Author Topic: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!  (Read 338116 times)

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #480 on: March 28, 2018, 07:21:38 PM »
Please don't post your ideas in a wall of words. I couldn't read it.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi


  • Writer, Animator, Easy Mode Advocate
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #481 on: March 29, 2018, 03:12:43 AM »
Please don't post your ideas in a wall of words. I couldn't read it.

Just reformatted it, so it's all broken up by scenes/beats. Plus, I got shorter versions of each chapter. I hope that helps.
Making Touhou music and actually-pretty-decent Walfas animations since 2011!


  • The Absolutely Most Controversial Guy Here
  • A Trustworthy Heretic(said no one ever)
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #482 on: March 31, 2018, 03:08:35 AM »
Jouhei here, first and foremost: HOLY SHIT SPAZTIQUE!

OK, fanboy aside, I have to thank you, DiTR was my introduction to the world of Touhou fanfics(and was my drive to write Touhou fics), I was(and mostly still am) a mostly games fan, read the art books and used the wiki for manga details(though I sometimes just ignore the manga) if the fic involves events from the manga. I decided to write a dark fic, it came out so wrong I just dropped it, I was so angry at myself that I became too shy to post my own fics. Until I read A Fool's Reality, that fic changed how I would write forever, it wasn't a deconstruction of the self-insert Isekai genre, it was a straight deconstruction of Touhou as a whole and I loved it(it was my inspiration for the idea of a Hakurei Maiden gone wrong, not evil just not what Gensokyo needs) I was heartbroken at what happened to one of the characters and I almost cried, shit goes so FUBAR that all the cast(up until 9 anyway since 10 never got to happen) becomes traumatized.

But enough of my fanboying over great things, I've recently decided to post a Crossover fic on, it crosses Touhou with Persona and the way you wrote that you wanted to show Gensokyo at it's best made me want to give the girls a happier ending while keeping the Protagonist(named Shuujinkou, I know creative) also geting one(since her interests oppose those of Gensokyo). I became interested with the concepts of "Youkai Death", " Artificial Youkai" and "Youkai becoming Human", so what better series to cross over with than the series that has an unobtanium for supernatural creatures(Biomagnetite)?

It gives a Metaphysical explanation for how are Youkai born and has the Collective Unconscious as the place they go after death(unless struck down by another human directly), for the third concept though, it became my idea for a certain OC. The basic idea is that without a Hakurei Maiden(Reimu went rouge after getting her soul swapped with a demon and is out of reach thus her body is killed before she destroys Gensokyo and her soul is in the demon's body and enjoys life in the outside thus Gensokyo needs a new Maiden) Gensokyo will last only a few days, lucky for the Youkai, Reimu has a niece(not daughter, this happens after LoLK and AoCF couldn't happen) who is in her Teenage years(this feels like a self insert but bear with me here), unluckily said niece is an atheist who refuses to become a Designated Heroine and while Yukari insisted on not using force(she's smart and knows that in the outside world they're less than able to beat a Hakurei without risking killing her, also she's trying to be nice for once), some Youkai still tried to force her to come and she awakens to her power as a Persona User, the plot has mostly interactions between the protagonist and her friends and Youkai attacking her are not too prominent so most of the action comes in the form of fighting Artificial Youkai made to destroy Gensokyo and to not mess with the likes of the Touhou cast they hunt down the protagonist and try to kill the Youkai in a war of attrition.

The main characters will develop in one way or another(since one of them is the hero from Persona 5 who just wants to survive being in a delinquent school after his life got ruined at the end of his game and another is Reimu herself trying to fix her messed up family but being conflicted about leaving Gensokyo) and find a way to have it end in at least a Bittersweet ending(frankly, I don't believe most of the girls deserve a happy ending with their actions, so I'll at least give them a Bittersweet one), your idea of having Gensokyo drop it's political war going on to unite under the same goal sounded really nice, however I want to instead of having them fix the issue by banding against a common enemy, have everyone be turned into a human with no powers and rebuild their lives from the ground up(it's the best ending I could give Gensokyo that doesn't involve going "It was all a dream" or "in the end, choosing your own path is wrong").

Phew! I hope I can get some reactions to the idea, I'm kinda shy about posting what I write because I'm really new and I really want to grow past just writing fan fiction and begin writing my own stories(I just wanted to write an alternate story to a really good series)
"Surely you don't mean to imply I need a reason to control manipulate and kill! How about this? Seems good enough: I do all the wonderful things I do because I just love seeing the faces of people like YOU groveling in Despair, Grief, Sorrow, Dismay and all other sorts of?? Unpleasant Nouns. Oh, sorry 'bout that, guess I won't be able to see your miserable old face now will I?"
-Literally Every Troll in existence

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #483 on: April 12, 2018, 11:52:11 AM »
I have a "minor" inquiry.

I was wondering if converting a Touhou Quest I am running on another forum over to here would be okay? This isn't a group run adventure as it revolves around a singular main protagonist where the readers, at the end of every update, decide what action the protagonist should take. In short, it is an interactive adventure of sorts.

Now, I am not sure if it should go into the Scarlet Library or Rumia's party games due to it's nature. Considering that the decisions are made on another forum I would somewhat lean onto the Library, but due to it's inherent nature as a quest it also leans into the Rumia's Party Games.

Then there is also the issue of the nature of the Forums the Quest is being run on. It is specifically on NSFW forums, I do personally write there because I prefer free reign (censorship free-ish) over the material I create above exposure and mass audience. Nevertheless, the focus on the more... questionable material in the story will be minimal (is pretty much nonexistent at the moment) so I can easily remove and change those scenes, implying rather than describing as they say. Fade in, fade out... if slightly less clich?.

It helps that lewd stuff isn't the focus, the action, story and characters are.

There is also the subject of the Style I use in my writing. I use a lot of images to bring specific themes, feelings and ideas across on top of occasional usage of music and such. Now, I have read the rules regarding images here and I would be using a lot of links instead, especially during the Danmaku battles. Which is a shame, since it will take the readers a bit out of the story, but it is a compromise I am willing to make if I can share the story with other Touhou fans here. ; )

Lastly, this is a crossover quest. Pok?mon/Touhou one.
Yes, yes, I am sure there are dozen if not hundreds of "Touhoumon" and such fics on the net. But this ain't a Touhoumon quest, or anything even remotely close to that.
It is a personal concoction brewed by me and was left on low boil until it was ready for consumption. I can't guarantee amazing flow or style, but it might pleasantly surprise you nevertheless.

So, what say you? Stay or slay?


  • The Absolutely Most Controversial Guy Here
  • A Trustworthy Heretic(said no one ever)
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #484 on: April 12, 2018, 11:23:42 PM »
Sounds really interesting (I loved Monsters in Paradise just for the scene where Flandre loses to a Skarmory because it has Sturdy which negates instakills). I want to know more, sadly I'm not important in this board(even if I try my hardest to get reactions from my weird ideas)
"Surely you don't mean to imply I need a reason to control manipulate and kill! How about this? Seems good enough: I do all the wonderful things I do because I just love seeing the faces of people like YOU groveling in Despair, Grief, Sorrow, Dismay and all other sorts of?? Unpleasant Nouns. Oh, sorry 'bout that, guess I won't be able to see your miserable old face now will I?"
-Literally Every Troll in existence

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #485 on: April 16, 2018, 08:07:17 PM »
I had the idea to make a fanfic focusing on Flandre Scarlet and its set to the tune of Pink Floyd's The Wall and incorporates the songs into the story as Flandre builds herself a wall between herself and the rest of Gensokyo and fills the empty spaces with vice as she forms a rock band with the Prismriver sisters and gets consumed by the worms and becomes a neo-imperialist


  • The Absolutely Most Controversial Guy Here
  • A Trustworthy Heretic(said no one ever)
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #486 on: April 17, 2018, 12:47:32 AM »
Sounds depressing, I like it.
"Surely you don't mean to imply I need a reason to control manipulate and kill! How about this? Seems good enough: I do all the wonderful things I do because I just love seeing the faces of people like YOU groveling in Despair, Grief, Sorrow, Dismay and all other sorts of?? Unpleasant Nouns. Oh, sorry 'bout that, guess I won't be able to see your miserable old face now will I?"
-Literally Every Troll in existence

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #487 on: April 17, 2018, 12:32:28 PM »
If I used the movie as a base, all the animated bits would probably take place in Flandre's mind (i.e. Goodbye Blue Sky, Empty Spaces, The Trial, the end bit to Waiting For The Worms)

For instance: (The Empty Spaces part)
Flandre's mind as alight with the apparitions of flowers, dancing together in a loving embrace then cascading into violence, the bulbs turning into grotesque animals biting each until one of them is grabbed by a giant bird of prey. "What shall we use to fill..." Flandre paused, "...the empty spaces. Where waves of hunger roar?"
Giant buildings of the Outside World began to fill her mind. "Shall we set out acrosss this sea of faces, in search of more applause?"
The wall was decorated with material goods: cars, stereos, gaming systems, tv's and the such. Then the wall zoomed across the Gensokyoian landscape, the bricks screaming as they tore through the land. Flandre saw Reimu's shrine as the wall roared towards it. The Hakurei Shrine was decimated as the wall broke it in half. The timbers forming a neon pachinko parlor, spitting out bright red bricks.
"Shall we buy a new guitar? Shall we drive a more powerful car? Shall we work straight through the night? Shall we get into fights? Leave the lights on? Drop bombs; do tours of the east, contract disease?"
Forms of women, food, guns, gohei's, needles and guitars melted into each other like the waves of a rough sea. Flandre continued on, "Bury bones? Break up homes send flowers by phone? Take to drink, go to shrinks? Give up meat? Rarely sleep? Keep people as pets? Train dogs, race rats, fill the atic with cash? Bury treasure, store up leisure but never relax at all!" Flandre giggled, "With our backs to the wall."


  • The Absolutely Most Controversial Guy Here
  • A Trustworthy Heretic(said no one ever)
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #488 on: April 17, 2018, 03:12:57 PM »
Which Flandre are you gonna use? Sane, Smartass and Nerdy canon Flan or Insane, Sadistic and Sociopathic Fanon Flan? Both work for your idea.
"Surely you don't mean to imply I need a reason to control manipulate and kill! How about this? Seems good enough: I do all the wonderful things I do because I just love seeing the faces of people like YOU groveling in Despair, Grief, Sorrow, Dismay and all other sorts of?? Unpleasant Nouns. Oh, sorry 'bout that, guess I won't be able to see your miserable old face now will I?"
-Literally Every Troll in existence

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #489 on: April 17, 2018, 06:57:08 PM »
Which Flandre are you gonna use? Sane, Smartass and Nerdy canon Flan or Insane, Sadistic and Sociopathic Fanon Flan? Both work for your idea.
I want to start out with a sane Flandre but becomes more unstable as she builds The Wall via her father's death, her sister's overprotectiveness and a bad relationship and gets consumed by the worms at the end of "Comfortably Numb" and into "In The Flesh" when she becomes a fascist, but regains some of that sanity at "Stop" and "The Trial".
So in short probably a mix of the three as Flandre would basically be a crazy loli version of Roger Waters.

Also I think a prologue of Flandre talking to Eirin based off "The Final Cut" would might be a good idea


  • The Absolutely Most Controversial Guy Here
  • A Trustworthy Heretic(said no one ever)
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #490 on: April 18, 2018, 02:42:18 AM »
Sounds kinda like what I did to Flandre(still draft so how final this is will be questionable). After Helel(Hebrew puns) evaporates Remilia, Sakuya goes so insane that she believes herself to BE Remilia and that Sakuya died, takes Gungnir and goes hunting for Helel. Flandre becomes a depressed Omnicidal Maniac who is hunting down Sakuya to take her out of her misery and as she journeys Sumaru City(where this crossover takes place) she comes to terms with her sister's demise, becomes a less impulsive head of her family and eventually decides to never take the ones around her for granted. Of course, this is more of a spinoff(of a crossover fic to boot, I think I'm getting too ambitious)
"Surely you don't mean to imply I need a reason to control manipulate and kill! How about this? Seems good enough: I do all the wonderful things I do because I just love seeing the faces of people like YOU groveling in Despair, Grief, Sorrow, Dismay and all other sorts of?? Unpleasant Nouns. Oh, sorry 'bout that, guess I won't be able to see your miserable old face now will I?"
-Literally Every Troll in existence

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #491 on: April 18, 2018, 01:29:35 PM »
Sounds really interesting (I loved Monsters in Paradise just for the scene where Flandre loses to a Skarmory because it has Sturdy which negates instakills). I want to know more, sadly I'm not important in this board(even if I try my hardest to get reactions from my weird ideas)

Well, I will just post the first chapter or two in the revised form as a post on this part of the forums and if there is an interest for it I will keep posting the revised chapters. After that we can see if it should remain here or on RPG. ; )


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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #492 on: April 19, 2018, 06:50:41 AM »
I have a "minor" inquiry.

So, what say you? Stay or slay?
Apologies for the delayed reply. We've discussed this among the mod team and found it more fitting to be posted/created in Patchouli's Scarlet Library instead of Rumia's Party Games. So feel free to start your thread on this forum section.



Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #493 on: April 19, 2018, 11:38:29 AM »
Apologies for the delayed reply. We've discussed this among the mod team and found it more fitting to be posted/created in Patchouli's Scarlet Library instead of Rumia's Party Games. So feel free to start your thread on this forum section.


Thanks a lot for the reply. I will post it on this part of the forums then. ^__^

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #494 on: February 18, 2019, 11:19:09 PM »
The 'what if' genre is something I've seen done both well and terribly.
In this case, it would be "what if everyone could get what they ask for?".
The idea is mostly everyone gets what they want, but things don't quite end up the way they would like it, either at the very start or later.

Here's the outline of it, along with a few authors notes:
Yakuri Yakumo closes another border between Gensokyo and the outside world that she has recently opened.
Closing the border, she finishes her goals and gives some instructions to Ran Yakumo, as she goes to sleep.

(The perspective now moves to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.)
Marisa 'borrows' some books from Patchouli's library and Patchouli is seen yelling at Marisa for 'stealing' her books.
She gives a bit of a chase, but her anemia causes her to become too exhausted to continue the chase.
Marisa is seen on her broom flying off into the distance.
Patchouli murmurs that she wishes Marisa would stop stealing her books.

Reimu Hakurei is now seen after having resolved yet another incidence.
The weather is somewhat cloudy and Reimu looks up at the sky and voices one of her complaints of why there is so many incidents.

Rinnosuke Morichika looks at the computers he has stacked up and thinks of what could happen if he could make them work.

Luna Child, Star Sapphire and Sunny Milk discuss increasing the size of their pranks and stepping up their game.

Alice Margatroid is working on another doll and wishes she would be able to make an independent doll.

The pattern continues and we see either the complaints or wishes of characters, things they would like to change.

(From here, it can become either a comedy or serious story, the results of what they wish to happen will vary a lot depending on where this concept heads.)

Hieda no Mukyu

  • Eastern philology in limbo
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #495 on: February 19, 2019, 05:31:33 PM »
Marisa 'borrows' some books from Patchouli's library and Patchouli is seen yelling at Marisa for 'stealing' her books.
She gives a bit of a chase, but her anemia causes her to become too exhausted to continue the chase.
Marisa is seen on her broom flying off into the distance.
Patchouli murmurs that she wishes Marisa would stop stealing her books.

I am seeing most of this passage as illustrated by Coffgirl.

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #496 on: May 02, 2019, 09:36:31 AM »
A mini-summary of a fanfiction idea I've been trying to work on. I haven't advanced it very much yet, so the summary is far from complete...

In the year 2037, NASA, JAXA, and the ESA start a Moon base, sending a lander and a basic habitat module on the North Pole. The Lunarians, fearing another invasion, prepare to repel the humans from the Moon yet again, but the barrier that surrounded the Lunar Capital began to ripple and fade, something an astronaut witnessed and recorded.