~Hakurei Shrine~ > Touhou Addict Recovery Center
"Is there a way to be even harder?"
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When you think about it realistically, that should be the normal speed in real battle.
I'm more interested in how to edit the ecl files.
I've seen this before haha. It's pretty intense actually.

Man, it must feel great to bomb with so many bullets on screen. You'll be like "HELL YEAH BITCHES CAN'T TOUCH THIS"

--- Quote from: stargroup on May 21, 2009, 03:35:16 AM ---I've seen this before haha. It's pretty intense actually.

Man, it must feel great to bomb with so many bullets on screen. You'll be like "HELL YEAH BITCHES CAN'T TOUCH THIS"

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Considering the guy didn't get past stage 2 even with the help of TAS and frequent bombspamming, he was probably thinking more along the lines of "Hahahaha oh what.  Fuck this."

--- Quote from: Drake on May 20, 2009, 12:20:09 AM ---I'm more interested in how to edit the ecl files.

--- End quote ---

hmn the IN/SA  ultra mode was made with SpoilerAL btw
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