Near the Abandoned Hakurei Shrine, Yatsugatake National Park, Outside World, Day 1, 5.57 PM,"Ugh..." Hiroko groaned, rubbing her head. She had only remembered the shadow snake, the constant rumbling, and Parsee and her going into the boundary - she had probably lost consciousness after that. Taking a quick look around her revealed that Parsee was with her, as well as someone in a pink shirt with red ribbons on the end, and a long shawl was wrapped around her.
At least another survived. Hiroko thought, and shook the both of them gently.
"Hey, time to wake up, the both of you."
It took some time, but eventually Parsee and the other person awoke and they got to their feet. The both of them were naturally confused, and she explained that they were in the outside world already.
"So this is the outside world, huh? It's interesting..." Parsee trailed off softly. Hiroko presumed that it was her first time looking at the trees and the plants, as she had never gone far from her bridge before.
"I wonder how the Eldest Daughter is doing..." the woman with the shawl mused.
"Uh, sorry if I'm intruding on your thoughts or anything, but what's your name? I'm Hiroko." she asked.
"Ah, it's Iku Nagae. I used to be the envoy of the Dragon Palace in Gensokyo, but now..."
"...I understand. So, uh, do you have a partner? You won't last long in here without a source of mana."
"I don't. I went to the Hakurei boundary with the celestials, but mostly I've been by myself. You mentioned that I won't last in the outside world without a mana source. Care to elaborate furthur?" Iku asked.
"Well, basically everyone, even outsiders, produce mana, which is a kind of energy that sustains us, see. However, Gensokyo is saturated with mana, so through the generations, the inhabitants of Gensokyo have produced less mana as they simply use the surrounding mana. Someone screwed with the mana spring though, and that's how the boundary started failing, I guess."
"So living in Gensokyo have reduced our mana production, so now we cannot produce enough to sustain ourselves. Is that it?"
"That's the gist of things. Outsiders like ourselves can channel mana to you guys though, so the immediate danger of wasting away'll be avoided."
"How does this mana channeling work, then?" Iku queried, a bit impatiently.
"Through our relationships, I think. The stronger the bond, the more mana that we can channel."
"Well then. Pardon me for any rudeness, but please lend me your strength. Channel mana to me."
"E-eh?! Well, I..." Hiroko cast a careful eye to Parsee. The bridge princess' face betrayed no emotion.
"All the survivors have to stick together, yes? And this won't be a permanent thing, I think - just until Gensokyo is revived."
"W-well...if that's the case, then I guess it's okay." Hiroko then extended her hand out to Iku, who grasped it, and started chanting the spell that was the key to the ritual for mana sharing.
Energy crackled between the two, and as the ritual completed, Hiroko dropped to the floor, exhausted. She felt a deeper strain on herself, and as Parsee helped her up, she saw the other's mixed expression.
I just hope Parsee can understand the situation we're in, and overcome her jealousy...
Abandoned Hakurei Shrine, Yatsugatake National Park, Outside World, Day 1, 6.11 PM,While the entire group were conversing with each other, Gpop was still too pre-occupied with the still unconscious Koishi and her sister.
"So...if I manipulate my mana to Koishi, she'll have enough energy to survive in here?" He asked himself, "But will I have enough to save her sister as well? I mean, I know I'm married to Koishi and all, and Satori is a close friend of mine as well..."
Gpop knew that the only way he would know for sure is to try it out himself. He extended his hand towards Koishi and concentrated his mind in releasing some of his mana to supply Koishi. He notices a soft blue wave was being exerted through his hand, yet he started to felt his mind somewhat being weighed down a bit, but not enough for him to complain at all.
Then he noticed Koishi's eye twitched. She later opened her eyes, and as soon as she did, Gpop discontinued his mana transfer. Koishi got up and said, " me..."
"Yeah..." Gpop replied, and they both hugged each other in relief.
"I'm going to help out your sister as well Koishi. So I'm going to release my mana to her as well." And Gpop extended his hand towards Satori as well. The results were similar to Koishi. She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw were both Koishi and Gpop with his hand extended towards her. Gpop quickly stopped his mana transfer after that.
"...why...thank you...Gpop..." Satori said calmly, yet somewhat straining for a bit of energy.
"Do you need more mana? You don't seem so well." Gpop asked.
"No, no, I'm alright. I'm just usually like this when I wake up from a deep sleep," Satori replied. "But thank you anyways for saving my sister and I. Again, I knew I could count on you."
"It was...nothing...really." Gpop said, somewhat emberrased.
Gpop, Koishi, and Satori went outside of the shrine and sat on the steps quietly as the three of them gazed at the stars above.
"'s really gone, isn't it?" Koishi asked quietly.
"'s still in our hearts," Gpop replied optimistically, "we're not giving up just yet. Whoever that voice was, it has something against us. I don't know what, but I bet it ain't because we ate the last piece of cake from a party or something."
"Well I really hope we can get our home back" Satori added, "Although I managed to bring Utsuho and Orin here, I hope my other pets will return with Gensokyo."
"They will," Gpop replied. "Reimu mentioned that those who disappeared with Gensokyo can also be revived once we save Gensokyo ourselves. And besides, we..." Gpop started to hear some music from afar, but below them. Gpop went over to the long staircase and he could clearly recognize a trumpet, violen, and keyboard, playing some faint, but sad, depressing music.
"Is that..." Gpop recognized the only ensemble group to play music like that. Then he could see a group a three girls walking up the steps, and Gpop quickly recognized them.
Abandoned Hakurei Shrine, Yatsugatake National Park, Outside World, Day 1, 6.18 PM,The Prismrivers finally made it to the top of the staircase where Gpop and the Underground Palace crew were awaiting them.
"I guess we're not the only ones who safely crossed the border then..." Lyrica said.
"Well I'm relieved that we've managed to stay together." Merlin added.
"...and the others are here too." Lunasa added as well.
"Well I'm glad that the three of you are here," Gpop said, "and all of us are inside the shrine."
"Huh? Did Reimu foolishly bring the shrine with her?" Lyrica asked, noticing some striking similarities between the two shrines.
"No, this is the shrine that's connected to hers, but not all of us managed to land here. I guess some of us are separated." Gpop replied.
"...and yes, you can stay there with us." Satori added. "...hmm, seems like you take a liking to Gpop it seems, eh Merlin...?"
"W...what?!? It's not like I like him that way!" Merlin exclaimed emberrasingly.
"Well you can't have him anyways!" Koishi yelled. "He's mine! We're married and all!" And Koishi ran up to Gpop and hugged him tightly, as Gpop was being strangled as he was gasping for air.
"Well your thoughts don't matter anyways. Let's all go inside." Satori said calmly.
And all three of them walked towards the shrine as everyone inside were still conversing with each other and their plans.
Abandoned Hakurei Shrine, Yatsugatake National Park, Outside World, Day 1, 6.18 PM,"...people in black armour and helmets...waiting for us?" The weight of this slowly sank into the group.
"I don't understand." Pichu said. "This means somebody in the outside world knew Gensokyo would collapse tonight?"
"...and that somebody is somebody with power too." Myon added. "Doesn't look good."
"This person knows we'd be trying to escape." Sumire said. "...could it have anything to do with that voice?"
"Looks like we've missed quite a bit while we were in Gensokyo." Jeremy muttered over his dying laptop. "I've got bad news and bad news."
"A connection? Here? But..." Gpop began.
"Satellite." Jeremy said impatiently, waving a satellite phone hooked up to his laptop. "Look at the new secretarial aide to the Prime Minister." He said, turning his laptop to face them. She was a tall woman with a calm, serene-looking expression, suggesting comfort and good will. She was dressed in a very smart office lady uniform with what looked like a rather oversized bronze pendant hanging around her neck.
"...." Everyone who could move leaned in for a good look.
" we know her?" Hiroko asked.
"....Kikuri...." Shinki muttered under her breath from Pichu's side. "...she's still alive..."
"Yep. Saaya Kikuri, it says here." Jeremy said, just as the laptop finally gave way from lack of battery power. "If anyone knows about Gensokyo, it'd be her."
"She's still bearing a grudge, is she...?" Reimu finally stirred, gritting her teeth. "I take it Taka-kun's still alive?"
"Yeah, barely." Jeremy nudged the lying Mitaka with a well-placed toe jab. "Hey, wake up."
"Yeah, yeah...." Mitaka was still digesting this slowly. "Hey, Taihou, where did you encounter those people?"
"Just down the hill..." Taihou began, then the realization dawned on him. "....this shrine! They'd...."
Just then, smoking canisters flew in through the windows, hissing and gushing thick, white smoke.
Abandoned Hakurei Shrine, Yatsugatake National Park, Outside World, Day 1, 6.22 PM,"Mitaka ! Teargas!" Taihou shouted. "We must secure the ladies."
Mitaka quickly stood up tearing off bit of his cloths: "Quicky everybody, tear a bit of your cloth and keep it in front of your mouth. Do NOT inhale the smoke"
Glass shattering could be hearable. The door of the room got blasted and four men entered the room holding sticks and shields.
"They are in here!" One of them shouted.
"What is goin on" Marisa asked. "They are all weiring same colour as me."
"Marisa, this isn't the time for joking around." Reimu sighed.
Yuyuko stood up with a drooling face "Food Food. My dinner arrived."
"You too Yuyuko! Be quiet"
"We'll have to split up for the time being. This way they cannot follow us all." Taihou shouted while punching and kicking a few of the men trying to attack.
Mokou jumped over to Taihou: "I am going to use my powers for a bit. I know it is crazy but we need to do something."
Taihou hesitated for a moment but gestured a yes. "Allright. But you will need to take care of my body incase I collapse."
Mokou bursted once more in flames. Her entire body was glowing and small wings appeared on her back. The men paniced slightly, but one of them still charged.
With a single blast, Mokou created a fierce flaming wall which instantly drove the teargas away. The rest of the group could breath normally again.
"NOW Everybody, run for it!" she commanded.
"Where do we meet again. In the town?" Taihou asked Mitaka.
Abandoned Hakurei Shrine, Yatsugatake National Park, Outside World, Day 1, 6.24 PM,"Huh?" Gpop heard a group of men that have arrived at the shrine.
As Mokou blew the tear gas away, Gpop asked Satori, "Hey, I know this might be a bit risky, but can you read their minds and what their strategy is and see if there is any openings to their attack?"
"I'll see what I can do." Satori replied calmly.
As everyone began to run out, Satori stood closely to the front door and began to read each of the men-in-black's mind.
"They're all attacking from the front. They're assuming that we won't break through the back." Satori informed calmly.
"Well then I guess that's our plan for now." Gpop yelled back. "Koishi destroy the back wall, and then place a subconsious barrier around us so we can't escape unnoticed!"
"Alright then!" Koishi replied. She used her magic and using heart-shaped bullets, she easily destroyed the back wall. Then she placed a subconsious barrier around everyone in the shrine. It's not easily noticed by the others, but Gpop could tell due to the fact that he could not hear himself stomping on the wooden floor.
"Alright everyone let's get out through the back! Once we're far enough we have to split up since they're going to continue following us after they noticed a huge hole through the back!" Gpop yelled at everyone.
And Gpop, Koishi, Satori, and her pets managed to make it through back and started running through the mysterious woods located at the back...
Abandoned Hakurei Shrine, Yatsugatake National Park, Outside World, Day 1, 6.26 PM,"Shit-!" Pichu cursed bringing his sleeve up to his face to ward of the incoming gas. His eyes could not see two feet in front of him, but he sure as hell could hear the ones who caused this. "You guys wanna peice of us, you feelin' froggy then jump!" He taunted now ready to strike that is before an arm grasped his shoulder firmly holding him in place. It was Shinki.
"Pichu, don't be rash!" Shinki warned sternly. "We must retreat for now, I know you're one to rush in and fight but now's not the time."
"Gh...but..." Pichu hesitated for a moment, but he knew Shinki's words had some meaning behind them, if he went apeshit on the SWAT team now, their situation would only worsen. Now was the time to retreat and maybe regroup. "Alright, you heard the man, everyone escape through the back!" Pichu yelled back as he and Shinki fled the area, following through the wall in which Koishi had just destroyed.
====-Moments Later, after the escape-=====
"Are we at a safe distance?"
"It looks like it, they're not following us yet." Pichu replied as he took a moment or two to catch his breathe. "Geeze, I didn't think they'd sniff us out THIS fast, they're really determined about...whatever it is they wanna do with us."
"That said, we might have to split up from the main group for now, otherwise we may fall prey to the same method the humans used on us earlier." Shinki suggested as she looked around to see if anyone else had emerged from the structre they had come out of, so far no one else had came out yet. Which worried her to some extent...
"Don't worry they'll get out okay, we made it this far in one piece" Pichu commented as a way to reassure Shinki from her doubts.
"Perhaps..." The demon goddess replied her voice still not lifting from the uncertainty she had. "I still wonder whatever became of my subjects..."
"Oh, I wouldn't worry about them~"
Huh, that's strange, no one else was following them so who could that voice belong to? Shinki and Pichu turned their gaze to the source and found a sight the both of them never thought they would see on this side of the border "Yumeko, Yuki, Mai!"
"And Luize too~" the demon traveler chimed in cheerfully.
"Took us forever to find out where you all had went," Yuki chuckled as she placed her hands behind her head in a nonchalant gesture. "You wouldn't believe the amount of junk we had to go through to get here."
"That is only because you kept causing trouble." Yumeko pointed out a hint of annoyance in her steel tone. Mai also seemed to agree with Yumeko accusation with a silent nod of her head.
"H-how was I supposed to know things work differently in the Human World?" Yuki stammered trying to dismiss the blames that were pinned upon her. "But can you really blame me, if it wasn't for me we wouldn't have found Luize!"
"Speaking of which, Luize did you run into Sara or that other human she had with her?" Shinki asked to Luize who seemed to be the more talkitive of the three at this point. "You 4 are the only Makai residents we've met so far..."
"Hmm, well...let me put it this way; she came through with us, but they didn't land in the same spot as us. Something must have happened during the initial travel across Gensokyo to the Outside that seperated her and Mr.Muffin from us." Luize explained trying not to confuse anyone on the matter. "I would guess that they're located somewhere else around here, being the original coordinates were set for the outside however, I...just can't say where they landed exactly."
"Well, at least we know they're here, hopefully we'll be able to find them before our enemy does." Shinki stated as she turned forward. "As for right now; we need to concentrate on escape, we were attacked earlier on and staying here would only leave us open to the enemy again."
Pichu nods in agreement to Shinki's words. "Right, let's head off to the shrine I dunno if anyone else is there but it's the only safehouse I can think of right now."
====-Elsewhere-In an Alleyway filled with 'Bad People'====
"You seen the news lately? There sure is alot of shit going on now ever since those foreigners came here..."
"Why, is that a problem? You're not usually the one to give a damn about the community."
"Oh no, it's not that at all. Think about it, if we play our cards right...we may be able to finally turn this city into our playground..."
"Okay, I'm lost...what're you up to?"
"In due time I'll tell ya, but for now we'll just sit back and enjoy the show..."
An undisclosed valley, somewhere near Karuisuwa, Nagano Province, Japan, Outside World, Day 1, 6.28 PM,A shiny river.
Just follow it downstream...
A tank sits near a wooden bridge crossing that river.
The hatch of the tank opens. A woman with a pure white shirt and a purple bow under it's collar appears. Long, brown hair escapes from the M1 helmet she is wearing.
Inside the tank's driver's compartment, the lights are flickering and the monitors are showing complete static. But that doesn't seem to disrupt the driver's deep sleep. Then, the hatch closes with a loud slam.
"Thirtyfour! Wake up! Thirtyfour!"
Thirtyfour doesn't want to open his eyes.
The woman descends from the commander's position and grabs her helmet, and starts bashing Thirtyfour's head.
"WAKE UP!", the woman shouts again.
Thirtyfour finally wakes up and accidentally, out of pure reaction, smashes the woman's face.
"Uhh... Rika?", Thirtyfour mutters, still half-sleep.
Rika stands up, helmet on her head.
"That helmet wasn't much of help...", Rika says.
"Well, a bullet in between eyes always deals the same amount of destruction, regardless of country, planet or any place.", Thirtyfour tells, while trying to get the monitors online.
"Could you, by any chance, check outside for any damages? The tank doesn't seem to respond very well.", Thirtyfour commands.
Rika opens the hatch again, jumping out of the tank. She pulls out her notepad and starts writing. The tank has been really hammered from all sides, but the main gun is completely smashed, having the insignia "CHALLENGER II" horribly distorted. Engine hasn't suffered damage at all. Tracks are fine. Rika gets back in the tank.
"Have a look", she hurries.
Thirtyfour reads the notepad carefully.
"Can you test the turret's movement?", Thirtyfour asks.
Rika goes back to commander's position, and starts moving the turret. It stutters alot, and the turret engine coughs a little while moving.
"This tank is FUBAR. Coaxial guns aren't enough to fend off large masses.", Rika considers.
"Countryside has tanks patrolling? Pray tell!", Thirtyfour speaks with a sarcastic tone.
"We are in an unknown place, you can never be sure if we are in a middle of a military base.", Rika answers.
Thirtyfour opens a small hatch for a better view, and sees a sign.
"Ka... Rui... Karuisuwa.", Thirtyfour stutters.
Backyard of ?Tourist Helpers? Store, Karuisuwa, Outside World, Day 1, 7.40 PMLily White and Amarillo Viridian had officially ended their 1st day of work when Jason announces that it's time for him to sleep and shut the shop.
With Jason gone they can finally manage to "make the place prettier "by using Lily White's Ability.
However, Amarillo thinks that before she does that, there is something more important, it is not important that the fairy understands all of them, but at least she must inform her what the worst condition will become.
"I want to let you know about how my ability works." Said Amarillo.
"Isn't it an "empathy-or-something" to nature that makes you talks to us fairies telepathically?"
"That's only the surface, I once thought it's that easy. However, It's not."
"But is that really that important that you choose not to sleep but talk to me about it now?"
"I'll make it really quick," Amarillo cleared her throat "Have you felt something strange when you come here?"
"Nothing, my appearance and power didn't change. Your speed of telepathy and your stamina seems dropped, though."
"That's why it's strange. If it's not because of my power you had already perished when you land there."
"The others seems already gets there, but can you sense them?"
"I can pick up very weak readings."
"That's it, the reading are weak because they are bounded to humans like us. Probably via some spell, I'm not sure..."
"So what's your point?"
"Let's just say Gensokyo is a spring, the residents take water from the spring everyday so they can live."
"I'm okay with that."
"So today the spring gets polluted and the residents' water supply had been cut, for us humans, 3 days is the extreme to live without water."
"Seems you know what situation your friends have got into. Luckily, they found a place where have water underground, so they try to dig and get the water out so they can stay alive."
"Which means...."
"The most of other humans are not suitable for mana storage, however, they can forcely bind a link to other beings using a special spell. Thus making others live on."
"But you haven't do that to me, and I still keep my energy on."
"That's because..." Amarillo left out a sigh "...That I myself is a spring."
Long-Time Silence.
"Don't worry, As long as I'm ALIVE you can always get mana from me and nobody, even myself can stop you from doing so. However, you must be close. In Gensokyo it's proved that my radius is 3km, However, now I should take Another data: My original self, who is currently living in another dimension, have a max radius of 10 Meters. So don't get too far from me until I found some way that's safer than a living mana storage."
"So The reason that I'm here without the binding spell is that..."
"Now forget it. The only thing you should know is not getting too far from me, if something bad happened to me..."
"Only if, if something happened to me, find somebody who can do the binding spell as soon as possible. "
"Sorry if this information makes you sad. Now let's get started shall we? If you want to know more I can load it from the EFA Database."
"If it confuses you then don't ask about it."
"Well, OK."
"So shell we get started?"
The fairy nods, and started to make the flowers bloom around the shop.
9pm, inside a room of "TOURIST HELPERS"
Amarillo opens the computer, and quickly browsed through some websites, namely, the organizations that may have linked to the incident.
There is no trace of The Brotherhood of NOD on the Internet now, it's only a fictional group.
The Evil Regional Organization FARGO exists, but is wiped out completely in 2004. The leader's last attempt of fight failed because her "Unseen Power" gets overloaded and she simply exploded.
The EFA (Earth Federation Army) exists but have already get separated. The Database is intact and she even managed to found her profile in the database, (The database is arranged by Chrono Agents so data from all timeline exists) However, Lily White claimed that she didn't understand any of them.
"If i can find Satori... Maybe I can face my original self again..."Amarillo thought.
In the past incident where she was taken to Gensokyo, thanks to Satori's mind-reading power, Amarillo mets her original-self, "Yellow-chan", in her own mind. Yellow claimed that in order to not let the tragedy happen again she had locked 50% of Amarillo's power. She will return the power only if Amarillo proves that there is a reason to do so. And Amarillo gave up since she only wants to live as a normal human girl.
But now the situation changed.
"No point worrying yourself now," Amarillo murmured, looking at the already-asleep fairy. "Wonder if my speech just now had any negative effect on her."
"The only thing that I can do is to do the work well, maybe I can met the others when working in this shop. So having a good sleep is the first priority!" thought so, she lie down on the bed, put her arm around the fairy, hugging her.
"Some Childish habit, can't fall asleep if not hugging something." that's Satori's remark.
Hoping not having a nightmare, Amarillo closed her eyes.
Day 1 Amarillo Route End
Forest near Lake Suwa, at the edge of the Yatsugatake National Park boundaries, 11.40 PM, Day 13 hours?.
They had been walking for 3 hours in the dark, blazing a wild trail through unmarked woodland?
After the incident at the shrine things have been a lot more quiet. Perhaps eerily so. They had come across a sweeping search net that was slowly encircling the hill but it had left many exploitable gaps that were easily predicted using Satori?s powers. One soldier had come dangerously close, but with the help of the newcomer highlander, McWallace and a strong pacifier from Eirin, the man had come down very quietly and was last seen sleeping in a deer?s cesspit. It had been a tense, heart-stopping affair, sneaking past the search net, but the great breath of relief and freedom that came after was rejuvenating.
Now they were muddy and dirty from crawling around, sweaty, and, above all, deathly exhausted.
Team FUBAR (as they had come to be referred to by the rest of the party) led by Mitaka was perhaps fairing the worst.
?C?mon, keep up! We?ve got to keep moving in case they widen the search net.? Sho called out impatiently at the team that was tagging along at the tail-end of the party.
?What on earth is wrong with them?? Gpop asked. ?It looks like they?ve had their very souls sucked out.?
?Quite literally.? Zei nodded. ?But Mitaka is just an average human. I suppose it only makes sense. He?s stretching his average human mana supply 6 ways between his team.?
?Gosh, that must suck?? Pichu nodded sympathetically.
??coming from the guy/superhuman monster supplying a team of 5.? Myon said, soldiering on.
?Team Drill isn?t doing that well either.? Hiroko noted.
?You mean team Suppatenko?? Aya said.
?Cut it out you people?.? Jeremy muttered, bringing up the rear, just in front of team FUBAR. ?If you?re going to name my team something call us?.?
?Team Soul Brothers?? Suwako suggested.
?Team Gattai!? Luize added.
??.I knew I shouldn?t have pulled a Simon?.? Jeremy sighed wearily.
?At least he still has energy to open his mouth.? Taihou said. ?Mitaka looks like he?s about to?.?
??he already did?? Sakuya sighed.
Sure enough, Team FUBAR had collapsed a little ways behind them in a puddle that was now threatening to drown them.
?Now what?! We have to carry them as well?? Sho sighed.
?Ah, mou!? Mystia complained. ?I can?t walk anymore!?
?Me neither?.? Minoriko sighed, falling back onto the bracken.
?H-hey, not now of all times!? Reisen called to the party who were, one by one, giving away to the immense fatigue.
?Y-you?ll have to g-go on without me?.Sanae?.? Suwako murmured. ?I-I?m??
?Suwako! Suwako!? Sanae gasped, grasping Suwako?s hands. ?Hang in there! Suwako!?
??.hungry?.? The little frog goddess finished, causing the wind priestess to fall backwards.
"People, we can't rest yet..." Hiroko sighed.
"We never know...those people could be trailing us..." Sumire said, coming up the rear. "I and Aya have done our best to clear our trail, but...."
??.what?s that?? Eirin pointed up at what looked like a tall domed silhouette that shone a little in the moonlight.
The party immediately copied team FUBAR and met the soggy ground at high speed.
??it?s metallic?? McWallace muttered.
?no shit, Sherlock.? Pichu hissed back.
?Any luck, Rika?? a male voice called out.
?Nope, the drive train?s jammed, ThirtyFour.? A female voice called back. ?It?ll take more than a few hammer smacks to get it unjammed. I told you the tank?s FUBAR!?
?It?s your tank!? The man, apparently named ThirtyFour, retorted.
?Well, it was your repairs!? Rika countered hotly.
??.Rika??? Shinki murmured.
?THAT Rika?? Jeremy facepalmed.
?Flower tank Rika?? Pichu asked.
?The very same?? Sho nodded. ?Oy! Rika!?
A few minutes later?
?Just what did put in my tank?? Rika demanded.
??.Manliness.? Jeremy replied, and left it at that. The console now sported a spiral dial indicating a half-full Spiral Energy supply.
?Just make sure you don?t make it walk.? Yukari muttered from the backseat. ?And Chen, don?t touch the shells.? She added to the curious little kitten. ?Remember what curiosity did to your kind.?
?So, you guys survived too, eh?? ThirtyFour asked the people sitting atop the tank from his commander?s perch. Surprisingly, the tank?s top was quite spacious and afforded (crammed) space for the entire party.
?Barely.? Pichu replied.
?Hey, where are we going?? Taihou asked, wearily. ?We?re in the city now, aren?t we??
Sure enough, they had come off the beaten track and were now rolling across asphalt. What had been trees and grassland had given away to small homes and stores?a somber preview of the urban jungle ahead.
?Good thing it?s midnight.? Sho said.
?Yeah, it means midnight snack time.? Yuyuko said, eyeing Mystia.
?No! That?s not it! I mean, it means nobody would notice a tank lumbering past!? Sho said. ?And no, Yuyuko, she?ll give you indigestion!?
?Wait!? Koishi called out. The tank came to an abrupt halt, threatening to throw everyone off. ?Read that sign, lunar rabbit!?
Reisen was too tired to retort and just did as she was told. ?Abandoned building ahead. Do not enter.?
??.looks like a shrine to me.? ThirtyFour scanned the building set atop the hill with his nightvision binoculars. It was about three hundred yards away from where the sign was. The grounds of this shrine must be huge!
?Looks like a perfect place to lay low. It?s a good vantage point. It must have a good view of the entire valley.? Jeremy reasoned. ?Shall we??
Everyone else was too tired to suggest otherwise.
?What about the sign?? Rika asked.
?What sign?? Mokou asked, blowing her smoking finger.
?MOKOU!? Keine cried. ?Taihou won?t be able to take anymore!?
?Tch, kill joy.? Mokou muttered as the tank lumbered over the smouldering sign and up the driveway towards the shrine?
Atop the Challenger II tank, outside the abandoned Saniwa Shrine, Karuisuwa, Outside World, Day 2, 12.10 AM (Past midnight)"Yuyuko..", Zei sighed. "You're not thinking about eating her, right?", he asked.
Yuyuko noticed Zei's glare and turned to him, "?! N-no I wasn't..", she said.
"You eyed her with that look. How could you?", Zei said, disappointed.
"Should I..tell Xan that you're trying to heh.. 'hook up' with Mystia?", he asked.
Yuyuko stood up, walked up to him and slapped him for the hell of it. "son of a bitch..", she then walked off.
"OI! I was trying to warn you. Don't be trying to eat her now.", Zei said.