~Hakurei Shrine~ > Tech Support

Posting Do's and Don'ts (Updated May 4th, 2011)


READ THE RULES, they are very much in-force here!


* Read the general FAQ and use the search function to see if your question is answered
* Make sure you try running the games in Japanese locale (Applocale or non-Unicode setting) and in Windows 98 compatibility mode.
* Make sure you post what operating system you're running and what hardware you have.
* Be polite, concise, and very descriptive, giving as many details as possible when asking for help.  The more information, the better!
* If your issue has been resolved, edit the title of your thread to end with [SOLVED] so that other's may find your fix!
* Please be patient with the troubleshooting process!  Not everyone might have experienced your specific issue yet.

* Ask for support about or discuss pirated downloads, or point to links to pirated downloads.  This is grounds for instant probation/banning.
* Abuse responders or the Tech Support forum, like leading people in circles or posting the same thread multiple times.
* Post sarcastic, abusive, overly edgy or pointless posts or threads.


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