Author Topic: DDC Item Lists  (Read 1585 times)

Emerald Mint

  • Gemstone
DDC Item Lists
« on: November 07, 2013, 09:07:27 AM »
I've been unable to find any lists elsewhere on my search engine or on the score attack wiki, so I thought I'd share something I'm working on.

This is a list of all the power/point items that drop from trash and bosses from DDC, divided in order by segments and stages.
It may be of help if you're working on scoring and fragment routes. Not yet complete, though I hope to be able to fill in the blanks when I'm not busy.
If you know where any lists are or would like to fix errors/contribute, you are free to share as well.

~Stage 1~

26Pow  4Point -Two rows of 15x red/blue fairies-
25Pow 20Point -5 fairies with mass bullet spam-
 9Pow  9Point -Two rows of 9x red/blue fairies-
12Pow 12Point -Two rows of 12x red/blue fairies-

10Pow 10Point -After defeating midboss-

24Pow 24Point -Four rows of 12x fairies-
28Pow 16Point -7Pow 4Point dropped from 4x sunflower fairies-

15Pow  9Point -Cleared first spell-
15Pow 15Point -Defeated boss-

Total: 164Pow 119Point

~Stage 2~

20Pow 14Point -The second one that comes from the left holds an extra two point items-
18Pow 12Point -6x battery fairies-
16Pow 16Point -8x spirits-
12Pow 12Point -2x red/blue fairy rows-
10Pow  6Point -2x sunflower fairies-
18Pow 12Point -6x battery fairies-

15Pow 15Point -Midboss-

72Pow 72Point -4 rows of 6x battery fairy
40Pow 32Point -Each pair of sunflower fairies has one with 3point, another with 5point-
24Pow 24Point -2 rows of 24x green/yellow fairies-

14Pow 15Point -Cleared first spellcard-
10Point -Per each head on second spell-
19Pow 13Point -Cleared second spell-
15Pow 14Point -Defeated boss-

Total: 293Pow 257Point

~Stage 3~

 6Pow  6Point -Two battery fairies /w laser spam-
20Pow 60Point -20x spirits equally divided among left and right-
10Pow 10Point -Sunflower fairy spam attack-

-Path to Midboss-
26Pow 78Point -26x spirits-