Author Topic: minusT's latest 3D danmaku fight, Brambly Boundaries, is out!  (Read 20186 times)


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It's been such a long time since their first video. Nice to see all the progress they've made.

Also, from the after-credits scene, seems we're going Imperishable Night for the next time.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2019, 04:58:43 PM by qMyon »


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Re: minusT's latest 3D danmaku fight, Brambly Boundaries, is out!
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2019, 09:38:54 AM »
lol what's with the ultrawide format

Gotta admit, it's a really creative interpretation (as usual), even though I was sceptical at first. The first Koishi's theme is complete trash though.

But I'm actually hyped if the next fight is the legendary
stage 4 ReiMari duel