Author Topic: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14  (Read 226870 times)


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Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #390 on: August 17, 2012, 06:40:56 AM »
That's a waste. If nothing else, you should have a planned point where you will bomb, no matter how well it's going. But bombing at the start before any bullets come near you is a waste.

And, was it really necessary to lay into her like that? No need to get angry at people for mistakes.

In a case like UFO, I remember bombing at the start of Sinking Vortex and having nothing come close to me. I wasn't getting angry, I was trying to help. If it seemed like I was getting angry, then my apologies for such. I simply wanted to say that you shouldn't bomb only when it's getting bad unless you know the card well enough that you're relatively confident in your abilities to capture it. A 1cc run is meant to 1cc, not to brag that "I captured X card and didn't bomb Y card that was a pain in my ass". Yes, that's a nice addition to it but safety first if it's a 1cc attempt.

It's not a waste because in most cases from what I see, a few moments after the card starts is when you can damage the boss. I.E. Bombskipping > Dying and losing two reserve mistakes. If the bomb sucks, yes, reserve it. But if it deals a lot of damage, use it to skip cards that you suck at.

Again, never meant to lash out at anyone. I seem to be prone to causing misunderstandings. :V It's just something that should be known to someone (As in an essential, not an "I know this so you should too" situation) trying to 1cc a game because it's rather helpful to get the character with the best bomb for bombskipping purposes.

This is just how I remember it happening. For instance, UFO Needle Reimu's bomb tears through a card like a hot knife through butter.
My profile picture is whimsy until I feel like adding something else.



  • Deranged Collector
Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #391 on: August 17, 2012, 06:58:44 AM »
At what point you can damage a boss varies from game to game. If I recall correctly, UFO let you damage them the instant the Spellcard begins, IN, on the other hand, didn't.
Regardless, if I'm not mistaken, correct timing for Bombs was actually quite important in UFO. I'm not quite sure anymore, but I think that bombing through a Spellcard actually gave your opponent an invincibility-frame of a few seconds on the next pattern if your Bomb lasted through the Spellcard. If your Bomb lasted long enough, you'd still be able to deal damage with it, but with bad timing you'd actually miss out on some damage, so with some Bombs, Reimu-A's for instance, staying away and only finishing the Spellcard or pattern with the last few seconds of the Bomb's duration was a better strategy than others.


  • Bomb ALL the Spellcards!
Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #392 on: August 17, 2012, 03:50:07 PM »
That moment when you die right at the VERY END of Danmaku Paranoia, where the spell has already ended, and yet still lose the spell bonus. But somehow still get the life piece. Dafuq? :3

Also, that moment of slowdown right at the end of Subterranean Rose where you hold on for dear life at the bottom of the screen, but still get hit by one of those roses. FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU-

Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #393 on: August 17, 2012, 06:31:59 PM »
It happened again. On a Last Word, Solo Sakuya has taken more attempts than all 11 other shot-types combined. First it was Blind Nightbird, where she took 184 attempts. And now it's Paschal Moon-Reflecting Satellite Slash, where she has taken over 200 attempts and I still haven't captured. The 2nd most attempts was Magic Team, with 75 attempts, and even THAT was an outlier, considering that the 3rd most attempts was Solo Marisa at 25 attempts. I was just playing awful the day I tried it with Magic Team. But I haven't been playing terribly with Sakuya, it's just way freaking harder than with anyone else.

By my estimation, if I play aggressively, trying to stay under Youmu, I have to survive... around 60 seconds for a capture. So I basically have to do nearly 2/3s of a timeout for a capture with Solo Sakuya. That's bullshit. Solo Sakuya is terrible. Like I said last time this happened, she's lucky Remilia is so good, because she is without a doubt the worst human in the game.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 06:36:03 PM by Star King »


Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #394 on: August 17, 2012, 08:08:51 PM »
I recommend trying to shift sides repeatedly, if possible. If it's lasting as long as you say, then the attack does indeed start to change, and the bullets fly diagonally instead of straight up and down. If you keep leading her to the edges and switching sides, there will be considerably less bullets on the screen. That was my experience when timing it out at least. Seemed to make a world of difference.

Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #395 on: August 17, 2012, 08:41:07 PM »
Yeah the bullets start flying diagonally and I can never survive very long when they start doing that, 'cause it goes from easy to insane. I got her health down enough so that the "Enemy" marker starts flashing red ONCE in 200 tries (and died of course).

I didn't think of switching sides because I thought it would be about the same level of clusterfuck everywhere, since the columns are spawned across the entire screen. Are the diagonal bullets vaguely aimed at you or something? I might as well try your suggestion but that way it'll probably take even longer since I'll be staying under Youmu for a smaller amount of time, and will be doing barely any damage :(
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 08:44:37 PM by Star King »


Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #396 on: August 17, 2012, 08:55:29 PM »
If she's at the far side of the screen, the columns don't reach the other side, and they seem to get shorter as they go. (Double checked. It's that they don't reach the bottom of the screen on the far side, so you aren't surrounded the whole time.) Here's the video of it, if want to see it. -

I'm not sure how feasible it is to go from wall to wall for every wave. What I did was right, middle, left, middle, right, etc. I tried to capture it a few times with Sakuya. I'd say to shotgun her as much as you can in the beginning. Maybe start from one side and work your way across, shotgunning the whole time, then fall back and resort to running back and forth. Doing it like that will take much longer than 60 seconds, I think, but it'll probably end before it times out. (Hopefully).
Alternatively, you could try a full aggression approach and shotgun the whole time. It would be much harder, but take less time, so maybe you could luck out.

But yeah. From what I could see capturing that with Sakuya is pretty much the same as timing it out. A nightmare, in other words.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 08:59:12 PM by Zil »


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Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #397 on: August 17, 2012, 09:01:59 PM »
Come back here! That's over 130 million points you're flying away with!

I thought the run was basically over when I ran out of resources to bomb for that last UFO summon... then I managed to summon it anyway, but...


Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #398 on: August 17, 2012, 09:52:58 PM »
EoSD Lunatic NB Attempt: Game over to Gensokyo~ If only I didn't die twice to Meister!


  • Youkai Jesus, Queen of the Monks
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Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #399 on: August 17, 2012, 10:18:08 PM »
I died at Double Black Death Butterfly Hard when Satori's health was very low

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)


  • Spin, Aya, spin!
Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #400 on: August 18, 2012, 12:11:53 AM »

I was so close... so close...

Damn you, UFO... just... damn you...

Game over'd at Devil's Recitation. That's the farthest I've ever made it... I'm sad.
Touhou Normal 1cc's: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, SA, UFO, TD
Touhou Hard Progress - EoSD: Stage 6, PCB: Stage 4, IN: Stage 4, MoF: Stage 4, SA: Stage 3, UFO: Stage 2, TD: Stage 4
Touhou Lunatic Progress - Haha, funny.

"I NEED MORE PRACTICE!!!" - Me at 2 in the morning

I have no name

  • Dodge ALL the bullets
Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #401 on: August 18, 2012, 12:14:46 AM »
Look at the health.  Now at my bombs.  Now at the FPS.
is far worse than a Devil's Recitation death.

Keep at it, you'll get it eventually!


  • Spin, Aya, spin!
Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #402 on: August 18, 2012, 12:28:23 AM »
is far worse than a Devil's Recitation death.

Keep at it, you'll get it eventually!

Wow... that is worse.
Something similar happened to me on Easy mode, cept I died as she was dying.

But I've never even seen Byakuren's final card on Normal...  and ideally, I'd like to 1cc UFO before school starts... which is in like three days...

Touhou Normal 1cc's: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, SA, UFO, TD
Touhou Hard Progress - EoSD: Stage 6, PCB: Stage 4, IN: Stage 4, MoF: Stage 4, SA: Stage 3, UFO: Stage 2, TD: Stage 4
Touhou Lunatic Progress - Haha, funny.

"I NEED MORE PRACTICE!!!" - Me at 2 in the morning


  • i play sometimes
Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #403 on: August 18, 2012, 10:13:29 AM »
I decided today to play as MarisaB on EOSD, because I heard that Master Spark kills spellcards.

I just died three times.

To Cirno.


Damn Marisa speed to hell. (Of course, it could just be my own degeneration in bomb reflexes...)

Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #404 on: August 18, 2012, 03:16:04 PM »
My new computer comes with a new keyboard, and apparently it has a mind on its own that loves making me to keep moving to a direction until death :(
So I can't play touhou with it T_T
Evidence: Die to MB stage 1 repeatedly :(


Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #405 on: August 18, 2012, 03:55:57 PM »
120fps, invisible hitbox (like that matters)

Of course, standard procedure. Start doing well, realize I'm doing well, then fall apart. 110fps is a cakewalk, then 120 is just the magic number. My nerves are jelly.

Oh well. You'll have to excuse me while I rant for bit. Maybe not the right thread for this (perhaps I should view it as an achievement?), but I figure I should say it somewhere. Maybe somebody cares.
I quit. I've got to quit someday, and it may as well be today. I've done what I wanted to do. Now I'm just running around furthering my stupidity. I thought I might last a bit longer, make a two year run of it, but I can't. I quit months ago really, but didn't grasp the truth of it. I've taken them off my computer, the whole nine yards, and I won't go back. I just had to say it here, to finalize it, in a sense. Carry on.


Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #406 on: August 19, 2012, 12:51:43 AM »
I swear Touhou will be the end of me.
I know I can beat UFO. I'm absolutely positive that it's possible.
I've made it to Byakuren's final spell 3 times, alas, to no avail. I just DON'T have enough resources by that point. It's like, I have to capture every card and non-spell she has beforehand, so I have full bombs for her last spell (because, it's impossible that I'd have any lives in stock by the time I get THAT far into Byakuren's fight, so bombing my way through her last spell is my only realistic option), and even before Byakuren, or even stage 6, there's Shou. Shou is the main reason why I don't have anything by the time I get to Byakuren. She takes everythingthing I've worked so hard to build up - my extra extends, my bombs. My good mood.
I just.. it totally frustrates me. That 1CC is so close. I can feel it.. I just can't run that extra mile, to cross the finish line, win that medal, and gloat that I've finally beaten all the Windows Touhou games on Normal.
Oh well. I'll get there eventually, I guess. Practice, practice, practice.

I have no name

  • Dodge ALL the bullets
Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #407 on: August 19, 2012, 12:57:24 AM »
I quit. I've got to quit someday, and it may as well be today. I've done what I wanted to do. Now I'm just running around furthering my stupidity. I thought I might last a bit longer, make a two year run of it, but I can't. I quit months ago really, but didn't grasp the truth of it. I've taken them off my computer, the whole nine yards, and I won't go back. I just had to say it here, to finalize it, in a sense. Carry on.
You pulled off some really ridiculously awesome stuff, incredible job doing what you did, especially considering we've been playing about the same amount of time.  I wish you'd stick around further since you're pretty cool, but sometimes things don't work out that way.
Do you plan on staying around the fandom?
Also what is your secret to improving so rapidly

Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #408 on: August 19, 2012, 02:14:20 AM »
Can't beat Hina on Normal-Hard-Lunatic without losing a life or bomb....


  • Youkai Jesus, Queen of the Monks
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Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #409 on: August 19, 2012, 02:19:36 AM »
Lost my final spare life in Miko's final card before I got a chance to commit suicide as she exploded

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)


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Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #410 on: August 19, 2012, 02:54:28 AM »
120fps, invisible hitbox (like that matters)

Of course, standard procedure. Start doing well, realize I'm doing well, then fall apart. 110fps is a cakewalk, then 120 is just the magic number. My nerves are jelly.

Oh well. You'll have to excuse me while I rant for bit. Maybe not the right thread for this (perhaps I should view it as an achievement?), but I figure I should say it somewhere. Maybe somebody cares.
I quit. I've got to quit someday, and it may as well be today. I've done what I wanted to do. Now I'm just running around furthering my stupidity. I thought I might last a bit longer, make a two year run of it, but I can't. I quit months ago really, but didn't grasp the truth of it. I've taken them off my computer, the whole nine yards, and I won't go back. I just had to say it here, to finalize it, in a sense. Carry on.


I dunno your personal circumstances, but I hope you didn't do anything you'll regret later. People flutter in and out of the community just like that, but it always makes me curious to see that Touhou is something you "quit," like it's a drug. Even after I completed my ultimate goal with Touhou, it's not something I could ever "quit." It's fun, right? That's why we started playing it in the first place, and is something we may find fun again even after we get tired of it.

 Kinda sad to see you go, but that's how it is, yeah? Take care, and feel free to come back any time.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 02:56:57 AM by nintendonut888 »
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


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Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #411 on: August 19, 2012, 03:32:56 AM »
I quit. I've got to quit someday, and it may as well be today. I've done what I wanted to do. Now I'm just running around furthering my stupidity. I thought I might last a bit longer, make a two year run of it, but I can't. I quit months ago really, but didn't grasp the truth of it. I've taken them off my computer, the whole nine yards, and I won't go back. I just had to say it here, to finalize it, in a sense. Carry on.

And a week later you're going to be coming back ranting about another Chiyuri PoDD Lunatic run. Nobody quits Touhou. They just take a break and then want to start playing again.

...Right? :ohdear: If I ever say I want to quit, convince me otherwise unless I have a good reason. I'm likely going insane for some other reason if such a situation comes up because I could never quit this series. The last time I went a week without playing Touhou was when I had my old computer and that was because I couldn't play it. My computer sucked that much. I'm going to try as much as I can to last at least four years as a player. The fanbase is brimming enough with people that make stuff that nothing ever gets old. Even if it's not shmups, you could be playing a game like Megamari or Super Marisa World.

Zil, I won't argue with you leaving, just know some of us will miss you coming along and talking about what you were doing in Touhou.

Maybe you're just mad that you fell apart at 120FPS even though everyone and their grandchildren does just that: falling apart at a speed.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 04:34:27 AM by Ace »
My profile picture is whimsy until I feel like adding something else.



  • Deranged Collector
Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #412 on: August 19, 2012, 07:32:34 AM »
120fps, invisible hitbox (like that matters)

Of course, standard procedure. Start doing well, realize I'm doing well, then fall apart. 110fps is a cakewalk, then 120 is just the magic number. My nerves are jelly.

Oh well. You'll have to excuse me while I rant for bit. Maybe not the right thread for this (perhaps I should view it as an achievement?), but I figure I should say it somewhere. Maybe somebody cares.
I quit. I've got to quit someday, and it may as well be today. I've done what I wanted to do. Now I'm just running around furthering my stupidity. I thought I might last a bit longer, make a two year run of it, but I can't. I quit months ago really, but didn't grasp the truth of it. I've taken them off my computer, the whole nine yards, and I won't go back. I just had to say it here, to finalize it, in a sense. Carry on.

It's hard to properly assess what made you do that, but I'm not sure you've done "what you wanted to do", unless you did have a set goal outside of various challenges outside of the games' usual scope, 90FPS and what not.
Regardless of which it was, I'm sure that you did enjoy attempting increasingly difficult challenges, ridiculous objectives or not, but could it be that you're torn between doing it because you enjoy it and doing it because you're forcing yourself to do it due to competitive spirit? Of course, I'm just guessing here, and your posts regarding quitting did have a slight whiff of time-investments being too great, though I guess that all those challenges also put a bit of a strain on your psyche, that's how it would be and is for me at least (though on a much lower level skill-wise), so I can understand your feelings if I'm right here.

Nonetheless, I think you're going too far by saying you're going to quit - regardless of whether you quit because you fear what challenges you're going to unwillingly impose upon yourself or because you just don't enjoy it anymore, I can say without a doubt on my mind that you did enjoy the games at one point or another.

If you say you don't want to play at all, that's perfectly fine, but considering how much you played I'd be hard-pressed to believe that this isn't just a temporary whim.
If you say you don't want to challenge yourself so much anymore because it annoys you how you force yourself despite the effort everything takes, then you should try to work on that first. It's a personality trait and I can vouch for how stressful that mentality can be, but it's nothing you can't work on - in fact, it's something you should work on if it pertains to something you actually enjoy doing, especially if it's ruining that very thing for you.

For instance, I'd be lying if I said that UFO Lunatic did not affect me in a negative way seeing how it was the last factor that made me quit university during a period where I wanted to do so anyway. Granted, in the end, it was for the best, but under ordinary circumstances? No way in hell. Nowadays, I just try to do things that won't turn me into a wreck (unless 14 has a Lunatic Mode on par with UFO, but that's within the scope of the games themselves, so that's fine), clearing difficulties with previously untouched Spellcards, Spellcard Practice (because Wild Carpet is the best Spellcard ever), just something I enjoy, something that lets me have fun - I'm sure there are more than enough things in the games that can let you feel the same way without stress; before you give up on something you enjoy, you should try to find those things once more, I'm sure you'll regret it in the future if you don't. Of course, that depends on your actual motives; I'm just guessing, but if you need help with anything, you can ask me anytime, even more so because you also supported me in a time of need.

That being said, regardless of what you opt for - stay  in touch.



  • Nonsensical
Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #413 on: August 19, 2012, 05:06:12 PM »
I don't understand why I only die to kokkuri-san when I perfect the rest of PCB extra. I capture it consistently when I'm failing...


Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #414 on: August 19, 2012, 07:37:44 PM »
Another failed EoSD NB Attempt
I had 4 lives going into Sakuya. Game over on Killing Doll. I'm tired, maybe some other time.


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Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #415 on: August 19, 2012, 07:43:19 PM »
>Let's randomly try SA Hard for the first time ever!
>Stage 1: a bomb to Kisume, two bombs to Yamame.
>Stage 2: bomb midboss Parsee's nonspell. Somehow pull off a perfect boss Parsee.
>Stage 3: enter with four lives, leave with none.
>Stage 4: Orin keels me.

...better stick to Perfect Cherry Blossom for now.


  • Spin, Aya, spin!
Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #416 on: August 19, 2012, 09:29:03 PM »
I don't believe it. I get closer and closer, only to have everything explode in my face. I knew it was too good to be true when I did a really good job collecting UFOs at the first half of the game. I even got past Shou with 4(?) extra lives. But when the final stage rolled around, I lost one of those lives to the spam at the beginning, so to make up for it, I put all my focus into gathering more bombs. Finally, I came face to face with Byakuren again. This fight was just one mistake after the other, and I even died with bombs in stock once, which robbed me of two extra bombs.

Once again, I was up against Devil's Recitation, and that card was a disaster. I died at the very beginning and bombed twice. When I got to St Nikou's Air Scroll, I had no lives and bombs left and I was feeling incredibly disheartened. It was a miracle that I survived as long as I did before I inevitably game over'd. I applaud you, Byakuren Hijiri. I believe you are the only final boss that has given me this much trouble, requiring me to bomb every single one of your attacks save for the first and second non-spell.

I included a replay for the hell of it, if anyone wants to see.

Excuse me while I go sulk.
Touhou Normal 1cc's: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, SA, UFO, TD
Touhou Hard Progress - EoSD: Stage 6, PCB: Stage 4, IN: Stage 4, MoF: Stage 4, SA: Stage 3, UFO: Stage 2, TD: Stage 4
Touhou Lunatic Progress - Haha, funny.

"I NEED MORE PRACTICE!!!" - Me at 2 in the morning


Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #417 on: August 20, 2012, 02:41:51 AM »
Nonetheless, I think you're going too far by saying you're going to quit - regardless of whether you quit because you fear what challenges you're going to unwillingly impose upon yourself or because you just don't enjoy it anymore, I can say without a doubt on my mind that you did enjoy the games at one point or another.
It's not that I don't enjoy them. In fact, I think I enjoy them more than I ever did, primarily because of the challenges and stuff. For example, that 120fps Mountain of Faith thing. I saw Naut's video, and that inspired me to try it. I had no idea if I'd be able to do it (tbh it looked humanly impossible in the video) and of course it ate me alive at first. But I crept up on it from lower speeds, and "eased my way into it" if you will. I figured it out, got used to the speed, and got the perfect timeout at 110fps, in fact was planning to go beyond 120fps and see just how far I could take it.
Anyway, getting to the point - to call it "fun" would be an understatement. It was unreal. Partly, perhaps, because the realization that I could actually do it put me in a good mood, but mostly it was the sheer exhilaration of it. I played it repeatedly until I started getting worse at it, at which point I quit, and realized (as is usually the case) that I had spent hours on it. Hours doing that one thing. And it bugged me, as it always did, to think about that. I really had to think about it though, and that's what I did. Deciding to quit wasn't just a sudden whim, but the result of serious thinking. I used to play guitar, and piano, but sometime I just stopped playing them. Then there's schoolwork and god knows what else. Things are behind where they should be, and I have to catch them up. My music playing could have been great by now, or so I believe. And it's not that I "sacrificed" those other skills to get good at Touhou. I could have multitasked, and not abandoned everything. I could be on the gravy train, kicking ass on all fronts, but I'm not. (And that's mildly infuriating.)
So yes, I will play Touhou again; it would be a crime against myself if I didn't, but I have to free myself from it first. I have to gain some self control, and repair the damage I've done, however long it takes. A year, maybe more, maybe less, I don't know. But I'll stop this blithering now. I've said more than I had too anyway. This isn't the place for it.

And thanks, you guys, for saying what you did. I wasn't expecting that, and it was nice to read. And sorry for turning this place into my diary. There was no reason for it. No need to make a big deal here.

In any event, yes, I think I'll still hang around here and plague you all with my presence. It's not like I'm dying or anything.

e: And I realize I worded that first post to make it sound like I was just bored. I'm not really that ridiculous.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 04:58:43 AM by Zil »


Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #418 on: August 20, 2012, 02:42:48 AM »
I don't believe it. I get closer and closer, only to have everything explode in my face. I knew it was too good to be true when I did a really good job collecting UFOs at the first half of the game. I even got past Shou with 4(?) extra lives. But when the final stage rolled around, I lost one of those lives to the spam at the beginning, so to make up for it, I put all my focus into gathering more bombs. Finally, I came face to face with Byakuren again. This fight was just one mistake after the other, and I even died with bombs in stock once, which robbed me of two extra bombs.

Once again, I was up against Devil's Recitation, and that card was a disaster. I died at the very beginning and bombed twice. When I got to St Nikou's Air Scroll, I had no lives and bombs left and I was feeling incredibly disheartened. It was a miracle that I survived as long as I did before I inevitably game over'd. I applaud you, Byakuren Hijiri. I believe you are the only final boss that has given me this much trouble, requiring me to bomb every single one of your attacks save for the first and second non-spell.

I included a replay for the hell of it, if anyone wants to see.

Excuse me while I go sulk.

I know EXACTLY how you feel. Byakuren is hard. She just DESTROYS any and all of your resources. What you feel when you fail a Touhou game on the final boss' last attack? It's terrible. I've been there, and I'm sure I'll be there again. Best of luck on 1CC'ing Touhou 12, I'm rooting for you.


  • <Temporary Title>
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Re: Touhou YOU FAILED THINGS Thread 14
« Reply #419 on: August 20, 2012, 03:05:52 AM »
It's not that I don't enjoy them. In fact, I think I enjoy them more than I ever did, primarily because of the challenges and stuff. For example, that 120fps Mountain of Faith thing. I saw Naut's video, and that inspired me to try it. I had no idea if I'd be able to do it (tbh it looked humanly impossible in the video) and of course it ate me alive at first. But I crept up on it from lower speeds, and "eased my way into it" if you will. I figured it out, got used to the speed, and got the perfect timeout at 110fps, in fact was planning to go beyond 120fps and see just how far I could take it.
Anyway, getting to the point - to call it "fun" would be an understatement. It was unreal. Partly, perhaps, because the realization that I could actually do it put me in a good mood, but mostly it was the sheer exhilaration of it. I played it repeatedly until I started getting worse at it, at which point I quit, and realized (as is usually the case) that I had spent hours on it. Hours doing that one thing. And it bugged me, as it always did, to think about that. I really had to think about it though, and that's what I did. Deciding to quit wasn't just a sudden whim, but the result of serious thinking. I used to play guitar, and piano, but sometime I just stopped playing them. Then there's schoolwork and god knows what else. Things are behind where they should be, and I have to catch them up. My music playing could have been great by now, or so I believe. And it's not that I "sacrificed" those other skills to get good at Touhou. I could have multitasked, and not abandoned everything. I could be on the gravy train, kicking ass on all fronts, but I'm not. (And that's mildly infuriating.)
So yes, I will play Touhou again; it would be a crime against myself if I didn't, but I have to free myself from it first. I have to gain some self control, and repair the damage I've done, however long it takes. A year, maybe more, maybe less, I don't know. But I'll stop this blithering now. I've said more than I had too anyway. This isn't the place for it.

And thanks, you guys, for saying what you did. I wasn't expecting that, and it was nice to read. And sorry for turning this place into my diary. There was no reason for it. No need to make a big deal here.

In any event, yes, I think I'll still hang around here and plague you all with my presence. It's not like I'm dying or anything.

Sheesh, Touhou ate away at your life THAT MUCH? I wouldn't mind you quitting at this point, just be sure to start playing again little by little but take it easy when you get everything straightened out, okay?

On that thought, I could have been learning Casket of Stars or White Flag of the Usa Shrine on the piano but noooo I had to keep slacking off and playing Touhou (And getting killed by SoEW Marisa's stupid options (And yes I know they're called Orriries' Suns shut up)). Oh well. I'll save that for when Touhou begins to bore me.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 03:08:10 AM by Ace »
My profile picture is whimsy until I feel like adding something else.
