Author Topic: Just admit it, you STILL watch American Idol and you even VOTE for your favs.  (Read 29122 times)

Dead Princess Sakana

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oh well, then does anyone watch So You Think You Can Dance?

I don't think you can script that.
That looks like a 'casting show', those are different.
At least I think so, never watched one myself.
I don't know how prominent 'reality shows' are in other countries, maybe they're a European phenomenom?

♛ Apher-Forte

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Great, so erm, still doesn't answer tho, does anyone watch SYTYCD? (so you thi )ry

I personally find it much more significant than watching American Idol, which is frankly quite mundane past the auditions, and unless narrowed down to last 10 or so.
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I don't really watch it... but my sister was almost on it once.
I gotta have something for my sig, so...


  • i am not witty
I don't really watch any reality shows.
Only thing I ever sort of liked was Survivor, but I don't have time to follow such silly things anymore [plus I don't have DVR at college].


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Don't really watch shows like this (I don't watch TV since one of the main channels here have started another season of scripted reality show, because I hate those, and that particular one is a shame), but in Hungary there was a show called "Born of a Star" and one of my classmates was in it, but didn't managed to pass the first round. Since then we called him "Shooting Star".
« Last Edit: January 17, 2010, 12:06:07 PM by Solaiston Beam »


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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I saw the first 2 episodes of this a couple of years back. The lulz were worth it, a shame we didn't finish watching it.

♛ Apher-Forte

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oh hey, I auditioned for Malaysian Idol, does that make me a fag?
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  • i am not witty
I've been considering auditioning for American Idol for a few years actually... It'd mostly be just for the sake of seeing what would happen as my "I know this is impossible dream" would be to be a singer... so meh.


American Idol... heh. I like to watch it for the dream crushing only, other than that 's boring.


  • serial time-waster
American Idol... heh. I like to watch it for the dream crushing only, other than that 's boring.


  • i am not witty
Guess I'll be watching the beginning now as college friends want to.
Luckily, nobody wants to watch anymore than that.

♛ Apher-Forte

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So I can fully assert that American Idol is an international thing and not so much as a bit of support from the Americas?

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Dead Princess Sakana

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  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
So I can fully assert that American Idol is an international thing and not so much as a bit of support from the Americas?
Well, we don't have the original American Idol over here, just a license-ripoff which is named: 'Germany searches for the super star' (normally the name's in German of course, but it still sucks). Seemingly 'Germany' in the tilte means everyone else but me  :P


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I think by now lots of countries have their own version of "sing/dance/ukulele for fame and fortune on TV!" competitions so I don't know if people outside the USA are referring to our or their own shows.


Well, we don't have the original American Idol over here, just a license-ripoff which is named: 'Germany searches for the super star' (normally the name's in German of course, but it still sucks). Seemingly 'Germany' in the tilte means everyone else but me  :P
Same name here in Czech. I think that I didn't watch it a single time :V

♛ Apher-Forte

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We refer to yours of course, there is only ONE American idol.
I'd say Carrie Underwood was the best ever, and I can't lie she has a great voice.
Britain Got Talent was nice too, bringing someone like Susan Boyle to the table was totally unexpected and I can say it was very interesting to see it all unfolding.

Locally, we have Malaysian Idol and a rip off called Academy Fantasia, which apparently having 1000 people sign up is  good enough for an audition and a laughable season of it per year. Almost ALL if not a hopeless few contestants are Malays, all songs must be MALAY, which fails, because everyone knows Malay is a language that borrows all too heavily on technical words that are ENGLISH. Plus, they sing like someone is about to slaughter them, all that wailing...

and they name it Grassroots Rock, I call bullshit, but that'd be a sensitive name calling issue.
No Chinese has ever participated in it, we are busy people, and most of all, we just don't care.

I wonder where did they get the money to host the show? There is but what I recall seeing in a financial statement, about 4000 views per season.
That is shit tier low.
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  • uHHH,
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i don't watch American Idol, but i love watching reality shows for shits and giggles.

sometimes they're just so...bad.

and that makes me laugh. :>

An Odd Sea Slug

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On the topic of scripted reality: Operation Repo. Nuff said.

I only watch America Idle (thats my pet name for it) for the auditions. Only been able to watch the hollywood portion beyond that once, and even then I developed some serious arc fatigue.

I am only watching the german adaptation of "Britian got talent" here.
I don?t give a crap about the german adaptation of "American Idol" anymore.

through... i enjoy the german adaptation of "I am a Celebraty! Get me out of here!", well when it IS on... (they started it like 3 times, then they waited a few years and then they did 2 more. Hoping that they will find some fools for this year to do it).
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 10:42:32 PM by By »