESTS  (Read 908654 times)

Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 90 REQUESTS
« Reply #270 on: October 04, 2016, 01:38:17 AM »
Hiya again! I'm back. Doujins still haven't gotten here, but I'm expecting them this week or the next (postage has been terrible lately, though, so who knows) and I'll let you know when they do + send you that extra $10.

So, uh, turns out there's an event gonna be happening soon this month for my favorite artist, and they're selling some new straps... along with a bonus pin if you spend enough money lol.
Here's the site for it:

I'm a bit strapped for cash, so before we get into it too deep, how much do you think it'd cost (in USD) for you to get to it? If you can, of course. October 6th to 18th. Can't find an entry cost?
Apparently the straps I'm interested in aren't in boxes, so I'm assuming they're individual sale? If they're blind I will absolutely lose my mind, but alas... I can only hope.
If I can get a pricepoint on travel and entry and etc, I'll see about what I can buy from them?



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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 90 REQUESTS
« Reply #271 on: October 04, 2016, 01:52:18 AM »
This is in Nakano Broadway which isn't too far away. Probably would only be around 600 yen round trip. There's no entry fee, but from the looks of it, a lot of the items come in blind boxes. Could you point out which straps you wanted?

Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 90 REQUESTS
« Reply #272 on: October 04, 2016, 01:56:33 AM »
Oh, wonderful!
Looking to buy from and Are they blind? Good god, capitalism will kill me.
Thank you!


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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 90 REQUESTS
« Reply #273 on: October 04, 2016, 03:22:35 AM »
It doesn't mention it unfortunately. How did you want to go about doing it in either case?

Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 90 REQUESTS
« Reply #274 on: October 04, 2016, 03:43:45 AM »
Oh, jeez. Yeah, I figured as much... I can only hope that they're open, otherwise I'm preeetty screwed.
Turns out I've got a pretty big demand for a mass order, and a couple I really need to get, myself. One question, before I get into the nitty gritty: if they are blind, would you be able/willing to open them (and, of course, buy any you open) and check until you've gotten a character, or hit a price maximum? Which is pretty overcomplicated, and if not, that's fine, but oh, boy. It's unfortunately very late, but I'll have some kind of visual thing made up for tomorrow.

If it's a bunch of straps (and I'm eyeing a postcard set), do you have any vague estimate on shipping?

Super, super sorry that this is such an ordeal.

One edit, that I thought of immediately after: You don't have to go as soon as the event starts, of course; if you wait a couple days from when it starts, I'll scour the internet (+ I follow a lot of Japanese people into the same stuff) and check for any potential pictures of the merchandise to check for confirmation on open/blind straps?
« Last Edit: October 04, 2016, 03:48:45 AM by kokonose »


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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 90 REQUESTS
« Reply #275 on: October 04, 2016, 04:56:13 AM »
I probably wasn't going to go until the 10th at the earlier, so that's fine. I could certainly buy until I hit a certain character but you'd have to set the limit. There's also a chance I could buy one from a second-hand shop but that's assuming I can even find it.

Shipping depends on the weight but it could probably be under or around $10.

Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 90 REQUESTS
« Reply #276 on: October 06, 2016, 11:27:40 PM »
Okay, sorry for such a big delay!
Good news is that the charms aren't blind, so I don't have to pull out my hair over getting random draws. Bad news is that apparently the demand is so big that they sold out of some of the merch & had to (eventually) restock after just the first day, so I'm not sure on how many of these you'll be able to get.

Here's what I'm requesting from the exhibition:

Here's a breakdown of what everything is, lol.

Postcard set A: 500 yen

Kagerou Project charms (image #2):
500 yen x 17 straps =  8500 yen.
If you can't get all of the ones I've listed, please just get as many as you can.

Neru charms (image #3):
500 yen x 8 straps = 4000 yen.
Just get one of each not crossed out in the picture, if you would. Again, of course, if you can't get all of them, then get as many as you can (provided there's some there... Christ).

Total: 13000 yen, plus your approximate travel fee, plus your approximate shipping fee.

Give me a total for this and I'll tack on the $10 I owe you for the doujins, just for sake of convenience. By around when do I need to pay by?

Thanks a million!


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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 90 REQUESTS
« Reply #277 on: October 07, 2016, 02:11:12 AM »
Go ahead and send $100 (on top of the $10) and we'll settle up afterwards. Try to send the money by Sunday if possible.

Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING COMIKET 90 REQUESTS
« Reply #278 on: October 07, 2016, 04:14:23 PM »
I got arrivied my mailbox from you!
October 5th!

Thanks many!


  • Information Superhighway Robbery
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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #280 on: October 09, 2016, 12:21:08 PM »
Polo: It seems only the K-On CDs are currently available for purchase. (Yellow button means in-stock). If you were OK with just those two albums, send $20 for now please.

Also, I am now taking requests for M3 and Fall Reitaisai. For M3, I'd like money by the 26th, and for Reitaisai, just whenever you can manage it.

Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #281 on: October 09, 2016, 01:35:41 PM »
Okay, the $110 is sent, thank you! Sorry about the delay, I had to get the money in order.
I know this might be asking too much, but would you be able to send me a picture (or a list, or something) of what you were able to get, when you go? That way I can organize refunds and such before having to wait for a package to get to me.


  • Information Superhighway Robbery
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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #282 on: October 09, 2016, 02:55:21 PM »
All right, I'll see what I can do.

Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #283 on: October 10, 2016, 04:49:11 AM »
If you can't, or it's too much of a hassle or anything, I totally understand! Thanks a million for dealing with this lol. Good luck with everything!


  • Shipper On Board
Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #284 on: October 11, 2016, 03:17:50 PM »
Aki Reitaisai woo

---有機化合物 (あ-14ab)
黒色マジック (599円) (already available)
FALL DOWN (599円)

---星屑ドルチェ (not attending)
RE:5 (926円) (already available)

---四面楚歌 (ち-22b)
ハートレスレッド (1,404円)

---梶迫小道具店 (と-46b)

Wow that's a lot of sin this autumn. I might add a few things from the hifuu only later, but not much. Gotta save some money for winter comiket...


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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #285 on: October 12, 2016, 01:57:51 AM »
Okay, send $50 for now please.


  • Shipper On Board
Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #286 on: October 12, 2016, 10:11:32 AM »
Okay, send $50 for now please.


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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #287 on: October 12, 2016, 03:37:17 PM »
Forza, could I check if it is possible to order stuff that was released this Kouroumu? I have a couple of doujins in mind so maybe you could lump it together in the same shipment?


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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #288 on: October 12, 2016, 03:38:49 PM »
I actually just shipped your stuff today, sorry. Anything I order from shops will have to go in a new shipment.


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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #290 on: October 13, 2016, 01:45:42 AM »
I might be able to get some from Reitaisai, actually. Send $50 for now please.


  • Salty bitch
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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #291 on: October 13, 2016, 08:47:19 AM »
Hello again! Just posting to ask about the state of my order. No rush, of course -- I've plenty of time  :)


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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #292 on: October 13, 2016, 09:03:06 AM »
Oops, I've been meaning to get around to it, but it's slipped my mind with these events going on. I'll try to get on it soon.


  • Gentle older sister types are the best!
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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #293 on: October 13, 2016, 04:13:33 PM »
I might be able to get some from Reitaisai, actually. Send $50 for now please.

I sent some extra just in case. If you see Yutapon's perfect cherry blossom illustration book at Autumn Reitaisai and please help me grab a copy as well!

Thanks a bunch man!


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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #294 on: October 13, 2016, 07:04:04 PM »
Yo Forza! Box came in Charismatically. イカよろしく~

Niece will be happy. But first she needs to earn them.

Will unpack the Yotsuba! soon and find fitting locations for them. Same goes for the Figma He and She.

Yo Forza, I wish to get only two things from two booths:
  • Ryuuichi and Warugaki's latest books from space:  た-41b        (Warugaki will probably sell his latest Ganbare Kogasa-chan and Ryuuichi this
  • And from Mizuki Hitoshi his latest work/volume of his 4koma, space: た-15ab

Send my regards to them. Oh btw, Warugaki and Ryuuichi might try to give you their work for free because Waru is expecting you. I am not sure what to exactly think of this. I mean, if I were in person there it would be "equivalent exchange" of gifts and books. However, I think it would be proper to just buy them right?

If so, let me know how much I need to send ya.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2016, 06:35:49 PM by Helepolis »

Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #295 on: October 14, 2016, 09:48:52 PM »
Hello again!
I'd like to pre-order another thing, this time a phone case for iPhone 5/5s:

Also, is it possible to buy a postcard from this seller?
I need the black one (マチゲリータ, 200 Yen)


  • Salty bitch
  • I'm very salty. Sometimes.
Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #296 on: October 14, 2016, 10:03:45 PM »
Oops, I've been meaning to get around to it, but it's slipped my mind with these events going on. I'll try to get on it soon.
No problem! I'm not in a hurry anyways.  :)

Just get to it when you have the time, 'kay?


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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #297 on: October 15, 2016, 12:16:42 AM »
Remon: I should be able to get both, yes. Send $65 for now please.

Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #298 on: October 15, 2016, 01:38:18 AM »
Hello again, Forza. Sorry for taking too much time before placing my order.
Here are the stuffs I want you to get from Autumn Reitaisai: (Both artbooks as a set costs 1000 Yen, content may be a bit suggestive)  (The Sagume book, not the Kokoro one. That's an H-book, I think)

A good portion of them are Anthology books with no price tag attached, so it may be difficult to get an exact estimate. But I counted them to be around 10000 Yen in total. Please tell me how much we should send you if you know the exact price.
Thanks, Forza. I'll be counting on you.


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Re: Kourindo - Buy Stuff from Japan! - TAKING REITAISAI/M3 REQUESTS
« Reply #299 on: October 15, 2016, 03:05:23 AM »
$130 should be good for now, I think.