I'm trying to upload a video of my battle against Yukari on youtube, but It's proving to be tedious (I've never used youtube before).
First, despite my HD being formatted for NTFS, my fraps chopped up my fight into multiple 4 gig files (sigh). so I had to get a program that could append them all. Second, after I finally did this, I have to figure out a way to make my 20 gig video go down to less than 1gig, or 100 megs or whatever the youtube limit was (I think it was a gig). I did some research and apparently converting to mp4 is the answer. So I try and figure out how to turn my fraps avi video into mp4. I download numerous so-called free programs, but they all say I have to pay money to use that feature or something. I'm personally sick and tired of searching sites endlessly claiming to solve my problem with a useless "free" download that doesn't do what I want.
Can anybody please help me figure out how to convert, or better yet, give me advice on how to make this whole damn fiasco easier in general? (maybe I shouldn't use fraps, maybe I shouldn't have bothered to append, etc, I don't know).