Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Touhou Addict Recovery Center => Topic started by: Cybeast710 on June 30, 2013, 01:29:56 AM

Title: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on June 30, 2013, 01:29:56 AM
Well, looks like Thread 2 hit the post limit, so I'll continue this one:

The way this works is you ask "What if something happened?" Then the next person answers, and asks a what if question.

Crossovers, or silly questions, are welcome. But two things.

1. Don't just say "I dunno" and ask your own question. That's rude.
2. Don't always expect a serious answer.

So, I'm going to start with the last question on the old thread...

"What if Maribel is actually Yukari's daughter?"
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on June 30, 2013, 01:38:13 AM
Then Maribel would have to share the job of being a gap youkai!

What if the Hakurei Shrine turned into a club?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on June 30, 2013, 02:32:15 AM
What if the Hakurei Shrine turned into a club?

Everyone would be forced to donate in order to get in.

What if someone wanted to make a reality show by purposefully stranding both Kaguya and Mokou on a small deserted island with limited resources and not telling either one of them that the other one was going to be there?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on June 30, 2013, 04:54:44 AM
Everyone would be forced to donate in order to get in.

What if someone wanted to make a reality show by purposefully stranding both Kaguya and Mokou on a small deserted island with limited resources and not telling either one of them that the other one was going to be there?
Then both of them would probably duke it out over the last coconut or try to eat each other if it narrows down to it.

What if Touhou became a platformer game?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on June 30, 2013, 05:07:26 AM
What if Touhou became a platformer game?

There are already many fangames that have platformer elements (usually drawing inspiration from or are crossovers with other existing games, such as the one I'm working on right now.)

I you mean a platformer that is not a blantant crossover/inspiration driven game, the end result would probably have bosses ending up like this ( or this. (

What if a Touhou game was released for the CD-i?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on June 30, 2013, 05:15:44 AM
@ Evil_Nazgul0616: Yeah non crossover.

Then many people would probably go to E-Bay looking for one since the CD-i is an old system.

What if Madoka Kaname was spirited away to Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on June 30, 2013, 06:27:01 AM
Is she the main character from Madoka Magica? yep.

That can't happen, because she transcended space-time when she became a magical girl.

What if Reimu moved into the SDM permanently?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on June 30, 2013, 06:38:28 AM
EASY! Reimu would turn it into her own domain or maybe work there (probably not to how lazy she can be *shot*).

What if duel monsters got hyped in Gensokyo?  :derp:
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on June 30, 2013, 07:31:49 AM
What if duel monsters got hyped in Gensokyo?  :derp:

Then this. (

What if Rumia's seal actually sealed away light and White magic?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on June 30, 2013, 09:00:55 AM
Then removing it will cause her to release a large amount of light uncontrollably.

What if the same company that made the CD-i Zelda games made a Touhou game?  Yeah, that CD-i question Evil_Nazgul0616 asked had a potential for a hilarious answer, but since that didn't happen, I'm asking a similar one.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on June 30, 2013, 03:42:53 PM
Then CDI Touhou YTP's :3.

What if Memories of Phantasm (That Touhou fanime) aired on Cartoon Network?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on June 30, 2013, 03:59:57 PM
Impossible. Because almost nothing good (except regular show and adventure time) airs on Cartoon Network anymore.  :V

What if Cirno became a lawyer?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on June 30, 2013, 04:23:39 PM
Ice Attourney: Cold Judgement. In which Cirno has to prove a case of one of her friends being framed before they're sent to Hell by Eiki. At the same time she must help catch the theif who started the whole mess by stealing Eiki's cleansing mirror. preventing her from seeing the truth.

What if Mario found a warp pipe to Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Rei Scarlette on June 30, 2013, 05:52:44 PM
About ten steps forward... Five floating blocks. A familiar set of ? blocks and Brick blocks, in "B?B?B" formation. Above them is the usual one more block, yet this one is oddly... donation box shaped??? Upon whacking this block, a single coin pops out, and one grouchy Reimu.

Unfortunately, the plumber lacks knowledge of spellcard rules, has a fullsize hitbox, and low-mid movement speed. Also no flying so things aren't looking too good :V

(alt. answer: He'd be good friends with Marisa, they both can make good use of mushrooms. Their names are even similar!)

What if while playing baseball (or any other ball-sport) someone hits the ball which then flies low and accidentally knocks Sekibanki's head off? :ohdear:
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on June 30, 2013, 06:01:25 PM
They then proceed to stop playing baseball and start to kick Sekibanki's head around while her headless body chases after them.

What if Mokou's father actually DID win Kaguya's affection, and Mokou is Kaguya's daughter?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on June 30, 2013, 06:57:55 PM
Then that is one messed up kid, trying to kill her own mother.

What if Gensokyo played football? (Not soccer. American football)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on June 30, 2013, 07:10:25 PM
Yuugi and Suika would dominate the field with their strength. Then 5 minutes later it turns into a spellcard battle over the football resulting in Sekibanki's head ending up into someone's goal.

What if Wakasagihime actually had a human form?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on June 30, 2013, 08:52:26 PM
Her tail and Fin head things would be changed to legs and a head band.

What if Youmu was as fat as Yuyuko?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on June 30, 2013, 09:23:07 PM
Then Youmu would have a hard time moving about with her spell cards since most of them require fast speed if I recall. (Lose some weight fatty!)

What if Marisa became a cheerleader? ~
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on June 30, 2013, 11:07:52 PM
She would Master Spark the opposing team after the game she was cheering at.

What if "Lunatic" had 99999999 times more bullets?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on June 30, 2013, 11:15:28 PM
What if "Lunatic" had 99999999 times more bullets?

every single enemy would fire as much bullets as Inbachi (

and don't get me started on the bosses... *shudder*

What if, by some bizarre and most likely Yukari-related incident, Remilia Scarlet and King Harkinian (from the Zelda CD-i Games) swapped places?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on June 30, 2013, 11:19:01 PM

Sakuya:  :colonveeplusalpha:

Translation: The SDM would probably be up in chaos over that.

What if Sakuya was the mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion for one day?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on July 01, 2013, 12:20:23 AM
All the fairy maids would be fired faster than you can bat an eyelash. Then she would do some very...very...VERY nasty things to Remilia. With time still flowing at least.

What if Mokou successfully killed Kaguya once and for all?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 01, 2013, 12:28:28 AM
Then the rest of Eientei would try to avenge her death.

What if Koishi actually returned the Mask of Hope to Kokoro? (I know I'm gonna get shot for this.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on July 01, 2013, 12:32:49 AM
Kokoro hopes she might get to be the star of a different game since hers got cut so dramatically short. Also HM sales plummet since it became a one cutscene game.

What if Gensokyo was actually a Youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 01, 2013, 12:38:56 AM
Then everybody gets eaten! Except for Yukari.

What if Shinki decided to visit Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 01, 2013, 02:27:42 AM
What if Shinki decided to visit Gensokyo?

Then Shinki and Alice will have a lot of "catching up" to do...

What if Mokou (with the assistance of one of the more science-oriented people of Gensokyo, for instance: Nitori) had her Immortal DNA put into a strain of smallpox virus and injected it into Kaguya?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 01, 2013, 02:33:06 AM
Kaguya would be immortally sick with the smallpox.

What if Gensokyo decided to have a battle of the bands contest?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 01, 2013, 02:43:35 AM
What if Gensokyo decided to have a battle of the bands contest?

The Prismrivers would undoubtedly win.

What if the Rick the Adventure Sphere ( from Portal 2 had an adventure to Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 01, 2013, 02:55:35 AM
OH BOY! Then no doubt everybody would be quite baffled by how the frick a talking sphere got into Gensokyo and then Rick would have a story to tell when he gets back to Aperture Science.

What if the drawing style of Touhou was Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann style?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on July 01, 2013, 04:07:48 AM
Then we'll need more testosterone!

What if Tewi gained Reisen's Lunatic Red Eyes for a day?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 01, 2013, 04:24:48 AM
Then Tewi would have another trick up her sleeve involving her newly found ability!

What if the (I might get killed for this question) Taoist faction formed a rock band?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: darkhero67 on July 01, 2013, 03:36:43 PM
than miko would become a dj

what if the events of prototype 2 took place in the touhou universe with alex winning against heller
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 03, 2013, 10:30:22 PM
He'd be treated by the touhou like beliebers treat Justin Beiber, NOT REALLY!

What if Yuyuko opened a buffet?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 03, 2013, 10:40:22 PM
Yuyuko would eat all of the food before anyone could even order.

What if the Touhou girls made a contract with Kyuubey?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on July 03, 2013, 10:57:41 PM
Not much would change. (Besides soulgems and melodrama :P)

What if Byakuren lost her scroll?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 03, 2013, 11:54:46 PM
Then Nazrin would have to go find it which ensues hilarity.

What if  Yukari decided to troll Gensokyo by making them go on a scavenger hunt for stuff, but it was for their personal items?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 04, 2013, 12:09:11 AM
What if  Yukari decided to troll Gensokyo by making them go on a scavenger hunt for stuff, but it was for their personal items?

Cue every single person in Gensokyo shouting "DAMNIT YUKARI!"

What if Marisa drank a vigor (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 04, 2013, 12:45:25 AM
Well if it was the one in that video, she would feel kinda hot in the mouth.  :V

What if Aya got a Samoyed (If you don't know what that is look it up, it's a dog) as a pet and gave it the same type of hat-thingy that Momji has?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 04, 2013, 01:03:23 AM
Then everybody would give the dog Momiji's name.~

What if trains got invented in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on July 04, 2013, 01:53:47 AM
Then there will be a complex system of teleportation gaps at the stations that are powered by Okuu's electricity. The project is a combined effort of the kappas and Yukari.

What if Missingno was in Gensyoko?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 04, 2013, 02:43:18 AM
Then Reimu would have an incident on her hands. XD

What if all of the final bosses from each Touhou game 5 ~ 13.5 decided to get back at Reimu?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 04, 2013, 03:22:49 AM
They would all be fought simultaneously to the epic battle theme theme known as "Legendary Illusion ~ Septette for the Fate of Infinite Suwa Foughten Nuclear Lunatic Skyscraper of Life Administrator Emotion Being."

What if the Luteces ( from Bioshock Infinite found their way into Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: darkhero67 on July 04, 2013, 01:18:36 PM
they would either get eaten by youkai or people would start asking why over and over again. also some youkai may assume their yukari's children

what if the outside world became minecraftia and all the outside world humans became minecraftians
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on July 04, 2013, 02:06:30 PM
Then absolutely nothing would change inside Gensokyo.

What if Unzan started raining?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ToyoRai on July 04, 2013, 02:15:56 PM
What if Unzan started raining?
That would mean Ichirin must have REALLY bad day.

What if Gensokyo had a sea?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 04, 2013, 03:33:57 PM
What if Gensokyo had a sea?

There would be a Leviathan and a Kracken youkai. Marisa or Murasa would become captain of a pirate ship and plunder the sea. The human villiage will try to set up overseas colonies and Yukari would use gaps to make a Bermuda Triangle like area at Gensokyo's border on the sea, to make crossing over more difficult.

What if somehow, the Moirya Shrine (namely Kanako) managed to royally piss off the christian god?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: darkhero67 on July 04, 2013, 03:54:08 PM
well considering that jehovah is an all powerful god he would more then likely either erase kanako's existence or he would make her get randomly struck by lightning every day for like a month or so

what is ben drowned in gensokyo.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on July 04, 2013, 04:23:24 PM
It would turn out Murasa drowned him.

What if all fangames and fancharacters were declared to be canon?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on July 04, 2013, 05:15:22 PM
Then Reimu would probably try to permanently kill a few of them.

What if Rumia ate Tzeentch from Warhammer 40k? (Random, random...)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: highzealot on July 04, 2013, 08:25:45 PM
Tzeentch goes just as planned as he converts Rumia into a Lord of Change

What if the outside world was the world of Warhammer Fantasy?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: darkhero67 on July 05, 2013, 05:07:20 AM
then reimu would claim that her shrine was for the god emperor, to increase donations

what if the moon in the touhou verse was transformed into the moon from majora's mask.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 05, 2013, 05:11:06 AM
Then it wouldn't be so pure anymore and plus it would decide to randomly crash on it's own.~

What if Miko and Byakuren's bodies got magically switched? *danmaku'd*
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 05, 2013, 03:36:51 PM
What if Miko and Byakuren's bodies got magically switched? *danmaku'd*

They would proceed to trash/obliterate/vandalize/blow up each other's temples.

What if one of the characters (probably PC-98 Alice, since she's the only one around that age) got converted into a little sister from the Bioshock Series?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on July 05, 2013, 03:53:47 PM
That Little Sister can protect herself, so her Big Daddy becomes "unemployed".

What if Yuyuko, Letty, and a really, really, really adorable and lovable Kyouko walk into an elevator and set off the overweight alarm?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: darkhero67 on July 05, 2013, 06:58:44 PM
than yuyuko would blame letty and letty would throw yuyuko off the elevator while kyouko just sits their watching. then they all would proceed to wonder why their is an elevator in gensokyo.

what if yukari got married to a random outside man.

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 05, 2013, 07:36:07 PM
Then the "hag" gets a "gag" (Male Hag)! Oh wait, hag jokes are dead.

What if Komachi was obese/fat/overweight?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on July 05, 2013, 09:14:06 PM
Then the "hag" gets a "gag" (Male Hag)! Oh wait, hag jokes are dead.

What if Komachi was obese/fat/overweight?
I'm tempted to say she would sleep more, but we all know that's impossible.

What if everyone in Gensokyo would be able to spend 48 hours in the outside world?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 05, 2013, 10:45:40 PM
For that time, the outside people would be happy, if they know them of course.

What if Letty wasn't "fat"?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on July 06, 2013, 04:08:09 AM
Then she's "big-boned".

What if Yukari finds wrinkles on her forehead?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on July 06, 2013, 04:59:01 PM
She manipulates the border between wrinkles and youthful skin and is rid of them.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on July 06, 2013, 05:12:33 PM
What if Wakasagihime drowned?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on July 06, 2013, 07:54:43 PM
She stops being half-girl half-fish and becomes a fish-girl-ghost that haunts the misty lake. Alternatively Murasa gets a steed to go drowning people on.

What if it rained fish in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 06, 2013, 11:37:27 PM
What if it rained fish in Gensokyo?

Chen and Orin would be very happy.

What if the Fact Core ( from Portal 2 ended up in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Mordon on July 07, 2013, 12:02:45 AM
Then some easily annoyed Miko would have more than youkais to bust up.

What if Marisa was allergic to mushrooms?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on July 07, 2013, 01:36:43 AM
There are two possible scenarios to this:
-If Marisa was always allergic to them, she would never have chosen mushrooms as an ingredient for much of her magic.

-In the event she became allergic; she's sh*t out of luck. She would stop being able to use a chunk of her magic, go into severe withdrawal which may or may not lead to her Final Sparking Reimu in a mood swing.

What if Akyuu lost both her arms in a bizarre Suika accident?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: darkhero on July 07, 2013, 02:47:32 AM
then she would learn to write with her feet

what if gensokyo had a police fore made up of youkai and humans that was actually good at dealing with youkai on human violence and vice versa
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: highzealot on July 07, 2013, 05:23:52 AM
A group of youkai and humans will join up to fight the law.

What if Gensokyo's worse humans and youkai teamed up to fight a team of Gensokyo's best humans and youkai while everyone else bet on who would win.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: darkhero on July 07, 2013, 05:30:22 AM
than cirno would beat everyone because she is the strongest

what if he-man came to gensokyo
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Mordon on July 07, 2013, 06:18:58 AM
Then he would inquire Orin about all those skeletons.

What if Reimu was really a zombie?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ToyoRai on July 07, 2013, 06:38:55 AM
Then-BLARGHGH!. That, or Yin Yang Orb really has no powers to affect her, meaning she has been kicking a normal balla round all this time.

What if Deviljho ( suddenly appeared in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kenchiwa on July 07, 2013, 03:27:03 PM

What if Madoka Kaname was spirited away to Gensokyo?
She'd stay there.
...what if Chihiro was spirited away to Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 07, 2013, 05:04:28 PM
She'd stay there.
...what if Chihiro was spirited away to Gensokyo?

You are supposed to answer the previous question before you ask a new one. You also cannot answer an already answered question. READ THE RULES PEOPLE!
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 07, 2013, 10:55:25 PM
What if... (yay more bashing) Tojiko could magically turn her ghost tails into legs?  :P

Edit: @Evil_Nazgul0616: I would like to see a Walfas video for the Byakuren and Miko switch bodies answer. Is that bad?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Mordon on July 08, 2013, 04:14:26 AM
Answering the last valid question and the invalid ones..
What if Deviljho ( suddenly appeared in Gensokyo?
I never played Monster Hunter so I wouldn't know, but from what a friend told me, I'm guessing the gensokyans would freak out.
...what if Chihiro was spirited away to Gensokyo?
What Chihiro? Anyways, at least I don't really have to answer this one properly.
What if... (yay more bashing) Tojiko could magically turn her ghost tails into legs?  :P
Ghost lovers would be a little sad. Her ghostly bottom is part of her charm. It's like a mermaid, but transparent and creepy!

What if Cirno was actually the strongest?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 08, 2013, 04:21:53 AM
Then all of the "Eye'm da strongest!" memes would make sense, then she would of made the cut in HM and probably go around freezing others.

What if Mystia and Kyouko's band ended up out classing the Prismriver sisters?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 08, 2013, 04:45:03 AM
Then the Prismrivers would turn into Parsee be very jealous.

What if Meiling got fired?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 08, 2013, 05:05:45 AM
Then Sakuya would have to be the gatekeeper and the head chief maid.

What if Byakuren learned how to shrink herself?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Gray21oh on July 08, 2013, 07:49:06 AM
She'd probably beat up the swarms of bugs that follow Wriggle sometimes.

What if Alice gave Hourai a gun? (I'm so horrible  :V)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 08, 2013, 11:12:00 AM
Then Hourai would be a badass!

What if they opened a Fast food resturant in Gensokyo and what if Yuyuko was banned from said place?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Gray21oh on July 08, 2013, 11:36:56 AM
The fast food restaurant would be a KFC and Yuyuko would try to get back in by holding all the chickens hostage. Perfect Chicken Blossom would then happen.

What if Remilia started to play dolly with her chupacabra?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on July 08, 2013, 12:11:19 PM
She'll play in a charismatic way that makes onlookers amazed.  She'll become famous all over Gensokyo for that, and she's proud of it.

What if Cirno froze to death?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ToyoRai on July 08, 2013, 02:04:45 PM
She'll play in a charismatic way that makes onlookers amazed.  She'll become famous all over Gensokyo for that, and she's proud of it.

What if Cirno froze to death?

And not a single f*ck was given that day, as she just comes back five seconds later.

What if Alice was acutally controlled by a doll called Russia *pichuun*
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on July 08, 2013, 02:14:58 PM
Reimu and Marisa will see to it that they free her from that doll's control.  That doll is Shanghai, by the way.

What if Flandre is a huge coward?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 08, 2013, 02:28:01 PM
Then she wouldn't be the final boss.

What if Kagerou tried to eat Letty's insides? (If she could kill and shred up Letty that is)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on July 08, 2013, 03:38:40 PM
Letty will convince her that her insides are not tasty, because they are full of fa... *gets frozen by Letty*

What if that girl seen serving beers in the Human Village stage of Hopeless Masquerade is actually Mima?  This girl:

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Gray21oh on July 08, 2013, 03:43:39 PM
Then Mima is really a vengeful spirit at peace... *ba dum tish*

What if Koishi managed to get everyone's hat?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on July 08, 2013, 04:35:40 PM
Everyone beats the crap out of her until they get their hat back.

What if Mann Co set up a hat factory in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: highzealot on July 08, 2013, 06:30:49 PM
Marisa will "borrow" the factory and all the hats and sell them herself.

What if Alice created the mobile dolls from Gundam Wing?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 08, 2013, 06:33:08 PM
Then I would thank her for making such a cool thing.

What if Hong Meiling was a sumo wrestler?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Mordon on July 08, 2013, 06:40:09 PM
She would be very fat and they wouldn't be able to slip past her at the gate.

What if there was a super popular sport in Gensokyo? (Besides fighting tournaments)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ToyoRai on July 08, 2013, 07:19:08 PM
Touhou Soccer. Look into that.

What if fairies were the smartest creatures in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 08, 2013, 07:42:35 PM
Then Cirno really is a genius.

What if Alice got pediophobia?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 09, 2013, 11:34:28 PM
Note to self: Pediophobia - Fear of dolls.

Then Alice would have to get rid of her dolls and find some new ability that doesn't involve dolls.  :V *blown up*

What if Gensokyo ended up having a Mortal Kombat tournament?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Mordon on July 10, 2013, 12:48:30 AM
Then Reimu Kang, Marisa Cage and Sanae Blade would win and prevent the Moonrealm from invading Gensokyorealm.

What if Youmu found the ocarina of time?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Gray21oh on July 10, 2013, 12:54:48 AM
Then there shall be a myon to the past. (Those words somehow gives me deja vu.)

What if Sekibanki left her head on a bench to go off and scare people, and when she came back her head was gone?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 10, 2013, 01:03:50 AM
Then she would become the Headless Youkai!

Another Sekibanki question:
What if Sekibanki's head was big?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 10, 2013, 01:10:02 AM
Then her body wouldn't be able to handle it!

What if the Master Sword was found in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on July 10, 2013, 01:40:29 AM
Youmu probably tries to get it. Then when she does, it turns out it's what was holding EX-Rumia back, not the ribbon like everyone thought. The strengthened Rumia tries to cover Gensokyo in darkness, but is ultimately defeated when the power of the ocean and forest fill the blade, and the blade is plunged into Rumia, turning her to stone before she can seize the Yin-Yang Orb and cast darkness upon the world.

What if Link wound up in Gensokyo and met Youmu?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on July 10, 2013, 01:50:57 AM
What if Link wound up in Gensokyo and met Youmu?
huhh Hya GYAAAAAAAA *dies*

What if Satori gets something in her eye?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 10, 2013, 01:56:24 AM
Then she won't be able to read minds and probably needs to go see Eirin!

What if Gensokyo got a duck youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 10, 2013, 02:08:59 AM
It would have Daffy Duck's personality and will be one of the most despised people in all of Gensokyo.

What if Superman went to Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 10, 2013, 02:21:42 AM
Yuugi VS Superman goooooooooooooo!!!!

What if Reimu's next adventure involved Gensokyo turning upside down Majora's Mask Stone Tower style?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Mordon on July 10, 2013, 05:10:38 AM
Then Sekibanki's head would fall off. Oh, whoops.

What if Gensokyo was invaded by an army of slime girls?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Rei Scarlette on July 10, 2013, 08:33:01 AM
Good! Surely one of those slime girls are sticky enough to stick Sekibanki's head back on, so it won't keep falling off during the Stone Tower incident.

What if there was an official game with Rinnosuke as the main character?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on July 10, 2013, 11:31:28 AM
It'll be a game about selling stuff, and the only form of action involves chasing those who stole your goods.  Marisa is the one stealing from him most of the time.

What if Yuuka cries like a baby when she trips?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 10, 2013, 05:45:38 PM
She would then proceed to violently Master Spark and obliterate any witnesses.

What if Yuuka smiled and the very act of doing so messed with the natural order (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on July 10, 2013, 06:17:19 PM
The universe would be in a constant state of dimensional collapse because Yuuka smiles almost all the time. Space-time would warp everything untill nothing was recognisable except  that one constant smile that would become the center of the universe.

What if Reimu was actually generous?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Gray21oh on July 10, 2013, 06:22:43 PM
Then she would be wealthier than Bill Gates. But then you get people that steal the money because there are no ATM's within Gensokyo.

What if Meiling decided to use the SDM as a push weight?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ToyoRai on July 10, 2013, 06:27:09 PM
Sakuya would see her trying to push it with no success (porbably part of her dream) and have no idea what she is doing.

What is every one expect Reimu and Marisa mysteriously dissapeared from Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on July 10, 2013, 07:12:53 PM
Sakuya would see her trying to push it with no success (porbably part of her dream) and have no idea what she is doing.

What is every one expect Reimu and Marisa mysteriously dissapeared from Gensokyo?

Then they would have to repopulate it themselves, if you know what i me- *shot dead*

What if Yuuka manipulated all of the plants in Gensokyo at once?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 10, 2013, 08:15:41 PM
Then she would use them to destroy unexcepecting visitors.

What if there a Touhou version of Sonic 2 XL (Look that up if you don't know what it is)?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Mordon on July 10, 2013, 08:19:52 PM
Then.. see my sig. (Letty would also be playable)

What if Gensokyo was a very high tech place?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 10, 2013, 08:25:17 PM
Then Nitori would be able to create stuff easier.

What if Hata no Kokoro was a witch doctor?

And speaking on the answer to my previous question, I'm assuming:
Sonic = Reisen (The one who gets fattened by the onion rings)
Tails = Letty (The one who doesn't get affected by the onion rings)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Darkness1 on July 10, 2013, 09:06:57 PM
Then Nitori would be able to create stuff easier.

What if Hata no Kokoro was a witch doctor?
Then her masks would be creepier (
go CrashB-style masks
) and her danmaku possibly more spirit themed.

What if Letty and Cirno teamed up to fight Murasa and Nitori?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Mordon on July 10, 2013, 09:40:30 PM
Nitori used water gun! It's not very effective...
Ice-type Team would win this round.

What if ZUN's art was really good?

And speaking on the answer to my previous question, I'm assuming:
Sonic = Reisen (The one who gets fattened by the onion rings)
Tails = Letty (The one who doesn't get affected by the onion rings)

Wasn't really thinking about who is who, but Letty is known in the fanon to be kinda chubby.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 10, 2013, 10:47:31 PM
Then everybody would look *shifty* eyes...  FABULOUS!

What if Miko challenged Byakuren to a game of DDR?

(Anyone who gets this reference gets a cookie.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 11, 2013, 12:54:48 AM
Miko would pwn Byakuren with her Legendary Taoist Dance SkillzTM

What if an Average Evil Meteor From Out of the Sky ( impacted into Gensokyo and asked Cirno to bring him some brains?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 11, 2013, 01:01:51 AM
Miko would pwn Byakuren with her Legendary Taoist Dance SkillzTM

What if an Average Evil Meteor From Out of the Sky ( impacted into Gensokyo and asked Cirno to bring him some brains?

That answer to my question deserves a cookie! -gives Evil a cookie-

My Answer: I think the residents of Gensokyo would be preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty screwed due to Cirno's compliance to the Meteor's request except for probably either Reimu or Yukari due to that their brains would probably kill the meteor or take over it.

What if Gensokyo had a Starbucks?  :V
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 11, 2013, 01:04:32 AM
Star Sapphire would be the main manager (Puns).

What if there was a Kirby-like Touhou game were you play as Yuyuko?
And who would be King Dedede and Meta Knight (Not the same person though).
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 11, 2013, 01:11:22 AM
Star Sapphire would be the main manager (Puns).

What if there was a Kirby-like Touhou game were you play as Yuyuko?
And who would be King Dedede and Meta Knight (Not the same person though).
There already is a Touhou-kirby like game in the works if I recall correctly. But, I'll answer this one: If there was one I would play it like a boss and... Meta Knight would be Youmu or Marisa  and King Dedede would be probably... Letty or Reimu.

What if while you're on a bridge looking at the view you suddenly see a gap open right in front of your eyes?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 11, 2013, 01:23:17 AM
What if while you're on a bridge looking at the view you suddenly see a gap open right in front of your eyes?

"DAMNIT YUKARI!!!!" as nothing good could possibly come out of that.

What if Utsuho's fusion reactor exploded?

What if there was a Kirby-like Touhou game were you play as Yuyuko?

I'm actually working on a game like that, check it out if you want. (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 11, 2013, 01:31:32 AM
*Everybody in Gensokyo chilling*

-5 minutes later of Utsuho's fusion reactor exploding-

Everybody in Gensokyo except for Yukari: OOOOOOOOOOOOH SH-

Yukari: -gap hax'd-

Translation: Gensokyo would be nuked.

What if Futo finally got with the times? (Don't hurt me. *pichun*)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on July 11, 2013, 03:49:26 AM
What if Futo finally got with the times? (Don't hurt me. *pichun*)

She would be arrested for arson.

What if there was a Touhou that had the power to mime?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 11, 2013, 03:55:10 AM
All her spell cards would start with "Imitation" and they would copy other people's spell cards exactly. This would lead to Shikieiki sentencing the mime to hell for copyright infringement.

What if Cirno, Mystia, Wriggle, Rumia, and Daiyousei went on The Oregon Trail? (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ToyoRai on July 11, 2013, 04:12:23 AM
Cirno and Daiyousei would be send to do all the work since they cannot die. Rumia provides cover for heat. Wriggle will keep the bugs away. Mystia will die due of dysentery.

What if the Giant Catfish was able to exit Meiling's dreams and what would he do first?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Rei Scarlette on July 11, 2013, 05:27:32 AM
More likely than not, he'd get caught on a giant fishhook before long, no matter what he tried to do first.

What if Sekibanki started shooting her head at people with a giant slingshot?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 11, 2013, 05:49:28 PM
@an unmatched sock:  *cue Cops theme song* (

Answer to SirBlueBerry:  FOOOOOOOOOOOORE! (

Translation: Everybody would probably be batting her head around.

What if the Taoists decided to have a party in the Graveyard and Miko is the DJ?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 11, 2013, 06:04:15 PM
Then probably there would be Zombies that get attracted to music.

What if Seiga hair loops were actually Mouse ears?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 11, 2013, 06:15:21 PM
Then it proves that Seiga is actually Minnie Mouse's evil twin sister! -gets chased by Yoshika-

Speaking of Yoshika... What if Yoshika got randomly turned into a human Jiang-shi? (This actually was played out in a RP I was in along time ago.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: LadyScarlet on July 12, 2013, 02:06:09 AM
Yoshika would be in Darkstalkers instead of Hsein-Ko.

What if Flandre turned out to be free DLC in Hopeless Masquerade?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Lavalake on July 12, 2013, 02:21:13 AM
Computer explodes when Flandre VS Koishi.

What if every laser and bullet and harmful thing in Touhou was replaced by Yukkuris?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on July 12, 2013, 02:34:30 AM
What if every laser and bullet and harmful thing in Touhou was replaced by Yukkuris?

Every hit, instead of "pichuuun" is now "take it easy!" The players would feel annoyed as all of their shots, when hitting, now say "Take it easy!" and die from the noise.

What if Byakuren could play the saxophone? Specifically, an alto.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 12, 2013, 02:51:47 AM
During one of Byakuren's performances, Miko would suddenly steal the show using the Legendary Taoist Baritone Sax of Utter AwesomenessTM played to the tune of Epic Sax Guy. (

What if Remilia read the You're SPECIAL! (!) book from Fallout 3?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 12, 2013, 08:14:26 PM
@Evil_Nazgul0616: My reaction to your answer and Miko stealing the show from Byakuren. (

Answer: Then Remilia would think she's so special that everybody would have to love her because she's  Special!

What if Byakuren and Miko had started the ultimate showdown in Gensokyo?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on July 13, 2013, 02:19:22 AM
What if Byakuren and Miko had started the ultimate showdown in Gensokyo?
Then Reimu would obviously get annoying and join the fray. Now being a three way religious battle royal, All three sides would start to war on each other; which is how we get Touhou 15.21454 Laser Light Show.

What if Shikieki lost the ability to fire off her "Hotdogs" ?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 13, 2013, 02:30:05 AM
Then "pigs" will stop complaining.

What if Yamame was the final boss of SA instead of Utsuho? How would her appearance and personality changed?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 13, 2013, 02:48:44 AM
Yamame would probably be a  friendly, but evil earth spider and she'll have a more scary ability. Her appearance would be more like a tarantula.

Edit: My next post has the question since both Evil and I answered the question, sorry.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 13, 2013, 02:52:18 AM
What if Yamame was the final boss of SA instead of Utsuho? How would her appearance and personality changed?

She would look more demonic and spider-like, her personality would be built around her motive to consume those that entered her lair, in this case Reimu and Marisa.

What if a piece of Venom ( from Gradius V is sleeping under Gensokyo, waiting to become sentient and exact retribution?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 13, 2013, 02:58:03 AM
She would look more demonic and spider-like, her personality would be built around her motive to consume those that entered her lair, in this case Reimu and Marisa.

What if a piece of Venom ( from Gradius V is sleeping under Gensokyo, waiting to become sentient and exact retribution?

Then Reimu and Marisa would have to kill before it does!

What if Iku did the Gentleman dance ( and it started a disco movement?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 14, 2013, 04:03:04 PM
Gentleman becomes Gensokyo's national anthem not long after.

What if Cirno had Queen Larsa's attack pattern? (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 14, 2013, 09:57:35 PM
What if Cirno had Queen Larsa's attack pattern? (

What if Reimu's next adventure took place in Space? (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 14, 2013, 10:47:08 PM
Then probably the Lunarians may make an appearance. Not sure though.....

What if Chen acted like Garfield?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on July 14, 2013, 10:56:54 PM
Then probably the Lunarians may make an appearance. Not sure though.....

What if Chen acted like Garfield?

She would lay around all day eating lasagna and be even more useless for chores than she already is.

What if Gensokyo was modernized and the outside world was like what Gensokyo is now?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Darkness1 on July 15, 2013, 01:31:39 AM

What if Gensokyo was modernized and the outside world was like what Gensokyo is now?
Then the gods would probably move away from Gensokyo and Reimu would get more broke than she already is.

What if Sekibanki tried to take over Gensokyo with a legion of flying heads?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 15, 2013, 01:59:29 AM
Then Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya would have to kick Sekibanki's ass.

What if there was a pony youkai in Gensokyo? (No, NOT the *censoring* ( my little pony types.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Yatakarasu on July 15, 2013, 06:12:55 AM
What if there was a pony youkai in Gensokyo? (No, NOT the *censoring* ( my little pony types.)
Well, since this is Gensokyo it would most likely be a centaur or an Uma-no-ashi (which is a horse leg that dangles from a tree and kicks people, thanks wikipedia). Or even better it could be a horse of one of the riders of the Apocalypse. Regardless, she would still be a loli and want to beat people in a danmaku duel.

That Yamame question got me thinking, what if there was a game where you fought all the first stage bosses but they all had cards as if they were a last/final boss. And who would the Extra boss be? (Rika doesn't count)

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 15, 2013, 06:22:06 AM
That Yamame question got me thinking, what if there was a game where you fought all the first stage bosses but they all had cards as if they were a last/final boss. And who would the Extra boss be? (Rika doesn't count)
Then everybody who plays the game would be having a ball going Zun you... (
Extra boss: I nominate... YUYUKO! *reactions* ( (I think I loop holed I don't know, but if I did then I'll correct myself.)

What if there was a Fairy Fountain in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on July 15, 2013, 03:38:06 PM
Then everybody who plays the game would be having a ball going Zun you... (
Extra boss: I nominate... YUYUKO! *reactions* ( (I think I loop holed I don't know, but if I did then I'll correct myself.)

What if there was a Fairy Fountain in Gensokyo?

No one would visit it due to the weirdness of the Great Fairies...unless it's a Wind Waker fountain. Either way, Cirno would eventually find out about it and try to freeze it over to assert her dominance.

Sort of a follow-up to my previous question, what if Gensokyo's Religion War was actually a battle of the bands, and what sort of band would each religion be?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 15, 2013, 06:16:15 PM
Sort of a follow-up to my previous question, what if Gensokyo's Religion War was actually a battle of the bands, and what sort of band would each religion be?

Taoists: A rock band with some techno thrown in.
Buddhists: A jazz band, with Byakuren playing the Alto Sax.
Shinto: Varies by shrine. The Moirya Shrine would be a symphonic orchestra. The Hakurei Shrine would be Reimu banging on a cooking pot with a stick.

The battle would ultimately come down to the Taoists and Buddhists, however Reimu steals the prize money leaving the victor with nothing.

What if there was a Touhou version of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which Touhou characters would fit each role? (who would be Sir Lancelot, King Arthur, the killer rabbit, Sir Galahad, etc.)

EDIT: Disregard that question, for I fear it may have contributed to the stagnancy of this thread. Here's a new one (though you can still answer the other one if you want to...):
What if the events of every single one of the Touhou games were directly or indirectly caused by Cirno a la Forrest Gump style?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 20, 2013, 04:04:33 PM
Then there would a time paradox!

What if Touhou had a Persona cross over?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ToyoRai on July 20, 2013, 04:20:41 PM
Then there would a time paradox!

What if Touhou had a Persona cross over?
I would say "I cannot imagine what kind of Shadows Touhou cast will encounter" but This guy ( (Pixiv link, SFW aside from creepiness and maybe few sexually suggestive stuff) has already done that.
And I willlalugh when Reimu meets up with the Fox

What if Rumia and Utsuho (the "darkness" and the "light") decided to team up?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 20, 2013, 05:49:43 PM
Then they would be called "Team Lightbulb" or something.

What if Byrakuren was the Touhou Satan?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on July 20, 2013, 06:20:11 PM
Then Shinki would have to wait in the unemployment line and feel unimportant.

Byakuren might also have to deal with Remilia, since she already calls herself the devil.

What if Mokou launched Kaguya on a bottle rocket to try and send her back to the moon?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 20, 2013, 07:09:25 PM
Kaguya would just come back to Earth a few days later after said successful launch!

What if Nue decided to play a prank on all of the Stage 6 bosses minus Byakuren by disguising herself as Reimu?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on July 21, 2013, 12:22:52 AM
They go to ask Reimu why she beat them up and then get beaten up again.

What if Osana Reimu was canon?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 21, 2013, 12:32:10 AM
They go to ask Reimu why she beat them up and then get beaten up again.

What if Osana Reimu was canon?
@Cybeast710: That would make a kick ass walfas comic.~

Answer: Then everybody would love Reimu MORE!

What if Gensokyo had a fashion show?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on July 21, 2013, 03:13:54 AM
Miko would be runner up because she's fabulous; Sparkles and all. Tenshi would win first because favoritism.

What if Byaky found a consistent way of entering Senkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on July 21, 2013, 03:22:12 AM
Answer: Then everybody would love Reimu MORE!

...What about Rumia? She RAISED Reimu in that!
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 21, 2013, 03:28:31 AM
Miko would be runner up because she's fabulous; Sparkles and all. Futo would win first because moeness.

What if Byaky found a consistent way of entering Senkai?
@Kosachi: Had to fix that, sorry.

Answer: ANGRY TAOISTS AHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Along, with more Miko VS Byakuren fights than the law allows.

What if Koishi had a pet bear?

@Cybeast710: I completely forgot!!! T____T
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Sagus on July 21, 2013, 03:49:04 AM
She most likely has one. At any rate it probably wouldn't remember her anymore anyway. Very sad.

What if Eiki was the shinigami, and Komachi was the Yama?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 21, 2013, 03:58:44 AM
Then Eiki would be bringing in more souls than Komachi can judge due to her laziness.

What if there was a bear youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 21, 2013, 04:25:15 AM
Probably her stage would be in a woods/forest like setting.
Plus fanon would probably make her act like a honey glutton.  :V

What if the cast of The Little Mermaid (Disney film) was replaced by Touhou characters? Who would be Arieal (Or however you spell her name)? And who would be Ursula?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on July 21, 2013, 04:56:37 AM
Who would be Ursula... Gee, I wonder? Probably Nue, since they both use TRIDENTS!

As for Arial (Aryal, Arail, I don't know...) Well, since 14 came out, there's a shoe-in for her too, the mermaid character! Who I still can't remember the name of!

What if EX-Rumia is exactly as represented in Reireimu? Changing the question.

What if you went down to your basement, and saw Flandre lounging on your furniture?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Rei Scarlette on July 21, 2013, 05:36:21 AM
I don't have an answer to this question, but her name, as is easier to spell by listening to how Sebastian says it, is "Ariel". Just thought I'd drop by and clear that up; It was easy enough after reading so many books to my sisters.

And DDC's mermaid is named Wakasagihime. I'm good with names.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 21, 2013, 04:45:45 PM
Encase of Flandre:


2. Let your brain hit the Panic Button! (


4. Don't cry! (

Translation: You're screwed just haul ass and hope she doesn't ask you to "play" with her.

What if Touhou became the Wizard of Oz?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on July 21, 2013, 05:44:48 PM
Reimu would have to seach the entire land for the Wizard Gap Youkai of Oz. On her travels she will meet the Cowardly Nue disguised as a lion, An Iron Man Maid and Aya the Scare(y) Crow. With these Captives Allies she'll find the Wizard Gap Youkai and Demand Wish for her to "Fix this goddamn mess you started!"

What if the next incident turned everyone into puppets?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 21, 2013, 05:49:17 PM
Then Reimu would have to go solve this incident and beat up Alice who is known for her love of dolls!

What if the next incident was everybody's bodies got switched?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on July 21, 2013, 06:08:20 PM
Then how the FUCK did Manaphy get into Gensokyo?

What if Reimu made Rumia her apprentice?

(You can tell what I've been watching.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 21, 2013, 06:41:46 PM
Oh boy then Rumia would have a hard time understanding due well... GO TAKE A LOOK AT BYAKUREN'S TEMPLE DUDES! (SoPM moment.)

What if it was "Everybody be Reimu day" in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 21, 2013, 08:44:21 PM
The store would run out of boxes quick!

What if there was a incident where Reisen got posessed by a Devil, and they becomes a big were-rabbit type thing?


What if Reimu got revealed as a playable character in SSB4? (Just imagine ZUN let them put her in the game)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 21, 2013, 09:04:35 PM
Answer 1: Eirin would have to team up with Reimu to cure Reisen!


What if there was a Touhou version of Final Fantasy II and the storyline was about religious war?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 22, 2013, 01:31:52 AM
Depends on which Final Fantasy II you mean.
If it's Final Fantasy II as in Japanese NES game/Dawn of Souls (The one I've played the least, but I know the basic storyline) then four buddhists (probably Byakeren and a few disciples) would embark on a quest to defeat Miko the Evil Taoist Empress.

If you mean Final Fantasy II as the American mislabeling of Final Fantasy IV on the SNES, then it would center around Sanae, the commander of the Red Wings of Baron the Moirya Shrine enacting a Moirya Shrine conspiracy to steal items of power from the other religious groups. Somehow it would all end up with paying the Lunarians a visit and ending with an epic battle with Zeromus Kokoro's Hatred Mask.

What if Gensokyo became a wasteland during the global nuclear apocalypse that took place in the Fallout series?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 22, 2013, 01:48:01 AM
What if Gensokyo became a wasteland during the global nuclear apocalypse that took place in the Fallout series?
This one: Final Fantasy II as in Japanese NES game/Dawn of Souls (The one I've played the least, but I know the basic storyline) then four buddhists (probably Byakeren and a few disciples) would embark on a quest to defeat Miko the Evil Taoist Empress.

My reaction:  :objection!: Miko isn't evil!!!

Answer: Then Reimu and co. must find a way to survive the apocalypse before Gensokyo completely is lost!

What if Reimu ended up going on an adventure Super Mario World Style?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: darkhero on July 22, 2013, 02:16:18 AM
than super marisa land would become canon

what if the touhouverse had a m.i.b. style agency that delt with youkai in the outside world.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on July 22, 2013, 03:12:55 AM
   Then Koishi would be cloned and worn as a hat so no one would remember seeing them. Which would result in a massive amount of Koishi. Which would probably end badly.

   What if the characters of Looney Tunes made it to Gensokyo, and what comedic hijinks would immediately ensue because of it?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 22, 2013, 08:01:19 AM
Then possibly everybody in Gensokyo would be trolling each (especially Byakuren, Miko, Mokou, and Kaguya due to obvious reasons) other while the Looney Toons gang would be too.

What if Gensokyo had a peacock ( youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on July 22, 2013, 08:31:35 AM
Fancy butt-dress. No other details needed.

What if Gensyoko was regularly visited by Outside World humans?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Darkness1 on July 22, 2013, 10:13:34 AM
What if Gensyoko was regularly visited by Outside World humans?
Then the human-eating youkai would never be hungry again :V

What if the Gensokyo residents tried out paintball?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 22, 2013, 08:03:13 PM
Then probably a religious paint ball war would break out, while incidents involving paint ball fights would break out leaving Reimu and Marisa to solve it with the power of spellcard powered Paint Ball guns!

What if the next incident Gensokyo has ends up being like The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 22, 2013, 08:26:25 PM
One thing's for sure, Youmu would be the main heroine.

What if Yukari started developing Yuyuko's eating habits?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 22, 2013, 09:28:10 PM
Then Yukari would probably end up being the Fat Gap Youkai of Gensokyo.

What if Byakuren decided to open a shop?  ;)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on July 22, 2013, 09:31:42 PM
Unzan would be in charge of Customer Service.

What if Gensokyo was the world that became modern, while the outside world didn't advance technologically?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on July 22, 2013, 11:01:19 PM
Well, given what's believed would happen if the worlds merged, the youkai would be completely extinct.

What if every cat in our world suddenly turned into a neko? (I'm really bored right now...)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 22, 2013, 11:49:53 PM
It turns out to be all a part of Chen's master plan to take over the outside world.
...and thus the Chenocalypse begins (much to Ran's enjoyment)...

What if Flandre (or Okuu, whichever fits better.) is secretly being influenced by the Almighty Toaster (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on July 23, 2013, 12:03:32 AM
   You mean Okuu didn't just eat Almighty Toast to gain her nuclear powers? How else do you think she gained that much power and evil just from a meal? It was the toaster all along. As such, the incident is already resolved, and the Almighty Toaster just sits there, now lifeless, since it gave its essence to that one piece of toast for Okuu. Sucks to be him.  :V

   What if Unzan went to see a major-league baseball game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 23, 2013, 03:28:55 AM
@un matched sock: SOCK WHAT THE FUCK, your question. XD

Answer: Unzan would be scoring all of the home runs when the baseball comes flying at him.

What if Gensokyo had a baseball game match and would do you think the teams would be?

(Blame sock for this question due to Unzan being at a Baseball game.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on July 23, 2013, 05:03:43 AM
@MewMewHeart I dunno, I just had this funny image in my head of Unzan with foam fingers and a baseball hat  :3

Sorry that I'm not answering the question, someone else can.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on July 23, 2013, 06:49:23 AM

Eh, SDM, Eintei, the Buddhists, the Taoists, Hakurei Shrine, the Moriya Shrine, etc. by location/relations.

And the SDM will always win with Flandre as pitcher or Sakuya at bat.

What if Gensyoko was in America instead or Japan?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 23, 2013, 08:12:24 AM
@MewMewHeart I dunno, I just had this funny image in my head of Unzan with foam fingers and a baseball hat  :3
@an unmatched sock: This would make an article in Aya and Hatate's newspapers.

Answer to bigyisuan: Then shit would make sense... in a bad way. >.<

What if the next Touhou game was based on Okami?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on July 23, 2013, 06:28:54 PM
There would be brush-based danmaku and a wolf girl character.

What if the trumpet in Touhou soundtracks was replaced by a Kazoo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on July 23, 2013, 06:45:53 PM
The funerary services would make a killing as far too many people would die from exanguination due to ruptured eardrums.

What if medicin's poison is ever used to make the medicine that grants immunity to all poisons?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: KuroArashi100 on July 23, 2013, 07:29:19 PM
Then Eirin's job would get a whole lot easier.

What if everyone in Gensokyo suddenly lost their special abilities?(Just the ones unique to each character. Example: Reisen not being able to manipulate waves anymore.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on July 23, 2013, 08:30:31 PM
Then, in that case, they're solely limited by the spell cards they can create.

What if every Touhou fan suddenly woke up one day with the powers of their favorite character?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on July 23, 2013, 10:44:36 PM
The world would be destroyed by everyone abusing their powers and danmakuing each other. Period.
Game over man! GAME OVER!!!!

What if the next Touhou game was based on Gradius?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on July 24, 2013, 09:23:47 AM
ALL MY MONEY!!!!!!!!!!  Anyway, the final boss will just sit there and do nothing.  However, since it's not like Touhou to have a super easy final boss, things will be made harder in the way that you have to defeat the final boss within a short time limit, or else you will instantly get a game over.  There is no way you can defeat the boss unless you have at least five bombs , so if you didn't save them, you're screwed.

What if Yukari ditches Ran and replaces her with Chen?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 24, 2013, 10:39:38 PM
Hilarity ensues when she tries to beat up anyone that comes towards her master's home!

What if we end up getting a dragon youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 24, 2013, 10:47:04 PM
Then the "dragon Meiling" fad would probably be dead.

What if Flandre Scarlet becomes a 1st stage boss in the next Touhou game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 24, 2013, 11:00:01 PM
Then we'll have to deal with the rage of Flandre Scarlet's fans while dodging the Flandre popularity drop rage group!

What if the next Touhou game included a flip mechanic via Majora's Mask Stone Tower style?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Rei Scarlette on July 25, 2013, 02:01:40 AM
Then Sekibanki's head would... I mean, that would be one frustrating game until you get the hang of it, then it could be kinda cool if done right.

What if a LoZ:Link to the Past-like game and Sekibanki took the place of Blind the Thief?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 25, 2013, 02:30:38 AM
Then there would flying heads and lasers all over the place.

What if Reimu had a pet tiger?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on July 25, 2013, 02:41:29 AM
Then she'd probably train it to maul anyone who doesn't give her donations  :derp:.

What if Kisume's bucket broke?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 25, 2013, 03:08:28 AM
Then Kisume would have to get another one!

What if Senkai had a Stone Tower like mechanism trap?
(Majora's Mask I blame you.~)

Edit: Scratch that no more Stone Tower shenanigans out of me.

New question:  What if Zun made a Touhou Tennis game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Gray21oh on August 05, 2013, 01:34:28 AM
There would be more than one tennis ball

With that in my mind, what if there was a Touhou football game? (Football as in the game with the oval-like ball, throwing that out there).
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 05, 2013, 01:41:09 AM
Then Yuugi, Suika, Yuka, and Flandre would be dominating the football field.

What if there was a lizard youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 05, 2013, 02:30:28 AM
What if there was a lizard youkai?

Cue inhabitants of Gensokyo shouting "OH MY GOD!!! GOJIRA!!!" whenever the lizard youkai appeared.

What if Unzan, Genji, and Rinnosuke formed a men's club in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on August 05, 2013, 01:53:48 PM
Men will go there, duh!  What?  Were you expecting an answer related to the lack of men in the series?  Too bad!

What if Yuyuko took candy from a little kid?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on August 05, 2013, 02:22:53 PM
She would probably swallow the kid along with the lollipop. And the mother too ._.

What if Marisa got her hands on a Portal Gun... WITH INFINITE RANGE!
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 05, 2013, 02:45:04 PM
Patchouli looks on in horror as her bookshelves drop through portals in the floor.

What if the printer (warning: contains mild language) ( from Office Space ended up in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 05, 2013, 06:26:10 PM
Nitori would be glad to take it apart!

What if Miko had a pet Panda Bear?

*New category of questions from me will be pet related, that is all ~MewMewHeart*
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 05, 2013, 07:53:54 PM
She'd make it attack Byakuren.

What if Flandre gained the powers of Minus? ( Which is to say, the ability to make ANYTHING she wants happen. And I mean ANYTHING. Just look at strip 1.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 05, 2013, 08:03:47 PM
Then everybody in Gensokyo would be scared shitless!

What if Marisa had a pet Eagle?

@Cybeast710: I was more imagining the Panda would be a Taoist, but that works too. *insert bad image of Byakuren's bloodied corpse and Miko laughing like Shion from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni here* :derp:
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 06, 2013, 02:16:09 AM
She'd train it to steal Patchy's books.

What if the Moirya Shrine was the poor shrine and the Hakurei Shrine was the shrine getting all the donations and faith?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 06, 2013, 02:21:46 AM
She'd train it to steal Patchy's books.
What if the Moirya Shrine was the poor shrine and the Hakurei Shrine was the shrine getting all the donations and faith?
LE GASP! The Moriya Shrine being poor, blasphemy.  :V

Then, the Moriya Shrine will literally need a miracle to out shine Reimu's shrine!

What if Sanae had a magical pet hamster?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 06, 2013, 04:27:50 AM
Said hamster would be trained to spy on the other residents of Gensokyo in preparation for the next Moirya Shrine Conspiracy.

What if Reimu gave Kanako "More dirty laundry for you and your goons!" (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 06, 2013, 05:04:40 AM
Kanako would probably A. Curse Reimu or B. Laugh her ass off for some odd reason...

What if Seiga had a pet Parakeet (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on August 06, 2013, 03:47:00 PM
Obviously, it's an undead parakeet she found out there somewhere.  Like Yoshika, it eats spirits, so Yuyuko's life just got less safer.

What if everyone in the series looks unattractive?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 06, 2013, 04:28:19 PM
Then ZUN's art is exactly what they look like.

What if the Autobots and Decepticons ended up in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 06, 2013, 04:54:46 PM
Nitori and Sanae would have a ball using Hisou Tensoku to stop them.

What if Kogasa developed gap powers?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 06, 2013, 05:22:28 PM
Someone's about to get licked by a tongue from nowhere then. Possibly multiple someones.

Continuing off the Flandre thing, what if Yuyuko had Minus's powers instead?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on August 06, 2013, 05:27:42 PM
Foods!  They're popping out all around her!

What if Rinnosuke is already married?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on August 06, 2013, 06:47:58 PM
Youki would more than likely burst into tears and go into an episode of self loathing and gorging himself over the loss of his love.

What if Hatate stopped getting reception?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: KuroArashi100 on August 06, 2013, 06:54:11 PM
Then Aya would win every following newspaper competition!

What if all tea suddenly dissapeared from Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on August 06, 2013, 09:34:32 PM
Then they would get a substitute!

What if all Religion was banned in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 06, 2013, 10:52:41 PM
All the gods and goddesses would die/fade away/leave. And nobody will donate to the Hakurei Shrine ever again. Nice job banning it, hero.

What if Suika and somebody else decided to re-enact this (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 06, 2013, 11:44:28 PM
All the gods and goddesses would die/fade away/leave. And nobody will donate to the Hakurei Shrine ever again. Nice job banning it, hero.

What if Suika and somebody else decided to re-enact this (

Answer to Evil_Nazgul616: Most likely Suika would crush them!

What if all of the birds in Gensokyo have an Alfred Hitchcock ( moment?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on August 07, 2013, 04:35:04 AM
It would be even worse than the movie because of wind gusts (Aya), random cases of night-blindness (Mystia), and nuclear blasts (Utsuho).

What if Q from Star Trek showed up in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 07, 2013, 12:49:20 PM
It would be even worse than the movie because of wind gusts (Aya), random cases of night-blindness (Mystia), and nuclear blasts (Utsuho).

What if Q from Star Trek showed up in Gensokyo?
Then we have a new god in Gensokyo!

What if Meiling had a pet parrot?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 07, 2013, 02:46:05 PM
Sakuya would secretly train it behind Meiling's back to squawk wildly whenever Meiling fell asleep.

What if the ruins of La-Mulana (including the eight guardians and the Mother ( ended up in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 07, 2013, 03:11:26 PM
Sakuya would secretly train it behind Meiling's back to squawk wildly whenever Meiling fell asleep.

What if the ruins of La-Mulana (including the eight guardians and the Mother ( ended up in Gensokyo?
Then we would have a Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream version of Touhou happen!

What if Youmu had a pet Gerbil (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on August 07, 2013, 03:17:27 PM
She would inevitably question where it went while she ate her oddly flavoured meat pie.

What if Marisa's magic missiles were actually military grade?   
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 07, 2013, 04:00:17 PM
@Kosachi: Youmu you ate your pet Gerbil!

Answer to Kosachi's question: Then they would be most likely POWERFUL enough to nuke!

What if Futo had a pet goldfish?

(This question is for shits and giggles)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 07, 2013, 04:30:47 PM
Wakasagihime would pop up and slap the shit out of Futo for keeping a fish in captivity.  Cucumbers pending, Nitori might join her.

What if all the red-haired characters had a soccer game against all the green-haired characters?  (PC-98s included in both teams, in case you were wondering)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 07, 2013, 04:36:17 PM
Wakasagihime would pop up and slap the shit out of Futo for keeping a fish in captivity.  Cucumbers pending, Nitori might join her.

@UnendingEmpire: You don't know how much that answer to my question just made me laugh.

Answer to UnendingEmpire's question: It'll be like a Christmas colored soccer game, but except with spells cards!

What if Kyuubey was spotted in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on August 07, 2013, 05:21:48 PM
Nobody would make a contract with him because nearly everyone in Gensokyo is magical already.

What if Mystia ate Yuyuko?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 07, 2013, 05:24:06 PM
Nobody would make a contract with him because nearly everyone in Gensokyo is magical already.
What if Mystia ate Yuyuko?
Yuyuko is already dead! So... not all of the fucks in the world were given that day.

What if Eiki had a pet Cerberus (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 07, 2013, 06:24:23 PM
Satori would take it home with her.

What if Pokemon battles got popular in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 07, 2013, 06:27:51 PM
Then Touhoumon: Another World, minus the Boneka and with the original Pokemon.

What if I'm too damn lazy to ask a question?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on August 07, 2013, 06:35:25 PM
Then I guess I'll have to be lazy and too unoriginal and say " I'm too damn lazy to give an answer!"  :yukkuri:

What if Utsuho received command over N. Korea's military  :o
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 07, 2013, 06:47:02 PM
She'd see how many times she can press that big red button in a minute. Welp, there goes the world.

This one's directed at the viewer.

The last picture of Touhou you saw, all participating characters are now in the room with you. What was it, and what happens?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 07, 2013, 07:43:43 PM
Given that the last one I saw was your avatar, I guess I'd die?

What if Remilia decided to found the Gensokyo branch of the Hellsing Organization?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on August 07, 2013, 08:20:56 PM
Then she would be the only Loli there.

What if you were in a room with all of the final boss Touhou characters (Flandre,Yukari,Kaguya (Or was it Mokou?),Shikieiki,Suika,Tenshi,Kokoro,Mamizou etc.)?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 07, 2013, 08:48:24 PM
What if you were in a room with all of the final boss Touhou characters (Flandre,Yukari,Kaguya (Or was it Mokou?),Shikieiki,Suika,Tenshi,Kokoro,Mamizou etc.)?

For starters, you forgot Rika, Gengetsu, Mugetsu, and Young Alice. Also, it's Mokou.

If I was in a room with all of them? Well, I'd ask them to pull straws, and the short straw gets to kill me. With luck, they'll break into an argument with the person who drew the straw and I'd try to get away. But it wouldn't help that much because Yukari would just drag me back there again anyway.

Or in other words...

Except without the "Press R to restart thing". I needed that game because of how easy it is to die.

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 07, 2013, 09:16:02 PM

What if by some bizarre and most likely Yukari-related incident, Reimu had to go up against the planet GENETOS. (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 08, 2013, 06:09:04 PM
All the raining danmaku in the world would be falling from the sky!

What if Miko became a celestial?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 08, 2013, 07:56:09 PM
She will attempt to teach Tenshi Taoism.

What if parkour became popular in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 08, 2013, 08:11:06 PM
She will attempt to teach Tenshi Taoism.

What if parkour became popular in Gensokyo?
@Evil_Nazgul0616: AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! Quick someone make a video of the answer.

Then the kappa would be a threat and Yuyuko would be losing weight! (Unless there is another parkour)

What if the next Touhou game was Donkey Kong like?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 08, 2013, 08:50:26 PM
Reimu would look at Rinnosuke holding Remilia and the barrels, and facepalm at the idiocy of Rinnosuke, before flying up and kicking his ass.

What if Marisa walked in your house and asked for a Coke?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 08, 2013, 08:54:50 PM
I'd tell her to help herself, since she'd take it anyway.

What if Reimu had to start killing the sixteen Colossi from Shadow of the Colossus?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 08, 2013, 09:21:49 PM
All of them would be burned to a crisp by Hax Sign ~ Burn Everything. As Reimu celebrates her victory she is suddenly hit in the face by a computer monitor for using Hax. (

What if Youmu could Zero Shift (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on August 08, 2013, 11:34:12 PM
All of them would be burned to a crisp by Hax Sign ~ Burn Everything. As Reimu celebrates her victory she is suddenly hit in the face by a computer monitor for using Hax. (

What if Youmu could Zero Shift (

Then she could turn any enemy into the consistency of sauerkraut.

What if Remilia decided to found the Gensokyo branch of the Hellsing Organization?

I know this has already been answered, but... she would change her name to Ailimer. I am so sorry

Anyway, what if Kagerou could only transform into a pomeranian?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 09, 2013, 12:41:42 AM
I don't know what a pomeranian is, but it sounds like a small dog.  So that'd be funny.

What if Sekibanki had a neck?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Rei Scarlette on August 09, 2013, 12:47:14 AM
Then I couldn't make jokes about her head falling off so often.

Now then, what if Wakasagihime didn't have a tail?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on August 09, 2013, 01:08:57 PM
Then I couldn't make jokes about her head falling off so often.

Now then, what if Wakasagihime didn't have a tail?

She would have legs instead, and they would be surprisingly luscious.

What if Reimu got a boyfiend?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 09, 2013, 09:30:29 PM
Marisa would steal Reimu's boyfriend leading to Alice and Patchy killing him.

What if Marisa's mother showed up?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 10, 2013, 10:30:01 PM
It turns into a melodramatic moment because of well family issues!

What if the next Touhou game is like the PS1 version of Final Fantasy Tactics?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on August 11, 2013, 02:36:26 AM
Then there would be far too much thinking in my touhou  :ohdear:

What if Reisen went blind?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on August 11, 2013, 02:39:33 AM
She had to get a guide-thingy.

What if Wriggle Nightbug met.......this thing:
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 11, 2013, 03:03:25 AM
They would probably be beeeeeest friends...

What if an army of Yukkuris decided to invade Miko's place?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on August 11, 2013, 10:58:10 AM
She would probably welcome all the attention! Bean paste has faith too you know!

What if Lord Tenma banished Aya from Youkai Mountain?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Labuto on August 11, 2013, 11:15:35 AM
Explicit pictures of Lord Tenma would appear in the next edition of the Bunbunmaru.

What if Rinnosuke was actually a reverse trap and acted as a male all this time because he wanted to be unique?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on August 11, 2013, 01:18:03 PM
What if Rinnosuke was actually a reverse trap and acted as a male all this time because he wanted to be unique?

Then all those MarisaxRinnosuke fanfics would become REALLY akward.  :V

What if Kyouko lost her voice?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on August 11, 2013, 05:51:07 PM
She would go to Eirin for medical help, but without her voice she wouldn't be able to ask Eirin for help. She would have to hunt for a notepad.

What if Reimu forgot to shave her armpits?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on August 11, 2013, 11:08:49 PM
Well...some people would still like her pits. Just not as many.

What if there was Touhou basketball (New rules: flight can only be 1 foot or less unless dunking, no cross-court dunking, powers need to be nerfed unless spellcard is used)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on August 11, 2013, 11:17:25 PM
Maybe they'll will have Sekibanki's head as the ball. Or maybe not.

What if Mokou had inflatable pants (from SpongeBob)?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 12, 2013, 02:38:48 AM
She would probably welcome all the attention! Bean paste has faith too you know!
@Kosachi: All the luls I'm having right now just thinking of that.  :D

Answer to SatoriKoi57's question:

Then Mokou wouldn't have the need to fly because of her pants.

What if there was a Touhou version of Pokemon Puzzle League?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Error on August 12, 2013, 09:58:44 PM
Then it had better be ball-bustingly hard.

What if
ended up being Tokiko?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: DarkAtma on August 12, 2013, 11:30:02 PM
Then it had better be ball-bustingly hard.

What if
ended up being Tokiko?

that means we had a new boss in our eyes all the time  :V

What if amaterasu (the shinto sun goddess) went to visit utsuho? ( and maybe demand her yatagarasu back?  :ohdear:)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 13, 2013, 12:05:10 AM
This is the ultimate sun showdown of ultimate destiny!

Let the battle of the suns begin!

What if the rebellion of TH 14 was like TD's extra stage backstory?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Neal Kawashiro on August 15, 2013, 04:42:43 AM

anyways, what will happen if seija became the final boss of DDC cause she was the actual person that  caused the incident?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 15, 2013, 05:24:58 AM
Then Sukuna would of been the 5th stage boss and Seija would of gotten a more menacing appearance and probably a twisted personality.

Ok math question time:

What if Komachi, Murasa, Futo, and Sukana (counting the bowl) got into a boat race? Who do you think would win and why?

3 boats and 1 Bowl by the way.

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on August 15, 2013, 05:32:44 AM
Sukana. Komachi has the distance manipulation, but Murasa would sink Futo's boat, Komachi's boat, and somehow her own boat due to her compulsion to sink boats (blame Koishi, probably). Bowls are not boats. The dwarf wins, if anything by default, since the other competitors are sunk.

What if Dracula decided to set up a new castle in Gensokyo so Simon Belmont couldn't get to him?

(probably been asked long ago but I don't care)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on August 15, 2013, 05:58:45 AM
Then he would have to be scared of Flandre, looking for a fellow vampire to "play" with.

What if we could do danmaku (like, as in us).
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 15, 2013, 06:07:09 AM
Then he would have to be scared of Flandre, looking for a fellow vampire to "play" with.

What if we could do danmaku (like, as in us).

What if while one day you were playing a Touhou game your favorite character "accidentally" blew up your TV out of nowhere?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 16, 2013, 07:46:38 AM

What if while one day you were playing a Touhou game your favorite character "accidentally" blew up your TV out of nowhere?

I will treasure the scraps that are left from the T.V. forever.

What will you do if Flandre was in front of your house?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on August 16, 2013, 01:21:57 PM
Tell her that there's a theater showing "Twilight" on the other side of town. :P

What if Mr. Rogers ended up in Gensokyo somehow?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kenchiwa on August 16, 2013, 02:54:30 PM
Tell her that there's a theater showing "Twilight" on the other side of town. :P

What if Mr. Rogers ended up in Gensokyo somehow?

The inhabitants will say "Get the f**k out of my neighborhood!".

What if Sukuna turned giant permanently and rampaged over Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 16, 2013, 04:25:04 PM
Everybody would suspect Suika in disguise, and say "Go home, Suika.  You're"

What if Sakuya turned out to be Dio Brando in a clever disguise?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 16, 2013, 04:54:21 PM
Then her abilities would make even more sense.

What if Shadow of Omnipotence and Deva ( ended up in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 16, 2013, 06:54:16 PM
Then her abilities would make even more sense.

What if Shadow of Omnipotence and Deva ( ended up in Gensokyo?
*cue awesome theme and battle here as Reimu and co. dodge spinning scythes of doooooooooom that are being thrown by fellow lolis!!!!*

What if Sukuna had an adventure in Gensokyo?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 16, 2013, 08:07:09 PM
She'd bring six of her kin and Snow White.

What if Kogasa managed to actually surprise somebody?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 16, 2013, 08:37:54 PM
IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD! She surprised someone.

What if the next Touhou game included a kutabe (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on August 16, 2013, 09:17:03 PM
IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD! She surprised someone.

What if the next Touhou game included a kutabe (

Kamishirasawa family reunion!

What if Marisa found a genie's lamp?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 16, 2013, 09:23:53 PM
All three of her wishes will backfire horribly.

What if Cirno encountered the Blizzard Core ⑨000 ( Infinar (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 16, 2013, 09:48:34 PM
Let the battle of the Ice users begin!

What if we get a teddy bear tsukumogami in the next Touhou game?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on August 17, 2013, 01:48:29 AM
Then we will get more Alice x Medicine x teddy OT3s

What if Yuuka is the mian character of every game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 17, 2013, 02:10:41 AM

Then every boss in the games she appears in would probably be seeing Double Master Spark all the way across the sky.

What if Sukuna was playable in the next Touhou game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Ibaraki on August 17, 2013, 04:57:25 AM
Instead of the usual Reimu and Marisa as the playable characters, we could have a game with all of the playable characters being the the final bosses from earlier games. It would be awesome.

What if Sakuya became a Hakurei shrine maiden?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on August 17, 2013, 06:34:34 AM
People would assume time shenanigans, and then a new incident involving a time youkai would occur. That or a "There's No Time To Explain!" situation would happen, probably to Sakuya. Because time shenanigans.

What if the Prismrivers and the new Tsukumogami musicians swapped instruments?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 17, 2013, 03:53:18 PM
Raiko would break Lyrica's keyboard by being too in-rhythm

What if artists on Pixiv suddenly realized that the "anything" in Seija's powers to flip anything over included skirts?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 17, 2013, 04:02:26 PM

Aya and Hatate: Fuck yeah! (

What if Seija caused the next incident when we get a new Touhou game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on August 17, 2013, 04:06:49 PM

Aya and Hatate: Fuck yeah! (

What if Seija caused the next incident when we get a new Touhou game?

It would be because she "flipped" everyone off.

What if the buns Kansen wears are airbags?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Goomba98 on August 17, 2013, 04:14:13 PM
Cars would be in Gesokyo.

What if Captain N: The Game Master ( had a Touhou episode?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 17, 2013, 04:18:53 PM
It would be because she "flipped" everyone off.

@Zoriri: I see what you did there, Zoriri.  :D

Answer to Goomba98: Oh shit son! He would get all of the ladies and then have jealous fan boys attack.

What if we got a monkey youkai in the next Touhou game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Goomba98 on August 17, 2013, 04:31:11 PM
beats0me thought of that idea. ( He thought it would be a Giant Space Flea from Nowhere.

What if beats0me never got tired of Touhou or Walfas? (Hint: I would still like him I guess?)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 17, 2013, 04:37:59 PM
Off-topic: OMFG I LOVE beats0me!  :*

I think spaztique took over the sketch part I think.

I would LOVE TO see some funny Futo and Byakuren sketches though oh the thought of that would make my sides hurt in a good way.  :3

Back on subject...

Answer: We would be laughing our asses off  and more sketches would be made.

What if we got a car youkai in the next Touhou game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 17, 2013, 04:42:27 PM
She'd get paired with Yoshika and there would be Crazy Taxi jokes everywhere.

What if Miko and Tenshi got in a sword fight?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Ibaraki on August 17, 2013, 05:22:18 PM
Hakurei Shrine would be destroyed for the third time .

What if Akyuu became a playable character in the next installment?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on August 17, 2013, 06:17:21 PM
Hakurei Shrine would be destroyed for the third time .

What if Akyuu became a playable character in the next installment?

She will kick total ass, and Reimu will realize that Marisa stole the precious player spot from her.

What if Zun went to Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 17, 2013, 06:24:57 PM
He's already been there; he just disguises himself as a dragon god

What if Seija and Nue teamed up?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 17, 2013, 06:48:55 PM
That would be woooooooooooorld's most dysfunctional plan ever that causes even Reimu to scratch her head about. However... they might cause more trouble.

What if we had a Canary ( youkai in the next Touhou game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on August 17, 2013, 07:55:15 PM
Then Canary youkai x Mystia pairings will be popular.

What if Keine got arrested for erasing history, AND got her powers taken away?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 17, 2013, 08:02:14 PM
Then she's a normal schoolteacher.

What if Seija's abilities applied to metaphysical constructs and intangible concepts? (Hint: Think border manipulation)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 17, 2013, 11:13:42 PM
Seija would be breaking the 4th wall as we speak or screwing with the 4th wall.

What is Seiga and Seija teamed up?  :D
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 17, 2013, 11:21:01 PM
Oh great. Hole in the wall to spot of wall.

As for your last answer, so, now  This is reality?  (,15311.msg1005061.html#msg1005061) CRAP!

What if Seija flipped the border around?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 17, 2013, 11:40:14 PM
Then the outside world would be upside along with Gensokyo or maybe something along the lines of Gensokyo and The outside world being completely flip-flopped.

What if Sukuna had an adventure in Yuuka's flower garden?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on August 18, 2013, 03:17:21 AM
Yuuka would find herself caught by the endearing cuteness of Sukuna attempting to climb a sunflower and invite her for tea.

What if the Tsukumo sisters started holding music classes?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 18, 2013, 03:40:39 AM
Then Raiko and the Prismriver sisters would be the assistants of said music classes, as Gensokyo would be caught up in musical goodness.

What if the EX bosses teamed up to get revenge on Reimu for beating them up?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on August 18, 2013, 06:09:18 AM
Reimu would force them to pay her to fight them. Even more for a team fight. And she would still probably win.

What if the next incident involved food-based youkai, and the final boss is that weird sandwich girl (Gwahaha or something like that. Pardon me for not knowing exactly.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 18, 2013, 06:47:09 AM
Reimu would force them to pay her to fight them. Even more for a team fight. And she would still probably win.

What if the next incident involved food-based youkai, and the final boss is that weird sandwich girl (Gwahaha or something like that. Pardon me for not knowing exactly.)

Yuyuko confirmed to be playable. :p

(speaking of Yuyuko) What if Yuyuko fired Youmu?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Hatateru on August 18, 2013, 08:27:19 AM
Youmu would go on a badass DBZ-esque power trip and come back to hopefully challenge Yuyuko to a fight and prove to her that no one is a worthier servant, unless Yuyuko already hired someone stronger.

What if Eren Jaeger landed in Mouren temple and was forced to undergo a Buddhist anger management course?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Ibaraki on August 18, 2013, 04:22:21 PM
Gensokyo inhabitants would hear a lot of smacking inside Myouren Temple all day every day. And if by any chance Eren tried to rebel, Namusan would show the guy who is the real Titan.

What if Hakurei Shrine became prosper?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 18, 2013, 09:30:02 PM
Seija has been doing stuff to her donation box behind her back.

What if Seija flipped a gap?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 18, 2013, 09:51:50 PM
everything is destroyed as all matter the universe is sucked into the gap while the void of instantaneous transportation that was the gap fills the space that the rest of the universe once occupied.

what if the Stone-Like ( from Ikaruga ended up in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 19, 2013, 01:46:35 AM
Then Reimu might end up sending it to Heaven after mistaking it for being a keystone.

What if Patchouli had a pet Owl?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 19, 2013, 01:49:55 AM
It would viciously attack Marisa with it's talons whenever she entered the library.

What if Alice's Grimoire is a sentient being?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 19, 2013, 01:54:10 AM
Then Alice would of been in Double Dealing Character because it was actually SUKUNA'S DOING! -le gasp-

What if Byakuren had a pet Panda too? (LOL *danmaku'd*)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 19, 2013, 02:26:43 AM
She'd train the panda to attack Miko.

What if Seija flipped the SDM?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 19, 2013, 02:30:49 AM
@Cybeast710: Taoist Panda VS Buddhist Panda anyone?

Answer to Cybeast710's question: Then Sakuya might have to slap a bitch again! XD

What if Seija flipped both Miko and Byakuren's places FOR THE LULS?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 19, 2013, 07:30:53 AM
Then Reimu will think she is drunk anf blame suika.

What if Shou got married with another Tiger?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on August 19, 2013, 11:51:03 AM
Then Reimu will think she is drunk anf blame suika.

What if Shou got married with another Tiger?
Tiger cubs for everyone!

What if the Aki sisters suddenly gained alot of faith?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on August 19, 2013, 11:56:12 AM
They would then have the power to make it fall all the time, causing Letty to spiral into a deep depression eventually leading her to freeze the world entirely. Ice age for th15!

What if Kanako finally got a haircut?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 19, 2013, 12:28:58 PM
She'd just grow it back again.

What if Seija flipped someone off? (There are so many ways to interpret this with her...)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 19, 2013, 03:20:13 PM
And they were never heard from again...
(flipped from "in existence" to "out of existence."  Cry your heart out, Yukari)

What if low gas prices - like all things humans forget about - went to Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 19, 2013, 03:28:50 PM
Then Gensokyo would be modernized slowly but surely.

What if Kagerou and Momiji went on a stroll together?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on August 19, 2013, 03:46:05 PM
Then Gensokyo would be modernized slowly but surely.

What if Kagerou and Momiji went on a stroll together?

It would end in a dog fight. Quite literally, actually, as they would be flying around shooting danmaku at each other.

What if Reimu somehow bacame a yokai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 19, 2013, 04:01:53 PM
Half of the youkai in Gensokyo will be calling Reimu a hypocrite for exterminating her own kind.

What if Monster Rancher ( got popular in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 19, 2013, 07:21:49 PM
Danmaku may meet its match

What if Gensokyo needed a Dovahkiin to save the day?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 19, 2013, 09:25:06 PM
The Dovahkiin would learn shouts from the Gensokyo residents, including but not limited to:
Voice of Destruction: Yu Goh Kyuu~!
Thuum Lazor: Mash Terr Spark!
...and last but not least:
Open Gap: Yu Karr Ee!

But then would be burned to a crisp (By Reimu riding on a Dovah (probably to scare people into donating...) and using a combo of fire breath and Hax-Sign ~ Burn Everything!) by being underleveled.

What if Sariel is secretly plotting revenge against Reimu for her defeat in the PC-98 era?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 19, 2013, 09:37:59 PM
What if Sariel is secretly plotting revenge against Reimu for her defeat in the PC-98 era?

Probably TH 15 or 16!

What if Shinki and Byakuren got into a battle of the Devil's Recitation match?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on August 20, 2013, 01:55:53 AM

Probably TH 15 or 16!

What if Shinki and Byakuren got into a battle of the Devil's Recitation match?

Makai would implode from the boundry of PC98 and Windows being broken.

What if Zun and Suika had a drinking contest?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 20, 2013, 02:15:58 AM

More What If Touhou Imagine Time with MewMewHeart:

What if Aya had a race with Hatate and Momiji to see who get to the Moriya shrine first?

This time though: No abilities, No spellcards, just straight up racing.

This involves thinking and YOUR IMAGINATION! 
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 20, 2013, 05:04:36 PM
Ordinarily, Momiji would win, but we all know Aya won't play fair.  About halfway up the mountain, she'll throw a stick and yell "Fetch!"  This would make Miji turn around and chase the stick, promptly eliminating the wolf tengu from the race.  It seems like Aya would win under these circumstances, but Hatate has the advantage, especially when you near the finish line.  With Sanae often flying about, Aya could get easily distracted by her compulsion to photograph panties, giving Hatate some time to reach the finish line.  Even if that wasn't that case, the "nosy" in "nosy journalist" is best embodied by Aya, who would surely ask the good girl if anything interesting happened lately.  With DDC being recent, Sanae would send Aya right across Gensokyo, to either the Hakurei Shrine, Marisa's house, or the SDM.  During Aya's little interview(s), Hatate would have plenty of time to reach the shrine.  No matter what, Aya won't win the race, but Momiji might still have a chance.

Depending on where that stick landed, the wolf tengu might encounter Nitori, go to the kappa's place for a quick bite to eat and some friendly dai-shogi, and when they're done, Momiji would remember the race.  Nitori would cheat by tying her to a mini-rocket she'd launch to the Moriya Shrine.  In the end, whether Hatate or Momiji wins the race depends on how hard Aya threw the stick and the direction and strength of the wind on that particular day.  Under most circumstances, it'd be Hatate, but if Aya threw it really hard and it was especially windy that day (which would mean more pantyshots for her, even further lowering her chances of winning) Momiji might run into her kappa buddy and come from behind at the very last second to win it all.

You said to think about it, so it's a long answer ^_^

Now then, what if the Four Devas had a drinking party and the next day was like The Hangover?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 20, 2013, 07:39:11 PM
@UnendingEmpire: That is the best logic ever I should think of more of these.  :D

Answer to Unending's question: Then they would have to solve the incident of what happened the night before.

What if Sukuna went on an adventure into the Forest of Magic?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 20, 2013, 08:47:08 PM
She will eventually get eaten by a bug or in this case Wriggle. :p

What if Kosuzu appeared in TH15?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on August 20, 2013, 09:49:45 PM
The game's Incident might have something to do with the Necronomicon being stolen, so PLAYABLE KOSUZU tries to get it back before the thief tries to use it.

In the same vein, what if the next game included lolified Cthulhu as a boss?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 20, 2013, 09:54:52 PM
Then we might have tentacle stuff going on... IN A BAD WAY.  :colonveeplusalpha:

What if Seija was playable in TH 15?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 20, 2013, 10:36:14 PM
she'd be the Joke Character, with a bomb that flips the start and end of the stage (as well as the boss's spellcard order and (if playing on easy modo or lunatic) the difficulty). Using it at the beginning of the stage brings you to the boss, using it any other time will restart the stage. However, when focusing she has the possibility (20% or so chance...) to flip grazing shots back at whoever fired the danmaku, making her a Lethal Joke Character.

What if Reisen had the personality of The Evil Bunny (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 20, 2013, 11:19:05 PM
Reisen will go after Tewi.

What if TH15 had Satori as the final boss? (but she can use spell cards that belong to others for the whole match with no non-spells!)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 20, 2013, 11:29:26 PM
Then everybody will have a rant on why Satori is breaking spellcard rules or whether she's just trolling us.

What if we got a box youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 20, 2013, 11:39:08 PM
It will have the ability to store objects within itself (don't ask me how that works...).

What if Sariel encountered Sunyata (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 21, 2013, 02:10:23 AM
She will dodge all it's bullets and use danmaku back at it.

What if Renko was actually a lunarian?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 21, 2013, 02:27:36 AM
How is that possib- I mean then the Lunar Capital is actually planning something for the Outside World.

What if we got a star youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on August 21, 2013, 02:39:26 AM
Star Sapphire can see her...all of the time. No matter how far apart they are. Or what they are doing.

What if the Smithy Gang from Super Mario RPG tried to invade Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 21, 2013, 02:53:16 AM
They would be defeated by a team comprised of Reimu, Satori, Marisa, Eirin, and Remilia. (representative of Mario, Mallow, Geno, Toadstool/Peach, and Bowser respectively.) And the plot of that incident involves gathering seven pieces of Gensokyo's border.

What if the Dark Star from Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story appeared in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 21, 2013, 06:43:37 PM
Then Reimu and Marisa will have to solve the incident of going inside Rumia's body because Rumia ate it!

What if the next Touhou game was like the Tales of series?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: K+ ~ Bake-Danuki on August 22, 2013, 02:05:14 AM
Then everyone would love it.

What if Mokou is really just an older Reimu from the PC-98 era?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 22, 2013, 02:13:11 AM

What if the next Touhou game was like the Pikmin series?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 22, 2013, 03:13:53 AM
I will die over it!! :D (also Reimu will be Olimar trying to find more money by collecting stuff and sell it for the shrine's donation box :p)

What happens if all the animal youkai turned to pure animals?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 22, 2013, 03:18:05 AM
Then there would be more pets for Satori and everyone else too *I think*.

What if there was a crossover of Touhou and DBZ? (I know I'm gonna so get shot for this  :P)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on August 22, 2013, 03:45:21 AM
DBZ folk would be too caught up in their own thoughts or charging up an attack and they would be hit by fast-paced danmaku action, which they can't handle. Youmu would be especially devastating to them with her super fast speed.

What if Walt Disney World was in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 22, 2013, 04:14:57 AM
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Now I'm having an imagination. XD

Then everybody will be having fun! Until SOMEONE decides to pop off a spellcard battle over who skipped who while Koishi gets to ride all of the rides for free because nobody saw her.

What if Sekibanki was playable in TH 15?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Error on August 22, 2013, 06:14:53 AM
She would shoot eye lasers and gain a head for each...uh...power level increase?

What if each character represented a different nationality?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 22, 2013, 08:19:06 PM
Then it'll be like Hetalia.

What if we get a Paper Mario X Touhou crossover?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on August 22, 2013, 08:58:31 PM
Paper Miko, it'd have three playable characters, two mikos and Miko.
What if Luigi got lost in Gensokyou?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 22, 2013, 09:49:33 PM
Introducing the next Luigi game: Luigi's Scarlet Devil Mansion! Which centers around removing ghosts that have taken up residence in the SDM.

What if Youmu had the exact same attack pattern as Tiberius's first form ( from Hard Corps: Uprising (complete with the bad voice acting) ?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 22, 2013, 10:06:10 PM
Youmu fans:  :colonveeplusalpha:

Then all of the Youmu fans would be spazzing out to the point that they would kill themselves.  :V (I'm not a sadist and I approve of this message.)

What if Remilia starred in a Tohuou crossover game version of Golden Sun?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on August 23, 2013, 01:52:08 AM
Remilia would be the villian of the first game and hero of the second after somehow surviving the first game's conclusion. (Can't be the star if you're dead) along with her sister, Patchouli the sage and the kidnapped Marisa. Yukari also joins them for reasons not made clear at the beginning, hardly elaborated on and ultimatley falling fate to the Wise One(Satori's third eye with hidden sentience). Lemurians would become Lunarians and We'd have Golden Sun IN SPACE! Eventually the untimate goal of repairing the four corners of the border to prevent gensokyo dissoving away from the edges in. Instead of a tea party ending we have a massive garden party at the SDM because Remilia was the star.

What if third eyes were sentient?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 23, 2013, 02:13:34 AM
Then Satori would of felt the pain her pets felt after being defeated by Team Reimu and Marisa!

What if Sukuna took a stroll in the Human Village?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: K+ ~ Bake-Danuki on August 23, 2013, 02:39:33 AM
She'd probably look ridiculous in that pose from the Stage 6 battle.
What if Mima is really Sanae disguised as a shrine maiden? Feel free to answer.
What if in Touhou 15, all the characters' heads fall off, become Yukkuris, and play Phantasmagoria?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 23, 2013, 02:45:08 AM
Sekibanki would be the leader, since she's used to being separated from her body unlike everyone else.

What if the Reapers ( from the mass effect series attacked Gensokyo?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 23, 2013, 03:01:10 AM
Then it'll be an all out war for survival.

What if we ended up getting a Mushroom youkai in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on August 23, 2013, 05:34:26 AM
She'll obviously be this guy ('s younger sister.

What if everyone in Gensokyo is evil?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on August 23, 2013, 06:39:54 AM
Aren't they? But seriously, Seija would have no choice but to rise up as the hero of the land and defeat the majority.
What if Shiki Eiki studied under Judge Dread?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: UnendingEmpire on August 23, 2013, 09:33:07 PM
Trouble for the dead, and Komachi

What if Komachi and Eiki switched jobs?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 23, 2013, 11:19:27 PM
Komachi would be the "BEST" judge ever, while Eiki would be lecturing the dead souls while rowing the boat.

What if the Taoists and Buddhists get into a snowball fight on Christmas?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 23, 2013, 11:49:11 PM
Komachi would be the "BEST" judge ever, while Eiki would be lecturing the dead souls while rowing the boat.

What if the Taoists and Buddhists get into a snowball fight on Christmas?

The Buddhists just lost their privilege to get gifts from Seiga.  (also it will turn to a danmaku battle)

What happens if the next Touhou game involved why PC-98 canon never made it to the Windows era? (basically a scenario on how Marisa and Reimu lost their memories in the end of the PC-98 games)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 24, 2013, 12:03:27 AM
Then everybody would stop whining about no Mima in the Windows Touhou games.

What if Reimu started the arm pit reveal revolution?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 24, 2013, 12:46:32 AM
Reimu's armpits will get even more famous!!!

What happens if Yoshika starts to work as a taxi driver in Cash Cab on Discovery Channel?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 24, 2013, 12:57:37 AM
Let the freak outs begin!!!!!! As Yoshika, starts driving Crazy Taxi style.

What if Seiga starts her own fortune telling business?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Hatateru on August 24, 2013, 04:25:02 AM
People will start freaking out when she hands them fetuses to be used as remedy for poor fortune.

What if Seija, Seiga and Yukari took part in an ultimate troll-off contest?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 24, 2013, 04:44:36 AM
People will start freaking out when she hands them fetuses to be used as remedy for poor fortune.
@Awashima: WHAT!  :colonveeplusalpha:

Answer to Awashima Serteru's question: WE ALL know that Yukari is the ultimate troll! Unless Seija flipped things upside down for the other two while Seiga is trolling us with her HERMIT SKILLS and Yoshika.
But, then a certain Shrine Maiden came and beated up the trolls the end.  :trollface:

What if Marisa became a youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 24, 2013, 01:35:09 PM
She'd be like Patchy without the health problems. Couple that power with Marisa's personality... afraid... ...BE VERY AFRAID!!!

What if Koishi got into a mind rape contest with Giygas (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 25, 2013, 01:13:50 AM
Koishi and Giygas would fricking implode the brains of many that to comprehend the logic of mind rape.

What if Daiyousei was the next final boss of TH 15?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on August 25, 2013, 01:33:06 AM
Then you're going to die-you-say?

What if the Hisoutensoku challenged Metal Gear Rex to a duel?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 25, 2013, 01:40:31 AM
Then it'll be like the battle of the kick ass robots until one of then decides to nuke the whole world.

What if Navi from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, was Reimu's helper?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: K+ ~ Bake-Danuki on August 25, 2013, 02:14:29 AM
Then Reimu would've gone insane.

What would happen if there was a Touhou Cartoon (not anime, but like Family Guy style art)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Hatateru on August 25, 2013, 02:24:05 AM
Christ, that would be unthinkable. The Touhou girls will be fat, possibly have only four fingers, have all sorts of stereotypical American traits, and the list goes on and on.

What if a mosquito bit Remilia?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on August 25, 2013, 02:29:46 AM
She would swat it. Wriggle would then get on her case for killing an insect, but, not being very powerful danmaku-wise, couldn't do much to Remi.

What if EoSD was never released?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Keegster2 on August 25, 2013, 02:30:43 AM
Then the series would not exist and become a cult classic among Japanese gamers.

What if Reimu lived on ramen?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 25, 2013, 02:49:09 AM
Then she would be more lazy.~ (Um someone can answer this more accurate if they want.)

What if the Titanic was in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 25, 2013, 02:58:06 AM
Then it'd be at the bottom of the Misty Lake.

What if Seija flipped the internet?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 25, 2013, 03:09:55 AM
Then everything would be upside down for all of us who use the Internets and it's memes.

What if Seija flipped space?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 25, 2013, 03:18:45 AM
Cue the mass destruction of the universe as all matter rips apart to enter where space once occupied while space condenses into where all the matter once was.

What if Remilia got indoctrinated by a Reaper (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on August 25, 2013, 03:21:48 AM
Remilia would turn it around because of fate hacking, and instead of ADC (Assuming Direct Control), she would ACC (Assume Charismatic Control).

What if Sanae had to save Gensokyo from Metroids and the Space Pirates?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 25, 2013, 04:11:45 PM
What if Sanae had to save Gensokyo from Metroids and the Space Pirates?
...Didn't we do this before? And didn't I answer it?

Anyway, then I hope she ACTUALLY knows how to use Samus's weapons like she does in Touhou Mother. Repeat question, repeat answer.

And because Seija's featuring heavily, what if Seija flipped the dress code?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on August 25, 2013, 04:29:11 PM
Then people would have to read it on their heads.

What if Sukuna increased the size of her own hitbox?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 25, 2013, 06:36:21 PM
In that case, she's been spending too much time with Cirno. Alternatively, she now actually is NORMAL sized.

What if Yukari's job was not to oversee the Border, but rather the 4th wall?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 25, 2013, 11:56:49 PM
Then by now there would 4th wall breaks everywhere.

What if Sanae ended up being a magic girl? (Sailor Moon style)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: final_agent on August 26, 2013, 12:20:33 AM
Sanae's shrine would destroy the popularity of all the others and they would all band together and basically create the bad guys that Sanae would have to vanquish in the name of Kanako.

What if Kogasa was a lot scarier?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 26, 2013, 03:26:47 AM
Slenderumbrella... *shudder*

What if there was a Touhou game based on Super Paper Mario with Seija as the main character?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 26, 2013, 03:30:31 AM
Then Seija would be able to flip things only at certain points while Sukuna would be able to shrink/grow things or Seija to access certain things.

What if Sukuna decided to live at Reimu's shrine?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on August 26, 2013, 04:21:39 AM
"There's a hundred yen piece under the wardrobe, I can't reach it but you can right? You can!" And so Reimu framed her lost hundred yen piece and Shinmyoumaru was allowed to live in the shrine as gratitude.

What if Daiyousei found out she had a real name?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 26, 2013, 04:31:10 AM
Then she would be like "O EM GEE I have a real name!" from that day forward she would be known as her true name Daiyousei! :dealwithit:

What if Koakuma became a magician?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on August 26, 2013, 05:34:41 AM
She'd take over Voile, make Patchouli her midboss, and yell at Marisa for stealing the books.

What if Yuyuko and Yoshika got in an eating contest?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Keegster2 on August 26, 2013, 05:38:36 AM
Then everyone would starve, as they would never stop eating.

What is the whole cast participated in Hole In The Wall?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Blue on August 26, 2013, 11:14:22 PM

Seiga wins, obviously. *shot*

What if Raiko decided to play Taiko no Tatsujin (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 27, 2013, 01:18:20 AM
She will always have the highest score. (perfect)

What happens if Yumemi actually proved magic in the outside world?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 27, 2013, 02:02:01 AM
Then she'll be famous!!!

What if we get an owl youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Rei Scarlette on August 27, 2013, 02:09:23 AM
@MMH: YES we need more bird youkai

Answer: Then Reimu will have to solve the incident of "hoo"s keeping everyone awake all night :V

What if Tokiko was an important character (player or boss) in TH15?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on August 27, 2013, 02:14:52 AM
It'l be the same game as above, all about bird youkai with Tokiko as the final boss. She's been planning this for ages.

What if the Myouren temple was actaully a space ship?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 27, 2013, 02:58:52 AM
Yumemi will get in a battle with the Myouren temple.

What if Orin started doing this in your front door?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on August 27, 2013, 03:02:54 AM
I would either let her in, or dispose of the door. It is no longer required with Orin there.

What if there was a Kagerou in your shower the next time you go to bathe?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 27, 2013, 03:21:57 AM
What if you don't bathe? jk I will ask her to shower me with danamku!
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 27, 2013, 03:29:59 AM
And the next question is?  ???
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 27, 2013, 04:16:56 AM
My bad, have a tendency on doing that. :p

What happens if everyone in Gensokyo lost their powers for an hour?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 27, 2013, 04:25:01 AM
Everybody would probably go about their busy schedules, or Reimu would try to solve the incident.

What if Suika and Yuugi got into an arm wrestling match?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on August 27, 2013, 11:43:50 AM
They'll have to find a VERY durable table.

What if Yuugi arm wrestles Superman?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 27, 2013, 02:47:43 PM
Eventually, one of them's gonna die of starvation.

What if Suika decided to go on a rampage?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 27, 2013, 09:12:48 PM
Quickly! Everyone give her sake! It might calm her down!

What if Yuuka encountered White, the Waker From the Dreaming World? (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 27, 2013, 09:36:12 PM
She doesn't mind it as long as it doesn't mess around with her Flowers. . . (if so then she will tear to shreds.)

What if Reimu actually got a lot of visitors in her shrine?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 28, 2013, 01:53:44 AM
Most of the visitors might be the usual youkai unless... REIMU MUST OF GOTTEN A FAN CLUB! -jokedrum-

What if we got a dolphin youkai? (DOLPHIN RIDER REFERENCE HOOOOOO!)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: K+ ~ Bake-Danuki on August 28, 2013, 02:07:37 AM
Then she (presumed she) would probably clash with Wakasagihime for control of the water.

What if in Touhou 15 (or (14/15).5, you play as the boss and have to shoot patterns at the player (CPU) to defeat them?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 28, 2013, 02:47:22 AM
Patterns? Well the game just got a lot harder now. As long as it is not Reimu you just might get a chance or just read Grimoire of Marisa, which explains various kinds of Danmaku and how to use them correctly.

What if 15.5 was another photography game which had Momiji taking pictures this time and Aya as the rival?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on August 28, 2013, 05:00:37 AM
Staying true to her previous official material appearances, Momiji won't have an official artwork from ZUN.  She won't even have dialogues.

What if you see a tiger with a lotus-shaped ornament on its head at a zoo? 
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on August 28, 2013, 05:07:33 AM
Run the f away before it shoots curvy lazors at you!! Oh, wait, it doesn't have the pagoda, so lol poke it with a stick....

*sees a mouse with a pagoda nearby*


What if Yuuka became a Marvel Superhero/villain?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 28, 2013, 02:13:20 PM
She would be most likely using her FLOWERY SADISTIC POWERS to fight crime and tend to flowers!

What if Reimu was in the next Castlevania game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on August 28, 2013, 02:42:08 PM
It already happened. We call it EoSD.

What if Wakasagihime joined Kyouko and Mystia's band?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 28, 2013, 06:32:25 PM
Then they'll have to preform at the Misty Lake due to that Wakasagihime needs water or maybe carry a tub of water around for their newest member.

What if we got a boar youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 28, 2013, 09:12:41 PM
Boars are over populated, so Reimu will have trouble exterminating all of them. O_o

What if Elis was Remilia's long lost sister?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 28, 2013, 10:12:21 PM
Upon the meeting of Elis and Remilia, Flandre will start questioning Remi as to why she had never heard of Elis.

What if Gensokyo is actually a virtual world (like The Matrix) and the transition between the PC-98 and the current era was actually the computer that housed Gensokyo rebooting from data corruption?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 29, 2013, 12:15:56 AM
That will explain a lot through what happen in the canon.

What happens if Flandre destroys the sun and moon (both) by squeezing her hand?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 29, 2013, 12:18:19 AM
Then we'll be in an age of darkness foooooooooooooooeeeeeeeever!

What if we got a souffle  (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 29, 2013, 12:34:03 AM
Yuyuko would eat her (presumed female).

What if Sariel took over Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 29, 2013, 12:44:14 AM
Yukari, Reimu, and Marisa would be the main characters OF THE INCIDENT OF TH 15 WHEN SARIEL STRIKES BACK coming to a future PC near you!

What if Yukari encountered a yukkuri version of herself at her doorstep?

(Whatever pops up in my head is becoming a what if)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 29, 2013, 03:28:00 AM
She'd probably punt the yukkuri away.

What if Sakuya, Homura, and Piper from Charmed were all in the same room together?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 29, 2013, 03:34:17 AM
Time shenanigans go!

What if Sakuya was a magic girl by night?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Starxsword on August 29, 2013, 05:57:07 AM
I just have to answer this, because of the question.

"Fighting evil by moonlight.
Winning love by daylight,
Never running from a real fight.
You are the one named Sakuya!"

note: lyrics may be wrong

What if Sanae decided to form a magical girl team?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Tengukami on August 29, 2013, 08:36:06 AM
What if...

Gensokyo is real, and it's actually all of us who are fictional creations?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 29, 2013, 04:12:09 PM
What if...
Gensokyo is real, and it's actually all of us who are fictional creations?

So what? It doesn't seem to change anything...

What if Sanae decided to form a magical girl team?

Well, in that case, I could foresee a fight with the Puella Magi down the road.

What if Reimu took the Yatagerasu for her shrine goddess?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Tengukami on August 29, 2013, 05:53:06 PM
Doesn't change anything? This concerns the very nature of your existence. It changes everything!
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on August 29, 2013, 09:47:10 PM
@cybeast710 (can't quote on mobile): Then a certain hell crow might hang around the shrine more...

What if Yukari stole someone's baby brother and gave them 13 hours to find their way through  a labyrinth & reclaim the baby? :V
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 29, 2013, 10:31:22 PM
What if Yukari stole someone's baby brother and gave them 13 hours to find their way through  a labyrinth & reclaim the baby? :V

Then Yukari REALLY has nothing better to do than rip off some old movies.  Labyrinth, anyone? (

What if Byakuren moved into the Hakurei Shrine?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 29, 2013, 10:43:38 PM

Answer: Then it'll be a Buddhist/Shinto shrine, however Reimu might get more roommates if Byakuren's crew decides to move in too, however we might want to be on the look out for hermits.  :D

What if Kogasa moves into Reimu's shrine?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 29, 2013, 10:45:20 PM
She will have to pay some money to the donation box each day if she wants to stay.

What if everyone got drunk in Gensokyo forever!
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: fondue on August 29, 2013, 11:00:54 PM
It would be IaMP all over again but with Byakuren as the playable character!

What if Dangan Ronpa had Touhou in it (their powers were stripped). Who would be the characters and why?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Sagus on August 30, 2013, 02:34:13 AM
Makoto Naegi: Reimu (because protagonist)
Leon Kuwata: Marisa (because wants money and ladies)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Ran (because ORDERLY)
Mondo Owada: Chen (because HONK HONK)
Hifumi Yamada: Patchouli (because nerd)
Byakuya Togami: Kaguya (because high society)
Yasuhiro Hagakure: Cirno (because dumb as nails)
Kyouko Kirigiri: Alice (because cold and distant)
Touko Fukawa: Parsee (because psychotic)
Sayaka Maizono: Kyouko (because moe singer)
Aoi Asahina: Wakasagihime (because swimmer)
Chihiro Fujisaki: Eirin (because GENIUS)
Junko Enoshima: Yuuka (because bad attitude)
Sakura Ogami: Yuugi (because WORLD'S STRONGEST PERSON)
Celestia Ludenberg: Remilia (because FATE is the same thing as LUCK)
Monobear: Yukari (do I even need to say it)

What if Parsee and Seija got into a relationship?

Doesn't change anything? This concerns the very nature of your existence. It changes everything!
Akyuu postulates that the outside world could very well be Yukari's dreams. You may be onto something here
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 30, 2013, 02:51:17 AM
@Sagus: Seija X Parsee, seems legit???

Then Parsee would be jealous of Seija's ability to flip things while Seija well... things would be awkward due to her way of thinking.

What if Hazama from Blaze Blue ended up in Gensokyo? *cue imaginations*
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Sagus on August 30, 2013, 03:08:27 AM
He'd be incredibly sad. Tries trolling Reimu, she doesn't care. Tries trolling Marisa, she steals his hat. Tries trolling Yukari, gets trolled back. Tries trolling Cirno, goes insane(r) with frustration.

What if the Hakurei Barrier was destroyed, but instead of Gensokyo, the entire outside world vanished?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 30, 2013, 03:16:13 AM
Gensokyo would be an island in the middle of space, possibly with insufficient mass to sustain an atmosphere (and no planet core to create a magnetic field to block out solar wind). In that case, everyone dies but the immortals.

What if Reimu was caught in a horrific accident and became paraplegic?
(for those who don't know what that means, it means paralyzed from the waist down and unable to use her legs.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on August 30, 2013, 03:36:08 AM
The TRIUMPHANT return of Genji for every future game...or a lunarian hoverchair. At home it makes remarkably little difference, since she sits at her table or lies in her futon all the time and can just have whatever freeloader is there at the momeent sweep the grounds.
What if Flandre replaced Ganondorf?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 30, 2013, 03:53:05 AM
Link is screwed!

What if Cirno beats Marisa again, but this time Marisa is the one injured.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 30, 2013, 03:55:05 AM
Then probably Marisa got a few frost bites here and then, nothing bad right? RIGHT?

What if we get a bat (object) youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 30, 2013, 03:58:12 AM
Obviously it will troll Sekibanki, scoring home-runs all the time with her head.

What if Marisa became a hobo, living under the shrine.

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 30, 2013, 04:15:21 AM
She'll steal from Reimu's shrine she's out, I mean FREE STUFF!

What if Reimu became a superstar?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on August 30, 2013, 04:50:47 AM
Marisa will become her producer, but takes all the money so Reimu would still have to scrape for donations anyway...

What if all youkai are actually male crossdressers?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on August 30, 2013, 04:55:57 AM
ZUN YOU LIED TO US!!!!!!!!!!! Then half of the fanbase would be one sad pandas.

What if we had a Panda youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on August 30, 2013, 05:46:51 AM
I will be as cute as CHEEEEEEEEN!

What if Alice made an army of Goliaths?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kimmachinima on August 30, 2013, 10:31:59 AM
What if Alice made an army of Goliaths?

Then the Hakurei Shrine gets destroyed and we'll have another fighting game about the limits of Reimu's patience to rebuild the shrine all over again. Somewhere else in Gensokyo, some toy store would be making huge profit by the suddenly spontaneous mass of youkai customers.

What if Sanae was the original Hakurei shrine maiden and Reimu the invader?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on August 30, 2013, 10:51:17 AM
The spell card system will never be invented, because Sanae LOVES her job, if you know what I mean...  Reimu probably won't be in a good condition in the end.  She may even die...

What if ZUN intended for shoes to the main focus of his character designs the whole time, but everyone thought it was hats and accessories for the head?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on August 30, 2013, 11:08:11 AM
Then we were all obviously walking in the wrong direction!                 [Ba dum tss]

What if Tenshi, Flan and Yukka were all transported to Tenjin Elementary School? (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Goomba98 on August 30, 2013, 02:58:43 PM
Sachiko would be the final boss.

What if ElectricalBeast or any of the Runaway Guys (or guests on that channel) played Touhou?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on August 30, 2013, 05:20:15 PM
Chugga: "That's what I get for mentioning it in Super Paper Mario..."
NCS: "Why is she so angry, does she need to go to the toilet or something?"
JoshJepson: "Remind me why I'm playing this again?"

What if Yukari randomly popped into your room and flipped you the bird?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Hatateru on August 30, 2013, 05:50:33 PM
I'll freak out, throw a chair, then realize that it's Yukarin. Then I'll pour water in her gap.

What if trolling Shinmyoumaru offers Rivaille some height with her mallet in return for something?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on September 01, 2013, 01:48:46 PM
Then I suppose Rivaille (whoever he is, I don't watch your Swimming Titan Ronpa) would have to pay up, or face consequences...

What if Nitori was Bowser's daughter?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on September 01, 2013, 02:17:46 PM
Then there would likely be a worldwide cooperation to find out who the hell's the mother.

What if the SDM had a new applicant for employment?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 01, 2013, 03:46:21 PM
Then they would have one more fairy maid for Sakuya to take care of...

What if ZUN used Vocaloid?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 01, 2013, 09:03:45 PM
Even more fandom non-sense will occur.

What if the Shiki actually slacked off just once?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 02, 2013, 12:49:44 AM

Then probably it'll be because she finally got Komachi to do some work.

What if Sukuna accidentally strolled into the Myouren Temple?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 02, 2013, 01:26:19 AM
She will observe everyone in the temple, stumbling upon unzan, which is when they bond and go on random adventures. Sakuna rides on Unzans head while they go after their dreams on singing and loli stuff! (Making Ichirin go Parsee-jealous)

What if Yumemi was actually Raiko in disguise and the drums were actually Chiyuri, hiding in them?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 02, 2013, 01:41:29 AM
Then everybody in the Touhou community including myself would react like this ( Then we would proceed to Tweet ZUN about this encounter until he confesses about bringing PC-98 back into a Windows game while everybody else goes QQing about why there's no Mima.

"Everybody knows  overreaction was invented on the internet!" - quote from Yuyuko from Spaztique's own Touhou Sketches YSE.  :trollface:

What if Sakuya WAS actually in Ten Desires?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 02, 2013, 02:03:26 AM
*Stage 6*
Miko: Huh, what's that noise?
*Turns around to see a wall of knives coming towards her.*
Miko: OH SHI-
Sakuya: Problem? :trollface:

What if Touhou was voiced by an all-elcor cast (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 02, 2013, 02:11:13 AM
*Stage 6*
Miko: Huh, what's that noise?
*Turns around to see a wall of knives coming towards her.*
Miko: OH SHI-
Sakuya: Problem? :trollface:

What if Touhou was voiced by an all-elcor cast (
@Evil_Nazgul0616: My reaction your answer: Wall Knifeception! (

Answer to Evil_Nazgul0616's question: Then half of us would be looking for that voice over volume option.

What if we ended up getting a chair youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 02, 2013, 03:51:51 AM
She will probably have the ability to become a chair so "Chair Mode activated!" (JK)  Sakuya will be shopping for new furniture and accidentally mistaken s the chair youkai for regular wooden furniture, forever having to smell the butts of the SDM crew. :P

What if ZUN started to put the MIDI option in the newest games in Touhou for the BGMs?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on September 02, 2013, 07:26:46 AM
What if ZUN started to put the MIDI option in the newest games in Touhou for the BGMs?

BRING ON THE BLACK REMIXES! And computer crashes.

What if the Saigyou Ayakashi and/or the Unnamed Giant Catfish (that needs a true name) became a humanoid youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 02, 2013, 01:04:41 PM
The Saigyou Ayakashi would still be sruck because of Yuyuko's body, and the Catfish would get it's newly formed ass kicked by Meiling.

What if Youmu's human half died and went to Hakugyokurou?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Goomba98 on September 02, 2013, 01:37:48 PM

What if Shinmyoumaru gave Mario her Magic Mallet?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 02, 2013, 05:38:41 PM
Then Mario would be able to shrink and grow himself to kick some Bowser butt!

What if Byakuren had a pet chimp?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on September 02, 2013, 06:13:54 PM
What if Byakuren had a pet chimp?

She'd train it to attack Miko.

What if EX-Rumia fought Black Doom?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 02, 2013, 06:24:09 PM
@Cybeast710: Taoist Panda VS Buddhist Chimp anyone?

Answer to Cybeast710's question: Then we'll have the battle of the darkness users!

What if Rumia found a magic pony?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 03, 2013, 12:39:12 AM
They will go on fast speed chases around Gensokyo while Rumia spreads her arms to gain maximum speed!

What if you had the choice to go and visit the SDM or have a picture taken by Aya with Reimu and Marisa?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 03, 2013, 01:37:05 AM
I rather get my picture taken with Marisa and Reimu like a bawse.

What if a polar bear got into Miko's place? (My questions keep getting more random why?)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 03, 2013, 02:51:57 AM
The panda will get in love with the polar bear!!! :D

What if Reimu sold Genji to Marisa?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 03, 2013, 03:14:05 AM
@Hard-To-Destroy-Reptile: YES! I DID AN INTERNET. :D

Answer to Hard-To-Destroy-Reptile's question: Then Marisa would probably not have much used for Genji since well... she has her broom to fly, unless Marisa and Genji end up becoming buddies that is...

What if we ended up getting a Yeti  (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 03, 2013, 03:42:05 AM
She will absolutely love Cirno thanks to the cold. She will also probably be Cirno's bodyguard because of it. Which makes Cirno more of a threat.

What if Koishi, accidentally or otherwise, creates the Chaos Heart and starts to destroy all worlds?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 03, 2013, 06:57:52 PM
Then it will take the power of love to destroy the Chaos Heart AKA Satori! (SUPER PAPER SATORI! COMING TO A PC NEAR YOU.)

What if Nyan Cat was in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on September 03, 2013, 07:34:58 PM
Cute catgirl in poptart-themed dress with rainbow danmaku? YES PLEASE. I'd hope Yuyuko doesn't eat her, though.

What if Rob Liefeld did the official art for the series?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 03, 2013, 08:46:46 PM
Then we'll have more comic like Touhous instead of the simple drawing that Zun does.

What if we had a turtle youkai? (not counting Genji)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 03, 2013, 09:25:07 PM
I expect someone to say "I like Turtles" when meeting him/her.

What if Seija flipped Yoshika's bones, so they can bend?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 03, 2013, 09:30:54 PM

Seija: MAGIC!

Then it's a miracle not by Sanae!

What if Seija flipped Reimu's shrine?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on September 03, 2013, 09:37:22 PM
The sheer fact that it's upside down will attract visitors, which will mean more donations.

What if Koishi got the rest of Kokoro's masks?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 03, 2013, 09:38:34 PM
Then we'll have more craziness while Koishi will now have feelings, I think...

What if Satori went out more often?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on September 04, 2013, 12:53:51 AM
She might spark a competition between herself and Patchouli to see who's better at "having a life"

What if Reimu was forced to use the "Reality Seal"?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 04, 2013, 02:10:55 AM
Then the fabrication of reality and fake would be broken causing all sorts of things to break like the Hakurei Border, which makes another incident as Reimu is the final boss!

What if Marisa used a magic wand more often?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 04, 2013, 02:16:56 AM
Her mini-Hakkero would get jealous and become a full tsukumogami, with more firepower than Yuuka. And fire. And would probably be the next final boss, after stealing Reimu's gohei and making it become a full tsukumogami, too.

What if Seija flipped her own power?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 04, 2013, 02:39:24 AM
It'll be flipception!

What if we get a Tetris youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on September 04, 2013, 02:40:12 AM
What if Seija flipped her own power

Seija can now flop things. ...OK.

Since I got sniped...
What if we get a Tetris youkai?
...Yay. We have a girl who can bend herself into tetris shapes.

What if Seija flipped the DIMENSIONS of the Hakurei Shrine and Reimu while they were in it? This can translate to either H/L, L/W, W/H, or Reciprocals.

To answer my own question with regards to reciprocals: Cirno would put the shrine in a bottle and proceed to laugh at Reimu until Yukari fixed the situation. Probably violently.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 04, 2013, 02:56:09 AM
@Cybeast710: Wait minute where's the next question? I'll make one.

What if we get a boat youkai? (ALL BOAT USERS KEEP YOUR OWN BOATS!)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 04, 2013, 02:59:03 AM
Murasa will sail the high seas (lakes,rivers) with that youkai!

What if Tewi started to do work and helped Reisen? O_O
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 04, 2013, 03:06:29 AM
It's probably another prank waiting to happen, we all know that Tewi can be a lair sometimes! (I like Tewi though.)

What if a rabbit was seen hoping around the Myouren Temple?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 04, 2013, 03:16:49 AM
Byakuren and Co. will try to convert it to Buddhism.

What if ZUN and CAVE collaborated to make a game (using Touhou and DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou's characters as well as (Loli)Hibachi (
*Please just don't say "Bees."
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 04, 2013, 03:23:35 AM
@Evil_Nazgul0616: Buddhist Panda, Chimp, and Rabbit for the win!  :colonveeplusalpha:

Then, we'll have more danmaku than the law allows on the screen and more lolis that try to wall you in every shape and form.

What if we got a tree youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 04, 2013, 03:28:31 AM
The rabbit is going for the record for bouncing continuously around Gensokyo!

What if Reimu gave away her powers of the Ying-yang orbs? (Being able to turn it to a cat,can make her smell like anything and never getting fat from sweets!)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 04, 2013, 03:30:43 AM
@ Reptile: I already answered the rabbit question.

Answer to MewMew's Question: It's dialogue would be something like this. (

Answer to Reptile's Question: The recipients would abuse that power.

What if we got a Reaper ( Youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 04, 2013, 03:33:52 AM
Then people would go apeshit crazy if they got close to the Reaper loli.

What if Yukari went on a food stealing spree?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 04, 2013, 03:38:05 AM
The plot of Kirby's Dreamland, with Yuyuko in the place of Kirby and Yukari as a hacked DeDeDe that nobody could win against.

What if an object containing a functional hammerspace (like Reimu's sleeves) was thrusted into a gap?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 04, 2013, 03:40:39 AM
Post didn't warn me about somebody already posting. :p

4'th walls will break again!

What if Marisa learned how to fly?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 04, 2013, 03:44:25 AM
Marisa will never need her broom again. Thus the lonely broom becomes a tsukumogami and begins stalking Marisa relentlessly while singing "Baby Come Back".

What if Byakuren and Miko had a rap battle?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 04, 2013, 04:05:36 AM
 They will be in the next Epic Rap Battles. :P

What if ZUN made another fighting game, but it had all cast of Tekken?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on September 04, 2013, 04:50:19 AM
Tekken loses.

@Cybeast710: Wait minute where's the next question? I'll make one.

What if we get a boat youkai? (ALL BOAT USERS KEEP YOUR OWN BOATS!)

There was one.
What if Seija flipped the DIMENSIONS of the Hakurei Shrine and Reimu while she was in it? This can translate to either H/L, L/W, W/H, or Reciprocals..
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on September 04, 2013, 08:51:50 AM
The Hakurei Shrine becomes a major attraction, and Reimu earns lots of money from people visiting it to experience the weirdness inside.

What if there is an American-produced 3D Touhou movie that is really successful and won tons of awards?  In fact, it started a movie series, and all its sequels are just as successful.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on September 04, 2013, 10:05:41 AM
Then Yukari must have gotten wind of whatever lame idea Hollywood ORIGINALLY had and decided to "coerce" (read: Threaten/Blackmail) them into actually making a good one!

What if you found Aya's camera?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 04, 2013, 10:21:23 AM
I'd find several pictures of Kogasa doing scandalous things with her Umbrella. Surprise?

What if Gensokyo's greatest minds (Nitori, Yumemi, Utsuho, Cirno, etc.) teamed up to make an anime style Mecha?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 04, 2013, 03:25:08 PM
Then it'll be better than Hisoutensoku and Gundam combined!

What if Byakuren and Miko got turned into cats?  :flamingv: (I REGRET NOTHING!)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 04, 2013, 03:31:12 PM
They'd get into... a cat fight.

What if Reimu turned into a youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 04, 2013, 05:57:28 PM
I think it was already answered in a previous thread, but I'll answer again encase.

Then Reimu would a youkai that hunts other youkai!

What if we had potato youkai? (inb4datonememe)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 04, 2013, 09:00:08 PM

What if Remi fired sakuya and meiling? And hired Flandre as the gatekeeper?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 04, 2013, 09:43:02 PM
Nobody would dare come by the SDM anymore unless on very important business. Meiling probably gets a job as a martial arts teacher while Sakuya drowns her sorrows in a bar with a bunch of tengu and oni and ZUN

What if Patchouli succumbed to her health problems and died?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 04, 2013, 09:54:25 PM
Then Koakuma would be the new librarian and have to learn magic to fend off the library from one "sad" Marisa.

What if we got a door youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 04, 2013, 09:59:50 PM
The youkai will feel lonely since by the time it appears Gaps will be the hip thing.

What if Reimu and Marisa got into a fight (argue) and never became friends again?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 04, 2013, 10:05:43 PM
Then we wouldn't see one or the other in the rest of the Touhou games since they are the main characters of Touhou after all.

What if we got a fairy that could make deserts magically or turn people into deserts?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 04, 2013, 10:09:46 PM
The Rabbits of Eientei hire that fairy.

What if Red Eye ( appeared in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 04, 2013, 10:19:51 PM
Reimu will be glad another incident occurred since she was getting awfully bored again.

What if Komachi was fired from her duties as a shikigami and Shiki replaced her for Kotohime?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 04, 2013, 10:45:49 PM
Kotohime would be arresting people for breaking the law!


What if there was a money youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 04, 2013, 10:50:57 PM
I can see you read Wild and Horned Hermit.
Marisa will have it captive planning to rap- I mean, make lots of cash!

What if Kana was actually Layla Prismriver?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 05, 2013, 06:22:04 AM
@Hard-To-Destroy-Reptile: I had to make the reference.

Answer to Hard- To-Destroy-Reptile's question: Then one must wonder how did she change forms.

What if we had a hamster youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on September 05, 2013, 03:44:04 PM
Her preferred method of transportation involves running inside a wheel, and it can also fly.

What if Chen comes running towards you like this?
( (

Uploaded with (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 05, 2013, 10:43:29 PM
Isn't it obvious? I will run up to her and yell CHEEEEEEEEN!!!

What if every Touhou character started dancing out of no-where?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 05, 2013, 10:51:39 PM
The incident gets blamed on Iku.

What if Blasto the First Hanar Spectre ( ended up in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 06, 2013, 12:08:07 AM
Hey, Remi, another pet for you to keep!

What if meiling became fat?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 06, 2013, 12:10:32 AM
Then her title would be the "Snorlax of Gensokyo" and could guard the gate effortlessly. They may need more guards for other areas, however, since Meiling won't be moving as much...

What if Gensokyo discovered trading cards?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Keegster2 on September 06, 2013, 01:10:13 AM
Then Marisa would probably have all of them with all that "Borrowing" she does.

What if the series was America only instead of Japan only?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 06, 2013, 01:14:30 AM
Then Marisa being there will make sense! Also religion,characters, and locations will be way different now.

What if Mamizou disguised herself as Slenderman just to scare of youkai but finds out slender was in love with her and stalking her. (random question)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 06, 2013, 01:39:05 AM
She would transform herself into Flandre to scare slenderman away.

What if several PC-98 characters (except Mima, of course) made an appearance in the next game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 06, 2013, 02:11:25 AM
ZUN has been trolling us for a long time now.

What if Reimu want to a pie eating contest against everyone? (not including Yuyuko or Yoshika)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 06, 2013, 02:28:09 AM
Rumia or Letty would win. (Or Yuyuko and Yoshika get angry at being left out and start an all out danmaku war against everyone and get their asses kicked.)

What if Okuu and Cirno starred in a Touhou version of Beavis and Butthead?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 06, 2013, 03:07:25 AM
The show will be even dumber than before. :p

What if Reimu got a paper cuts all over her hands.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on September 06, 2013, 03:42:49 AM
Time to use plastic paper amulets, then.

What if every time Sanae smiles sweetly, a miracle happens somewhere in the universe, including alternate/parallel dimensions/universes?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 06, 2013, 03:51:08 AM
Sanae will have competition with Hina with her Hina Face!

What if Yumemi started a university in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 06, 2013, 04:40:51 AM
She'd hire Gensokyo's brightest minds (Nitori, Keine, Utsuho, Cirno, etc.) to teach there.

What if Miko was the Buddhist Magician and Byakuren was the Taoist Hermit?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 06, 2013, 08:22:02 PM
HOW ABOUT NO! (Jking) :matsuriscowl:

Answer to TresserT's question: Then Miko would of appeared in TH 12 while Byakuren appears in TH 13, sounds fair and legit to me.

What if Miko got her Touhou Ace Attorney game? (Yes I asked this question!)

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 07, 2013, 09:12:57 AM
The next time she got into an argument with Byakuren, she'd yell "OBJECTION!" at everything Byakuren says.

What if the Free! Boys appear in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 08, 2013, 07:30:32 PM
They will be shunned by Reimu's armpits unless they put some donations.

What if Ellen got Amnesia?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on September 08, 2013, 08:09:33 PM
She'd forget she's supposed to forget things and become a veritable fountain of magical knowledge.

What if the SDM was a Japanese style mansion?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 09, 2013, 12:18:50 AM
Remillia would be a japanese style vampire with a japanese style maid, Patchy would learn fire/water/earth/wind/light/dark/aether magic, Flandre would live in the attic, Meiling would be German, and they would have travelled to Narnia instead of Gensokyo.

What if the Hakurei god took on a physical form like Kanako and Suwako?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2013, 12:47:35 AM
Nobody would know, since nobody (except maybe Reimu) knows who the Hakurei God is.

What if another Touhouvania game was made based on Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia starring Marisa and Mima acted like Barlowe (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 09, 2013, 01:22:25 AM
Then Mima would be the one bringing back Shinki from the dead. I think?

What if the next Touhou game involves chickens?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on September 09, 2013, 01:34:33 AM
The chicken overlords will attempt to rule the world and declare poultry supremacy... duh~  :derp:

What if Hina reversed the direction of her spin? [I see so many possibilities with this one]
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 09, 2013, 03:43:35 AM
Then the world will now spin in reverse direction as well, causing chaotoc atmospheres and storms everywhere. Goddammit Seija!
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 09, 2013, 04:04:01 AM

Well what if the next Touhou game was an RPG?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 09, 2013, 04:28:43 AM
Zun would be rich like a bawse!

What if Komachi starred in a Crazy Taxi x Touhou crossover?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 09, 2013, 05:43:07 AM
The taxi will be her boat while every passenger will be Shiki.

What if Flan ate Flan?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 09, 2013, 06:58:25 AM
Then Parsee would be Jelly

What if Minoriko switched places with Kanako?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 09, 2013, 07:13:59 AM
She will finally know the feeling of having a lot of faith for once.

What if Chen went against Ran in a spinning contest?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 09, 2013, 02:41:33 PM
Hina wins.

What if Koishi opened her eye?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 09, 2013, 09:35:12 PM
Everyone will lose their sanity.

What if Kotohime owned a police car?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 09, 2013, 10:36:43 PM
Then Kotohime would be riding around it arresting people, until it ran out of gas. XD

What if the spellcard rules got modified due to complicated spells being named?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 09, 2013, 10:49:56 PM
Then Seija will troll whoever did this and name her last word- Mirror Troll Sign " Lastwordthathasabignamebutisstillsuperstrongsinceitcanmakeyourcontrolsweirdandflipstagesconstantlybeingthehardestlastwordthereis!"

What if Lily White,Daisy(too lazy to type long name) and koakuma had a spellcard?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 09, 2013, 10:56:54 PM
Then they would be mid-bosses with spells that would be of value, I think?

What if an army of broccoli youkai attacked Gensokyo? 
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 09, 2013, 11:02:57 PM
Put some cheese on that and you have a rampaging Yuyuko!

What if a group of rock,paper, and scissors youkai appeared?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 09, 2013, 11:24:15 PM
They would always be in perfect equilibrium with each other, and would probably function like the Prismrivers. Until you go into those ridiculous rules that involve volcanoes, Spock, and other miscellaneous objects...

What if the worlds of Adventure Time and Gensokyo melded? (Have fun with this one!)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2013, 11:39:32 PM
Cirno and Ice King would have a competition to see who's the coolest. At the same time, Reimu is hassling Finn and Jake for donations and Remilia uses her charisma to take down Marceline. Oh, and Yuyuko would eat the Candy Kingdom.

What if the Hakurei and Moirya shrines got into a physical competition with each other and Byakuren and Miko were betting on who would win?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 09, 2013, 11:50:49 PM

Then, if Reimu wins she'll just high-jack the money from Miko and Byakuren and proceed to teach them a lesson. (Someone else answer this, if they want, because I need a comparison.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 10, 2013, 12:43:22 AM
Their subordinates would find out about them working together and feel betrayed thus causing them to team up against the two.

what if Knight Solaire of Astora met okuu?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 10, 2013, 12:52:12 AM
@Chocolate: Thanks. ^^

Answer to Chocolate's question: Then Okuu would be worshiped due to her Nuclear powers, HAAAAAAAAAIL THE SUN! (Before one jealous Kanako ruins the party)

What if Kanako started an exercising program? (Randomness ahoooooooooy?)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 10, 2013, 12:56:42 AM
Meiling will be the only one to show up making it pointless for Sanae and Suwako.

What if Marisa ordered Pizza from Dominoes?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 10, 2013, 01:40:19 AM
It takes a very long time for Dominoes to find Gensokyo, so Marisa gets a free pizza when they finally show up.

What if the three mischievous fairies (Sunny, Luna, and Star) had their own version of the Team Rocket Motto (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 10, 2013, 02:13:13 AM
They already have their flag's logo, they just need a catchy tune when ever they appear.

What if all the people in the Myouren shrine get drunk?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 10, 2013, 02:34:11 AM
ELABORATE PLOT BY TAOISM, NUFF SAID!   :colonveeplusalpha:

(What I can dream, can I?)

What if Yoshika did the Thriller in the graveyard in the middle of the night?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Rei Scarlette on September 10, 2013, 04:41:11 AM

This post is not an answer, by the way. Someone else can take it.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on September 10, 2013, 08:05:58 AM
All of Gensokyo would learn to their slight irritation that Thriller is actually an ancient ritual to raise the dead. Nobody at the Myouren Temple can get any sleep due to the wild Zombie parties going on every night. Byakuren becomes increasingly  desperate and slowly begins to resemble a sleep-deprived and highly grumpy bear.

What if their was a rain youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 10, 2013, 12:59:17 PM
I can see Kogasa with her umbrella, trolling it.

What if the Myouren and the Taoism get into a giant robot fight with each other?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on September 10, 2013, 04:06:14 PM
To keep things from getting out of control, Reimu sends out her secret weapon, a giant Ruukoto, to fight them.

What if Mokou wakes up with gray hair one day?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 10, 2013, 07:14:56 PM
She'd dye it back to it's original colour... which is gray...

What if Utsuho had eaten Kanako instead?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 10, 2013, 07:58:27 PM
Should shoot rain at people and try to make people understand the glory of rain and water!

What if sawako started turning certain fairies into frogs?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 10, 2013, 09:20:13 PM
Then Cirno will freeze even more Frogs!

What if Flandre, Yukari, Yuyuko, the Watatsuki sisters, and Mima decided to take over the Universe?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 10, 2013, 09:43:04 PM
They fight over who gets absolute control over the universe (except Yukari, who just doesn't care). Flandre wins by destroying everyone else except Yukari.

What if Suika encountered Acala the Immoveable One (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 10, 2013, 10:28:51 PM
Then Suika, would have to clash against it with her army of little Suikas.

What if an army of giant vegetables decided to try and take over Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 10, 2013, 10:33:00 PM
Yuuka would join in and probably lead them, because she likes plants, and then maximum hacks will have to be achieved to stop them. Or wait until Yuuka gets bored and then veggie feast (but make sure she's not looking!)

What if the four main Chaos Gods (Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and Nurgle, for those who want names) appeared in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 10, 2013, 10:45:02 PM
Yay! Even more trolls for Gensokyo to deal with.

What if Suika made the largest sake container that reach to the moon?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 10, 2013, 11:02:06 PM
EVERY DRUNKARD FOR THEMSELVES! To the top of the gourd!

What if a huge space ship landed in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 10, 2013, 11:59:34 PM
Well the moon people don't use rockets, so it would have to be from some other celestial body.

Astral Knight Konngara returns!

What if Maribel actually got inside the border (not just in her dreams)?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 11, 2013, 12:20:55 AM
Then her and Yukari would a have a long talk about... things.

What if Futo discovered a warp pipe to the Mushroom Kingdom?

(Why the hell did I ask this?)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 11, 2013, 12:47:09 AM
Futo: doth thou knoweth where we art located?
mario: itsa me, mario!
f: thou name art mario, thine name is Futo (dont remember or care about her full name, graze me). Again thine ask for assistence, could thou telleth where thine am?
M: oh no! Ima haveta save the princess!
F: I beggeth of thee, could thou please tell where thine am located? If thou do then thine promise to help thee in thou quest.
M: look kid, can you just speak fucking english? I have no idea what you are saying and its giving me a damn headache.
F: though speakest fighting words! *FUTO SMASH*

AND thus mario's story came to an end.

what if all of gensokyo decided enough was enough and that they were to bath chen because she smells?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on September 11, 2013, 12:52:03 AM
Then she would have to have lots of water on her.

What if Wakasagihime met Darwin Watterson?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 11, 2013, 01:01:18 AM
@Chocolate: You just won the internets! I'm literally bursting into tears laughing.

Answer to SatoriKoi57's question: Then they would be the best of fish friends!

What if Byakuren discovered the world of Pikmin?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 11, 2013, 01:06:55 AM
Byakuren would teach them to be independent, violent Buddhists who beat up everything for the fun of it instead of propogation. Buddha statues look like purple Pikmin. And Hocotatiens who try to take the Pikmin for themselves get stomped.

Or, Byakuren would replace some figures in her scroll with Pikmin, so when she opens it, a bunch of Pikmin swarm out against the enemy. Unexpected!

What if Sukuna assumed direct control of the Hisoutensoku?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 11, 2013, 01:18:08 AM
Then Sukuna would have to hop from button to button to control it???

What if Reimu found a boat? -shot-
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 11, 2013, 01:32:31 AM
Murasa would happen all over the place causing both of then to get very wet.

What if all the 2hus didnt look like children?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: AJC on September 11, 2013, 01:49:11 AM
Then the amount of rule 34 of the touhou girls would be at least double if not triple of what we got already.

What if all the playable girls from the windows shooters fused into one?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 11, 2013, 03:10:59 AM
I'm not so sure what you mean,but. . . . . (

What if Keine turned out to be the most OPed character in Touhou?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 11, 2013, 03:15:16 AM
She'd consume that bit of history so noone would know of her power and she could remain low profile.

What if we had an electric mouse youkai?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 11, 2013, 03:21:16 AM
It'll be like Pikachu! -burned at the stake for mentioning Pokemon-

What if Eirin starred in her own version of Dr. Mario?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 11, 2013, 03:28:53 AM
This. (

What if Eirin's Shady New DrugTM was actually Louis' Pain Pills (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 11, 2013, 03:42:12 AM

(Sorry for the caps, but that was the hype!)

What if Pac-man danmaku was invented?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 11, 2013, 04:17:07 AM
Then whenever it gets used, Yuyuko, Youmu, Mima, and Tojiko will appear and chase it around (geddit? cause they're ghosts), until it touched the player character and now THEY'RE the ones being chased.

What if Wakasagihime is actually Ariel's long lost sister?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 11, 2013, 04:27:28 AM
Then Ariel would appear in TH 15! Mermaid reunion huzzah!

What if Sekibanki's head took a tour of Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 11, 2013, 05:18:00 AM
The head will get many Mind F*** along the travel giving Sekibanki a major head-ache.

What if Kagerou stayed as her ware-wolf form and went off to fight against Remilia?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 11, 2013, 10:21:21 AM
Then touhou would get a bunch of male twilight like fans. However that is just the beginning. These... creatures would swarm our boards like teen moms to attention and spew there team scarlet and team fwafwa crap all over the places. Very quickly this subculture would become a cesspool forcing our god master to reset the series so neither werewolf or vampire ever existed.

Do not bring up that situation again.

what if flandre had to fight release xin zhao who got fed and has full build?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 11, 2013, 09:08:23 PM
Flandre will just squeeze her hand for a while and. . . there!

What if Aya traveled around the world light speed taking photos of everyone?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 11, 2013, 09:15:01 PM
She would gain infinite mass because of physics (if you want me to do the math just ask) along with infinite volume and proceed to fuck up everything.

what if yukari popped up in front of you and offered to take you to gensokyo.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 11, 2013, 09:20:33 PM
"FINALLY! About time you got here. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this?" Then Tres gets hit by a gap-train.

What if Yuyuko was actually Renko's ghost?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 11, 2013, 09:23:48 PM
I am pretty sure by the transitive properties of being fat renko would instantly gain an incredible amount of weight and then proceed to die because of how much yuyuko eats.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 11, 2013, 09:24:58 PM
Oh and um. What if. A human decided to eat a yokai.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: nyttyn on September 11, 2013, 09:31:49 PM
Probably the same effect as eating anything else like a cow or some such, unless it works like youkai eating hermits. Doubtful though, and it's unlikely anyone would actually try.

In other words yum yum Remilia steak, extra-raw, eat up.

What if DDC's numerous callbacks to the PC98 era is actually building up to some PC98 fan favorites returning?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 11, 2013, 09:37:51 PM
Probably the same effect as eating anything else like a cow or some such, unless it works like youkai eating hermits. Doubtful though, and it's unlikely anyone would actually try.


I dont wanna be that guy.... but if the opportunity ever arouse I would. I would so fast.

Edit: someone else answer this, I havent played ddc yet. Speaking of which did it english patch yet? When it gets patched ill buy it.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 11, 2013, 09:49:32 PM
@Chocolate: No english patch yet.

Then everybody would get hyped to the point that Mima appears.

What if Reimu starred in a Touhou version of Super Mario Galaxy?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 11, 2013, 10:12:13 PM
Reimu" There must be more life-forms out there. . . let the money searching for the donation box, begin!"

What if a candy youkai appeared in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 11, 2013, 10:53:01 PM
Yuyuko eats her.

What if we got a moth youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 11, 2013, 10:54:17 PM
Then Wriggle would have a friend!

What if we got a squirrel youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 11, 2013, 11:07:31 PM
Momiji will quickly yell squirrel every time she sees it!

What if we had a toy youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 11, 2013, 11:17:38 PM
Then Nitori, Koishi, or Sukuna would quickly tinker with it

What if we got a money bag youkai? (YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH!!!!)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 11, 2013, 11:26:39 PM
Marisa some how made it to heaven!

What if we got a youkai of youkai? (yeah,. . . . . I said it)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 11, 2013, 11:35:07 PM
Then it's Youkaiception!

What if we got a weasel youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on September 11, 2013, 11:56:46 PM
I would swear that she would be paired with Nazrin, dunno though.

Another random crossover question:

What if Cirno, Billy (From The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy), Ed (From Ed, Edd n Eddy), Patrick Star, Derpy Hooves and Richard Watterson decided to have a contest of who could be the biggest idiot?
Also, who would win?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 12, 2013, 12:06:19 AM
The would all gang up and kill the pony because no matter how stupid they are they understand that ponies are the root of all evil. Also ed would win.

What if all the girls saw all the nasty fanfics of themselves?

yes im talking about the hentai.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 12, 2013, 12:10:30 AM
@Chocolate: Damn, you answered before I could answer (ninja'd). Also, you win an internet for pony bashing.
@SatorKoi: You forgot Cheese (from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends) and Fred Fredburger (also from Billy and mandy)
*I hope you don't mind, but I'm also going to provide an alternate answer to SatorKoi's question:
Cirno would win. Since she's the strongest idiot.

Answer to Chocolate's Question: They'd have mixed reactions, depending on the girl.

What if Kisume (Bucket Girl, I think that's her name.) randomly popped out of Reimu's sleeve?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 12, 2013, 12:13:29 AM
She has been hogging the armpit for far too long!

What if Sakuya played cards with Remilia? (Fate VS Time!)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 12, 2013, 12:18:59 AM
Sakuya would never cheat against her boss and her pads would fail to distract her. Remilia hates to lose and thus would bend fate to win.

what if reimu stopped being lazy?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 12, 2013, 12:23:57 AM
Then she would get more donations!

What if Sanae turned into a mermaid?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 12, 2013, 12:32:09 AM
well explaining to Wakasagihime will be easy. . . it was a miracle!

What if Alice opened her Grimoire again?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 12, 2013, 12:34:58 AM
There was a fanfic about this but idk where it is. Basically explosions and god mode.

what if zun wasnt a drunk?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 12, 2013, 01:16:14 AM
Then Touhou would of not been made.

What if we got a lizard youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 12, 2013, 01:34:02 AM
EPIC! and err um . . . It would stay near the Moriya shrine, sleeping.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 12, 2013, 01:40:05 AM
It would either be really lazy or try to eat fairies and wiggle poopbug. The end result would be cirno winning because the ice princess insta wins against cold blooded creatures.

what if cirno was secretly a genius and was behind each incident since 6?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 12, 2013, 01:46:58 AM
Well forget logic and nine ball Cirno actually has brains!

What if Lily white's clothes in black actually meant that she is goth?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 12, 2013, 05:25:49 AM
Then whenever it's not spring she probably cuts herself in depression because she's so sad that it's not spring.

What if Yuuka got hold of a corpse flower?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 12, 2013, 11:33:32 AM
A giant fucking game over would flash in the sky.

what if yukari is ZUN.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 12, 2013, 05:29:57 PM
Then uh... uh... uh... even in real life Yukari has the power over the Touhou world?

What if there was a Touhou version of The Spice Girls? (OLD SCHOOL FOR THE WIN!)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 12, 2013, 06:31:05 PM
You mean the prismriver sisters arent them? I joke I joke, that would be an insult to the glorious beautiful spice girls. I joke again! Nothing is as grossly melodious as the sisters.  Well if there was a 2hu version of them then they would have broken up around PCB if I remember correctly. RIGHT AROUND THE TIME WE FIND THE SISTERS. This implies that from the ashes of shit, true beauty is born. So there may have been a spice girls band in gensokyo but they died and the prismriver sisters were born.

What if there are gensokyo citizens (youkai and humans) within our numbers on this site?  What if you are one of them but can't say so because yukari would yank your internet?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Ri-ze on September 12, 2013, 07:49:05 PM
*Gasp* my secret! *Pops off internet* (Just joking, lol)

The that would explain some of the insane dodging accomplished by certain users... they already know it all!!!

What if the youkai held a protest against Reimu as shrinemaiden?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 12, 2013, 07:57:30 PM
I see you just made that account. You are using it to dodge yukari!

Reimu wouldnt care. If they proceeded to take action she would immediately care and retaliate with extreme prejudice via GIANT AMULETS OF DEATH.

What if mima doesnt ever come back? Not that I mind, she is trash and the world is a better place without her.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 12, 2013, 09:17:18 PM
Then it's time to move on with Shinki, and poor Mima will always be remembered as a cameo appearance in a CD. :(

What if everyone in Gensokyo that gain more power, with anything having to do with the moon, attacked everyone?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 12, 2013, 09:20:23 PM
Then Reimu and the victims would have to fight back... or eleeeeeeese.

What if we got a card youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Raikaria on September 12, 2013, 09:41:44 PM
Then Reimu and the victims would have to fight back... or eleeeeeeese.

What if we got a card youkai?

Nazrin or Shou would try and collect them if they were a rare card.

What if Keine and Kagerou met on a Full Moon?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 12, 2013, 09:44:42 PM
Stuff will happen. . . (jk) They will have many things in common and this makes Mokou jelly.

What if Nazrin started a scavenger hunt all over Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 12, 2013, 10:26:51 PM
All the nazrin fanboys would be searchin for her booty.

what if tea disappeared forever from gensokyo
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 12, 2013, 10:30:22 PM
Everyone who drinks tea on a regular basis in Gensokyo: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- (

What if Cirno is actually the idiot goddess and idiots around the world put their faith in her?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Ri-ze on September 12, 2013, 11:10:58 PM
Then Cirno would be one of the most powerful gods in Gensokyo...

What if Rumia invented the spell card system instead?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 12, 2013, 11:26:56 PM
Then Rumia would of made it to where youkai could eat humans.

What if we got a succubus in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on September 12, 2013, 11:53:37 PM
Then Rumia would of made it to where youkai could eat humans.

What if we got a succubus in Gensokyo?

Then Rinnosuke would be the only one to be affected by her power.

What if the Myouren Temple crew ressurect Myouren like the did Byakuren?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Sagus on September 13, 2013, 12:02:50 AM
Then Rinnosuke would be the only one to be affected by her power.
Are you implying that Unzan is gay

What if the Myouren Temple crew ressurect Myouren like the did Byakuren?
They didn't ressurect Byakuren. She never died.

So the answer is nothing would happen, since there was no ressurection attempted in the first place :P

What if Yukari opened a gap inside a gap that led to the first gap?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2013, 12:10:22 AM
The universe would treat it as a division by zero, causing a reality breaking paradox. Everything spontaneously ceases to exist (except Yukari, who can manipulate the boundary of existence and nonexistence, and Seija who could simply flip herself back into existence.)

What if Remilia encountered Zapan D (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 13, 2013, 12:14:17 AM
It would be the battle of Scarlet Danmaku and epic battle music!

What if Yuyuko went a trip to Disney world?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 13, 2013, 12:20:29 AM
She would consume all the tasty little children! She is a youkai, why wouldn't she eat defenseless humans?

what if zun started making the games grim dark?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 13, 2013, 12:38:19 AM
As long as it has loli-tastic stuff in it, we will still be playing it! :p

What if Reimu turned into a God?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 13, 2013, 01:14:29 AM
Reimu is a god, I give her my faith every night before bed and every morning when I wake up. Could she be anything else while still being unstoppable like only afro in giantdad? No.

What if flandre decided to play with a hard to destroy reptile?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 13, 2013, 01:29:02 AM
...She destroys it. What else?

What if Yukari broke the boundary of sprite and character portrait?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 13, 2013, 01:40:24 AM
Alternative answer to Chocolate: They will be fighting for eternity until the 4'th wall breaks.

Answer to TresserT: Well at least we still have Alphes?

What if Koakuma was the actual mistress of the SDM?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 13, 2013, 01:45:08 AM
Then Remilia would be... the second in command mistress, I think?

What if Gensokyo got ponified one day? (I already know about those pictures, I mean like got turned into horses, ok?)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 13, 2013, 01:51:59 AM
Just when they new game was going to have a centaur youkai, that happens.

What if Gensokyo was actually located in the Arctic?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 13, 2013, 02:15:56 AM
Then Gensokyo would be Letty and Cirno's play house.

What if an army of mutant potatoes invaded Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 13, 2013, 02:41:11 AM
Yuuka would halfheartedly help, since they're plants, but not flowers. Only one Master Spark instead of two, and she would probably go home after that. Then the potatoes are taken to Hell and roasted by Okuu.

What if Orin got the Yatagarasu powers instead of Okuu?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 13, 2013, 06:08:12 AM
Dead spirits everywhere and for everyone!

What if Reimu started a football team?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 13, 2013, 09:37:41 AM
Then she would convince Yukari to alter the border of danmaku and soccer, so every incident resolution will now be resolved with a soccer match. But there is no actual soccer match since nobody wants to team up with each other.

What if there is a toilet youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Ri-ze on September 13, 2013, 10:33:18 AM
They'd be an akaname, who licks unclean bathrooms clean. They'd probably be friends with Kogasa, because of the umbrella's tongue and the akaname licking bathrooms clean.

What if Kotohime met Yuyuko?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 13, 2013, 01:16:41 PM
Then Youmu, getting insane from all the incomprehensible conversations, and Yukari, who is jelly, team up and cause a world-scale incident.

What if there's an American version of Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2013, 01:51:20 PM
This. (

What if Miko fought this thing ( and had her fellow Taoists force Byakuren to watch?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Ri-ze on September 13, 2013, 08:01:38 PM
Byakuren would wish she was sealed in Hokkai again.

What if Cirno and Eirin switched minds for a day?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2013, 09:01:09 PM
The medical happenings in Eientei that day would probably proceed like this exerpt from Concerned (

And Cirno's friends would be impressed by "Cirno"'s newfound intelligence and medical expertise.

What if Gensokyo is actually just  Marisa's mushroom-induced hallucination?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 13, 2013, 09:27:48 PM

(I had to put the song in there.)

Then it'll be like Paprika (

What if Reimu found a warp pipe to the Mushroom Kingdom?

(Let's throw a Touhou into the Mushroom Kingdom, everybody.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 13, 2013, 09:38:03 PM
I want to do mob boss reimu talking to mario but my hands are tired from building my new desk. Someone else do it. Ill do it later.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 13, 2013, 10:45:53 PM
Well we can see how that worked out over the years of her coma. . .

What if everyday Reimu's shrine was destroyed?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 14, 2013, 12:40:09 AM
It's probably Flandre, Seija, and Tenshi's doing.... I mean whoever is destroying her shrine would be getting their asses handed by Reimu when time she finds the culprit.

What if Eiki decided to take a trip to Disney World?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 14, 2013, 12:45:41 AM
You're going to hell. You're going to hell. YOU'RE ALL GOING TO HELL!

mom... who is that crazy lady?

pay no attention to her dear.

what if we are a game in the touhou world?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 14, 2013, 01:16:08 AM
That's the most- FUCKING GENIUS question ever!

Then we must be controlled by Yukari!

What if Yukari invited the Gamecube?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 14, 2013, 01:21:10 AM
It has boarders on each side, so Yukari can spy on everyone who bought it.

What if a new fighting game of Touhou appeared with the same mechanics as UNL, but with a lot more characters.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on September 14, 2013, 01:48:24 AM
What if a new fighting game of Touhou appeared with the same mechanics as UNL, but with a lot more characters.

Let the snowball spamming, interface screwing, religion warring, and all sorts of chaos begin!

What if the Player Characters' tools in DDC (Prayer stick [is that what it's called?], mini-hakkero, silver sword/knife) got a humanoid form and DDC was another partner game?

To answer for Marisa, it would be something like this. But with the Mini-Hakkero doing it. (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on September 14, 2013, 02:09:26 AM
Then there would be even more cute girls to make fanart of.

What if Prohibition was enacted in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 14, 2013, 02:33:38 AM
Lol suika doesnt give no shit about any prohibition.  Just try to stop the drunk lolita from drinking, I dare you.

what if yukari appears to be lazy while in gensokyo because she is actually spending so much of her time and energy manipulating out world?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 14, 2013, 02:35:32 AM
The what is Yukari doing to our planet!?

What if Thor met Kanako?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 14, 2013, 02:48:33 AM
They switch weapons. Kanako now commands giant hammers to throw, and Thor smashes things with onbashira. Then they both gain control of rain, wind, AND thunder. Kanako then discovers electricity for Gensokyo like a Ben Franklin without a kite, and the Kappa love the Moriya shrine even more. Reimu suspects shenanigans, and goes to beat up Kanako. Again.

As a Seija reversal of an earlier question, what if an alcohol youkai shows up at Gensokyo? (Any type of alcohol.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 14, 2013, 02:51:07 AM
Suika and Yuugi would be chasing it down until the ends of Gensokyo because EVERY ONI LOVES SAKE! -joke drum-

What if Tenshi found a Gingerbread House? (My questions are getting random, help me Eirin?)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 14, 2013, 02:55:12 AM
When she is about to take a bite, it turns out Yuyuko is now living in it.

What if Yuyuko went on a diet for a month, while Youmu uses her sword to tame her to eat healthy?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 14, 2013, 03:14:57 AM
Youmu can't, because Yuyuko's diet consists of eating Youmu's swords.
"The things that cannot be cut by my Roukanken, forged by Youkai IS NEXT TO NONE!...Yuyuko-sama's stomach being that one exception *sobs*"

What if Remilia watched the Twilight saga?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 14, 2013, 03:19:55 AM
I hope to god she does because she would then slowly torture and kill the creator for creating such a disgusting insult to a glorious species.

what if flan tasted like flan?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 14, 2013, 03:26:59 AM
Youmu" Yuyuko-san it's too RISKY!!!" after that destruction happens.

What if Sakuya started watching educational television, secretly?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 14, 2013, 03:32:08 AM
The she would become smarter than Patchouli! -shot by Patchouli fans-

What if Cirno went to Antarctica?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 14, 2013, 03:43:55 AM
She'd like it there.

What if Shikieiki sentenced Reimu and Marisa to "ONE MILLION YEARS HELL! ("
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 14, 2013, 04:48:30 AM
They will have to do a thousand good deeds before the end of the year. (and that won't be so pretty for Marisa)

What if Cirno went against an armada from the lunarians,won, and beats the heck out of everyone there?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on September 14, 2013, 05:08:37 AM
Turns out it was all part of the Lunarians' plan to make her lower her guard while she is celebrating and then strike her down!

What if every final boss dies at the end of their respective games?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 14, 2013, 06:02:35 AM
Well then all those re-appearance and cameos were just lies!

What if Kaguya and mokou actually became friends.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Neal Kawashiro on September 14, 2013, 10:14:58 AM
Well then all those re-appearance and cameos were just lies!

What if Kaguya and mokou actually became friends.
They are probably just drugged my keine and eirin.

What if All the stage 5 bosses joined forces while using the respective gimmicks?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on September 14, 2013, 12:14:36 PM
Hmm, let's see here....

Timehax, samurai  gardener, INSANE RED EYES!, distance squishing, miracle-making, corpse-carrying cat-cart, tiger pagoda, boat riding, and FLIP. EVERYTHING.

So, (deep breath)

Everyone rides on Mononobe's boat to ram EVERYONE with Komachi's distance manipulation, all the meanwhile Youmu and Sakuya cut and knife the opponents hundreds of times per ram with timehax, Seija and Reisen disorientate the opponents, making them think that it is not good to shoot at all, Shou shoots "old-man killer" lasers, and Sanae makes a miracle where the opponents just fall down with exhaustion.

Then Rin carries the bodies back to Former Hell.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on September 14, 2013, 03:05:52 PM
Since you didn't include the next question, what if Meiling received a tape of How to Train Your Dragon, along with VCR and TV?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on September 14, 2013, 03:44:54 PM
She'll boast about how powerful Eastern dragons are compared to Western ones.

What if Letty slept through a forest fire?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on September 14, 2013, 03:53:51 PM
She'll be super pissed when she wakes up because YOU didn't prevent forest fires.

What id Shou and Chen switched places for a month?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 14, 2013, 04:54:40 PM
Chen would order Nazrin to be eaten. Also, SHOUUUUU!

What if the all the extra bosses and all the stage six bosses formed teams to play capture the flag?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 14, 2013, 06:02:12 PM
It would soon turn into a spellcard battle due to half of the teams using hax.

What if Momiji found a kitty?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 14, 2013, 06:07:04 PM
She will have the temptation on chasing it, but gets caught from Aya's picture taking montage.

What if Alice went around the world to gather as many dolls as she can?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 14, 2013, 06:10:59 PM
She'd find her journey at an end once she reaches the Hakurei border :P

Alternately, she realises she already has dolls from around the world and goes home.

What if Utsuho had eaten the Aki sisters?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on September 14, 2013, 07:44:22 PM
Then maybe she would be a Fruit God?

What if the midbosses became as long and hard as the actual bosses?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 14, 2013, 08:06:05 PM
Daiyousei and Koakuma would finally get spellcards!

What if Nitori starred in her own spinoff?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 14, 2013, 10:14:01 PM
Then it would be about inventing things with science!

What if Mokou somehow found a portal to Candy Land! (Most random question ever!)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on September 14, 2013, 10:28:18 PM
Insta-edible glass! (Although it won't look good....)

What would happen to the Outside World (as in, right here) if the Fourth Wall broke and it was so broken to the point where no one that exists, has existed, or will exist will be able to fix it, and if it can't fix itself?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on September 14, 2013, 11:08:36 PM
Dammit Flan! All those posters, pinups, wall scrolls, cushions, pictures, monitors, televisions, phones, book covers, handheld game devices and other things with backgrounds start moving. Not around within the confines either but straight towards the now open door that has replaced the one thing that kept us safe the horrors of our own imagination. The darkest thoughts of the most devious minds have all at one point or other been commited to perilously perishable paper, those things we call doujin works, fanfiction and all their components parts now come to life able to freely travel the worlds of humankind. For generations we will ask ourselves why it happened, the one the day that everything changed and we found ourselves donating tot he shrine of Reimu Hakurei or chatting with the red-headed gatekeeper of the highly suspicious mansion or watching superman flying through the- oh wait that's a bird.

The world would change, for good or for ill the world would change.

What if Seija flipped the fourth wall?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 14, 2013, 11:19:00 PM
Then...wouldn't that make what we perceive as real life a game, and everything we perceived as fantasy is actually real?

The thought is painful.

What if Seija found herself in Soviet Russia?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 14, 2013, 11:44:02 PM
In Soviet Russia flip, flips Seija! -joke drum-

What if Sukuna starred in a Touhou version of Legend of Zelda?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 14, 2013, 11:48:43 PM
It'd be like the minish cap, except you start out tiny and get a hammer to turn yourself bigger. She'd go on a quest to find the tri-fairy (the three fairies of light) only to find out she'd had the Cirno part of it all along. She'd fight by swinging Tenshis around, or throwing yukkuris like bombs. Halfway through the game, shed get the Master Spark as the best storyline weapon, though there would be better ones through an elaborate sidequest requiring you to trade random junk (ie, Yukari's hat, the Hakurei Shrine donation box, a nice boat, Kogasa). Also, Letty would be the final boss.

What if Gensokyo had it's own version of iCarly?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 15, 2013, 12:40:32 AM
It will be hosted by Marisa, and Reimu while Nitori will be the one holding the camera.

What if seiga had another zombie servant?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 15, 2013, 12:53:06 AM
Then it's probably Micheal Jackson because of Thriller! -shot- (Someone else to can add their two cents in too)

(Yes, I said it.)

What if there was an alien attack in Gensokyo?   
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 15, 2013, 12:55:35 AM
@Reptile: Her other servant would continuously insist "I'm not a zombie, I'm a Jiang Shi!"

@Mewmew: Reimu would declare it an incident, and Erin and Kaguya would be playable characters.

What if someone broke the spellcard rules?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 15, 2013, 01:31:16 AM
They would get their ass royally handed to them by everyone. If they were too powerful (someone insert link to that cool fanfic that is exactly about this).

what if reimu never has a child?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: K+ ~ Bake-Danuki on September 15, 2013, 01:41:30 AM
then the hakurei shrine lineage would be broken?

what if we had Super Marisa Galaxy?  (FB is Shinki)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 15, 2013, 01:52:38 AM
Then all the bosses will be destroyed by a Grand-Star powered Master Spark.
(Also, Yamame = Tarantox, Watasagihime (I think that's the mermaid's name) = Kingfin, Alice = Bowser Junior, and Reimu (blue) = Luigi)

What if we got a colony of ant youkai (Including the queen)?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 15, 2013, 02:17:28 AM
Through some sort of shenanigans it would turn into a weird monster girl quest style incident and the team will shudder at the mentioning of insects again. Also wriggle poopbug would all her friends.

what if yukari is reimu's god and shes just trollin her?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Hatateru on September 15, 2013, 03:20:20 AM
In b4 that god is actually Mima in a Yukari disguise that means Raymoo got double trolled.

What if Seija got into a massive argument with Seiga?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 15, 2013, 03:24:53 AM
Seiga would throw fetuses at her while Seija would flip them. Also, Yoshika would probably be flipped a whole bunch because Seiga will tell her to attack Seija. Then they realize that reversing society mixed with evil always ends well, and they put their differences aside and try to take over Gensokyo. To which they are promptly curbstomped by Reimu for causing a ruckus.

What if Youmu acquired the Four Sword from Legend of Zelda?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 15, 2013, 03:33:36 AM
Then Youmu would be able to split herself into four copies causing her having to defeat Vaati, which would mean "The Legend of Youmu: The Four Swords" would be the next Touhou fangame.

What if Yuyuko starred in a Paper Mario X Touhou game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 15, 2013, 04:36:28 AM
Ive never played paper mario but I assune its the same as regular mario but with a gimmick.  So it woukd go like this.

Too tired to do this. Someone else take it.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Keegster2 on September 15, 2013, 05:21:29 AM
Then I presume her fan would appear a lot more. (BTW, Chocolate, Paper Mario is a Mario RPG where Mario is, of course, made of paper.)

What if the first 5 games didn't exist?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 15, 2013, 05:33:51 AM
Then...wait, would that make any difference at all :V ? *shot by PC-98 fans*

What if Reimu stopped showing her armpits?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 15, 2013, 05:36:22 AM
She realized that they smelled, I guess?

What if Yuyuko tried Poptarts?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Keegster2 on September 15, 2013, 05:37:50 AM
Then she would probably try to eat Nyan Cat.

What if every game starting from 6 didn't exist?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 15, 2013, 06:07:15 AM
Well. . . Less games= Less Doujin= Everyone loses their sanity.

What if Keine accidentally erased the history of Gensokyo from existing?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Sagus on September 15, 2013, 06:43:21 AM
Then everyone incapable of seeing past the illusions her power creates would see the world as the psychodelic background of IN's stage 3 until the next full moon, which's when she'd restore Gensokyo's history.

What if the Mishaguji tries to rebel against Suwako?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: monhan on September 15, 2013, 12:25:15 PM
Wouldn't it get smacked by Suwako again?

What if youkai/ghosts/demon originated outside of East Asia, but still in Asia, were to appear in future Touhou games? What country and what Youkai it'll be?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 15, 2013, 03:17:36 PM
 Indonesian Pocong (http://",or.&bvm=bv.52164340,d.bmk&dpr=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=H841UtK3DofJrAea1ICYDA&biw=1024&bih=644&sei=V841UpPVJYmNrQeC6IHoDQ")...maybe?

If talking realistically, maybe Balinese  Rangda (http://""), since she's pretty famous due to MegaTen. But only ZUN really knows the answer.

What if Kanako gave Yatagarasu's power to Rumia instead of Okuu?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on September 15, 2013, 03:35:09 PM
Look at that miniature sun floating around while saying "Is that so?"!

What if Patchouli is a patchouli?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 15, 2013, 03:41:10 PM
Then Orin must live in Orin.

What if Kogasa stopped trying to surprise people?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Rei Scarlette on September 15, 2013, 03:56:39 PM
That in itself would be surpising. Mission failed, or was that her plan all along?

What if the things that CAN be cut by Youmu's Roukanken are close to none?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on September 15, 2013, 05:00:56 PM
Just so you know, I asked that question before.


No wonder Youki disappeared!  He had enough of teaching an incompetent pupil!

What if your doctor prescribes you "Medicine" for your sickness?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 15, 2013, 07:14:32 PM
I will make sure it is from Eirin "What can go wrong?" (sarcasm)

What if Yumemi was actually Christian?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Ri-ze on September 15, 2013, 08:28:29 PM
Then Hopeless Masquerade would have her as an extra boss, trying to convert people to Christanity. Chiyuri would be in one of her spell cards no doubt, or even better, appear as a mid-boss type of thing.

What if in Double Dealing character, the boss order was reversed?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 15, 2013, 09:24:20 PM
Sukuna would be midget sized, Wakasagihime would finally show how awesome mermaids are, Sekibanki would make her head a yukkuri, Benben would fight non-weapon users and the Recliner would fight weapon users, Kagerou would show up in her human form, and Seija would reverse it so she still shows up as the stage 5 boss.

What if Seija flipped the Hakurei border?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 15, 2013, 09:47:11 PM
Three things would happen.  Our entire world would be enclosed in the tiny boarder. Yukari would then slaughter her. Yukari would use gap shenanigans to fix it.

What if flanfly couldnt fly?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 15, 2013, 11:47:29 PM
Then Flandre's wings would just be mere decorations, right? I mean she couldn't just possibly turn into a bat right? (Trying answer to this accurately any help appreciated. Thanks.)

What if Sukuna discovered the world of Pikmin?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on September 15, 2013, 11:53:14 PM
Once she figures out that she needs a whistle and a shiny light on a stick attached to her head in order to control them, she'll reuse the Mallet to make all of the Pikmin the size of humans.
But she gets defeated again because she can't have more than 100 Pikmin at a time.

What if the Touhou characters were Pikmin?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 16, 2013, 12:50:15 AM
Mokou = Red
Wakasagihime = Blue
Iku = Yellow
Medicine/Nazrin = White (Poison and Treasure-Seeking)
Suika = Purple (Density)

Haven't played Pikmin 3, so I don't know any others from there other than the rock ones, which still make no sense to me. No idea who they'd be, either.

Which Touhou characters would be the bosses of Pikmin 2? (Bulblax, Titan Dweevil, Waterwraith :colonveeplusalpha:, etc.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Ri-ze on September 16, 2013, 01:56:53 AM
Empress Bulblax = Wriggle (Because it commands bulborbs)
Burrowing Snagret = Mystia (Because it's a weaker bird)
Beady Long Legs = Ran (I don't know on this one... because they're both yellow?)
Giant Bread Bug = Marisa (They steal stuff)
Emperor Bulblax = Kogasa (Because of its tongue)
Pileated Snagret = Aya (Because it's a stronger, mobile, bird.)
Waterwraith = Yukari (Because it's implied to be a dimensional thing)
Ranging Bloyster = Nazrin (Because it likes shiny stuff)
Man-at-legs = Nitori (Because it's a robot)
Raging Long Legs = Kagerou (Because it's furry)
Segmented Crawbster = Yuugi (Because it's got a strong arm)
Titan Dweevil = Patchouli (Because it uses everything)
Whew... that's all of them...

What if Touhou characters were the captains of pikmin instead?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 16, 2013, 02:04:07 AM
Then it would turn into another incident due to SOME people can't keep their darn Pikmin from doing shit to each other. -looking at Miko, Byakuren, Mokou, and Kaguya-  :flamingv:

What if the Pikmin started an incident in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 16, 2013, 03:24:29 AM
Yuuka would be the extra boss, and all the pikmin (pikmins? pikminn? pikmen?) would replace the fairies are normal enemies.

What if Marisa stole the precious thing the Hakurei donation box?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 16, 2013, 03:55:27 AM
Reimu already knew that was going to happen, but why will she steal it considering it doesn't get donations "is what Reimu is thinking "

What if the next game had all the youkai as animals or animal like youkai?

first- Sheep youkai
second- Penguin youkai
third- Dog youkai (running out of ideas here)
fourth- (needs two or three bosses). . .Bear and panda youkai!
fifth- Ran and Chen appear together. . . again
sixth- Dragon youkai
Extra- Genji appears in a humanoid form!
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 16, 2013, 11:33:07 AM
The incident would be called "Pandemonium of an Animalistic Nature"

what if reimu had to perfect run dark souls without spell card rules (her magic is decent but not great without rules in canon).
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 16, 2013, 04:17:52 PM
That means she needs to learn some combat spells or cleric spells to keep herself staying afloat.

What if Cirno had her own news station?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 16, 2013, 05:26:10 PM
It would be very similar to north korea radio stations in the respect it would be spewing shit about how she is the strongest and the smartest.

what if... they made a touhou moba game.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 16, 2013, 11:03:41 PM
Note: Moba - Multiplayer online battle arena.

Then it would either be like Touhou Sky Arena mixed a few league of legends and DoTA mechanics.

What if Satori starred in a Touhou version of the Tales of series?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 16, 2013, 11:58:25 PM
It would be full of adventure, laughs, tears, frustration, awe, and most importantly, enjoyment. I debated making a game very much like that but decided not to because it would be too much of an undertaking alone.

what if reimu decided to build a computer?  What would she use it for?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 17, 2013, 12:05:47 AM
She would use it to do a Ponzi Scheme ( for donations.

What if replicators ( were found in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 17, 2013, 12:39:59 AM
Then it's another incident starring Nitori and Sanae as they stop them with the Hisoutensoku!

What if we got a lamp youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 17, 2013, 12:51:29 AM
Well then Seija will flip the switch and make constantly flicker her light off.

What if Nitori was in front of your door and offered you some products of hers?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on September 17, 2013, 01:16:56 AM
I'd asked her if they work.

What if Sukuna started eating foods from her own bowl?


What if Yuyuko stuffed Mystia just so she could eat her?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 17, 2013, 01:27:28 AM
She will make a house out of soba!

Yuyuko gives her pity by letting her live for 5 minutes, so she can eat all her lamprey eel booth.

What if there were Martians in space that also had a war against the Lunarians?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 17, 2013, 02:27:50 AM
Then it would be a spin-off staring the Moon sisters as fend off the impure aliens off the moon!

What if Marisa found a puppy?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 17, 2013, 02:50:19 AM
One of two things:
1. Marisa trains it to steal Patchy's books.
2. Marisa trains it as a guard dog to keep Alice unwanted intruders out of her house.

What if the Moon sisters encountered Palenque ( (or his Fraxy incarnation (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 17, 2013, 05:55:47 PM
Honestly I have no idea. I do not understand words larger than five letters.  I volunteer mewmew heart for this.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 17, 2013, 06:00:28 PM
*busts through the 4th wall Kool-aid man style*

Then the Moon sisters would have to battle the abomination that tends to try and take over the moon!

What if the Kool-Aid man busted through Alice's house?

(That's right Kool-Aid commercial time!)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 17, 2013, 07:15:26 PM
She would be shocked, as we all would, if he doesnt do anything and just stands there she would probably not attack but instead ask how he planned on fixing her wall. She would then proceed to prod him with dolls until he fixed it.

what if the coolaid man burst into reimu's room through a wall?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on September 17, 2013, 07:44:35 PM
Then Reimu will force the Kool-Aid Man to make Kool-Aid commercials with the Hakurei Shrine being featured in it.

What if there was a Touhou game in which there is a different gimmick on every stage, including Extra? (as in, Stage 1 is like PCB's gimmick, then Stage 2 has UFO gimmick, etc.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 17, 2013, 08:39:41 PM
Then it would be a rehash of each Touhou game as the 6 stage bosses as bosses with Satori being the EX boss due to her recollecting abilities.

What if the Kool-Aid man busted through the Moriya Shrine wall?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 17, 2013, 09:18:26 PM
Kanako has the idea of making her own kind of kool-aid sake for more faith!

What if Rumia became a stage 5 boss?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 17, 2013, 09:25:53 PM
Then Rumia would have a darkness gimmick like Mystia and Nue has except for she'll crash into you due to well she can't see in her own darkness.

What if Suwako turned water into sake?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 17, 2013, 09:37:53 PM
No one will really mind that. . . well maybe the Kappas or so.

What if the next game was an other photography game that only had Aya in it though.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 17, 2013, 09:48:28 PM
Then Hatate fans will rage, but Hatate turns out to be an EX boss. (I'll photograph the Taoist crew anytime though if we get another photograph game.  ;) *shot*)

What if it started raining Pringles in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 17, 2013, 10:07:35 PM
A potato youkai appears out of no where or it's just Minoriko getting drunk.

What if Lily white became the Spring God?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 17, 2013, 10:23:08 PM
Then people will start to worship her due to her being the goddess of spring! (although we have to deal with the Aki sisters being jealous)

What if it started raining cats and dogs in Gensokyo?  (Real animals)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 17, 2013, 10:39:07 PM
Then when Reimu goes to solve the incident, she finds that Chen now has Yukari as her shikigami. Which creates an infinite loop of shikigami. Also, Chen suddenly gets older when around Yukari, but younger around Ran. Yukari fiddled with the gap between hyberbole and reality, causing similes/metaphors to become real. Chen is now simultaneously Stage 1 boss and Stage 6 boss.

What if Reimu tried to counterfeit money, and Marisa stole it thinking it was real money, only for Patchy to take it in compensation for stolen books?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 17, 2013, 10:56:54 PM
Then by the Patchouli finds out that Marisa jipped her with counterfeit money she would pay Marisa back with cursed money which in Marisa donates it to Reimu's shrine causing Reimu's shrine to become cursed!

What if we get a rock youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 18, 2013, 01:17:32 AM
It will rock!

What if the next Touhou game focused in greek mythology?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 18, 2013, 01:22:19 AM
It'll be about Mount Olympus with the big dogs of Greek like Zeus.

What if we got a bowl youkai? (inb4futoandsukunajokes)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on September 18, 2013, 01:43:53 AM
It'll be about Mount Olympus with the big dogs of Greek like Zeus.

What if we got a bowl youkai? (inb4futoandsukunajokes)
It turns out that bowl yokai is the bowl on Sukuna's head, and IT was the one controlling her, NOT Seija.

What if we had a yokai based off of Little Red Riding Hood?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 18, 2013, 01:45:49 AM
Then it would be throwing bread and apples at Reimu and Kagerou would be the mid-boss!

What if we got a youkai based off of Alice in Wonderland?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 18, 2013, 02:28:52 AM
I think of that card thing in the Extra stage as a mid-boss.

What if the SDM had a new worker there who took care of electrical things and such?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 18, 2013, 03:40:22 AM
What if we got a youkai based off of Alice in Wonderland?


What if the SDM had a new worker there who took care of electrical things and such?

She'd get fired quickly enough unless she learned how to wire giant red moons.

What if Remillia could turn people into vampires by biting them?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 18, 2013, 03:49:19 AM
Then she would be a classical vampire and actually scary instead of the flowery poser who gets tooled on by cirno like she is.

what is reimu was never allowed to sleep again because yukari would raid her dresser.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 18, 2013, 03:53:07 AM
She would simply threatened Yukari by almost killing her. (and WILL kill her when she gets the chance)

What if we had a which doctor youkai who worked with Eirin and always did experiments on Reisen, secretly?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on September 18, 2013, 04:04:52 AM
Eirin will eventually find out and go rescue Reisen, just so she can experiment on her all by herself.

wat if Cherno taipd owt this kwesjion 4 me?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on September 18, 2013, 11:22:01 AM
Then it would have butchered spelling and syntax.

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 18, 2013, 12:30:48 PM
Cirno can go vet sandwiched between mokou and okuu in a contest of who is hotter (in both contexts).

so like I guess cy has to ask a question so I must ask a quest as well!

what if cybeast asks a question?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 18, 2013, 03:54:47 PM
Then most likely Cybeast would be asking about the mysteries of life.

What if we got a hammer youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on September 18, 2013, 09:50:45 PM
Then it would throw nail youkai at you.

Here's my question.......

How many times can I not ask a question? *laughs*

Seriously, I do have one. What if Mortal Kombat met Touhou Project?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: SatorKoi57 on September 18, 2013, 11:16:09 PM
If the characters and universe met, I would assume it would probably be that the MK people think the Touhous are pathetic, which then bites them in the ass (Not literary).

Speaking of which, I would like to see a MK-styled Touhou game.

What if Sukuna turned a Watermelon into a youkai (Like how she did it to the music equipment (Benben and Yatsu))?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 19, 2013, 01:39:34 AM
I don't see how a watermelon can be a tool, but Sukuna will simply try to eat (nub) it! (But eventually Yuyuko's taste buds sense it and eats her!)

What if we had a Fallout Touhou version?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 19, 2013, 01:58:51 AM
Then Reimu would have to figure out a way to survive the aftermath of Utsuho's nulcear waste moment on Gensoyko? (Clarification please and thank you?)

What if a bird got into Miko's place?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 19, 2013, 02:07:30 AM
well since she is the eternal DJ or gensokyo she would challenge it to an epic rap battle with the stakes being the birds feathers or miko's cape. winner would obviously be the bird since birds are awesome singers and DJ's dont actually do much.  so end result is a capeless DJ who is a tad bit sad.

What is touhou had a high school and ZUN just turned it into a highschool drama?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 19, 2013, 02:39:54 AM

Answer to Chocolate's question: Then it most likely be like a slice of life edition like the anime Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (,_Zetsubou-Sensei) with Keine being the main character.

What if Rinnosuke found out how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Toostie Pop? (Derp.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 19, 2013, 02:48:05 AM
He will keep it a closely guarded secret.

What if black death (Bubonic Plague) ended up in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 19, 2013, 12:28:22 PM
It would become best of friends with medicine melancholy and they will bring. A new world order by killing everyone! However then new hell and the spirit world will step in because of all the extra work and obliterate them with eirin shenanigans.

What if raymoo ran out of money to buy foods?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 19, 2013, 01:28:10 PM
Then this (http://"") will happen
(Warning : Danbooru link)

What if a Medusa aopeared in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on September 19, 2013, 01:31:00 PM
...Then it would move into the Scarlet Devil Mansion 'cause Castlevania.

What if the next Touhou fighting game was based on Mortal Kombat?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 19, 2013, 02:26:53 PM
Well if you mean fighting game then there would be a lot of lethalness in a non lethal fighting system. But who doesnt love cute girls fighting? God I know people who can get off to them. If you mean plot... well... we will see a lot of mk characters being stripped of their masculinity.

What if EVERYONE EVER in all of gensokyo and real world got the hots for reimu?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 19, 2013, 02:38:48 PM
She uses Fantasy Heaven for an infinite amount of time and never comes back.

What if Yoshika is a mummy instead of a jiangshi?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 19, 2013, 03:03:39 PM
Her theme song stays the same but she is forced to wrap herself in bandages and wear a egyption styled lolita stress. Honestly it would probably start a new lolita style. I am now curious to what this would look like. ARTISTS MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

WHAT IF touhou and monster girl quest mixed. I may have asked this already but I don't think so.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on September 19, 2013, 05:10:45 PM
Great, a Touhou H-game. It'll definitely make a ton of money... Anyway, here's my opinions on this.

NO. NO, NO, NO... Do not want, do not want, I like this idea as much as I liked Labyrinth Zone Act 4.

That aside, others would love it.

What if Yukari decided one day that Marisa needed to be taught a lesson and encased her house with a giant transparent cube?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 19, 2013, 08:10:46 PM
It would be a riot.

Oh ya your question. Well im sure she would spark it until she realized it is useless. At that point she would sit down and think of something. Being marisa she would try all types of crazy ideas including brooming it, butt bumping it, sliding trip kicking it, and all sorts of magics and bombs. End result would be failure because yukari is uber troll. She would eventually fall into despair and start freaking out but snap out of it when she realizes reimu would come looking for her eventually.  When reimu does she would find a dead marisa because yukark is a dumb bitch and didnt put a way for air circulation in and marisa suffocated.  This would make reimu go into incident mode and beat the ever living fuck out of 5 important people, 6 unimportant people, and two poor bastards who are unrelated. 

What if reimu was a furry?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 19, 2013, 09:17:55 PM
Then we would get Neko Reimu, nya!

What if we got a chameleon ( youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 19, 2013, 09:29:56 PM
It would be a Karma Chameleon *shot*! have the ability to make itself and other objects invisible and would have a phobia to Cirno since reptiles can't tolerate cold.

What if Mamizou encountered Seven Force (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 19, 2013, 10:27:58 PM
Seven force verse fantasy world? Oh boy reimu would go to town with all those homing attacks.  Im pretty sure she would set a record for tooling on him.

I want a friend neko reimu. I mean she is lazy like a cat.  Probably bite you for rubbing her belly like a cat.

what if marisa nya wasnt so grossly adorable?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 19, 2013, 11:02:48 PM
Then it would probably just sound regularly adorable.

What if Sakuya gave Remi an Oreo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 19, 2013, 11:04:56 PM
Remilia was one happy vampire that night, the end as she asks for more, uuu.~ (CHARISMA BREAK!)

What if Remilia discovered the world of Mystery Dungeon?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 19, 2013, 11:12:13 PM
She will explore and rule all of them! That or she will just die from cuteness from all the pokemon!(Another Charisma break!)

Someone take next question, please.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Goomba98 on September 19, 2013, 11:15:19 PM
What if we got a trash youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 19, 2013, 11:17:30 PM
Then it'll spit out trash at people and probably smell very bad.

What if Sakuya starred in a Touhou version of Ratchet and Clank?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 20, 2013, 12:13:30 AM
She will quickly stop time and complete all the game, before the player can touch the controller.

What if Marisa started a gang in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 20, 2013, 01:08:04 AM
i am very disappointed in the lack of creativity in all of you. SHAME ON YOU AND MAY MARISA HAVE MERCY ON YOUR PATHETIC MORTAL BODIES!

Anyways.  The gang would be called the MKs and the would hustle books and waylay book caravans.  Patchi would be their main target but the increase in gang activity catches reimilia's attention. not wanting to be left out she creates her own gang called The Devils (if you thought I was going to say the bloods then you were wrong) and they fight against the MKs.  The gang violence that occurs throughout the hman village is so muich that keine asks reimu for help and then the plot for DRRR happens.

What if YOU, the reader, got ripped into gensokyo and the first 2hu you see is the one in your avatar (if you don't have one then you get eaten by fairies).
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 20, 2013, 01:18:51 AM
Well, my old avatar was Okuu, so I would probably be incredibly happy then die of heat and radiation. At least I die happily. If it's my current one, then I will be mad at whoever it was who gave me this avatar during a birthday post. Then I'd proceed to try and bat away the fairies before they eat me (probably won't last long...but I have decent endurance, so I have no idea) and hope someone comes to save me. Depending on where I am. Some places I know are impossible to be saved. My hopes are on the bamboo forest so Mokou will save me...she's not irradiated like Okuu. And she will help me. Which is nice.

What if Gensokyo started drowning in a sea of bacon, and Yuyuko was nowhere to be found?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 20, 2013, 01:35:06 AM
Wait minute we have Yoshika to take care of that, oh wait Seiga might troll us. GAME OVER MAN GAME OVER!

What if Flandre saw a twin version of herself?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: snowflake247 on September 20, 2013, 01:47:09 AM
She would wonder when she had used Taboo "Two of a Kind".

What if the main characters were two American dudes named Raymond and Marcus?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 20, 2013, 02:26:31 AM
They pretty much won't last in Gensokyo. :p (lack of creativity? I'll show you lacking!!!)

What if marisa went to a random pond at a random time? JK

What if a random Walmart appeared in Gensokyo, but was being charged by kappas , later Marisa invents the Marimart which has even lower prices! (But she actually tries to come up with taxes and covers them 5 bucks extra from their pockets secretly.)

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Ri-ze on September 20, 2013, 02:52:13 AM
Then Yuyuko would open up a store called "Dollar Saigyou Ayakashi" where everything is one dollar (not including tax!) The quality of the goods wouldn't be as good as Marimart, but they'd be a cheaper stand in. Remilia would then want in on the business (she only wants to do it to show off though.) and would make Sakuya open up a store called "Stop & Shop" (She's not very original with names.) Then, there would be a competition for business, leading to reduced prices. This would make the consumers very happy, while the store owners would be very upset at the lack of income. Reimu would see the potential profit, so she'd open up her own store. Suika would provide alcoholic beverages to those who wanted them. Yukari would provide food for the foreign food aisle (aka outside world food). They'd argue over the name of the store, but eventually come to an agreement of "MikOniKai" as the name (Miko + Oni + Youkai = MikOniKai) Naturally, this would cause an incident, which would come to be known as Touhou 14.5 - Incremental Decrease of Price. It'd be about the competition between the stores. Of course though, it'd be a fighting game, and the incident would eventually be resolved. (Probably by Tenshi leveling them all with an earthquake for the greater good.)

What if Yuuka met an Ellyphant :P
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 20, 2013, 03:46:58 AM
She'd start a zoo called Moogenkan. She'd also have to find a gigantic scythe.

What if Gensokyo was eaten by a zone eater?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on September 20, 2013, 07:11:22 AM
At last, we've discovered the current whereabouts of the PC-98 characters!

What if Kogasa takes pleasure in making little kids cry?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 20, 2013, 09:32:43 AM
Then she would then meet PC-98 Alice, who accidentally time travelled while messingbwith her grimoire, and scared the crap outta her. Loli Alice then returns to Makai and tells Mama Shinki, who then got furious and decided to annihilate Gensokyo. Of course Reimu and co will not stand still, so they have an epic danmaku battle and everything ends with a tea party, just like a usual day in Gensokyo.

What if Mima returns, but as a man?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 20, 2013, 01:05:00 PM
It must have been all the anxiety of coming back. :p

What if yukari raged quit from being the boundary youkai seeing how everyone else has a better(cooler looking) power?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 20, 2013, 01:10:07 PM
Since yukari is the root of all incidents in the history of ever then all incidents would stop leaving reimu incredibly bored. Such boredom and lack of doing anything would cause her to get fat. The fat would make her less nimble in combat and making her armpits hairy. However this is to our beloved and eternally sexy marisa's advantage as she is a hard worker and will stay in shape and continue practicing magic. Eventually marisa will super outclass reimu, stomping her shit and taking her miko clothing as a prize so that marisa becomes the ordinary miko.

What if tiny pete sold some drugs in gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 20, 2013, 07:18:08 PM
Look like Eirin now has a new drinking buddy...or a new business rival/collaborator...things would go bad. Fairies would be getting higher than normal, Marisa would have a new place to gather shrooms (except she might try to mug Tiny Pete for them instead of pay for them), Yoshika would probably somehow get bath salts, and Gensokyo would just go wrong. Then when everyone realized how much of a dystopia the place is, they band together to punt Tiny Pete like the short person he is. Only for him to swap himself out with Sukuna at the last second and make a daring getaway.

What if Peter Jackson made a Touhou film in Gensokyo, but instead of getting the correct people, he starred low-tier youkai as the main protagonists?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 20, 2013, 07:32:49 PM
Then the real deals would get on the set and beat up the low-tier youkai as it's filmed.

What if Byakuren got into a Wizard of Oz like situation?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on September 20, 2013, 07:35:36 PM
She would likely tell Shou to grow a pair!

What if the Gensokyo inhabitants gained the ability to summon Personas?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 20, 2013, 07:42:50 PM

Answer to Kosachi's question: Then it'll be an all out Persona war as Reimu and Marisa use their Personas to solve the incident.

What if the next Touhou game is based off of the board game called Candy Land (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 20, 2013, 08:13:17 PM
Fucking yuyuko ruins it for everyone and becomes diabetic at the same time along with destroying an entire ecosystem and forcing several youkai species into extinction.  Moral of the story is that yuyuko has no self control.

what if sukuna matata means no worries for the rest of your days?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 20, 2013, 08:33:05 PM
@Chocolate: Reimu: DAMN IT YUYUKO!, Byakuren: -one sad Panda-

Answer to Chocolate's question: Then Sukuna is part of the circle of life, while she takes it easy like a yukkuri!

What if the next Touhou game is based off of The Lion King? -shot for bring Disney into Touhou-
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 20, 2013, 09:10:06 PM
I wonder what sukuna tastes like.

Fucking monkey would be ex. His last word would be this super emotional spell where the previous incident solvers images are at the top of the screen and they spew a pattern that is reminiscent of your own.  At the end if you win they "we are proud of you, you have grown so much so quickly. We love you..."

what if touhou was based in a post apocalyptic world
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 20, 2013, 09:34:26 PM
Gensokyo itself was always Makai making former hell, and the netherworld as the only places left in Touhou. Reimu and Marisa are still humans, but in this more serious, epic ego that will beat the hell out of everyone. Youkai will all be the species of demon or vampire, while yukari is still the same as always. The incident is solved once Reimu and or Marisa beats the living snot out of Seija forcing her to flip the dimensions, bringing Gensokyo to an even worse state. (Yes, Seija dies while still thinking it was worth it. :P)

What if Satori made the first animal shelter program in Gensokyo that allowed/forced everyone to own one pet or more?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 20, 2013, 10:23:01 PM
Then all those answers to MewMew's questions involving "What if "Person" had a "This Pet"?" would be true.

What if Kanako is a Goa'uld ( and her powers are just really advanced Goa'uld technology?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 20, 2013, 11:06:37 PM
Well even herself has yet to know what she even is at the moment.

What if Reimu's shrine never got any donations, and she had to break-dance and sing to actually earn cash?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 20, 2013, 11:58:10 PM
Reimu's shrine never gets any donations anyway, so Reimu probably just learned about breakdancing on the Nitorinet. Once she realises it's a youkai summoning ritual she'd cease.

What if Kogasa was actually yuuka in disguise (she was upset about being a one time cameo)?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 21, 2013, 12:45:45 AM
Then holy shit Yuuka is a rainwoman/flower youkai for the win, SURPRISE BISHES!

What if Kogasa found a magic pair of red shoes?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 21, 2013, 12:59:05 AM
well since she is a karakasa she would not be able to put them on.  being unable to scare people being coupled with not being able to wear a nice pretty pair of red shoes would drive her into a deep depression.  this depression would attract yookai jesus' attention and she would smother kogasa in hugs and kisses until she felt better. BUT SHE WOULDN'T FEEL BETTER BECAUSE SHE CANT SCARE SHIT.  so jesus would pretend to get scared by her, jesus is a great actor mind you, so she would regain her confidence and thus return to normal forgetting about the shoes, which a certain little rat stole.

what if we all turned into 2hus, which would we be
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 21, 2013, 01:09:49 AM
I would definitely be a devil youkai with mimicry and spell mixing powers, woooo!!! -hopes that I don't attract certain religious leaders- (If I answered wrong then can someone correct me?)

What if Marisa found a talking duck?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 21, 2013, 02:57:08 AM
I can correct you. . . you'll be a. . . Pie Youkai! (jk)
She would suddenly realized that it's that certain duck from the duck song! O_O

What if Keine started teaching a college, but that got the interest of many people including Reimu, making everyone know about science!
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Jellyfish on September 21, 2013, 03:43:22 AM
Yumemi would start to become overly-mainstream, so much so that mainstream isn't mainstream

What if the Human Village had to move into Makai because of a flood?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 21, 2013, 04:16:41 AM
Shinki will rage quit from the over-population in Makai that she will leave it to Yumeko temporarily, taking a vacation in hell.

What if the next Touhou game was a 3-D fighting game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Rei Scarlette on September 21, 2013, 05:36:27 AM
This isn't an answer, but I would love a Touhou game similar to Dissidia Final Fantasy. Fighting games aren't my expertise though (creating them I mean) so I can't make it happen. :qq:
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 21, 2013, 02:08:25 PM
It feature a plot about youkai rebellion but the final boss would be a random hat loli.

If Byakuren is youkai Jesus, what if we got youkai God?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 21, 2013, 02:22:34 PM
That would be yukari.

what if gensokyo becomes real if we believed it was real
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 21, 2013, 02:49:35 PM

What if Raiko is actually Yumemi in disguise?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 21, 2013, 09:47:02 PM
Question already asked before
The cross that Raiko has explains everything!

What if Sakuya started a cooking class?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on September 21, 2013, 10:51:49 PM
She gets a huge group of students registering because of how famous the food af Remilia's parties is. Even Reimu (for free food) and Marissa (to visit the SDM under a plausible alibi) show up. Sakuya, however, is so used to doing everything with Timehax that nobody can follow the lessons. Deeming them all failures she assigns them to work in the SDM's Kitchen until they can make food that can fool Remi into thinking Sakuya made it. Remi gets fed, Sakuya get's a little extra free time and everyone eventually learns to cook Win.

What if Sakuya's alter-ego was The Doctor?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on September 22, 2013, 12:04:51 AM
Then Flandre would be the TARDIS.

What if someone who knew more about The Doctor answered Shiroi's question, and what would their answer be?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 22, 2013, 03:10:26 AM
I know it wouldn't be me., but if someone did know they would give out a response that bows the whole world up.

What if you saw this in your front lawn? --> (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 22, 2013, 03:16:45 AM
It'll end up with me doing this:


Thus causing a flop chain as I join in.

What if Reimu learned how to do the Fus Ro Dah shout?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 22, 2013, 03:33:16 AM
She would ask make me want to play skyrim really bad even though I should be sleeping but k may anyways. She will also shout at people to give her money after she kicks their ass in duels since people are always causing trouble. Also I think reimu would look hot in nordic armor.

what if marisa is secretly really really stupid.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 22, 2013, 03:43:33 AM
Then Cirno is secretly really really intelligent.

What if all of Gensokyo experienced a Kill Screen? (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 22, 2013, 03:46:30 AM
DAMN IT YUKARI!!!! That is all.

What if Yukari found pair of sparkling shoes?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 22, 2013, 04:52:08 AM
She will think they are tacky and give them to Ran to show love and embarrassment for her.  :p

What if Gensokyo had the same pop-culture as in our world?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Jellyfish on September 22, 2013, 09:50:42 AM
Miss RAYMOO will be the resident DJ of Gensokyo and would get money for dubstep
Marisa and Patchouli and Alice... Either someone would draw or write a story about that
Oh, and, Patchy also wrote about Remilia and Twilight. And Kagerou Jacob.

What if Reimu and Marisa switched personalities and powers for a month and nobody would believe them?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Biakmon on September 22, 2013, 10:41:32 AM
Then Marisa will use her Reimu final invincible technique to steal all the things that she ever wanted while Reimu.... will continue to eat mushroom at Marisa house with Mario and trying to understand how the hell can this unknown plumber be so much rich by playing games.

What if ZUN himself suddenly appear in the game as a final boss and you as a player can't technically kill him as... the game will END forever?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on September 22, 2013, 12:53:53 PM
Then Marisa will use her Reimu final invincible technique to steal all the things that she ever wanted while Reimu.... will continue to eat mushroom at Marisa house with Mario and trying to understand how the hell can this unknown plumber be so much rich by playing games.

What if ZUN himself suddenly appear in the game as a final boss and you as a player can't technically kill him as... the game will END forever?

Since danmaku is supposed to be non-lethal, you can't kill him anyway. Unless you go against spellcard rules, but then you'll have to deal with a VERY angry miko for putting an end to her series.

What if Unzan has a secret double life than nobody (not even Ichirin) knows about?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 22, 2013, 02:07:13 PM
His double life would be that of a doujin game designer, and he would create a mind blowingly popular series featuring lolitas throwing bullets at each other. If Ichirin found out, she'd force Unzan to put her in a game but (seeing as she can't do much) he'd make her the weaker half of a stage 3 boss.

What if Utsuho had eaten Yuyuko?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 22, 2013, 02:21:20 PM
Then Utsuho would gain insta-kill abilities instead, which means nice to meet you Ancient City residents. And one really happy Orin.

What if Yoshika appeared in Plants vs Zombies?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 22, 2013, 06:04:56 PM
There was a picture of that, but I can't find it. Yoshika will nub on all the tiny plants conquering the lawn.

What if Wakasagihime made Gold Fish Crackers in Gensokyo.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on September 22, 2013, 06:30:04 PM
There was a picture of that, but I can't find it. Yoshika will nub on all the tiny plants conquering the lawn.

What if Wakasagihime made Gold Fish Crackers in Gensokyo.

Nobody would eat them because she would make them out of real goldfish, not cheese.

What if the Prismriver Sisters had a big fight and started doing their own separate performances?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 22, 2013, 07:40:24 PM
Their fans will go on a strike and Raiko will try to influence them to their senses.

What if Kagerou did a play in red-riding hood which featured Reimu,sakuya,and herself?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 22, 2013, 08:03:09 PM
not an answer but who would sakuya be? wouldn't a better granny be yukari?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: ShiroiMahotsukai on September 22, 2013, 08:54:51 PM
Sakuya's got the hair for it, otherwise Yukari might actually have to do something. Anyway Reimu's hungry so she attacks Sekibanki for whatever she's got in her basket. The basket however was being returned to the SDM (Sekibanki volunteered to take it back so she could get a look at the home of one of her attackers for future plans). Posing as Sakuya wearing a scarf around her head and a high collared coat against the cold Reimu attempts to take the basket for herself. Sekibanki believes that "Sakuya" is mocking her with that get up and refuses to hand it over. Meanwhile the real Sakuya shows up and proceeds to drag Reimu behind the gates, the sounds of battle are heard and "Sakuya" reappears to get the basket. After what she's just witnessed Sekibanki is about to hand it over when "Sakuya" is hit in the face by a flying witch. The empty basket falls from Sekibanki's hand as she decides to just walk away the sounds of explosions echoing in the distance.

What if Shinmyoumaru met Thumbelina?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 23, 2013, 01:30:17 AM
Sukuna and Thumbelina would be best friends due to their tiny like structures and plus she'll help her new tiny friend grow big with her mallet.

What if Meiling accidentally got turned into a dinosaur due to one of Patchouli's experimental spells?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 23, 2013, 01:51:41 AM
Then it would be the plot of "Jurassic Gensokyo", which is like other touhou games ut WITH DINOSAURS

What if someone made "Snow Whiterock and the (9) Kobitos"?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 23, 2013, 02:29:23 AM
Then it would become a series, featuring "Little Red-White Miko Armpits", "The Three Little Prismrivers", "The Princess and the Frog-God", and "Alice in Super Marisa Land".

What if Marisa were behind all the previous incidents?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Neal Kawashiro on September 23, 2013, 03:59:27 AM
Then it would become a series, featuring "Little Red-White Miko Armpits", "The Three Little Prismrivers", "The Princess and the Frog-God", and "Alice in Super Marisa Land".

What if Marisa were behind all the previous incidents?


what if the next touhou game has an IN type of player with lunasa/raiko, merlin/yatsuhashi and lyrica/benben?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 23, 2013, 04:04:57 AM
It'll be music everywhere!

What if Patchouli started singing Telephone by Lady Gaga for no reason whatsoever? (Shout out to PURPLEQUEST)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 23, 2013, 04:25:36 AM
Koakuma notices and decides to confiscate all her gossip comics she stored, secretly, under her bed. . .

What if Kosuzu started Barnes and Nobles in Gensokyo? (or half-price books?)

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 23, 2013, 04:27:19 AM
Then Marisa would be trying to borrow from there instead of Patchouli.

What Marisa found a pair of talking shoes?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 23, 2013, 12:16:54 PM
You have no idea how annoying talking clothing is. The only thing that would be more annoying than talking shoes would be talking underwear. Marisa would find it amusing at first but eventually they would drive her insane in a bad way and she would snap. To get rid of them she would toss them at patchy who would have an asthma attack because they're just so fucking annoying and loud. Using this opening marisa would escape with a bag full of pillaged books.

what if patchy met patches from dark souls?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 23, 2013, 11:04:27 PM
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 23, 2013, 11:47:12 PM
You answered your own question and didn't even ask the next one. (  :V
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 23, 2013, 11:53:40 PM
What if Evil_Nazgul0616 just went straight to giving out a question instead?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 24, 2013, 12:03:20 AM
Someone would answer it.

What if Yumemi, Komachi,  Murasa, and Futo got in a shipping contest?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 24, 2013, 12:17:55 AM
You there was a similar question I asked, but it was Sukuna instead of Yumemi.

Answer to TresserT's question: We all know Murasa would sink the boats including her own due to her being a boat sinking Youkai.  However... um Yumemi MIGHT win or Komachi due to her distance ability, either one of those two would win.

(Someone clarify for me, please?)

What if Godzilla appeared in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on September 24, 2013, 02:15:59 AM
Then Suika gets Mega to try to bring him down... 'till Mothra shows up and nukes everything.

What if Ryu Hayabusa challenged Youmu to a duel to the death?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on September 24, 2013, 03:28:51 AM
If one rounds, he wins already 'cause Youmu's half dead.

What if Mario Party and Touhou had a crossover?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 24, 2013, 03:46:03 AM
Then it'll be the most kick ass crossover ever, as everyone pulls out the cheap tactics that even the most veteran players would pull.  (I would so want to play it with someone if it happens.)

What if Wakasagihime discovered an underwater cave in the Misty Lake?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 24, 2013, 04:44:01 AM
She would find out that it would lead to the Sea Witch's lair (don't ask why a sea witch lives in a lake), who offers to give Waka human legs in exchange for her voice. Waka refused because she doesn't really need legs. The witch got angry and then they have DANMAKU BATTLES.

What if Reisen got into a staring contest with Medusa?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 24, 2013, 05:13:33 AM
It will end up Reisen hallucinating and Madusa having red/Pink eyes forever.

What if a giant wrecking ball came out of no-where and smashed Yuuka's Sunflower Field?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: BL2W on September 24, 2013, 07:56:59 AM
Yuuka would manipulate her sunflowers to grow overtop of the wrecking ball, with the person whom she deems most-responsible for throwing the wrecking ball in the first place earning the honor of having their corpse--with every orifice sprouting flowers, of course--be placed as a monument atop the grown-over wrecking ball as a means of informing others that this is what happens to those who harm her beloved flowers~

What if Yuuka permanently took over Yukari's place as the overseer of Gensoukyou?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 24, 2013, 10:08:42 AM
Then Gensokyo will disappear because you know, Yuuka doesn't have border powers to maintain the barrier. At least in Gensokyo's place we later have fields of pretty flowers...

What if Yuuka is the playable character of Fairy Wars instead of Cirno?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 24, 2013, 11:36:55 AM
Are you a sadistic bastard? Do you know what she would do to their poor little bodies? I would go into detail but I dont think people would appreciate, gore, vore, and torture here.

what if yuuka was just a super hardcore tsundere.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Jellyfish on September 24, 2013, 12:07:43 PM
When she meets her 'special someone'...
"I... I really don't like you... My flowers are prettier than you, dammit! I really seriously dislike you, go away :<"
cannot imagine, would be too awkward :v and I don't know who Yuuka is shipped with, so anyway

What if there was a cooking contest with Medicine, Hina and Parsee competing against each other?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 24, 2013, 01:07:09 PM
Are you a sadistic bastard?
Yes  :]

On the question at hand, then all the judges would be fairies so they can just ressurrect after they taste the food. That or Bomber Grape's Reimu,

What if Kogasa's former owner is actually Reimu's grandmother?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2013, 02:01:51 PM
Then both Kogasa and Reimu have been oblivious for not realizing the connection.

What if Mima is Reimu's father's brother's third cousin's former room mate?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 24, 2013, 09:52:27 PM
Mima is still mad for her room mate not paying the bills, so she sworn vengeance on all that are related to Reimu starting from the cousin and herself.

What if Sakuya had the choice of saving Remilia or Flandre? (her powers disappeared randomly for some reason)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2013, 10:14:48 PM
She'll save Flandre, since Remilia could manipulate her own fate so she survives.

What if Touhou got a crossover with Otomedius: Excellent (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 25, 2013, 01:56:52 AM
That looks like porn SO IT NOW IS PORN. so it would be scantly clad heroines shooting suggestively shaped danmaku while trying tl sexy yet impossible poses while fighting attractive looking youkai. Oh and loser ends up getting turned into a sex slave because its a porn game.

Has Reimu Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2013, 03:13:04 AM
Forgive my language, but WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?!? at the answer to my question.

Um, I think the answer to that would be, "Has Answer to Question Decided as Make More Sense Than Incoherent Question Asked?" (I honestly have NO IDEA what you were asking, so I'm giving you an answer that fits your question. If someone else can come up with a better answer then I'm fine with it as long as my question is answered as well.)

What if the Scarlet Sisters encountered the ( Gofer ( Sisters (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Blue on September 25, 2013, 03:38:24 AM
Um, I think the answer to that would be, "Has Answer to Question Decided as Make More Sense Than Incoherent Question Asked?" (I honestly have NO IDEA what you were asking, so I'm giving you an answer that fits your question. If someone else can come up with a better answer then I'm fine with it as long as my question is answered as well.)

Not an answer, ( but... (

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 25, 2013, 03:42:51 AM
Flandre will accidentally blow it up. . .

How will Marisa and Reimu react to this forum?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: AJC on September 25, 2013, 07:47:56 PM
they would probably react with object horror.

What if Marisa kept her red hair she had in TH02? 
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 25, 2013, 09:12:32 PM
She would  have no soul and thus would not have been in ten desires.  Probably would have been killed off as well because no one likes the soulless. Also meiling doesnt count cause she is cool and kinda cute. But poor marisa. Nope she is only cute as a crazy blonde

what if fairies had wings on their feet?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 25, 2013, 09:38:42 PM
Ghosts would have have hats on their butts.

What if Byakuren and Shinki got in a fight?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on September 25, 2013, 10:18:06 PM
It will be a. . .tie?

What if there was a remake of TRON, but had Nitori as him.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2013, 10:34:30 PM
Kanako would be the MCP.

Double question:
What if Gensokyo started a Stargate ( Program? and Who would be the four person Gensokyo equivalent of SG1 (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on September 28, 2013, 09:28:56 PM
The program would die after three days due to no one having a good answer for it.

What if Utsuho regurgitated the Yatagarasu?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on September 28, 2013, 09:33:05 PM
Then Utusho would lose her powers and plus we would have one nasty cleanup to do because WE HAVE DEAD BIRD ON THE GROUND!

What if there was a Dragon Quest X Touhou Crossover?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 29, 2013, 11:26:10 PM
Then Utusho would lose her powers and plus we would have one nasty cleanup to do because WE HAVE DEAD BIRD ON THE GROUND!

What if there was a Dragon Quest X Touhou Crossover?

Did someone say messy?

Well for one the graphics wouldn't change much if not improve...  I want to say it will turn into monster girl quest but that already happened.  SO! I haven't actually played any dragon quest or heard of it until know so the best I can say is that the male characters will meet the touhou cast and be like "well shit".  Depending on how perverted or sexually repressed both casts are there will either be a lot of lulz or a lot of  people getting eaten (you thought I was going to say something else, didn't you, pervert).

What if ZUN started making the yokai like how they look in old japanese art instead of kawaii girls?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 30, 2013, 02:44:42 AM
Then Touhou would have more Nightmare Fuel.

What if Patchouli found a Patchouli (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on September 30, 2013, 06:22:17 AM
She'll use it for magical research </boringanswer>

What if there's Grand Touhou Auto?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on September 30, 2013, 02:03:51 PM
I assume you are referring to grand theft auto.  I want to say that it would be like mob boss reimu vs drug lord sanea but in reality th girls would probably have a heart attack (besides sanea because she is a city girl) when ripped into our world. Their shock would undoubtedly lead them to going lethal mode with the magic and youkai eating people. The chaos would be too much for reimu which would force her to alsl use lethal magic but she sucks at that and would end up dying. THEN NICO MY COUSIN SAVES THE DAY.

What if yuyuko is actually the fifth hungry hungry hippo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 30, 2013, 09:46:34 PM
Then eventually she will be angry at being dummied out of that game and seek out and kill every single one of her hungry hungry siblings. Then she would "kill" their ghosts, and then the ghosts of those ghosts, and it becomes a never-ending cycle until Yuyuko decides to eat them because she's hungry.

What if Koishi and Reisen used their powers to give all of Gensokyo mass hallucinations?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 03, 2013, 04:59:36 PM
Then it might backfire by the time Reisen and Koishi realize that there powers are hitting each other too causing a massive overload of backfire illusions.

What if there were four Reimus?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Ri-ze on October 03, 2013, 07:33:50 PM
Then a spinoff game titled "The Legend of Marisa: Four Gohei" would be made. (Starring Reimu, of course.)

What if Yukari turned into a fairy?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 03, 2013, 08:38:27 PM
Well since she is yukari she would retain intelligence and power. Also since she is yukari she would mind fuck cirno because yukari lulz. Cirno would challenge her and then yukari would become the strongest fairy. Chen would then play chase the yukari.

what if the touhous had a ddr competition?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 03, 2013, 09:14:15 PM
Then Raiko would win due to her ability of keeping in rhythm.

What if we got a crystal youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2013, 09:23:06 PM
Then it would be this thing ( and would use its attack pattern as its survival spellcard.

What if every single spellcard in the series was combined into a super-spellcard?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 03, 2013, 10:24:09 PM
It would be ugly and unbeatable thus breaking both of the spell card rules.  Also give reimu grey hair.

what if they had a massive kawaii pillow fight photoshoot.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 03, 2013, 10:53:49 PM
MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSIVE NOSE BLEEDS would happen to poor fanboys.  Did I also mention heart attack central would happy too?

What if we had a bed youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 04, 2013, 12:04:34 AM
Then it would have an awfully difficult time fitting into places because it would be too clunky, but it would get free food because tired people would fall asleep on it and then...

What if the Hakurei Border went down right now?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 04, 2013, 12:15:19 AM
Everybody: Thanks Yukari!

What if Ran starred in a Touhou version of Okami?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 04, 2013, 12:20:15 AM
Unless someone answers before I finish watching the entire play through of that game ill answer.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: game2011 on October 04, 2013, 05:20:46 PM
Someone in the game will say, "Wait a minute...  Isn't the sun goddess supposed to be a wolf, not a nine-tailed fox?"

What if Flandre was told that sticking something made of metal into the plug hole will result in something exciting happening, and she believes it?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 04, 2013, 06:04:48 PM
Flandre would get mad when it zapped her, then make the entire section of wall explode. Likely as not she would be the least injured object/person in the area after all was said and done.

What if all the old PC98 bosses crashed Reimu's shrine to have a party, when she wasn't there?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 04, 2013, 09:30:14 PM
*halfway across Gensokyo*

Several minutes later Reimu would return to the shrine and see the party. Cue the mass murder rampage.

What if Sekibanki raised an army of Yukkuris and began a global conquest to make the entire world "take it easy"?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 05, 2013, 12:05:30 AM
Then 5 minutes later we have angry Reimu, pissed off Marisa, and just laid back Sakuya, come in and curb stomp the yukkuri army. While one not-so happy Byakuren deals out some "youkai-jesus" punishment on Sekibanki.

What if Gensokyo became the next Matrix?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 05, 2013, 12:45:24 AM
You mean its not? (RIG fan fic so good).  Well a lot more people, mainly us weirdos, would try to kill or comatose ourselves to find our way into gensokyo. However the influx would cause an incident and yukari reimu team would have to do something.

what if your favorite 2hu murdered your waifu? That includes suicide.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on October 06, 2013, 06:28:46 PM
Then that means Patchy finally had a fatal asthma attack. There was much morning that day. :qq:

What if Remilia gave the SDM (and its residents) a more oriental design?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on October 06, 2013, 09:15:32 PM
Then Meiling would stop feeling special  :qq:

What if Yuyuko, Yukari and Aya had a fan-off?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 06, 2013, 09:25:36 PM
They blow their fans so hard that an incident starts. . .

What if Sara and Meiling switched guarding jobs?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 06, 2013, 11:53:21 PM
They'd be doing their jobs exactly as they have been doing it, just in different locations.

What if Nitori played a tower defense game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on October 07, 2013, 01:12:57 AM
She becomes so obsessed with them that she makes yokai mountain defense system inspired off if them. She then stars in her own spin off tower defense touhou game.

What if Cirno wrote a best selling self help book?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kimmachinima on October 07, 2013, 02:27:14 AM
Everyone would ask for refunds when they figure out step 9 ("freeze everyone else 'cause they suck") is not completable.

What if a male tengu on whom both Aya and Hatate have a crush wanted a reporter job?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 07, 2013, 03:37:12 AM
Aya and Hatate take many photos of the male tengu, stalking him, but it somehow ends up with Alice and Patchy over Marisa as usual. . . .

What if ZUN join this forum? (This was a question I didn't expect to think)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 07, 2013, 12:35:35 PM
Aya and Hatate take many photos of the male tengu, stalking him, but it somehow ends up with Alice and Patchy over Marisa as usual. . . .

What if ZUN join this forum? (This was a question I didn't expect to think)

well considering he has a hard time with English it would be safe to say it would be like a non japanese speaker going to the japanese corner of the internet. Also he probabky wouldn't post so we would never know he was here. He may be here right now... watching. .. waiting...

what if there was a battle of the worlds and touhou was in it. By this I mean things like gensokyo vs mario vs pokemon vs etc.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 07, 2013, 09:40:14 PM
Yukari wins. . .

What if Youmu went into a haunted mansion that Reimu made herself?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 07, 2013, 11:10:05 PM
Youmu would be cutting shit up with her swords causing Reimu to be the finally boss.

What if Alice met Chucky (The evil doll) ?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on October 07, 2013, 11:14:15 PM
She'd hook him up to strings and make him her b**tch!

What if Okuu went on strike?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on October 07, 2013, 11:17:28 PM
Then Kanako will finally get off her lazy ass and find a better energy source for Gensokyo!

What if Marisa found a baby on her doorstep?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 08, 2013, 12:01:22 AM
One of two possibilities.  She would mistake if for food due to her mushroom induced haze and eat it. Or she would raise it to be a super spell thief that would one day surpass her so that even from the grave she can continue harassing patchy and alice.

What if the girls decided to go larping in the human world?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 08, 2013, 03:12:11 AM
Everyone would be jealous of their Touhou costumes and wonder where they got them!

What if Yukari decided to take up baking as a hobby?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on October 08, 2013, 04:04:20 AM
She would hire her clones, Yuuka-clones, Kanako-clones, Eirin-clones, Byakuren-clones, and Shinki-clones to help her baking. It would end with her altering the border of danmaku and baking, resulting in the OldMaidspocalypse.

What if Tewi is actually Reisen's grandmother?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on October 08, 2013, 10:20:27 AM
That would be why she's always picking with Reisen, and why Reisen puts up with it.

What if Reimu had a daugter who Seija enslaved as danmaku (during it's developemental stages, of course)?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on October 08, 2013, 12:13:34 PM
Reimu would loudly exclaim, " Da hell, I never got knocked up!" Seija would then be the second boss to fling fetuses at people.   

What if Ellen slowly but surely began regaining her memories?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: 010989 on October 08, 2013, 02:31:33 PM
She can't regain them because she has never had them in the first place.

What if most of the Touhou characters were actually males dressed as girls?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 08, 2013, 03:24:59 PM
Then it would be real life! It would make the lesbian subtext that much more amusing. However I feel like a lot of the fans would get turned off (not in the sexual way) by it.

What if all the girls where like cho-marisa and drank protein shake instead of tea?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: 010989 on October 08, 2013, 04:54:09 PM
Then Mannosuke would no longer be the only manly Gensokyoite.

What if some of the Touhou girls crossed the Gensokyo border and were found in Tokyo Airport?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 08, 2013, 06:02:17 PM
People would probably just mistake them for cosplayers and take pictures.

What if Marisa adopted a kid?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 08, 2013, 09:03:56 PM
She will name it Mari-ali and teach her how to master spark, and rob from patchy's place. <--(Yeah this one has been used a lot. . .)

What if Yuuka and Medicine fight over land rights?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 08, 2013, 09:08:29 PM
Yuuka would murder her because its yuuka vs a doll thing. It wouldnt even be a competition and no land would be damaged. Medicine will just be gone and yuuka will have her pretty flowers.

what if yuuka was somehow completely drained of her power and cirno just went to town in her flower field.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 08, 2013, 10:19:16 PM
She'd consider it an incident and shanghai Reimu into figuring out where her missing powers went, since it's clearly related to Cirno, and get Cirno beaten up in the process.

What if Mokou and Kaguya were somehow body-switched?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 08, 2013, 11:09:18 PM
They still would be kicking each others asses and proceed to vandalize each others homes or end up causing a fire in the poor bamboo forest. (Reminds of my Miko and Byakuren question)

What if Reisen was a magical girl?

(Also someone get the new What If thread ready.)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on October 09, 2013, 03:52:18 AM
Then Tewi is Kyubey, trying to bully Reisen so she will get depressed and turn into a witch.

What if the Taoists are actually magical girls?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 09, 2013, 04:01:18 AM
Then Seiga is Kyubey, and the Buddhists are witches!!! It all makes sense now. -sparkly eyes- (Sorry fan-girling at the moment)

What if Chen found a magic wand?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 09, 2013, 07:21:30 AM
She will be the second strongest magician that ever lived!

What if Sekibanki secretly worked for Yukari?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on October 09, 2013, 12:23:42 PM
That explains all tose eyes in YukaRi's gaps. They're actually spare Sekibanki heads staring at you.

What if Flandre switched places with Shizuha?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 09, 2013, 02:17:37 PM
Then Mountain of Faith would have gone *really* differently for all the players, who would have mostly quit in Stage 1. I know I would have. Also the autumn leaves would explode instead of falling, causing a swath of destruction across all of Gensokyo, and Reimu would have to drag Flandre back to her basement, finding poor Shizuha wondering why she's locked up down there in the meantime.

What if Marisa finally got the Hourai Elixir and became immortal?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Jellyfish on October 09, 2013, 02:24:22 PM
She would steal stuff...
For eternity.
She would harass her friends...
For eternity.
And her friends would die...
For eternity.

What if Byakuren, Renko and Reisen formed Men in Black and Shikieiki judged them (in both senses)?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 12, 2013, 04:55:33 PM
All the monsters they capture will be judged by Shiki then sent to Reimu's place, to pay up donations as punishment!

What if we had a bear youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 12, 2013, 09:56:19 PM
It would be fat and irritable, and would sleep through the winter and would hate Letty as a result. She (assuming female youkai) would also be a honey addict.

What if all the incidents that have occurred thus far embodied themselves into a youkai (essentially a personification of all the incidents)?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 13, 2013, 12:42:21 AM
Then Reimu would have to solve them AGAIN aka extermination!

What if we had a ribbon youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 13, 2013, 02:38:10 AM
I guess it would have a career as a Wrapper!
It would cause everyone's hair ribbons to gain sentience and strangle their hosts. Until it's destroyed by one VERY irritated Reimu.

What if Marisa never existed?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 13, 2013, 02:40:32 AM
Touhou never will have existed. . .

What if Reimu randomly punched everyone in Gensokyo. (Including non-youkai)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on October 13, 2013, 03:26:32 AM
She would probably piss everyone off, consequently making them give her less donations... Oh wait...

What if Okuu, Satori and Koishi all switched eyes with one another for a day?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: monhan on October 13, 2013, 11:42:50 AM
Satori and Koishi will be like in here
Okuu will just be as absent-minded as always.

What if Aya feels that her title of "Gensoukyou Fastest" is in danger when Byakuren came into Gensoukyou and she noticed it during HM, thus challenging Byakuren to a race?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 13, 2013, 11:46:50 AM
Aya would let her get a slight head start so that she can take panty shots so that even if jesus wins aya wins the war.

 What if chen was competent.?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on October 13, 2013, 01:19:21 PM
Then Ran would be spared from have alot of nose blood to clean up, since competent Chen is completely unadoreable Chen.

What if Reimu, Marisa, Sanae, Sakuya, and Youmu woke up one day in New York City?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 13, 2013, 01:32:58 PM
It would be like the hangover but much more brutal since they are all super powerful and look strange. It would also make an interesting story which I am tempted to write.

what if there was a japanese game show and the touhou casts were guests and the objective was to try to get other people to laugh
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on October 13, 2013, 01:50:37 PM
Just wearing their frilly outfits would be enough to get the audience to laugh like mad. *knifed*

What if Flandre was actually Remilia's adopted sister?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 13, 2013, 02:38:09 PM
Even Remilia wouldn't have known! Charisma Break! (I guess it will make sense)

What if Kasen started a vet in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 13, 2013, 09:05:05 PM
Satori would be Kasen's main customer!

What if fairies started to get more smarter?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 13, 2013, 09:09:11 PM
Every single fairy will have at least one Spellcard, making Reimu rage quit every stage!

What if ZUN made a difficulty even harder than Phantasm and or Lunatic?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on October 13, 2013, 09:13:48 PM
Then Reimu would go to the outside world and personally punish ZUN for making her job so much harder.

What if Cirno became an artist?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Spectral Nexus on October 13, 2013, 09:39:23 PM
The only masterpieces she will produce will be artistic forms of ⑨.

What would happen if Sakuya broke the rules of time and created a paradox, in which Gensokyo became Oykosneg, in which all the heroines were evil and the villainesses were good?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on October 13, 2013, 09:53:49 PM
Then Seija would wake up from a bucket of cold water being dumped on her face, since she knocked herself out flipping the room again, and realize she didn't die and go to flip-heaven. Or her version of hell? I don't know. She would be very unhappy, regardless.

What if Miko started driving a jalopy she inexplicably found around Gensokyo every day?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Zoriri on October 13, 2013, 11:37:12 PM
Miko: Hey, Byakuren! >:D



Chen: Hey, that's my thing! *CHEN SMASH*

What if Harry Potter found his way into Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 14, 2013, 02:34:39 AM
Reimu: oh you had to fight one baddy of the course of seven years? That's cute, I have to beat down at least seven every year.

What if Dexter (the murderer) got ripped into gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Spectral Nexus on October 14, 2013, 03:46:19 PM
Flandre would destroy him for taking her spotlight  >:D

What would happen if all the fanmade touhou characters became canon?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: K+ ~ Bake-Danuki on October 14, 2013, 08:04:30 PM
Then either:
A - Gensokyo would be destroyed by all the OP OC's
B - Reimu would've gone mad from killing so many youkai

What if our Reimu, Marisa, Sanae, Sakuya, and Youmu played Pokemon X & Y?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 14, 2013, 09:23:51 PM
They'll play forever, getting into WIFI battles together and trading. Though it somehow ends badly with their eagerness to be the best. (Even Sakuya wouldn't give this as a present for Remi. . .)

What if the next game focused on a Youkai who goes mad all over her desire for industry and economy and wanting all the money in the world?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 14, 2013, 09:32:27 PM
Nitori would be the stage 5 boss since kappas support industry.

What if Flandre was the mistress of the SDM, Remilia was the insane sibling, Sakuya was the gatekeeper, Meiling was the chief maid, Koakuma was the librarian, and Patchouli was Koakuma's familiar?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 14, 2013, 10:20:32 PM
Seija causes another incident, yet again!

What if Rikako and Patchouli became study partners?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 15, 2013, 06:37:33 PM
They would constantly bicker about what to research and finally end up trying to do magitech to compromise.

What if Komachi actually started doing her work?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 15, 2013, 09:53:47 PM
Shiki thinks she is delusional, so she starts taking pills from Eirin.

What if Yukari died somehow?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 15, 2013, 11:01:22 PM
She resurrects because her ghost manipulates the boundary of "Dead" and "Not Dead"

What if Youmu's phantom half gained full sentience and tried to split itself from the human half permanently?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on October 16, 2013, 12:35:50 AM
It would quickly realize it would just simply be a half and very quickly de-vaporize (I guess :P)

What if a Sushi Chef Youkai went after Wakasagihime?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 16, 2013, 03:49:01 AM
Mystia gives out a hairy-eyeball to him/her.

What if Iku secretly danced Salsa?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 16, 2013, 11:54:05 AM
Tenshi would join in because she is bored and has nothing better to do besides stalk iku and what not. Eventually stalking would lead to imitating and eventually they would have a salsa dance off

What if yuyuko was in bayblades.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 16, 2013, 01:12:40 PM
She wonders how they taste like and eats them.

What if Sakuya started using chainsaws and knives in her spellcards?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 16, 2013, 02:28:19 PM

become unstoppable

what if nitori decided the kappa have been repressed long enough and leads a rebellion against the evil God lords that have been using the dark side of magic!?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TresserT on October 16, 2013, 02:55:41 PM
Reimu beats them up for starting an incident, but allows them to overthrow Kanako anyway.

What if Marisa became a shrine maiden, Sakuya a gardener, Reimu a maid, and Youmu a nurse?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 17, 2013, 12:37:52 AM
The only person who wouldn't like her job will probably be Reimu, thinking she has better things to do. (While Marisa will like being a shrine maiden since she also has the Ying-Yang orbs and being able to steal people's donations for herself. :P )

What if the Kappas stopped Global-Warming?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on October 17, 2013, 04:08:47 AM
They would get invited for Nobel Prize and at the big conference they steal everyone's anis-balls. Then they retreat to Gensokyo.

What if aliens invaded Gensokyo? And I don't mean Lunarians.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 17, 2013, 04:32:39 AM
Mar-chens will come instead and kill everyone from their cuteness and honking!

What if Reimu made a How-To book about exterminating Youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on October 17, 2013, 01:04:33 PM
"Hakurei Guide to Youkai Extermination

Dodge bullets and shoot back until you beat them.

The end.

P.s. please donate at Hakurei Shrine"

What if McDonald opened a branch in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Spectral Nexus on October 17, 2013, 02:05:19 PM
One mysterious night, while the shop was closing, a shadowy figure appeared by the door. It started aggressively banging on the door like a ravenous tiger, and the workers and employees were all slightly scared at this figure's impulsive behaviour.
"Could you please stop banging on the door, McDonald's is closed for the day--" The co-manager said to the figure, after hearing from his colleagues about this issue. But before he could take another breath,
The door burst open, Yuyuko stood there, with no sense of elegance, like a feral monster. The workers all stumbled back, astonished at what just happened.
"Fooooooooooood" Yuyuko slurred out, like a zombie, and a split-second after, she whizzed throughout the shop, faster than Aya, and escaped in under 2 seconds. After half a minute, in which the workers stood still, shocked at what had just happened, the workers looked around the shop: it was completely empty. Not a single crumb was left on the floor. The chips, burgers, drinks and desserts were all gone, nowhere to be seen. McDonald's never opened in Gensokyo ever again.

What would happen if eventually, the presence of Flandre in the Scarlet Devil Mansion rendered everyone (even Patchouli) absolutely insane and reckless?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 17, 2013, 04:20:48 PM
Then it would turn into an all out paranoia war among the SDM residents.

What if Tewi's luck run out?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 17, 2013, 07:58:00 PM
Then it would turn into an all out paranoia war among the SDM residents.

What if Tewi's luck run out?

Hina would spin her way over to the poor rabbit,  tilt her head down while looking over her sunglasses and say "well there rabbit... it looks like... your luck has run out" then a massive YEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH would be heard all around gensokyo.

what if they had a long summer incident.
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on October 17, 2013, 08:29:01 PM
Sun Youkai, anyone?

What if Yukari accidentally broke the border between a map/globe and the Earth (Yes, the planet)?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 17, 2013, 09:25:47 PM
Everyone cower before Yukari's might! For she now can smite entire countries with her finger!

...or if she decides to go back to sleep immediately after breaking the border, Chen will find the globe and play with it. Causing the apocalypse.

What if the Kappas became communists, the Human Village became capitalists, and the SDM became fascists?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 18, 2013, 12:58:42 AM
Well assuming none of them had the urge to force their beliefs onto their neighbors they would live in relative touhou style harmony. However if they did feel that need then it would have WW2 and kanako would have one because she is an evil general.

what if kanako uses that mirror on her chest to get people to look at her chest so she could reprimand them for being perverts and thus saying they need more god in their lives? (A sneaky trick to get more followers)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: TrueShadow on October 18, 2013, 03:45:53 AM
Well, damn, she just hogged all of Gensokyo's faith for herself...

What if PETA had a branch in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 18, 2013, 02:11:40 PM
Hah. They'd end up having to defend the humans because the youkai are eating all of them, and I think the apocalypse would occur immediately and the world would end. Alternatively, they get eaten by youkai. Probably both, actually.

What if everyone suddenly lost the ability to fly?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on October 18, 2013, 07:09:56 PM
*the earth shakes due to 300 people faceplanting from 300-ish feet all at the same time*

What if the Touhou game gimmicks were switched around and EoSD having a specific gimmick?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 18, 2013, 09:34:19 PM
*unfitting theme music* (
Seija troll strikes again!!!

What if Yukari manipulated the borders time and caused a Groundhog Day Loop ( incident for Reimu and Marisa?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 19, 2013, 11:38:08 PM
Then Reimu and Marisa will have to figure out what's causing the time loop before it happens again unless it did it again in which they must us their incident solving expertise to sever the loop.

What if Raiko and a bunch of tanukis had a drum fest?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on October 20, 2013, 12:50:52 AM
It's going to start sounding like a Japanese arcade :P

What if Shikieki quit and left Satori in charge?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 20, 2013, 01:14:28 AM
Then everybody would be scared shitless, due to Satori would be reading everybody's hearts before they could speak.

What if Komachi found a magic wand?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 20, 2013, 03:42:08 AM
She will try to search for a spell to make a clone of herself, so it can do all of her work.

What if Nitori made CoD BlackOps 2 and 1?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 20, 2013, 08:40:33 PM
I, and by extension ALL OF GENSOKYO, would tell her to stop making the bad games and to leave game design to ZUN. Doesnt she have better things to do like lead a kappa army against the gods?

what if koishi attempted to ride dolphins but failed?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 20, 2013, 09:38:41 PM
(I'm guessing this a reference from Dolphin Rider, Koishi . . .) She will body slam into the water horribly, yet laughs for some reason.

What if Remilia decided to build an expansion to the SDM?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 21, 2013, 01:54:58 AM
Then the SDM will become the SDC (Scarlet Devil Castle)

What if all the colors in Gensokyo became inverted and Yukari and/or Seija was NOT responsible?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on October 21, 2013, 02:28:59 AM
Colors...Dammit, Meiling! And then everyone beats her up whether it's her fault or not.

What if fairies started spontaneously combusting, especially when right next to people/other fairies?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 21, 2013, 02:48:52 AM
Then it is revealed that fairies have had their genes spliced with Minecraft Creepers! and in the Minecraft world Creepers are mindlessly flying and shooting danmaku! (Damnit Notch-kari!)

What if Marisa, Reimu and Sakuya wake up one day and find themselves in the Minecraft world?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Jellyfish on October 21, 2013, 04:20:02 PM
"wow we're all flat"
"lol this is how sakuya looks like actually"
"see even her pad-"*knifed*

Alternatively, this would happen
"wow reimu is this place a dream like in ctc??"
"no lol ur delusional"
"wow danmaku battles are so flat"
"like sakuya's chest"
"without her pa-"*knifed*

Ending no. 3:
"wow i can create things"
"can i substantiate the love between alice and i??"
"i can create money now and put it in my money box"
"expansion of hakurei shrine?"
"ew im so flat"

What if Yukari manipulated the border between sand and silver?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 21, 2013, 04:37:58 PM
She would crash the global economy in a number of ways because suddenly prices would plummet and silver would be so common we'd make *everything* out of it.

What if Yukari tried to GM a LARP game?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MaJO on October 24, 2013, 07:52:26 PM
She would quickly get bored of people using foam, ultralights, and latex so she would gap them to gensokyo to have them fight the bosses of all bosses... RUMIA! She would obviously give them real weapons but the casualties would still be high and rumia fat.

what if fetus lady (TD S4 boss) was actually not a crazy and evil hermit?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 24, 2013, 11:44:18 PM
Then Seiga must be one hell of a good actor.

What if a sheep youkai visited Keine's house on the full moon?

Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 25, 2013, 12:12:25 AM
For some reason a Red Riding Hood youkai comes in and beats both of them up. (turns out it was Reimu)

What if ZUN started officially calling Meiling, China?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on October 25, 2013, 12:25:07 AM
She would then have to bite the bullet and accept the new name, leading to a great deal of surpressed emotions and a deep depression leaving her in a vegetative state.

What if Kokoro wore all her masks at once?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 25, 2013, 12:27:20 AM
Then the emotion level would be too damn high in Gensokyo with everybody looking like they have a bipolar disorder. -Zunhelpusifwehaveragingreimu-

What if there was a Touhou crossover of Little Red Riding Hood staring Alice?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on October 25, 2013, 12:34:43 AM
Alice goes off into the Bamboo Forest to visit her grandmother, Eirin (PLOT TWIST) with a basket of baked goods. When she gets there, she sees Kagerou about to try and eat her in her sleep. Luckily, the basket of baked goods was really a basket of exploding dolls. She unfortunately forgot that the blast radius would also hit Gramma Eirin. Then violent woodsman traveler Mokou walks in, lights Eientei on fire, then leaves. Alice lives on, but she gained amnesia from the smoke fumes, and proceeded to put funny hats on statues, thinking that was the type of youkai she was instead of a youkai of dolls. Reimu catches her in the act, and then realizes that Marisa was right back in the Imperishable Night incident. Reimu then goes home for tea.

What if Chen turned out to be better at math than Yukari, Ran, and Cirno put together?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Failure McFailFace on October 25, 2013, 02:00:04 AM
She successfully divides by zero, and becomes so powerful that she becomes her own shikigami.

What if Suika accidentally changed the density of entire universe?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 25, 2013, 03:36:01 AM
The universe collapses back onto itself. The subsequent Big Bang would create a universe completely different than the previous one.

What if there was a Touhou version of Monty Python and the Holy Grail?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 25, 2013, 05:17:14 PM
Then Gensokyo would be one comedy hour of memes featuring various characters!

What if Reimu went on an adventure in Minecraft?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Goomba98 on October 25, 2013, 09:14:56 PM
This happens. (,d.dmg)

What is ZUN was a furry? :V
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 28, 2013, 08:41:19 PM
Then Chen, Rin, Momiji, and Kagerou's designs would be drastically different.

What if Remilia ordered Sakuya to take a vacation and while on vacation her role was filled in by the highest ranking fairy maid?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: an unmatched sock on October 28, 2013, 11:35:27 PM
The Scarlet Devil Manor would fall into complete disarray, and Remilia would have to clean it herself due to incompetence while wishing Sakuya would return. Or she's make Flan kyuu all the dust. That'll teach that dust to gather and dull all the red...

What if the Lavender Town Ghost was actually Yuyuko and not ordinary ghost pokemon/dead Marowak?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 28, 2013, 11:42:56 PM
Then every Pokemon the trainer sends out would be insta death'd, eaten, or lolwutpwn'd by random Youmu shenanigans.

What if Yukari invented YouTube?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on October 29, 2013, 01:10:30 AM
This pretty much means that she may be steaming videos through her gaps; by extension, you can theoretically get into Gensokyo by ramming your head into your monitor! (Do it, nothing can go wrong~)

What if Tenshi vs Tenshi (
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Cybeast710 on October 29, 2013, 08:17:58 PM
Celestial wins.

Here's one...

What if Kay Farraday ( met Utsuho Reiuji?

tl;dr : Kay Farraday is the self proclaimed Great Thief: "Yatagarasu". Meeting the real Yatagarasu should be... interesting.,..
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 29, 2013, 10:42:43 PM
Then Kay would want to Utsuho teach her the ways of the Yatagarasu in turn that Utsuho would learn how to be  great thief.

What if we get a crab youkai?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Kosachi on October 29, 2013, 11:03:57 PM
Then they would be amazing! Especially with butter  :derp:

What if Neko Marisa was canon?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: MewMewHeart on October 29, 2013, 11:13:27 PM
Then the mystery of what's under Marisa's hat is solved!

What if Tenshi discovered a pipe to the Mushroom Kingdom? (GUYS I'M RUNNING OUT OF QUESTIONS HERE, what do?)
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Monkeypro257 on October 30, 2013, 03:00:24 AM
She will throw in a random key stone into the castle then into Bowser's place. (exploding the places!)

What if mugetsu was a part-time maid for everyone who usually had a maid?
Title: Re: What If... (Ver 3.0: Phantasmagoria of Dimension Dream!)
Post by: Tengukami on October 30, 2013, 11:47:26 AM
What if mugetsu was a part-time maid for everyone who usually had a maid?

Then Aya would lock this thread.

Also, just so everyone knows: we Janitors do pay attention to number of replies. You don't need to send reports telling us to lock threads. Thanks.