Author Topic: The Wonderous Magical Triumvirate of Gensokyo [Touhou Project/Multiversal RP]  (Read 43233 times)

The Wonderous Magical Triumvirate of Gensokyo

IC Thread(TBD)

Patchouli's thirst for knowledge knows no bound, not even the boundaries of the World itself, let alone Gensokyo's can stop her if she put her mind to it and she did. The Voile Library already contains tablets from the ancient Sumerian civilization when Humanity was united under one banner, the papyrus writings of Ancient China on the mystical arts, the tablets of Ancient Greece, the Persian Empire, the Macedonian Empire, the Roman Empire, the Witch-Queen Nitocris's own personal notes and even to the Middle Ages with Merlin, Vivian, and the Renaissance with the work of Paracelsus, Lavoisier, Faust.

Needless to say that Patchouli's library was immense and to the mere mortals; nearly infinite. She had originally hoped that Gensokyo, the Eastern Wonderland which fascinated her friend Remilia so much would have something more to offer but that proved to be false. In fact, it was a source of headache more often than not. Still, it had allowed her to make the acquaintance of the Seven-Colored Puppeteer Alice Margatroid and the self-proclaimed Ordinary Magician Marisa Kirisame.

The two of them took an interest in Patchouli's new pet project. Each had their own interest in it, for Patchouli it was a new source of knowledge, for Alice it was a way for her to find a solution to her own pet project; a sentient doll, and for Marisa... She was in it for the fun and the merry adventures it brings by consequence. With the explicit permission and supervision of the Grand Sage's servant Ran Yakumo; the spell who would breach the dimensional barrier would not damage the Hakurei Barrier.

What is this?

This is a PbP roleplaying game featuring the following characters; Patchouli Knowledge, Alice Margatroid, Marisa Kirisame. This RP will have a total of three players, each taking the role of the aforementioned characters. Each of the characters has a reason or another to undertake this magical adventure across dimensions, they were mentioned in the above introductory paragraphs. I do not have a first come, first served policy, I will pick out what I think is the best interpretation of the character. Below, you will find a Character Sheet template which you need to fill out within mind one of the three characters.


Character Details

"The books here are worth all the donations to your shrine for the past five years!"
"Let's see, 'How to passively defeat the person in black in front of you'..."

Patchouli Knowledge nicknamed the One-Week Witch and the Great Unmoving Library, she is a natural-born Magician and even among Magicians, she is particularly great with a great well of magic which, unfortunately, she cannot use due to her poor health. A result of her well of magic so great her physical body can barely support it and her many mystical experiments did nothing to improve that. That doesn't change the fact that Patchouli is admittedly the strongest Witch and Magician in Gensokyo and possibly the Outside World as well. She is quite ruthless, pragmatical and uncaring of Humans and anything outside the Scarlet Mansion, her emotions are dulled and she does not often show them.

In this interpretation of Patchouli, she is 600 years old, she came into being during the 15th century and spent most of her life studying and practicing magic. Even her encounter and friendship with the Scarlet Sisters did not change that. Patchouli uses an ancient Chinese Magic System; utilizing the Wu Xin, the five phases of the world which represents many natural and magical phenomena in the world with the addition of two other phases.

Fire (火) Tuesday: Change and movement. Fire assists earth and inhibits metal. Fire's ashes pile up to create Earth, but it melts Metal.
Water (水) Wednesday: Silence and purification. Water assists wood and inhibits fire. Water nourishes Wood, but it extinguishes Fire.
Wood (木) Thursday: Life and awakening. Wood assists fire and inhibit the Earth. Wood feeds Fire, but it absorbs away Water and nutrients from the Earth.
Metal (金) Friday: Wealth and abundance. Metal assists Water and inhibits Wood. Metal gives forth Water by condensation, but it tears up the roots of trees.
Earth (土) Saturday: Foundation and immobility. Earth assists Metal and inhibits Water. Earth contains Metal, but it absorbs Water.
Sun (日) Sunday: Activity and offense.
Moon (月) Monday: Passivity and defense.

Each phase also represents a day of the week and so on that specific day, that phase is strengthened while the opposite phase is weakened. This is one of the strongest magic possible, Patchouli can make anything out of magic, her powers of creation only ending where her understanding and knowledge of the universe ends. Patchouli can make diamond, gold under the Earth phase or even create life which is significantly more complex as it needs the cooperation of several phases. Patchouli's strongest offensive spell; the Philosopher's Stone in which Patchouli uses all phases and creates a true Philosopher's Stone through all the phases to enhance her elemental attacks even further.

"My life is way shorter than yours anyway so can't you just take back everythin' after I kick the bucket? I'm just borrowin' them until then. It should be good for the stuff I'm taking that way, too."
"Whoa, so many books. I'll just 'borrow' some later."

Marisa Kirisame self-proclaimed Ordinary Magician is rather famous or more like infamous in Gensokyo for striking up a lot of trouble and solving some of them. She is the only Human in the group, Patchouli, and Alice both being Magicians. Marisa for all intent and purposes is a mere Human with no special abilities unlike Reimu and so she tries her hardest to make up for it through magic. Marisa's quest for self-improvement knows no limits as her determination never wavers. In the group, she is only second to Patchouli in term of magical power. She is fearless and always confident as well since she speaks in a roguish street language with everyone even Gods.

Marisa uses a Western Magical System of unspecified origin, it is, in fact, an unholy mix of different Western Magical Systems which Marisa studied from her honored teacher, Mima and from the books she 'borrows' from Patchouli. Marisa is widely known for this kind of behavior, she copies her enemies and their moves, taking the best out of their abilities and implementing it in her 'original' Magical System. Marisa's Grimoire details the abilities of all opponents she ever encountered with her own personal comment on each of them. Marisa has a certain object given to her by Rinnosuke, a mini-Eight Trigram Furnace or mini-Elemental Furnace which is a highly important and powerful magical item capable of destroying mountains which Marisa uses to heat up her bath from time to time.

Marisa specializes in Light and Heat Magic, her Magic System has few weaknesses and massive firepower but few non-destructive uses. The majority of her spells rely on power over finesse and are themed after stars and other astronomical phenomena which is an inspiration from her teacher and former master Mima. Through trial and error, she finds a pattern from which magical materials come forth. Success or failure, she records the details of each experiment making her an exceptional Alchemist.

"The strings that attach the body and soul are the same as the ones that control dolls."
"If someone like you fights with full power... I'll feel bad for the dolls."

Alice Margatroid also nicknamed the Seven-Colored Puppeteer or the Seven Colored Witch, she is a Human who ascended and became a Magician, it is the final step a magical practitioner can make in which they are immortal and no longer need sleep, food or other basic necessities. Alice's ascension is still quite recent and so she is still used to sleeping and eating despite not needing so like Patchouli, she indulges in food for the sake of pleasure and relaxation. Alice is also the daughter of a Goddess, the Creator of Makai.

Alice's magic specializes in using puppets, more specifically dolls in a strategical manner to fight or to do various things. She has a surprising fighting spirit in which Alice always only uses a strength only slightly above that of her opponent to make things exciting. Alice often relies on her opponent subsequently underestimating her and rather viciously scales her strength to that of her opponent, if they escalate she will as well. That is why more often than not Alice is considered the 'weakest' of the three when that is not true, she would be only second to Patchouli but Alice has no incentives in correcting them of that.

Alice has two types of dolls; Tier 2 dolls which are semi-automatic capable of doing pre-programmed actions to the letter perfectly, they possess a small magical battery that keeps active but they will eventually fall dead if they are not resupplied by Alice, and Tier 3 dolls which are directly controlled by her through her spirit and they are the ones she most often uses during her fights. There is Tier 1 which is a fully sapient and independent doll but she has yet to create such a doll. Alice possesses a certain unique ability of hers, not related to her magical powers or her ascension as a Magician. Alice can see through illusions and more, she had figured out Keine's true form and saw invisible rays of light coming down from the full moon, she could also see that Mokou was not truly alive.

Finally, Alice has one last trump card which is also the reason as to why she was nicknamed the Seven-Colored Witch. Like Marisa, Alice has a Grimoire of her own, one she made herself which possesses the ultimate type of Magic when she uses it she shines in the seven colors of the rainbow. None one is quite sure as to what it can do or what it is capable of but what is sure is that when Alice resorts to it, then she will show her true full power. She often hints at it and Patchouli hypothesizes it is some highly advanced form of Light Magic.

Character Sheet Template



Brief backstory:

(A few examples: Patchouli's birthplace, her encounter with the Scarlet sisters. For Alice, the reason she left Makai and her mother Shinki. For Marisa, the reason as to why she cut off all links with her parents, bonus fact; canonically, she nearly drowned once in her childhood.)


(Why is your character participating/initiating this project? Apart from the reasons stated above, you can add a few of your own if they make sense but it is not mandatory. As a reminder, all three characters helped in the success of the project. Patchouli was the main driving force but it would have definitely taken her longer to achieve it without the help of the two others.)


(No official quotes here, just a few handmade ones by you, the minimum is one at least. This is basically a preview on how you're going to roleplay as one of the three characters.)

GM Note: The Touhou fanart spam threads on 4chan were a guilty pleasure of mine. A fanart of the character along with your sheet wouldn't really influence my decision in the end... not at all. Jokes aside, all three characters look around their twenties physically. Patchouli is obviously not of that age mentally but the other two are of the age they seem like which is around 19 to 24.

Also, hello all. I am new to this forum and I hope to have a nice time here. Originally, I've posted this RP on two other forums but since the Touhou fandom isn't as popular there, I was left in the dust. I am not quite sure why that is, maybe they don't like having pre-set characters to play or maybe the plot/concept isn't as interesting. So here I am hoping I'll have some more luck over here, I think there isn't any better place than a dedicated forum to Touhou.

To keep track of the threads of this RP, check out my profile. Once applications are done and I pick the three chosen players, I'll create another new exclusive thread (the In-Character Thread) in which the story would happen and where the three players can roleplay their characters. As a Game Master, I will be the one writing any character that isn't yours. They are basically NPCs while your characters are PCs.

That is all. Thank you.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2019, 12:40:25 PM by Terran Imperium »
-Are you always a smartass?
-No, sometimes I'm asleep.

//Ooh, an RP in the style of past large-scale games. I thought I wouldn't see that style of RP revitalized anytime soon, and yet, here it is! Sweet!

To sign up, we basically need to write the personality, backstory and motivation of the character we'd like to play as depending on how we see them? About the latter as well, is the mentioned project also up to choice in Patchouli's case? (what I mean is, if the exact project is determined by the players). In Alice's case, it is mentioned, but unless I missed something, it doesn't seem that way regarding Patchy.

At the same time, welcome to MotK! :)  While I haven't been around for long, I can definitely say that the community is very nice, supportive and willing to help if need to be. I'll be hoping that you'll have a great time here, and I'm also looking forward to seeing how this RP will go!
Achieve your mission without regrets.

//Ooh, an RP in the style of past large-scale games. I thought I wouldn't see that style of RP revitalized anytime soon, and yet, here it is! Sweet!

To sign up, we basically need to write the personality, backstory and motivation of the character we'd like to play as depending on how we see them? About the latter as well, is the mentioned project also up to choice in Patchouli's case? (what I mean is, if the exact project is determined by the players). In Alice's case, it is mentioned, but unless I missed something, it doesn't seem that way regarding Patchy.

At the same time, welcome to MotK! :)  While I haven't been around for long, I can definitely say that the community is very nice, supportive and willing to help if need to be. I'll be hoping that you'll have a great time here, and I'm also looking forward to seeing how this RP will go!
Yes, basically that's how you sign up. I've given you some basic information and it's up to you from that to how you want to write the character and interpret them in the personality/backstory/motivation categories. Patchouli's project right now is the plot device used and the one mentioned in the introduction. She's basically studying how to make portals from one reality to another and with the help of the other two, she succeeded.

Thank you!
« Last Edit: June 04, 2019, 07:27:37 PM by Terran Imperium »
-Are you always a smartass?
-No, sometimes I'm asleep.

//Admittedly, I'm not that good at writing backstories and such for established characters (mainly since their original stories is what comes to mind first, and that it feels way easier to come up with such for OCs), but I'll give it a shot as well as I can. This is certainly something I wouldn't want to miss!

Just for the sake of not messing something up, is it okay to post the completed sheet here, or it should be DM'd instead? And by "pet" project, would it be "actual" pets (not necessarily only real pets, but animal-like lifeforms, Orin comes to mind, for example) , or would something like an otherworldly familiar or a creature of legends also pass? These questions might seem mind-numbing, but I felt like it'd be better to ask than do something wrong.
Achieve your mission without regrets.

//Admittedly, I'm not that good at writing backstories and such for established characters (mainly since their original stories is what comes to mind first, and that it feels way easier to come up with such for OCs), but I'll give it a shot as well as I can. This is certainly something I wouldn't want to miss!

Just for the sake of not messing something up, is it okay to post the completed sheet here, or it should be DM'd instead? And by "pet" project, would it be "actual" pets (not necessarily only real pets, but animal-like lifeforms, Orin comes to mind, for example) , or would something like an otherworldly familiar or a creature of legends also pass? These questions might seem mind-numbing, but I felt like it'd be better to ask than do something wrong.
Thank you, I don't really expect that much for a backstory but merely just developing a bit more on what you already know so you can mold the character into something you're comfortable with.

The pet project, it's metaphorical. It doesn't necessarily involve a creature magical or otherwise that would be a pet. Patchy's 'pet project' here was about creating portals to other dimensions but if you want her to have some other project, sure, you'll have to mention it in the backstory. I would advise to keep it reasonable and nothing outlandish, you mentioned creatures of legends, so maybe a phoenix or something. What I mean by outlandish as an example: a dragon? That's a big no. I mean, Patchy could but why would she? And even if she did, would she keep it to go on adventures with her? I doubt it.

This thread is where you post the completed sheets, yes. This thread's entire purpose is for the applications(char sheets) and for any questions you might have.

-Are you always a smartass?
-No, sometimes I'm asleep.

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
A (2nd) WELCOME to you as well "Terran Empire"!
[I am going to EDIT  ::)  ;) my post LATER :D.] Help may come and be received in the forms of : Categories or Examples by" Characters("Pure"Magician Triumvirate&Co might be especially so);Encyclopedia,Spellcard;World;Bestiary;Timeline;etc;Items;ALL Touhou(and Seihou?)-Side&Related&Compatible
1--- ; ; ; ; . ---

2--- ( Rather than a Wikia it had turned into more of an Archive with Forum , notable Fandom Wikia Structure, partly-active and affiliations)

1-2-3-4(Variability and Flexibility)--- Other ACTIVE National  Languages/National Groups and/or ARCHIVED;if archived and while still "operationable" they are encouraged,exceptions barred, to be downloadable/shareable ,to an extent (  JAP-CH-ASIAN-ESP-POR-FR )

P.S. I have been keep noticing that,If mostly-skimmed and not searched by  single-term when in-need ,a number of the (Touhou or Touhou-Linkable )Wiki/Wikia/Encyclopedias/Blogs,etc. Pages/Arguments/Intro/History could be not be insightful ,updated ,detailed  or linked/shared enough ; in short they could be ""Too Resumed and/or Veiled "" <----> The Collaborations(,Donations?), Overview-Approval-Wiki History&Changes&History-Discussion&iRC-Chat... are Wholly Voluntary  :] :o :ohdear:  Compulsory Agreement-Less !

P.S.2 In Truth the Context&Range&Reference-LV.  are meant,as far as I am clear-expressive-knowledgeable, about the Present ""The Wonderous Magical Triumvirate of Gensokyo [Touhou Project/Multiversal RP] "" AND assimilated such as particulary the " " but also " Touhou PoIR" , "(RP-Elements or Multiple-End)  and "Archive of Our Own( Beta)","Space Battle forums ( )  " , (Discontinued ) (Except ,please, the "Advanced List " - Verified,Purposefully Advanced Ecchi&UP !- for the love of GOD and all that is HOLY).
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .

Many thanks for the quick and descriptive answer! I'll keep the pointers in mind and hopefully will be able to come up with something satisfactory.

About the creatures of legends part, I didn't mean huge monsters like dragons or literal deus ex machinas (there wouldn't be an adventure if that was the case), but rather things along the lines of a "living ice familiar" (Patchy has books that shoot danmaku, after all) and the like. Something unique, but not game-breakingly powerful.
Achieve your mission without regrets.

A (2nd) WELCOME to you as well "Terran Empire"!
[I am going to EDIT  ::)  ;) my post LATER :D.] Help may come and be received in the forms of : Categories or Examples by" Characters("Pure"Magician Triumvirate&Co might be especially so);Encyclopedia,Spellcard;World;Bestiary;Timeline;etc;Items;ALL Touhou(and Seihou?)-Side&Related&Compatible
1--- ; ; ; ; . ---

2--- ( Rather than a Wikia it had turned into more of an Archive with Forum , notable Fandom Wikia Structure, partly-active and affiliations)

1-2-3-4(Variability and Flexibility)--- Other ACTIVE National  Languages/National Groups and/or ARCHIVED;if archived and while still "operationable" they are encouraged,exceptions barred, to be downloadable/shareable ,to an extent (  JAP-CH-ASIAN-ESP-POR-FR )

P.S. I have been keep noticing that,If mostly-skimmed and not searched by  single-term when in-need ,a number of the (Touhou or Touhou-Linkable )Wiki/Wikia/Encyclopedias/Blogs,etc. Pages/Arguments/Intro/History could be not be insightful ,updated ,detailed  or linked/shared enough ; in short they could be ""Too Resumed and/or Veiled "" <----> The Collaborations(,Donations?), Overview-Approval-Wiki History&Changes&History-Discussion&iRC-Chat... are Wholly Voluntary  :] :o :ohdear:  Compulsory Agreement-Less !

P.S.2 In Truth the Context&Range&Reference-LV.  are meant,as far as I am clear-expressive-knowledgeable, about the Present ""The Wonderous Magical Triumvirate of Gensokyo [Touhou Project/Multiversal RP] "" AND assimilated such as particulary the " " but also " Touhou PoIR" , "(RP-Elements or Multiple-End)  and "Archive of Our Own( Beta)","Space Battle forums ( )  " , (Discontinued ) (Except ,please, the "Advanced List " - Verified,Purposefully Advanced Ecchi&UP !- for the love of GOD and all that is HOLY).
Thank you for the welcome. I am sorry but what? Your post is highly confusing, I got some bits there and there but I'm not sure I could understand what you're trying to say.
Many thanks for the quick and descriptive answer! I'll keep the pointers in mind and hopefully will be able to come up with something satisfactory.

About the creatures of legends part, I didn't mean huge monsters like dragons or literal deus ex machinas (there wouldn't be an adventure if that was the case), but rather things along the lines of a "living ice familiar" (Patchy has books that shoot danmaku, after all) and the like. Something unique, but not game-breakingly powerful.
You are welcome.

Of course, go ahead. I am quite interested, in fact as to what you would take.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2019, 07:31:54 PM by Terran Imperium »
-Are you always a smartass?
-No, sometimes I'm asleep.

Oh, while I was doing a second re-read of the premise, I have noticed that the descriptions of the characters include stuff that is asked for in the sheet. Namely, as an example, for Patchouli : "She is quite ruthless, pragmatical and uncaring of Humans and anything outside the Scarlet Mansion, her emotions are dulled and she does not often show them." (I think you already have figured it out, but this should pretty much confirm that my favourite choice would be Patchy :))

About that, do we need to shape the sheet according to this information, or are we free to make our own? Yes, this is also admittedly a pretty ⑨ question, but it's still better safe than sorry!
Achieve your mission without regrets.

Oh, while I was doing a second re-read of the premise, I have noticed that the descriptions of the characters include stuff that is asked for in the sheet. Namely, as an example, for Patchouli : "She is quite ruthless, pragmatical and uncaring of Humans and anything outside the Scarlet Mansion, her emotions are dulled and she does not often show them." (I think you already have figured it out, but this should pretty much confirm that my favourite choice would be Patchy :))

About that, do we need to shape the sheet according to this information, or are we free to make our own? Yes, this is also admittedly a pretty ⑨ question, but it's still better safe than sorry!
You'll shape the sheet according to the information you've got from 'Character Details', yes. Everything in there is canon according to their actions in the games and the spin-offs. The only tweak to Patchy is her age. I would prefer if we kept things faithful to canon but since canon tends to be vague more often than not, even in the personality of characters you still have a lot of freedom so to speak. The traits which are shown in there 'ruthless, uncaring of humans' may be fixed(EDIT: as in unchanging) but you can add on to them if you wish.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2019, 08:06:01 AM by Terran Imperium »
-Are you always a smartass?
-No, sometimes I'm asleep.

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
Another piece ,of hopefully welcomed but I am always keen to stand corrected, simpl :blush: e ,( alongside those  stand-alone links & web addresses by ;) Canon&Canon+Fanon ) advice : NOTIFY( Upper-Right Thread Widget ) Important,especially if Long-Termed :flowerpower: + Potential like the present one ,Threads  to receive 1 Linked ,just 1, Regular Notification by e-mail until 1 new's activate once One's those Topics are viewed again.
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .

Well, here I am, with my take on the character sheet  :)

Feedback on it, of course, is appreciated (in particular, regarding the familiar idea I've had, to see if it requires balancing).


Patchouli Knowledge


Towards humans and outsiders of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, cold and uncaring, sometimes even ruthless, but deep inside, she's calm, collected, and caring towards her friends, espicially Remilia Scarlet. She's also calcuating, curious, and always approaches problems with facts and logic.

Brief backstory:

Patchouli, the currently 600 years old "One-Week Witch", was born in a Gensokyo village, a birth which was certainly both gifted and cursed alike. As a natural born Magician, she's immortal, has no need for necessities like food, and, of course, has a great affinity with magic : able to cast and learn a wide variety of magic types, though she has chosen to utilize the Chinese Wu Xin magic, which focuses on the five phases of the world : fire, water, earth, wood and metal, along with the Sun and the Moon, which also correlate to the days of a week, hence her nickname, the "One-Week Witch". However, she has also gained a bad reputation in and around her village, thanks to people viewing her as a wicked witch, and this turned her cold and reclusive towards humans. Apart from that, she also has been and still is in bad physical shape, so much so that her magic potential is way beyond what her phsyical body can handle.

Since a young age, Patchouli always had a fascination of reading and writing books, and learning new things. Over the centuries, she quickly learned most of what Gensokyo had to offer, and she has written a tremendous amount of books, which has earned her the title of "The Great Unmoving Library". She has also learnt a lot about the Outside World, among others, the major points of human history and culture, from Ancient China to the Renaissance, to modern-day events and folklore. Her plans of studying the world outside Gensokyo in greater detail came to a near-standstill when the Great Hakurei Barrier was created, sealing off Gensokyo from the Outside World.

Despite this, however, nothing could stop Patchouli from her goal of always bettering herself, and the wisdom and knowledge she has amassed over time have become practically unmatched. While the Barrier was certainly an obstacle in her way of further learning, Remilia Scarlet, a vampire, eventually arrived in Gensokyo with her mansion, an event which would prove to be a turning point in Patchouli's life. From smaller conversations, the two of them eventually built a close and lasting friendship, and Patchouli was given the offer to move into the mansion, where she could live her life in peace and quiet. She agreed, bringing her collection of books into the mansion's library : the Voile Library, adding her own knowledge to the mansion's already great collection of books, turning it into a practically infinite source of material for humans. One human, in particular, the self-proclaimed Ordinary Magician, Marisa Kirisame, has most certainly noticed the vast selection of books the library had to offer, and ever since, she has been "borrowing" books without returning them, or returning them late, with this course of action being frowned upon by Patchouli, but due to her condition, she isn't able to do much about it. Still, the walls of the mansion, as well as the friendships with the mansion residents, espicially Remilia and Sakuya Izayoi, the human maid, have allowed her to maintain her composure and to study in calm and peace, like she has always wanted to.

Now in her six-hundredth year, Patchouli feels that she has learned pretty much everything that Gensokyo had to offer : from the residence to the geography and its history. However, it's not enough. The barrier is seperating her from a vast world out there, and potentially even unsearched dimensions! She refused to just let it go, to stay in the dark like this. Thus, enlisting the help of Alice, a fellow human who has since ascended to become a Magician just like her, and, reluctantly, Marisa, she has begun to work on a spell that would, with permission, breach the barrier to allow further travels without actually damaging it. It's going to be a hard task, for sure, espicially with Marisa around, but the reward of getting to know even more would be well worth it.

Knowing that such a journey would be long and not without its dangers, Patchouli has also begun to work on a second project, keeping it a secret to herself, Remilia and Sakuya only, the only two people she could trust enough with it. Nicknaming it "Muteki", the Japanese word for "invincible", and taking some inspiration from Alice's dolls, it is designed to be a summonable familiar, taking on the form of a flaming energy sphere with the color(s) of the magic phase(s) Patchouli is currently using, that can act like an anchor point for Patchouli's spells, In essence, she could cast spells on Muteki, and then have it cast them or redirect them at Patchouli's intended target/location, allowing her to use magic and do attacks from angles not possible otherwise. It is also able to shield Patchouli from the five-phase spells she uses, should a foe turn such spells against them, but it can't take much damage before being forced to retreat, and thanks to it still being in a primordial stage, its capacity is way below her middle-level spells, which means that it's really frail and easily neutralized. However, smart usage of it could prove to be really beneficial in the long run.

With Muteki as an option, and with Alice and Marisa helping with the main project, the breaching spell, she's tirelessly working on it, eager to see what lies beyond the boundary.


The main motivation is knowledge, of course. While Gensokyo has had its fair share of knowledge to offer, Patchouli knows that there is way more than that to learn out there. And, while it's a long stretch, she might be able to find a way to better her physical health, or at least improve her spellcasting capability.


"Is there anything else you want to say? No? Good. Now, let me get back to my studying. This is really important."
"Are you humans always so... foolhardy? No wonder conflicts among your kind are everyday occurences."
"What I lack in physical capability, I more than make up for with my magic. Don't judge me by my looks alone."
« Last Edit: June 05, 2019, 10:59:28 AM by Mr.Ownage »
Achieve your mission without regrets.

Well, here I am, with my take on the character sheet  :)

Feedback on it, of course, is appreciated (in particular, regarding the familiar idea I've had, to see if it requires balancing).


Patchouli Knowledge


Towards humans and outsiders of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, cold and uncaring, sometimes even ruthless, but deep inside, she's calm, collected, and caring towards her friends, espicially Remilia Scarlet. She's also calcuating, curious, and always approaches problems with facts and logic.

Brief backstory:

Patchouli, the currently 600 years old "One-Week Witch", was born in a Gensokyo village, a birth which was certainly both gifted and cursed alike. As a natural born Magician, she's immortal, has no need for necessities like food, and, of course, has a great affinity with magic : able to cast and learn a wide variety of magic types, though she has chosen to utilize the Chinese Wu Xin magic, which focuses on the five phases of the world : fire, water, earth, wood and metal, along with the Sun and the Moon, which also correlate to the days of a week, hence her nickname, the "One-Week Witch". However, she has also gained a bad reputation in and around her village, thanks to people viewing her as a wicked witch, and this turned her cold and reclusive towards humans. Apart from that, she also has been and still is in bad physical shape, so much so that her magic potential is way beyond what her phsyical body can handle.

Since a young age, Patchouli always had a fascination of reading and writing books, and learning new things. Over the centuries, she quickly learned most of what Gensokyo had to offer, and she has written a tremendous amount of books, which has earned her the title of "The Great Unmoving Library". She has also learnt a lot about the Outside World, among others, the major points of human history and culture, from Ancient China to the Renaissance, to modern-day events and folklore. Her plans of studying the world outside Gensokyo in greater detail came to a near-standstill when the Great Hakurei Barrier was created, sealing off Gensokyo from the Outside World.

Despite this, however, nothing could stop Patchouli from her goal of always bettering herself, and the wisdom and knowledge she has amassed over time have become practically unmatched. While the Barrier was certainly an obstacle in her way of further learning, Remilia Scarlet, a vampire, eventually arrived in Gensokyo with her mansion, an event which would prove to be a turning point in Patchouli's life. From smaller conversations, the two of them eventually built a close and lasting friendship, and Patchouli was given the offer to move into the mansion, where she could live her life in peace and quiet. She agreed, bringing her collection of books into the mansion's library : the Voile Library, adding her own knowledge to the mansion's already great collection of books, turning it into a practically infinite source of material for humans. One human, in particular, the self-proclaimed Ordinary Magician, Marisa Kirisame, has most certainly noticed the vast selection of books the library had to offer, and ever since, she has been "borrowing" books without returning them, or returning them late, with this course of action being frowned upon by Patchouli, but due to her condition, she isn't able to do much about it. Still, the walls of the mansion, as well as the friendships with the mansion residents, espicially Remilia and Sakuya Izayoi, the human maid, have allowed her to maintain her composure and to study in calm and peace, like she has always wanted to.

Now in her six-hundredth year, Patchouli feels that she has learned pretty much everything that Gensokyo had to offer : from the residence to the geography and its history. However, it's not enough. The barrier is seperating her from a vast world out there, and potentially even unsearched dimensions! She refused to just let it go, to stay in the dark like this. Thus, enlisting the help of Alice, a fellow human who has since ascended to become a Magician just like her, and, reluctantly, Marisa, she has begun to work on a spell that would, with permission, breach the barrier to allow further travels without actually damaging it. It's going to be a hard task, for sure, espicially with Marisa around, but the reward of getting to know even more would be well worth it.

Knowing that such a journey would be long and not without its dangers, Patchouli has also begun to work on a second project, keeping it a secret to herself, Remilia and Sakuya only, the only two people she could trust enough with it. Nicknaming it "Muteki", the Japanese word for "invincible", and taking some inspiration from Alice's dolls, it is designed to be a summonable familiar, taking on the form of a flaming energy sphere with the color(s) of the magic phase(s) Patchouli is currently using, that can act like an anchor point for Patchouli's spells, In essence, she could cast spells on Muteki, and then have it cast them or redirect them at Patchouli's intended target/location, allowing her to use magic and do attacks from angles not possible otherwise. It is also able to shield Patchouli from the five-phase spells she uses, should a foe turn such spells against them, but it can't take much damage before being forced to retreat, and thanks to it still being in a primordial stage, its capacity is way below her middle-level spells, which means that it's really frail and easily neutralized. However, smart usage of it could prove to be really beneficial in the long run.

With Muteki as an option, and with Alice and Marisa helping with the main project, the breaching spell, she's tirelessly working on it, eager to see what lies beyond the boundary.


The main motivation is knowledge, of course. While Gensokyo has had its fair share of knowledge to offer, Patchouli knows that there is way more than that to learn out there. And, while it's a long stretch, she might be able to find a way to better her physical health, or at least improve her spellcasting capability.


"Is there anything else you want to say? No? Good. Now, let me get back to my studying. This is really important."
"Are you humans always so... foolhardy? No wonder conflicts among your kind are everyday occurences."
"What I lack in physical capability, I more than make up for with my magic. Don't judge me by my looks alone."
It is great! You hit the mark for Patchy perfectly, she is entirely in character.

My only comment is on the backstory. I would have thought that Patchy is an outsider at first, probably from the West due to her name and appearance. Patchy appeared at the same time as Remilia in Gensokyo, at least in the games but that doesn't mean much. That's why I originally thought that Patchy might have encountered Remilia in the outside world and befriended her there and it stayed that way for quite a long time. Then they entered Gensokyo and kicked up all sort of fuss and trouble there during EoSD. It also explains where she got all those books.

^ Don't take what I said as absolute, by the way. Those were just my expectations, your backstory is fine and in fact, makes a lot of sense! I was just quite surprised
-Are you always a smartass?
-No, sometimes I'm asleep.

Thank you very much for the reply!

In all honesty, I went for the "Patchouli being born in a village" route because I couldn't really find source material of what actually happened in canon (from what I've read so far, it only mentions Patchouli after moving into the mansion), but you're also right : Remilia's Western influences are clear and true. I could have taken that into account, that's for sure.

The idea of a "gifted individual looked down for what he/she possesses, despite not knowing their true nature" hit gold in my train of thoughts, though, thus, the birth of a more tragic take on a backstory. I hope I didn't retcon it too much  :)

I'm eager to see how will the RP evolve, and to see what ideas the others might have.
Achieve your mission without regrets.

Thank you very much for the reply!

In all honesty, I went for the "Patchouli being born in a village" route because I couldn't really find source material of what actually happened in canon (from what I've read so far, it only mentions Patchouli after moving into the mansion), but you're also right : Remilia's Western influences are clear and true. I could have taken that into account, that's for sure.

The idea of a "gifted individual looked down for what he/she possesses, despite not knowing their true nature" hit gold in my train of thoughts, though, thus, the birth of a more tragic take on a backstory. I hope I didn't retcon it too much  :)

I'm eager to see how will the RP evolve, and to see what ideas the others might have.
You're welcome and no, you didn't retcon it.

I am eager for the RP as well but without more signups, I can only wait for now.
-Are you always a smartass?
-No, sometimes I'm asleep.

If spell cards are going to be usable, will we be able to have/make custom spell cards along the way?

Naturally, it probably wouldn't be easy to describe a custom-made spell card (if allowed), but, in Patchouli's case espicially, the results would certainly be interesting to see (thanks to the five-phase magic she uses. I'm constantly thinking about something like "Sun Moon Sign - Perfect Eclipse", as an example)
Achieve your mission without regrets.

If spell cards are going to be usable, will we be able to have/make custom spell cards along the way?

Naturally, it probably wouldn't be easy to describe a custom-made spell card (if allowed), but, in Patchouli's case espicially, the results would certainly be interesting to see (thanks to the five-phase magic she uses. I'm constantly thinking about something like "Sun Moon Sign - Perfect Eclipse", as an example)
Absolutely, I wouldn't restrict you guys. You'll be able to experiment with your magic, in fact, it is one of the most important points since you'll be travelling to other worlds, you will likely discover new abilities and spells or create new ones from your experience in those worlds.
-Are you always a smartass?
-No, sometimes I'm asleep.


*Plops down from an orange portal*
Hello new forum! My name is BlackCat and I'm here to apply for this RP as Marisa!

Name: Marisa Kirisame

Personality: A boisterous tomboy who proudly proclaims herself as an "Ordinary Magician", which comes from the fact that her magical power-level all comes from her determined hard-work across the years, never wavering, determined to do what she wants, she's the fearless Ordinary Magician who'll steal your books without a care and show the world what she can do, and no matter how much what she has to do, she's stubborn enough to finish it till the end.

Brief backstory: Marisa Kirisame came from a normal human family, she was an excitable child and while there was of course the obvious complications as a human living in Gensokyo, life was good, but eventually Marisa found out something, in her family inheritage was a human magician! Someone who was able to use magic as a normal human being, it amazed Marisa, so much so that she decided to follow in her ancestor's footsteps as a magician.

However her parents didn't want her to do that out of fear of what she'll become and her safety, and it became worse when Marisa drowned while trying to dabble in her water affinity.

But eventually, Mima, an old family friend took her in as her apprentice so she could practice and learn magic in safety, of course her family disagreed at first, but eventually, they relented, and Mima taught Marisa in the arts of magic.

And now, while Mima her old teacher is missing, Marisa is now a strong magician and is willing to take on anything as the "Ordinary Magician"

Motive: Marisa drives herself to get stronger and stronger, and what better way to do it with a fun adventure? Besides, maybe she'll finally find her long lost mentor Mima.


"Hm? A bet? Heh, that's a suckers bet you're making, cause I'm gonna win it!"

"Ze! You shouldn't be swinging that wand around kid! And as your elder it's my duty to take it for your safety! So juuuuust let me *yoink* there! Don't worry kid! I'm gonna give it to you when I die!"
I'm not well versed in Touhou knowledge and lore so if there is any criticisms and/or inconsistencies to be noted, I would gladly take it! Thank you!

Welcome to MoTK, BlackCat! I hope you'll be enjoying your stay here and have some great times!  ;)

Of course, it's not my "duty" to judge your paragraph, seeing as how the RP isn't mine, and how I'm not that good at Touhou backstory either, but to summarize, in my opinion, it couldn't have been more Marisa-y, ze~ (in a good way)

Almost ready to roll!
« Last Edit: June 07, 2019, 08:33:55 PM by Mr.Ownage »
Achieve your mission without regrets.

Unexpectedly, someone signed up as Patchy on the thread I posted on another forum! Now, this makes it a lot harder for me to pick since both sheets are good and there isn't an Alice player yet.
-Are you always a smartass?
-No, sometimes I'm asleep.

Well, this has certainly been a great surprise, indeed.

I guess I could... try Alice, instead, in that case, though my knowledge of her quite literally ends at "a magician with dolls" (excluding PC-98 stuff like Shinki being her mother and such)
Achieve your mission without regrets.

Well, this has certainly been a great surprise, indeed.

I guess I could... try Alice, instead, in that case, though my knowledge of her quite literally ends at "a magician with dolls" (excluding PC-98 stuff like Shinki being her mother and such)
That would not be necessary! You can keep Patchy, you don't have to change your PC to fit in.
We just need Alice and then we can take off, someone just showed their interest in Discord.
-Are you always a smartass?
-No, sometimes I'm asleep.

Ah, not needing to change is certainly great to hear! (even more so since Patchy was always a favourite from among the trio).

In that case, though, what about the other person who also applied as Patchouli? Or will the RP on that side run seperately?
Achieve your mission without regrets.

Ah, not needing to change is certainly great to hear! (even more so since Patchy was always a favourite from among the trio).

In that case, though, what about the other person who also applied as Patchouli? Or will the RP on that side run seperately?
No, I will just have to make a choice considering the other players and how each character fit, I will pick the best fit.
By the way, an overwhelming majority of signups now seems to come from the other forum. You're likely going to be picked as Patchy but it would be quite embarrassing and troublesome to ask the other two players to create an account here. It's already embarrassing saying this alone, so if you don't mind if we were to run the RP over there. Could you participate there too? Sorry for the trouble, I really wasn't expecting the RP to get signs up there after so many days without any reply.
-Are you always a smartass?
-No, sometimes I'm asleep.

Oh, as long as we can sort it out, I don't mind having it ran over there. Thanks for the heads-up!

Do notify us of how things will go, and don't forget BlackCat as well.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 07:45:49 PM by Mr.Ownage »
Achieve your mission without regrets.

Oh, as long as we can sort it out, I don't mind having it ran over there. Thanks for the heads-up!

Do notify us of how things will go, and don't forget BlackCat as well.
Everything is sorted out, we've got an Alice over there. If you can post on the thread to make your presence known, we can get started in a few days.
-Are you always a smartass?
-No, sometimes I'm asleep.

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
Great for the (ongoing Summer,it is definitely the -festive summer moods) Project  !
When at least 1 of you 3 has time and mind do it , could you could make a report of sorts or a res?me or even some note,Do not forget Shrinemaiden/Maidens of the Kaleidoscope (MotK).
 For reference/knowledge/backup Could I,and those cheese  who notify,get to know on ""private message ""the Link/Name of that (International ENG???)Forum or Sub-Forum??? And  with Chat Servers like here&Co? ) ;specs. either messaged or find out by myself  :D
It can even be named in a way that does not include" migration/competition" with spots avalaible here(No MotK burConsciousStaff since here we do seem to Lack a "Main(Alt. for Mr.  :] :) ) Alice ".
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .