~Hakurei Shrine~ > Touhou Addict Recovery Center
"Is there a way to be even harder?"
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"Is there a way to be even more hard?"

"Is there a way to be even harder?"

Choose one, not both.

--- Quote from: Amaterasu-ōmikami on May 19, 2009, 06:35:54 PM ---"Is there a way to be even more hard?"

"Is there a way to be even harder?"

Choose one, not both.

--- End quote ---
"Is there a way to be even more harder?"
Why I wanna make a Chester-A-Bum-joke now?
I applause you for a hilarious four-way joke
bloody hell, thats what Touhou would be like if it was made by Cave

i mean, there were fairies attacking during the cutscenes. thats crazy
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