Author Topic: [Request] Stream Layout + Break Screen  (Read 2311 times)

Axel Ryman

  • Fear me
[Request] Stream Layout + Break Screen
« on: May 12, 2014, 03:35:01 PM »
Looking for one to be made since I can't make these things worth crap. Specifically looking for one made towards Labyrinth of Touhou 2

Kinda made a doodle in paint for an idea for what I'd like.

Resolution: 1280x720.

Game Window: 4:3

Extra Space: Haven't completely decided what I want to do with this. On one hand I wouldn't mind the space to put in information one what I'm doing [Note: This is pretty much for a speedrun I'm working on for the game, so I could list what I'm working on/ideas and such]. On the other, I could just use it to show the chat, mainly for things like archived footage and such, Otherwise, I'd just use it for something fancy.

Timer: Pretty much to put my timer program. Doesn't need to be as big as I made it, just big enough.

Name: Just put my name there as AxelRyman.

I'm not against sprites being used if it adds some flare to it. Favorite characters, specifically ones that appear in the game, would be Rinnosuke, Kasen, Nitori, Komachi, Youmu, Tenshi, Shikieiki, and Byakuren. Don't need to use all of them of course, but at least 1 would be nice.

For a break screen, anything Touhou related with the words "Currently on break, stream will resume shortly."  Could use the characters I mentioned above as well.

Thanks to whoever takes up this challenge. :)