The nice thing about having tried all the post PC-98 main games is I can kind of pick and choose which sort of ones I want to work on as I go now based on what I'm looking for at the time, although I do want to experience them all fully eventually regardless. The other thing was this way I could explore the characters/story a bit more as well. it definitely does feel like more doors keep opening as I play! Even just working on LoLK so much lately has left me feeling like I can accomplish even more then a few weeks ago. I think focusing on some of the extra stages more was a good idea for my current skill level to help sharpen my skills which will really come into play in some of the various games' lunatic modes.
Oh that definitely sounds like it could be a plus to get more of the percussion! It might be a compatibility issue. I know when trying to run really old games in the past it sometimes requires a bit of tinkering to get working. It might be a case where it's a super easy fix but I just haven't checked into it. I'll try the T98 first though and see if that works 
I love the variety of the art! I wanted to include some different kind of ones which is why I made sure to throw in the one you mentioned as well as ones like the psychedelic one and the black and white one in the store. Thanks for indulging me and letting me share! ^_^
PCB was the first game I started with as well! I still remember the first time I stepped into stage 4 in that game which was a rude awakening XD I mean it was already tough enough for me before that but stage 4 really scared me and could really make or break my attempts when I first started going for my normal 1cc credit. Even when attempting it in hard mode a while back there was a couple moments that really felt like a brick wall to me back then. I'm curious to see how it is once I step back to it and give it a try now that I've improved so much. The Prismriver sisters were pretty brutal but I got to say normal Clownpiece in point device mode for the first time was something else entirely. 15 is one of the first games I skipped easy mode and went straight to normal and it was quite the shock. I'm glad I did it but I admit I still get slight PTSD from my original time fighting that monster
Funny enough some of her attacks legitimately felt easier in hard mode then it did normal. Doremy in hard mode was a bit scary for a stage 3 boss though.
I've always enjoyed a good challenge but I didn't use to go out of my way to look for them. I will a bit more nowadays. I like a lot of the old style arcade games like Super Ghouls and Ghosts, Battletoads or even newer ones like Cuphead, Hollow Knight or Undertale (all fantastic games btw) which are challenging and can be punishing but rewarding if you know what you're doing. Although these days it's hard to break away from anything that isn't Touhou
Big anime fan here too! Have you by chance ever seen Puella Magi Madoka Magica? Easily my favorite anime and arguably my favorite series in general before I found Touhou. I can't help but feel it would be right up the alley of a lot of Touhou fans. It's a bit darker than most mohou shoujo animes but it has an extremely good story, animation and music! I also recently watched one called Flip Flappers which was quite wonderful. Definitely agreed on ZUN being a genius too! It's actually kind of scary how intelligent he can be.
Thank you for letting me share all that! I don't normally get too personal online but I don't really get to talk to others about this series who can understand why I love it so much so it's nice to get to open up a bit about it. Looking back now I don't really regret any of it because tbh I doubt I would have discovered this series otherwise. I could have easily gone my whole life without even knowing what I was missing out on which is a scary thought indeed! :ohdear:
Byakuren has such a wonderful theme. Her theme, Shinmyoumaru's, Kanako's and Junko's are my favorites out of the final stage bosses. The Utsuho fight just stressed me out a ton even in easy mode XD It's definitely a cool fight though and I think the final spellcard she uses is a pretty neat one. I'm scared of Shou from 12, curvy lasers are not particularly my forte but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it >.>
Small update on 15, so I've been working a bit more on the extra stage the last couple days and I'm having a blast with it. I've gone from being able to barely get to the mid stage boss to being able to get to even being able to make it around 13 minutes or so in before I lose my first life if I'm doing well and don't make a dumb mistake (this can admittedly still happen a fair bit). This extra stage seems significantly longer then the others I've done/attempted so I'm finding I really can't rely on my limited resources all that much. It's almost like a whole other game within the game. It's kind of cool how I've done the earlier parts so many times that I can actually beat them relatively consistently now even though just a few days ago some of these still felt ridiculously hard. It's still a slow crawl but it's nice seeing your progress over time, like the first time you get past the mid boss with all your lives and bombs still, or the first time you get to the extra stage boss with all your resources and whatnot. I still got like 6 of the bosses spellcards I haven't even seen yet but I'm getting there. Doing this really has me wanting to check out some of the other games extra stages afterwords too.
Yes it definitely has it?s advantages playing the games the way you did it, it opened up the Touhou world more to you, and you met a huge variety of characters. This also makes it easier to relate when reading ZUN?s print works, there are some characters in those which I haven?t faced yet in the games, so you?ll bond / feel more immersed with them than I would. Looking forward to meeting them all though

Yep, I also agree with you being able to pick and choose which to go for since you experienced them all. Similar thought I have in my mind for the future, I currently keep a checklist of each No Bomb run I hit, my main goal is No Bombing Easy, Normal, Hard and Extra with all characters, then No Bombing Lunatic with Reimu, and I?ll pick and choose other characters to Lunatic No Bomb with while I?m on that game (depends how long it will take me, Touhou 6 only has 4 characters so I?ll do it with all 4, but then Touhou 3 has 9 characters, Touhou 8 has 12 characters, and Touhou 9 has more than that!! That will take me too long on one game and I want to experience the other games also). When I would have beaten all the games, I could look back at that checklist and see which ones are empty, and then decide which I feel like working on at that moment, to check something else off that list

Yes I agree with you on experiencing LoLK will open up your skill level since it?s tough, my skill level took a massive boost when I played Seihou 1 (No Bombing that was insane, you only get 5 lives for the whole game, and the Stage 4 boss is terrifying, and final boss Vivit has 3 forms), and also Touhou 3 really helped since it?s all randomly generated and requires more reflexes than memorization. Extras will definitely help your skill level if you?re playing on Normal / Hard mostly, IIRC Extra difficulty is rated somewhere between Hard and Lunatic.
Definitely, I used to use Anex before cause my old laptop couldn?t run T98, and the difference in percussion is clearly visible, makes the music feel more alive!

Good luck on getting T98 working, I imagine you found the set up guide for it on the forums? Here it is incase: The English patch pack for the PC-98 games also has the same information but done as screenshots instead. Really hope you could get this working mate, Touhou 2 and 5 were wondrous, especially meeting Marisa for the first time! (She had short red hair back then!)
Oh definitely, the art is magical, and so immersive, I feel like it really breathes life into the characters. Thank you for sharing haha, not me for indulging you

Ahhh great minds think alike then

Haha, yeah Touhou 7 really has something that drew me in, everything about it is awesome, the music is to die for, the story with Yuyuko trying to revive herself, lots of colourful attacks, it?s just brilliant. Well I reckon after the experiences you had with Touhou 15 and the Extra, I think you?ll break through that brick wall now

Lol @ the PTSD from fighting Clownpiece before, and also referring to her as ?fighting that monster? haha. Hahaha I wonder if I?ll get the same symptoms with the Prismriver sisters. . . Ahh, regarding Doremy being a tough Stage 3 boss, that isn?t the first time it happened, I?ve read people saying that Keine in Touhou 8 feels more like a Stage 4 boss than a Stage 3 one.
Those are quite some good games you mentioned. I didn?t play them, cause as you said ?it?s hard to break away from anything that isn?t Touhou?, but I did play one of the Ghosts and Goblins in the past, and a friend of mine owns Hollow Knight, looks like a really good game, so I know what it?s like, and everyone knows what Undertale is at this point. Yes I?ve definitely heard of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, my sister?s boyfriend says it?s one of the best anime he?s seen, and also stated as you said, that it?s a dark version of magical girl. I definitely have to check it out at some point (got a HUGE anime list to watch). Thanks for also mentioning Flip Flappers, never heard of that one, just googled it and it?s magical girl so that?s always good

I just finished Little Witch Academia yesterday, was brilliant, really enjoyed it, main character is such a klutz, so loud and so lovable! xD Highly recommended if you haven? watched it, and got quite a plot twist/surprise at the final episodes. Haha definitely agree with you about it being scary about how much of a genius ZUN actually is, he really is a marvelous person to have created such a wonderful world mostly on his own, with the programming of the games, that soul-saving music, and even his art took quite a step up now too! (Reimu in the character select screen for Touhou 17 is just tooooo cute xD)
Sure mate, talk all you want about it, I don?t mind at all. It?s actually nice for me to read and share as well, all of my friends don?t play Touhou, while they watch me play it sometimes, and listen to me talk about it, it?s not the same as talking to someone that knows the heartache and toil that goes into hitting that 1cc, and the adrenaline rush you feel being surrounded by all those bullets xD Oh yes, definitely a scary thought indeed not discovering Touhou, my life literally changed when I discovered it, I can?t ever imagine going back to a time when I didn?t know what it was. My only regret is that I didn?t discover it sooner, I had to be 25 years old to find it :?( That really would be a sad and scary thought ?going your whole life without it and not knowing what you?re missing?, and I feel sorry for those that don?t find it

This series is so wonderful, it really feels like it brought back that magic and spark in my life. I?ve never felt so immersed in something before, even after 5 years of basically being Touhou-exclusive, if anything, I got even more addicted / obsessed as time went by, rather than losing interest in it.
Oh yes definitely about Byakuren?s theme, check out dBu?s arrange of it called White Lotus if you haven?t already, simply wow. My eyes misted up and tears almost rolled off my cheeks the first time I heard it, it?s just so beautiful and heavenly, it really is the definition of soul-saving music in my opinion. Quite a good line up of final boss theme?s you got there

I also love Yuyuko?s theme as a final boss theme, both the theme for her main fight, and also when she?s doing her final spell card are just simply beautiful. Hahaha yes, Utsuho is very scary, and her final card really is cool with the way it draws you in. Ahh curvy lasers, I don?t think anyone enjoys those xD And lasers are more annoying than a bullet cause they?re usually longer, so it?s not just that initial tap and it passed you, need to be careful that you don?t need to tap back cause you?ll crash into it xD You?ll get it more with practice don?t worry

13 mins and the Extra isn?t complete yet? Must be a longer Extra then as you?re saying, the ones I?ve faced are around 11 ? 14 mins in total. Well done though getting so far in without losing a life! Uhhh I hate those ?dumb mistakes? as you called them, you just take it for granted sometimes and *boom*, clip-death. Happens to the best of us mate, don?t worry about it too much, especially when you?re having an off day. Yeah that?s what makes the learning process fun in Touhou, you just keep attempting something, eventually you?ll find your way of doing it, and something which was taking a life for you more times than not suddenly becomes easy/trivial/manageable

Keep pushing, you?ll get to experience the other 6 spell cards don?t worry

I?m currently working on Touhou 6 Hard No Bombs Marisa B, and Extra No Bombs with Reimu A, and yeah so far I?m getting to Flandre?s 7th spell, so there are another 3 cards which I haven?t experienced yet, looking forward to them!! Getting there for the first time, facing a spell card and not knowing what to fully expect / how to deal with it!! Ahhh such a wonderful feeling

Oh yes definitely play the other games? Extras, they?re usually a brutal but fun fight with their quirks and gimmicks

First time facing midboss Patchouli?s 2nd spell in the Touhou 6 Extra with bullets circling around me and closing in like a noose was awesome: 'Aaaaaa panic!! Where do I go?? Wtf is going on?!?!!?! Bullets usually go down and off-screen!!' xD