wow... it's been almost two years since i posted here. As i said i'm (still) creating my game and i had to focus in the development, now aftetr 2 years i'm finally ready to start with the music, i'm really newbie but now i own my sd-90

i have been learning the last weeks how to create music, and i can't be more grateful to you romantique tp and the community for all your contributions, to be honest i didn?t realised all the hard work and time you have put here because i was very newbie to undestand it at that time, so thank you!
Now i'm using the SD with some vst to create my music. I'm also downloading touhou midis to study and practice with the sd 90, is there a recomended midis for the touhou +10 games that you can recommend me? or a list of the sd90 instruments used in TH? thanks