Author Topic: Payload Gensokyo  (Read 49051 times)


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Payload Gensokyo
« on: August 30, 2019, 05:16:04 AM »
// A Team Fortress 2 and Touhou Multiverse RP!  Beginner friendly! Little knowledge of either universe is needed and if in doubt ask in an action!

Location ~ Suijin Temple

> You are Dell Conagher, a southern good ol' boy from Bee Cave Texas, have eleven hard science PhDs and have a passion for designing and building contraptions of various kinds.  During the Gravel Wars you worked for Reliable Demolition & Excavation also known as RED, before Gray Mann took over RED and BLU. You were then hired by Saxton Hale, to try and back Mann Co. and were somewhat successful before Gray figured out a loophole in Mann Co. policy to perform a hostile takeover.  Several years then passed and eventually your team got their revenge and defeated Gray Mann along with this TFC Mercenaries and restored control of RED and BLU to the Administrator.  Speaking of the Administrator, last time you saw her she proceeded to use up the entire world's supply of Australium to restore her age to that of a young woman, which was a terrible idea from your perspective since you calculated she had around an hour to live instead of the six-months you initially calculated.  She insisted that she had to settle some sort of childhood debt and had to do so while "looking her best".  She then walked out and you havent seen or heard about her since.
> You are currently at Suijin, one of the last known remaining locations that Gray Mann's robots control.  A robot manufacturing station is located a little ways past where old BLU spawn used to be and your team has devised a plan involving pushing a Gravel Wars payload cart into the facility to end these robots once and for all.

> However now is not the time to be reviewing your life choices!  You have more pressing matters to deal with, like the fact that you just heard someone decloak behind you!

> You are currently upstairs in the Suijin Temple Tower, with your L3 Sentry aimed down at the payload, your dispenser and teleporter next to you and your disposable mini-sentry is located just outside the right window.
> The Payload is currently in the Suijin Temple Tower, where the former Control Point used to be and according to Miss Pauling's last announcement there's around two minutes left on the payload's clock.


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2019, 05:45:52 AM »

>What mercs are on our team right now? Are all 9 of us present for this mission? If so, where are they? (Or at least, where are they supposed to be?)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2019, 05:48:22 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2019, 12:00:19 PM »
> Heavy is defending and pushing the cart by riding on it.
> Medic is crouching behind the cart, pocketing the heavy and providing him with crits whenever a 'more organized' push is made by the robots
> Scout is on the roof just outside the window on your far side
> You do not have line of sight to your other teammates, so you are unsure of where they are

> After beating Gray's robots at Mannhattan and Rottenburg hundreds of times you realized that it's much easier to get through their waves with a full team, so yes everyone is here.

> Inventory (Equipped)
>> Rescue Ranger
>>> Lets you repair buildings from afar with small claw like missiles
>> Wrangler
>>> A red laser pointer that lets you take manual control of RED sentries
>> Wrench
>>> You can build pretty much anything with this (provided you have the blueprints)
>> Construction PDA
>>> A multifunction PDA that can store blueprints and project them with a holographic display and keep track of building health remotely among other functions
>> Destruction PDA
>>> Can remotely destroy buildings
> Inventory (Unequipped)
>> Short Circuit
>>> Fires a large energy sphere that can delete projectiles middair.  Being a part of your robotic right arm, you can't remove it
>> Gunslinger
>>> Allows very percise fine movements, allowing you to build miniature contraptions.  Being a part of your robotic right arm you can't remove it


  • Seg Fault
Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2019, 04:52:40 PM »
>Out of curiosity, who was on what side back in the days of RED vs BLU? Were the nine of us split between both teams, or was the opposing team made out of clones?
>When we heard the decloak, did either of our sentries make the "Enemy detected" noise? If they did it could narrow down the possible identity of whoever's behind us.
>How does friendly fire work? Can we hurt each other, or is "spy-checking" a valid strategy?
>Did Medic bring any of those reanimators with him in case things go south?
>Do we know what Spy's job was for this operation?


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2019, 06:56:54 PM »
> When you were originally hired by the Administrator you were genuinely confused on how you could work two shifts simultaneously, before she explained that a single clone of you would be created to fill in the other shift and the (very generous) pay and many benefits would be split evenly between the two of you.  Initially you had your doubts about this before you realised she was actually offering you a once in a lifetime oppurtunity to develop the technology needed to accomplish cloning itself with a near infinite research budget.

> The sentry is clicking but at some annoying scout bots trying to bodyblock the payload, it does not seem to have noticed whatever is behind you as it would prefer a nearer target over a farther one

> There is no friendly fire between members of the same team, you simply phase through each other.  You don't know the specifics of this as it has to do with respawning, something Medic invented.  You do know however that Mann Co weapons are designed to respect this and some will change team colors to indicate this when held by a member of the opposite team.  Spy checking is indeed a valid and life saving strategy

> None of you are currently carrying Reanimators as your team's respawn location is just a building away and you've set up a teleporter, making them kind of redundant on this mission

> Spy's job was to infiltrate the Robot manufacturing facility and attempt to stop or slow down the production rate from inside, however it is not unheard of for Spy to improvise and do something other than his original assignment


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2019, 07:18:23 PM »
>How much do we know about Soldier and Demo's friendship? Wasn't one of them originally from the opposite team, or did that friendship develop on our side after that mess (assuming we know of it)?
>Do we have our other weapons stored somewhere, (i,e: Frontier Justice, Pomson 6000, etc) or is what's in our inventory all we have to our name, period?
>Will a disguised Spybot sound mechanical when talking, or will they imitate the voice of whoever they're disguising perfectly?


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2019, 08:15:16 PM »
> You do not know of such thing, however you do know that during the Gravel War inter-company friendship was banned by corporate policy.

> You keep your other weapons at your team's resupply cabinet

> During the Robo War Spy bots used to be quite bad at imitating voices and sounded very mechanical indeed, however Gray Mann eventually addressed this issue and designed a better voice generator.  Now they are as good at imitating voices as Spy himself


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2019, 08:31:30 PM »
>What intel did we get about this place. Does it produce those doggone Sentry Busters?
>If so, how long do we reckon until the inevitable?

>Equip Rescue Ranger. Spin around as quickly as possible to avoid potential backstabs.
>As soon as we see them, make a split second decision about whoever is behind us:
>>If it's an undisguised Spybot, shoot to kill.
>>If it's anybody but Spy, especially if it's Heavy, Medic, or Scout who can't possibly be behind us right now, shoot to kill.
>>If it's Spy, do a quick spy check shot while backing away.
>>>If it damages him, shoot to kill.
>>>If it proves he's friendly: "Dagnabbit, Spy. Don't you sneak up on me like that!"

//After this one I'll hold off on posting in this quest for a few hours after the next parse to see if anyone else jumps in.


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2019, 09:18:11 PM »
> It does however you have set up your nest in a spot where they can't reach you and end up detonating below you where the Payload currently is.  One just blew up less than a minute ago so you doubt there will be another any time soon.

> You switch to your Rescue Ranger then quickly turn around and see Scout having jumped towards you and starting to strafe left around you, so you fire your Rescue Ranger at him but fail to lead your shot enough to account for its travel time and the Scout's move speed causing you to miss your first shot, however you then proceed to track him, destroying the bot on your 3rd and final round.  Immediately afterwards Miss Pauling announces "All Spybots have been destroyed!"

> You are now reloading your Rescue Ranger and quickly spot a sniper sightline laser trying to close in on you through the open window


  • Seg Fault
Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2019, 01:14:06 AM »
>Speaking of snipers, do we know what our sniper's job was for this operation?
>Can we see the sniper bot through the window?
>If so, do we think we could snipe them with a Wrangled rocket volley from our Lvl 3 Sentry?


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2019, 05:51:21 AM »
> Sniper's was to find a location where sightlines on both the cart path and flank route so he can provide support on both by running his Jarate rifle and jars

> Yes if the laser can see you, you can also see it.

> Definitely, Gray Mann's snipers are rather oblivious to attacks once they start aiming, to the point where it's trivial to destroy them with a taunt


  • Seg Fault
Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2019, 10:38:33 PM »
//Will probably only post once a day or so until we get somebody else. I don't want to discourage new players from joining by causing this to advance too fast.

>Use the wrangler on our level 3 and fire a volley of rockets at the sniper bot.
>Let the sentry return to its own programming immediately after. Heavy and Medic could use the covering fire, after all.
>Check its damage and ammo levels while we're at it. Give it a good smack with a wrench if it needs ammo or repair.
>Did we have the forethought to set up our dispenser near us, or will we need to run for metal soon?


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2019, 11:54:27 PM »
> You pull out your Wrangler and the sentry immediately starts tracking your laser pointer, emitting a much stronger laser of its own with the beam being visible midair.  You push the secondary fire trigger on the joystick like wrangler which causes the sentry to immediately unleash a barrage of rockets.  Meanwhile the sniper is trying to track your head however he fails to lock in before being obliterated by a quadruple rocket barrage.

> You then turn off the Wrangler and the sentry freezes in place while it's electromechanical targeting system resets

> You put away your Wrangler and pull out your PDA and navigate through its menus to your L3 Sentry's status, showing 260 health, 180 rounds and 19 rocket salvos remaining, being a proactive engineer you give it a smack with your Wrench, restoring it to full ammo

> Unlike BLU's engineer you consider yourself to be more of a "turtling engineer" and usually set up your dispenser near your leveled sentry unless your team requests otherwise.  Currently it is right next to your teleporter behind you


  • Seg Fault
Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2019, 08:02:28 AM »
>Monitor the progress of the payload. Will we need to relocate soon?
>Have the bots ever tried to deploy a tank, or a modified one, for defensive purposes? We're not normally on the offense against them, so it might be good to know if we should expect any armor that may or may not contain miniature nukes.
>What is scout doing right now?
>Do our sentries have a level of sentience or a "personality" at times when we build them, or are they all basically the same?


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2019, 04:30:13 PM »
> You estimate there aren't that many robots left in the current wave so you'll likely be able to push and gain some ground in between waves meaning you'll need to move your gear up soon.

> The robots will occasionally deploy a salvaged tank on rails to act as a roadblock for the payload cart, however these are harmless and don't contain explosives.  Additionally you haven't seen any today

> Scout has his traditional Fan O'War out and is ready to mark-for-death any large or threatening robots that come his way

> Occasionally you feel like they do, even though you don't know of any scientifically proven sentient machines.  This wont stop you from avenging a downed sentry (especially with crits), which gives you a dopamine hit nothing can close to matching.
> You have spent a great deal of time researching on how to make your sentries smarter and have come to the conclusion it would be extremely difficult with the current technology without making the sentry much larger and more costly to build.  Your first goal was to give your sentries the ability to lead their targets as the majority of rocket salvos are wasted on moving targets and your long term goal was to build a sentry that knows when not to shoot.  As counter intuitive as it may sound there's many cases where the sentry is better off not drawing attention, like shooting at invincible targets or knocking a target our of Sniper's scope.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2019, 02:22:03 AM »
>Did we bring our Rancho Relaxo?
>What about our Jumping Jack?


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2019, 02:53:19 AM »
// Your "taunts" or "actions" aren't items but skills and hence aren't listed in your inventory.

> Would you ever leave home without it?

> What self respecting engineer forgets to bring his jackhammer to the job site?

> You keep all your entertainment gear in your Toolbox


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2019, 08:16:32 PM »
>Have we ever fought people who aren't mercs?  How about Japanese people?
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #18 on: September 05, 2019, 08:42:33 PM »
>If we literally have nothing to do right now, consider deploying Rancho Relaxo until we need to move up or another spy or sniper decides to bother us.


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2019, 11:03:38 PM »
>Have we ever fought people who aren't mercs?  How about Japanese people?

> You've had your share of Texas bar fights, however not with weapons like you fight on the job with.  Miss Pauling (and previously the Administrator) know very well that the majority of you can't keep your heads cool if someone challenges you, so they ensure you never have much free time when your assignments involve traveling.  Just imagine what would happen if someone criticized America with Soldier around!

>If we literally have nothing to do right now, consider deploying Rancho Relaxo until we need to move up or another spy or sniper decides to bother us.

> You hit "Rancho Relaxo" on your PDA and throw down your toolbox which starts assembling itself into a lawn chair with an umbrella and several beer bottles appear on the table next to it, after which you take a seat and relax.  As you are sitting and enjoying your Red Shed your sentry destroys a few Scoutbots that attempt to flank from the window

> Miss Pauling announces "Mission ends in 60 seconds" just as Heavy manages to push past the center point and into the final stretch


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2019, 05:34:25 AM »
>Who exactly are we currently contracted with?

>Is there anyone among our currrent associates whom we trust the most, or the least?

>Who would we accept orders from?
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2019, 06:38:42 AM »
>Who exactly are we currently contracted with?

>Is there anyone among our currrent associates whom we trust the most, or the least?

>Who would we accept orders from?

> Your original (and lifelong) contract is with Reliable Excavation & Demolition known as RED, which is currently a subsidiary of Mann Co. which is a subsidiary of TF Industries

> You'd trust everyone with your life (not that that means much considering you have an infinite amount of them!).  Jokes aside when you've worked together for so many years you practically know each other's thoughts at this point!

> Your team always accepted orders from Helen the Administrator, Miss Pauling and Redmond Mann however since last of the three is deceased and having no idea what became of the first, leaves Miss Pauling as the CEO of TF Industries.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2019, 08:53:13 PM »
>Are we confident that our team can get the payload to destination in time.
>What happens if we run out of time? Will the payload detonate prematurely, or would it just sorta stay idle on the tracks like whenever BLU loses payload?


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2019, 10:05:42 PM »
> Having years of robot (and BLU) fighting experience you can confidently say they will reach the robot base provided the bots don't have have an ace up their sleeves (Which they most likely don't seeing how desperate they are!)

> BLU's payload carts were designed to only detonate after being derailed or if their internal odometer measured over a certain distance after accounting for rollbacks, these were safety measures put in by BLU to ensure their base didn't get blown up if they got spawn camped.  Unfortunately due to time constraints you only managed to wire an alarm clock to the payload, meaning it will detonate prematurely if it does not reach the end of the line, fortunately though there is a snooze button which will reset the time to 5 seconds as long as someone can hold it down.

> As you are relaxing on your lawnchair you hear Heavy shout "Move machine up!" from outside the main building


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2019, 03:15:48 AM »
>Gotta move that gear up.
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2019, 06:54:57 AM »
>Gotta move that gear up.
>Hope that we don't attract a bunch of scout bots by announcing our intent.

> You pack up your sentry and announce to your team mates you're "movin' out"

> You move your sentry to just behind the Payload to provide cover fire for Heavy and Medic who are in the final stretch.  After your sentry safely reaches its 3rd level you summon your dispenser using your Rescue Ranger as to not leave your sentry unprotected.  Right after reaching level 3 the sentry starts locking onto some Heavy-bots and Force-A-Nature scouts in the distance and tears them to bits.

> As you were whacking your sentry with your wrench to speed up its assembly the signature "alert" sound of your PDA went off, notifying you that one of your buildings needs attention


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2019, 07:03:11 AM »
>Which one is it?
>Is it damage? Low ammo? Spah sappin'?


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #28 on: September 10, 2019, 07:10:20 AM »
> You look at your PDA and see nothing wrong?!

> You think it's unlikely to have been a sapper, as you'd instinctively (your teammates claim telepathically) know (and say) that a spy's sapping your buildings


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Re: Payload Gensokyo
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2019, 08:38:38 AM »
>Wonder if our pda is getting faulty... how long has it been since we last updated it again?
>Visually glance at where our teleporter exit was. If we see that it's in danger, then rescue ranger it to us if possible.