Author Topic: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (NOW RECRUITING PLAYERS FOR INCIDENT!)  (Read 216124 times)


Touhou has spored its way to just about every genre and form of merchandise imaginable, but it oddly doesn't have a huge presence in tabletop gaming circles. This is partly due to the paper-and-pen RPG scene in Japan being vibrant-but-small and only a few of its gems having been translated and brought stateside (shameless pimp: Tenra Bansho Zero is friggin' boss).

Aside from fanmade hacks to put Touhou characters in existing games like Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 and the like, there have been two paper-and-pen Touhou RPGs of note:

Touhou Danmaku Yuugi Flowers. It is nigh-unplayable and as far as the "role-playing" elements goes it features precious little info on Gensokyo, which is a shame as it's a rather unique setting. On the plus side, the illustrations are wonderful and feature character fanart from some of the big names in the Touhou doujin scene in Japan.

The other, better one is Tales of Phantasmal Land, featuring point-buy character generation, a ton more races, and some unique character mechanics, some of which are amusingly unique, others of which need work.

However, Tales of Phantasmal Land is at least playable and has promise, and features spell cards as a much more meaningful (and playable) mechanic.

To that end, our very own Ikari of these forums has made it a personal project to gut the parts that didn't work, balance the parts that were off, and add things that make the game more canon, more playable, and more fun.

With a boon of free time coming up in my near future, I plan on helping assist him to make it the best damn Touhou RPG we've got on either side of the Pacific right now, and one well worth playing at that.

To that end I will let him explain himself the changes he has made. Take it away, Ikari!
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 06:35:35 AM by Wild Witchy West »


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Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2012, 04:36:23 AM »
Aww, thank you! Looks like my math homeworks will have to wait. I'll do these in segments, for easier reading


Here is the list of every topic that was discussed through this thread so far.

Stats: This very post.
Fandom Points:,13885.msg919087.html#msg919087
Character Creation:,13885.msg919092.html#msg919092
Character Sheet So Far:,13885.msg924062.html#msg924062
Miscellaneous Rules:,13885.msg919099.html#msg919099
Common Sense/Gensokyo's Rules:,13885.msg919932.html#msg919932
Money and Items:,13885.msg926293.html#msg926293
Artifacts/Precious Things/Relics:,13885.msg926293.html#msg926293

Bonus: Ethan's MAGEEK DICE ROLL:,13885.msg922558.html#msg922558


First of all, the stat system was an horrible mess. The way it worked is; ''Spend x fandom points to raise a stat by 1, where x is the current stat + 1''.

If you've ever played an rpg, you know min-maxing is a sure death. The stat up system indirectly encourages you to do so. For example, you have 2 initially in everything, and you can spend 12 points through 6 stats. Let's make math, kay?

Let's say our goal is reaching 8 in every stat, to make a very strong, balanced character. Let's make character A and B.

stat 1: 2
stat 2: 6
stat 3: 2
stat 4: 6
stat 5: 2
stat 6: 6

Now, to get to 8 in every stat, if you do the math, character A would require 198 points.

Stat 1: 4
Stat 2: 4
Stat 3: 4
Stat 4: 4
Stat 5: 4
Stat 6: 4

To get 8, character B would require 210 points. It's a small difference, but that's only when aiming for a general amount of points; Basically, the more you min-max, the less points you spend. It's weirdly done.

The new stat system

It works with good old fashioned levels, with or without exp (depending on your likings) You once again start with 2 in everything, get 12 points to spend, and get 2 stats point to spend per level. Very simple, effective, and doesn't encourages min-maxing.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2012, 09:53:19 PM by Ikari »


Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2012, 04:39:45 AM »
I'd like to note that naturally it's recommended to read and understand Phantasmal Land's normal rules before checking out Ikari's rules so you know what's being stacked here.


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Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2012, 04:45:30 AM »
^ What Alliterator said. Read Phantasmal Land, and then this. We may rewrite it fully if we have determination and time once we set all the new rules, but that's for later.


While it was an excellent concept by itself, it's very lacking when it comes to one major point; Giving the points.

The original version has an insanely awkward way of gaining them, by making players borrow them by taking bad stuff, gain them when doing said bad stuff (like being lazy), etc. It's silly, and encourages the player to milk that problem, making it very bizarre and boring.

The new version is to give a fixed 15 fan points at the character creation and give them to players based purely on their accomplishments and participations. You stopped Flandre from destroying the world? Good for you, here's a whole bunch of them. You did a small quest for Reimu? Here's a little amount of them. It's more of a way to encourage player to do greater things, and also capping naturally the amount they gain; If they start the game, they won't be able to do grandiose things, limiting them to lower fandom points gains, and thus increasing said gains by doing greater things as they level up.

Again, spending them on fixed spells and stuff isn't a good idea; If you're open-minded enough, let players propose things against fandom points and act like it was actual currency.

- Letting players start with a custom artifact
- Having a unique, home-made spell
- Be a unique case (for example, being a satori who cut off his third eye)


  • I'm just so charismatic
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Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2012, 04:47:52 AM »

It was an horrible, horrible thing and you should die if you think it was a great idea.

This was completely scrapped out.  There's no traces of it left.


Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2012, 04:52:27 AM »


Did wardrobe ever have ANY mechanical impact in the games?

No. No it didn't. Away with the Aesthetics mechanic!


  • I'm just so charismatic
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Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2012, 04:56:08 AM »

A character sheet will be made later for your convenience, as the one in Phantasmal Land was awkward. For now, let's discuss what will be removed.

- Have +15 yen when starting the game by paying 1 fan point (for obvious reasons. It'll cost you a LOT more now.)
- A main attack: That's basically saying ''YOU'LL ALWAYS ATTACK IN THE SAME FASHION. DEAL WITH IT''. So, yeah, no.

...Yeah. Now for the added things:

- A power: This will allow the player to have, like every Touhou character ever made, a theme. You can't be a Kitsune who can cast fire magic, summon dolls, use swords and summon water elementals. A power is basically a theme for your character in the form of the usual vague Touhou power. Classes such as magicians will have ''magic'' as their power, but with a theme. It can be a single element, it can be a set, just make it so it's themed and makes you unique.

- Pre-set abilities like cooking, fishing, etc... Those require fan points, will start low except under special conditions (like being a gardening youkai), OR being a human, which will be explained later.


  • I'm just so charismatic
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Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2012, 05:02:57 AM »

Things that will be changed here and here without belonging in a set category.

- The rule that says ''Your spellcard must have a deep meaning''. I mean, it'll be highly recommended, but absolutely necessary? No. Feel free to make simple spells. You'll look childish, but that's fine.

- The hat rule. I... I can't even begin to explain why it was a stupid idea. ''You don't have a hat, you have -1 life''. What.

- The drinking rule become optional. Getting bonus points by being drunk can make the game a fun drinking game, but making it absolute it silly.

- The difficulties are now more subjective. No bonus or penalties, the GM will shape the spellcards and adventures with the difficulty you feel like playing.

- The ''no melee'' rule. While it DOES work in the traditional Touhou, it can makes some characters boring to play with, as classes like Onis rely on physical attacks, and saying ''I throw x color bullets because... that's all I have'' is very sad.

- The whole damn point system is silly as fuck. It's completely removed. It doesn't deserve to exist in a Touhou RPG.

This section may re-appear later on, as there are many silly rules.


  • I'm just so charismatic
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Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2012, 05:05:51 AM »
Stay tuned for a (possibly downloadable, due to it's sheer size) class list later on. Some of them are just OP while others are a real joke.


Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2012, 05:25:12 AM »
- The ''no melee'' rule. While it DOES work in the traditional Touhou, it can makes some characters boring to play with, as classes like Onis rely on physical attacks, and saying ''I throw x color bullets because... that's all I have'' is very sad.

Doesn't Suika just take the best of both worlds and use danmaku made from torn-up boulders?


  • I'm just so charismatic
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Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2012, 05:27:25 AM »
Doesn't Suika just take the best of both worlds and use danmaku made from torn-up boulders?

Yeah, Suika just did a huge middle finger to that, but I was thinking of Yuugi.

No seriously, before DS, her spellcards were like Flandre's; Oh it's a pattern alright, but good luck guessing what the hell she's throwing at you. (Aside from the Mt. Ooe thing.)


Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2012, 05:31:33 AM »
Yeah, Suika just did a huge middle finger to that, but I was thinking of Yuugi.

No seriously, before DS, her spellcards were like Flandre's; Oh it's a pattern alright, but good luck guessing what the hell she's throwing at you. (Aside from the Mt. Ooe thing.)

Ahhhhhh, okay.

* Purple-haired Pacifistic Pasuhead apparently needs to play the photo games more


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Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2012, 10:21:56 PM »
This sounds like a pretty good  idea so far! I've been using Tales of Phantasmal Land myself, so I've noticed some of the brokenness (like the skills, which get way too many bonuses in my opinion). I can't wait to see the final result.

On a different subject, what are your profile pics and where can I find them because they look so cute!  :3
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2012, 10:23:11 PM »
On a different subject, what are your profile pics and where can I find them because they look so cute!  :3

Awaken, brethern, and behold the glory that is your birthright.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 10:25:42 PM by Purple-haired Pacifistic Pasuhead »


  • I'm just so charismatic
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Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2012, 11:34:38 PM »
...I think all of MoTK is going to be converted.


Y'know, you probably noticed how most classes were either broken or insanely weak and useless. Not anymore! I've tweaked things AND created a whole bunch of classes, including special ones that allow veterans to heavily change their gameplay.

I'll skip over the classes that haven't changed at all, so unless specified, I haven't taken out any classes in the game.

Nekomata: Added bonus; Any form of dark magic receives a +2 roll, excluding attacks.

Rabbit Youkai: Changed the cooldown from 1 day to x time. It depends on your style of playing; You can stick to the Touhou style (barely a day for an incident) or a full blown out campaign. (several days) and change it according to it. I recommend once per few hours.

Spider youkai: Same as the rabbit youkai, the cooldown is subject to change.

Artifact Spirits: They now are unique as they don't need any form of food nor drinks, aren't affected by the weather or general exterior factors. On the other side, they need to feed off a particular emotion from humans.

Poltergeist: They had no powers. Now they can create illusionary sounds at will. (Like the spell, but with no cooldown)

New challenger: Nagashi-Bina (Curse Doll)

Ability: Wheel of Sorrow: During battle or in a very crowded area, can spend a turn collecting misfortune around them (or an hour if out of battle). Every misfortune collection gives them a misfortune counter. They are unnaffected by penalties caused by luck and turn the penalty into a misfortune counter. (For example, if a rabbit youkai uses their power on them, they gain +2 misfortune counter and are unaffected). They can use their misfortune counters to give people around them penalties on their rolls. They can spend as many counters in one shot as they wish. Each counter adds a -1 penalty. The maximum amount of misfortune counters available is the same as their Might stat.

Playstyle: It's meant to be a direct counter to luck based abilities, and a bane for dice rolls. They'll bring despair wherever they appear and will make every dice throw a real nightmare. They certainly need help to do so, as a -2 penalty requires 2 wasted turn. Defensive, they are meant to be played carefully.

Ghosts: Since continues aren't widely used, they also gain a new power: They can phase through solid walls that weren't exorcised to prevent any ghosts from approaching it. That gives them a whole new way to explore the world to their whims.

Half-Ghosts: They had no powers. It was sad. They now have one! They can attack twice per turn, once physically with their human half, once magically with their ghost half. A powerful ability, it also has many drawbacks; for one, their human half MUST be at melee range to attack and two, they must pay 1.5 times what others pay to increase the number of basic attacks they can do.

Humans: A whole new class, in a way. Forget everything about the Phantasmal land. Humans are meant to be some sort of Hard Mode, or a peaceful mode. (It's an oxymoron, hah!) Humans start with only 8 stat points to spend in their character creation and cannot use danmaku, thus must find various ways to attack from afar or using spellcards. On the bright side, if they turn into youkais later, they get +6 stat points to spend. Humans also have a big advantage; They start as a member of the human society (unless the player does not wish so), and usually with a job. Thus, humans can start with a journeyman-like level in a specific skill (like making food, or gardening) and with a job that actually gives them income. It's closer to real life than Touhou.
IMPORTANT: Mikos are NOT classified as humans. Please read on.

New challenger: Shrine Maidens

Abilities: Divine Link: Shrine Maidens start the game with no spellcards, spells or abilities. They must go on a pilgrimage to find a god that they will bind themselves to, and become their shrine maiden. Every god gives different bonuses and powers, along with a theme for their spellcards. The GM can make up gods and make up bonuses for already existing ones. Furthermore, the God class for players (explained later) will allow God-player to link themselves with a Miko-player, something that will be extremely useful for both of them.

Gameplay: Mikos are meant to act as servants to their gods and will act on their behalf. The class itself is impossible to define because of the infinite amount of gods available and multiple powers and bonuses they give. This class can become tremendously fun if they bind themselves to a god-player, allowing a bond of trust to be made between the two.

New Challenger: Celestials

Abilities: Poisonous Blood: A trivial skill, it makes every youkai who drinks a Celestial's blood from its veins lose a life and fall unconscious for an hour.
Iron Skin: Celestials cannot be harmed by non-combat attacks. This means every natural hazards or traps will become trivial and barely cause a scratch, allowing them to take a landslide to the face without any life loss, or get a tree branch in the face without any harm.

Gameplay: Due to their abilities, they are meant to cancel out non-battles tricks, making them only defeatable through a danmaku duel. Fair play is the name of the game when you're a celestial.

New Challenger: Hakutakus

Ability: History Manipulation: Once every night (and this is not debateable), Hakutakus can prevent a dice roll before it actually happens and decide the outcome completely. (The GM has the rights to refuse a certain change, however)

Gameplay: A class that will look over-powered at first, then weak in practice, its potential depends heavily on the user; this ability can cause life-changing events... or a mere annoyance.

New Challenger: Kashas

Ability: Nekoromancy: Once per scenario, a Kasha can resurrect a corpse as a faithful servant. The corpse will copy the player's stats -1, including lives. They will not have any bombs nor spellcards. If a player is reduced to 0 lives, the Kasha can resurrect them as if they were a corpse.

Gameplay: A very strategic class, it all depends on how you manage your minion; If you make him run straight into a fight, your once-per-scenario ability is ruined. If you carefully plan your moves, it can be a very useful ally. The flaw in this ability is the need for a corpse in your surroundings, and of course, people's reaction to Necromancy.

New Challenger: Tanukis

Ability: Transformation: Tanukis can, once per hour, change their appearance, which will function exactly like its spell counterpart. A very simple spell with many possibilities.

Gameplay: Simple as simple can be, Tanukis are meant to be what they are; Tricksters using their shape-shifting abilities. In the hands of a skilled player, the tanuki can be scarily strong, if not in the way you'd expect them to be.

New Challenger: Nues

Ability: Non-Identification: Their ability allows them to change an object into another every hour, tricking every 5 senses into thinking it's actually what it seems to be. It cannot act like the object it's meant to look at, though, making it dangerous to use.

Gameplay: Works like a more complicated version of the Tanuki, it allows the player to cause mischief in many ways. The wits of the player will directly affect the power of this race.


Those classes require the GM permission, as they require maturity and experience.


- Mind Reading: Players who are satoris will carry a notepad with them. Whenever they're close enough to someone, they will write whatever they want to know on the paper and the other player is forced to answer to every questions truthfully without taking out any details. This ability is impossible to prevent in any way, and allow the player to know every person he faces perfectly.
- Recollection: Once per day, a Satori can cast a spell which, during their turn, will recollect every memories of a player, allowing them to copy someone. Either they copy all of the target's spellcards, or all of the spellcards of a foe the target has fought in the last day.

- Satoris are hated through all of Gensokyo, preventing them from ever making any allies or friends, unless a very special case comes up. The GM must and will make sure that no other players can ignore this problem and befriend the Satori.
- They do not have any spellcards, leaving them powerless if they cannot find someone to recollect.


- Faith Meter: Gods cannot level up or gain stats through any means aside from this power. Gods' strength will go up as their faith meter goes up, giving them 1 stat point to spend for every 5 faith points they have. Every followers the God will have will grant them a faith point. The goal of every gods is thus to gain followers. The player starts with an initial 10 faith points.
- Miracles: Gods can spend their Faith Meter to cast powerful spells, called Miracles. The strength of the miracle will depend on the faith used, and it will require the player to discuss with the GM to define its cost. Miracles MUST be directly related to the god's domain. A fire god can thus only accomplish fire miracles.

- You will lose followers if you do anything rash or cause harm to the human community, and you will thus require a shrine maiden to accomplish certain tasks should the need arise. Miracles are also meant to be used to help those who pray you and give you their faith.
- If your faith meter reaches 0, your character will be erased forever without any chances of getting it back or to create a similar character. You will officially be banned from the God class as well.


Abilities: None. That's right. The youkai class is a blank sheet for players, allowing them to unleash their creativity and to make a unique character. No limits, no restrictions. They will start the game with a bonus 5 fan points for their customization needs. Obviously, it requires experience and imagination to use such a class.

Drawbacks: None, except that if the player lacks creativity, this class can quickly turn into a disaster of OOC-ness and horrible characterization. The GM has the right to refuse this class to you if he judges you are not imaginative and mature enough to make your own race.

Beast Youkai

Abilities: Similar to the youkai class, it's simply giving the player the chance to pick their favorite animal and make a youkai class out of it. They do have default abilities though.
Animal Form: Allows the player to switch to their animal form, giving some form of bonus, but preventing any actions.
Animalistic Ability: A bonus ability based on the animal you were before. Must be discussed and defined along with the GM.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 01:06:40 AM by Ikari »


Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2012, 12:35:06 AM »
You forgot the Yama class, bro! :getdown:

Also, best part of the new classes is that they actually allow for different approaches to problems. The old classes...Well, even when the abilities weren't underpowered, they didn't add much to the characters. (Also, the Half-Ghost's original ability was that you could do things like use the Ghost half to safely snoop around corners, but I think I like the new one far more.)

That much said, isn't Houjuu Nue implied to be one-of-a-kind in the Touhou universe? (Not that canon should stop us if it makes the game more fun.)

EDIT: And in case you're wondering why there's no Hermit class, it's because according to the Touhou lore they'd be nigh-unplayable---one hour a day of game time to actually get anything done in the world does not a fun time make.

Your best bet is to play a Human and get equipped with Taoism (which is another thing that Ikari will explain).
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 12:47:20 AM by Purple-haired Pacifistic Pasuhead »


  • I'm just so charismatic
  • It's turning into derp
Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2012, 12:57:14 AM »
That much said, isn't Houjuu Nue implied to be one-of-a-kind in the Touhou universe? (Not that canon should stop us if it makes the game more fun.)

Nue's are indeed implied to be more of a shape-shifter race, but that would make it too similar to the tanukis; That's why I highly recommend Nue players to use themed shape-shifting as their abilities and the object shape-shift as an extra, to contrast with the Tanukia who's extra is to shapeshift.

You forgot the Yama class, bro! :getdown:

It's more of a joke class! :V

Your best bet is to play a Human and get equipped with Taoism (which is another thing that Ikari will explain).

Indeed, it's my next goal on the list!


Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2012, 01:06:37 AM »
Nue's are indeed implied to be more of a shape-shifter race, but that would make it too similar to the tanukis; That's why I highly recommend Nue players to use themed shape-shifting as their abilities and the object shape-shift as an extra, to contrast with the Tanukia who's extra is to shapeshift.

Ah. Er...Well, I meant isn't there supposed only be one nue---as in one creature CALLED the nue---in Touhou? In that nue is a species but Houjuu Nue is the only member of said species?

It's more of a joke class! :V

Any class that lets me tell the other players what horrible people they are = best class! :getdown: :getdown: :getdown:


  • I'm just so charismatic
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Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2012, 01:11:27 AM »
Ah. Er...Well, I meant isn't there supposed only be one nue---as in one creature CALLED the nue---in Touhou? In that nue is a species but Houjuu Nue is the only member of said species?

...Good point. We could take the class out if it bugs anyone, as it would go somewhat against vague canon. There's a lot of other things available anyway.

Any class that lets me tell the other players what horrible people they are = best class! :getdown: :getdown: :getdown:

Indeed! <3


Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2012, 01:20:13 AM »
Oh yeah, did throw out the Cunning lockdown for fairies, or are we sticking with Fairies unilaterally being varying degrees of morons? :V

Also, I think to make Poltergeists more interesting they must perform a certain action X number of times per day that relates to something they did in their time amongst the living. Matches well with their origins and makes them a counterpart of sort to Artifact Spirits.

Speaking of which, how do they work given that you viciously remodelled the Fandom Point mechanics?

Also also, the Construct class in the book kinda confuses me as it doesn't list any characters as examples.

Also also also, I'm guessing Jiang-shi wouldn't be a class given that they're dependent on external orders and have fairy-grade IQ?


  • I'm just so charismatic
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Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2012, 01:29:20 AM »
Oh yeah, did throw out the Cunning lockdown for fairies, or are we sticking with Fairies unilaterally being varying degrees of morons? :V

Oh we're totally keeping the moron thing. You want to be a fairy? You're gonna be a fairy :smug:

Also, I think to make Poltergeists more interesting they must perform a certain action X number of times per day that relates to something they did in their time amongst the living. Matches well with their origins and makes them a counterpart of sort to Artifact Spirits.

I totally agree, except that would go with the class description and how you should logically play it, thus being less of a rule and more of an expectation. I wouldn't make it a set rule, but rather a heavy recommendation and expectation for Poltergeist players.

Speaking of which, how do they work given that you viciously remodelled the Fandom Point mechanics?

Remember the contruct thing? That was supposed to include the classes that follow. (Thus artifact spirit and poltergeist were included in that). You're right though, their skill are now indeed ineffective, leaving them only with the fact they don't need anything to survive other than feeding off an emotion. I guess they ARE weak youkais, so I don't think it's such an unfair move. If you think of an ability to give them, be my guest  ???

Also also also, I'm guessing Jiang-shi wouldn't be a class given that they're dependent on external orders and have fairy-grade IQ?

Jiang-Shi would indeed not work as a race, but it'll be a state! You may be turned into a zombie and controlled by someone!


Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2012, 03:25:11 AM »
Oh we're totally keeping the moron thing. You want to be a fairy? You're gonna be a fairy :smug:


I totally agree, except that would go with the class description and how you should logically play it, thus being less of a rule and more of an expectation. I wouldn't make it a set rule, but rather a heavy recommendation and expectation for Poltergeist players.

Remember the contruct thing? That was supposed to include the classes that follow. (Thus artifact spirit and poltergeist were included in that). You're right though, their skill are now indeed ineffective, leaving them only with the fact they don't need anything to survive other than feeding off an emotion. I guess they ARE weak youkais, so I don't think it's such an unfair move. If you think of an ability to give them, be my guest  ???

Ohhh, okay, I read the entry box wrong then.

Maybe make it so that poltergeists get some sort of bonus if they accomplish a ghostly goal, and have them start out with some ghostly goals to aim for? Like "return family heirloom to rightful place" or something like that?

OTOH I'd have to wonder whether that would be more fitting for the actual ghost class, though given that Touhou ghosts don't seem to be of the unfinished-business/Indian-burial-mound type maybe it wouldn't be fitting.

Jiang-Shi would indeed not work as a race, but it'll be a state! You may be turned into a zombie and controlled by someone!

Fair enough. It beats boring ol' stock status effects like "poison" "sleep" "stone" by a long shot.

EDIT: ALSO! Remember how I was talking about Shrine Maidens and there being a need for a miko-esque-but-not-quite class for characters like Shou? PM me, I think I'm onto the solution.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 03:29:14 AM by Purple-haired Pacifistic Pasuhead »


  • I'm just so charismatic
  • It's turning into derp
Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2012, 03:33:44 AM »
Self-Bump for Great Justice.


Yeah, Phantasmal Land did not include any religious system. Can't blame it, I guess.

I've created 3 religions (or rather, adapted them to the game) that players can optionally stick to.

Shinto: The easy, all-around religion with little effort, little gain.

Buddhism: Youkai-aimed religion, large effort, large gain.

Taoism: Human-aimed religion, very large effort, very large gain.


A very easy religion, in which both youkai and humans can participate easily in different ways. Humans will pray the gods, and get a random amount of divine energy. The GM will randomly trigger and spend that divine energy to bless you with miracles if the god you pray is an NPC, or it will simply act as a gauge for how good you are for the god and thus convince him to grant you gifts if it's a player god. A simple prayer, maybe a little shrine visiting once in a while, will do. Youkais have to actually visit the god and accomplish tasks, make a pact or other negotiation to receive their miracles, as youkai faith doesn't do much to Shinto gods.


A youkai oriented religion which consists of the youkai doing an heel face turn to their youkai nature, and actively try to make peace with humans, meditate, go to the Myouren temple to recite sutras, and accomplish other various tasks for aforementioned temple. It'll require dedication and will turn you into some sort of more human-accepted youkai. The gifts it'll bring you are more concrete than Shinto; Humans will fear you less and you'll gain buddhist abilities later on, ranging from the very simple ability to meditate to calm your spirit and attune to your surrounding, up to more concrete abilities, all the way to being able to accomplish the sacred ability that is syncretism, that is, the ability to summon gods from your very being for a special spell.


Pretty much a human-only religion, it has a strict code of conduct, requires more dedication than any other religions, but gives you a tremendous amount of advantages. First of all, you'll need to convince the DJ-Miko crew to teach you the way of Taoism, namely Seiga. Then, you'll need to rigorously follow the rules and traditions of Taoism, that is to free yourself from your human nature and become an hermit, albeit a tweaked one; Like Seiga, you'll become an hermit when it comes to your abilities and strength, but do not have to completely bind yourself to the whole set of rules.

What's the point of all that anyway? As a human-magical being, you are now stronger physically, live longer, have magical powers and can hold a fight against most youkai.

On the down side, you are now actively hunted by wild youkais, have to follow a conduct code and will be hunted once per year by a shinigami.

OTOH I'd have to wonder whether that would be more fitting for the actual ghost class, though given that Touhou ghosts don't seem to be of the unfinished-business/Indian-burial-mound type maybe it wouldn't be fitting.

That sounds like evil spirit buisness. And that race is hardly clear at all, if even playable.


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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  • Harbingers, yo.
Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2012, 04:06:58 AM »
Somehow, in the hours between now and when I first saw this, this has become even more amazing. Keep it up!
The religion thing seems well thought out so far. Perfect for those who want a little religious conflict (and religious roleplaying opportunity, of course) before Hopeless Masquerade.

P.S.: So Pasu. Yeah. Cuter than my old "Koishi gonna screw up yo mind" pic.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • I'm just so charismatic
  • It's turning into derp
Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2012, 04:11:09 AM »
Somehow, in the hours between now and when I first saw this, this has become even more amazing. Keep it up!
The religion thing seems well thought out so far. Perfect for those who want a little religious conflict (and religious roleplaying opportunity, of course) before Hopeless Masquerade.

Thank you! I actually thought of all of that myself during my free time.

I...procrastinate a lot.

P.S.: So Pasu. Yeah. Cuter than my old "Koishi gonna screw up yo mind" pic.

It's lovely!


Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2012, 06:34:51 AM »
Leaving this IRC quote here for posterity:

Quote from: Ikari
We're in Gensokyo, fucks are given in the form of battles.

EDIT: Hey Ikari, I think for the character sheet spellcards and everything related to them should be on a separate second page and name/stats/skills/character info should be on the first.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 06:55:28 AM by Purple-haired Pacifistic Pasuhead »


  • I'm just so charismatic
  • It's turning into derp
Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #26 on: December 06, 2012, 07:07:43 AM »
Leaving this IRC quote here for posterity:

EDIT: Hey Ikari, I think for the character sheet spellcards and everything related to them should be on a separate second page and name/stats/skills/character info should be on the first.

Yeah, since I expect players to have a bunch of them later in game. Obviously it'll have it's own page, for easier re-printing :D

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #27 on: December 06, 2012, 05:09:09 PM »
I don't normally say stuff like this, but this is getting damn interesting. The guide didn't say anything about how to improve your stats outside of a few items though, which kinda befuddles me. And apparently the only way to get FP is through endearments and stuff. And you need FP to get CP, which you need for spellcards. You also need FP to continue. I get the funny feeling that the system's almost too reliant on it.

I've already got a few character concepts in mind too, which is nice. Too bad I'm all tapped out for incident/campaign material. Which is a Very Sad Thing. (See what I did there?)
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #28 on: December 06, 2012, 06:14:44 PM »
I don't normally say stuff like this, but this is getting damn interesting. The guide didn't say anything about how to improve your stats outside of a few items though, which kinda befuddles me. And apparently the only way to get FP is through endearments and stuff. And you need FP to get CP, which you need for spellcards. You also need FP to continue. I get the funny feeling that the system's almost too reliant on it.

I've already got a few character concepts in mind too, which is nice. Too bad I'm all tapped out for incident/campaign material. Which is a Very Sad Thing. (See what I did there?)
Yeah, I'm liking the looks of this myself, and heck I even mentioned something about a proper P&P DnD style Touhou game  Here, and now this topic pops up, safe to say, I'm keepin my eyes on this :P

Although as I've never played a P&P RPG before, I don't really know how the systems for such games work, though I've been wanting to learn for a while now, but I don't know anywhere nearby that does DnD Tournaments and such, probibly the closest thing to it is Games Workshop that does Warhammer 40k, although I have a feeling Warhammer 40k and DnD don't have much in common as far as rule sets and game mechanics go.

So hopefully when these revised rules are all finished and useable, we can find a way to play online together or something and maybe you guys could help teach me to play? :3
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Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Tales of Phantasmal Land Redux (WIP D&D-style RPG)
« Reply #29 on: December 06, 2012, 06:16:28 PM »
Get in line mate, I'm wanting to learn too y'know. 8)
I got so many character concepts it ain't funny. Which one should I use though? :smokedcheese:
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure