~Bunbunmaru News~ > Letters to the Editor
Unread replies feature request
Not sure how realistic this is code-wise, but I was thinking:

Could there be a way to remove threads from view when clicking on "Show new replies to your posts"? I've often dropped a comment or a few comments in a thread and don't have an interest in re-visiting the thread, and end up with loads of threads I'll never read cluttering up the Unread Replies list. If there were a way to remove them from that page - e.g., with a little button labelled "stop giving me updates on this thead" or something next to each thread in the Unread Replies list - I think this would save a lot of energy for people, and possibly also for the server.

Just my two cents.

EDIT: Alternatively, there could be a little checkbox next to each thread on the Unread Replies list, with a button at the top or bottom of the page labelled "Remove".
I find the same for "Unread posts" would be nice. It's just instead of looking for replies to stuff I already posted in I tend to see new threads there, too. But yeah, I second this.
I don't know how feasible it'd be.  I'd have to dissect the replies code and how it operates but if I can sure :V

--- Quote from: TheⓈtupidOne on August 15, 2009, 04:20:31 PM ---I don't know how feasible it'd be.  I'd have to dissect the replies code and how it operates but if I can sure :V

--- End quote ---

Awesome. Best of luck with that in between baking.
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