Author Topic: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)  (Read 35738 times)


  • Seg Fault
Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« on: September 15, 2019, 06:21:57 AM »
>Your name is Sariel.
>...At least, you think it is?

>You?re lying in a field, with nothing but a blue robe covering your body and a shattered staff of some kind by your side. You?ve woken up not long ago, and can?t seem to recall much about yourself.

>You vaguely remember having something on your back? there were six of them? wings, you think? Trying to dive deeper into such details just makes your head hurt.

>The last thing you remember is a young girl with purple hair, followed by intense pain, and then darkness that seemed to last for an eternity. Just thinking about this girl makes you freeze up a bit. Whatever happened between the two of you seems to have been rather traumatic?

>The staff at your side, while broken, feels very familiar. With a pained grunt, you manage to reach over and grab ahold of it. You find yourself feeling more secure with it in your grasp, and feel a faint fragment of some kind of power flow into you.

>Using the damaged weapon as a support, you stagger to your feet to get your bearings. There seem to be a flock winged people off in the distance, in front of a... forest? You think that?s what it?s supposed to be? -- as well as some kind of settlement in the opposite direction. There is also the silhouette of a large mountain jutting out of the landscape.

>What do you do now?

//Whew. It's been forever since I ran a quest here. It feels a bit nostalgic.
//I'll probably start parsing once we get at least 3 players or after I sleep, whichever comes first


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Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2019, 08:02:44 AM »
> Do we feel alright?  Are we concussed?  Feel our back

> Inspect staff, what part of it seems to be damaged?  Is the tip/head still intact?

> Do we feel like what we remember was real?  After looking at our broken staff consider the possibility of having been knocked out from falling over and hitting our head.  We might have just had a bad dream from waking up concussed.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2019, 07:19:44 PM »
> Do we feel alright?  Are we concussed?  Feel our back
>Your body aches all over. You aren't sure if you're concussed, however...

>You feel your back. You really think there was something big that was supposed to be here. Eventually your fingers brush over what feels like a bump, which causes you to wince. It seems that whatever is back there is sensitive at the moment...
>Feeling some more, you find about five more bumps. All six seem to be close together. You can't tell what they are yet though.
>You do, however, find about six slits in the back of your robe near the bumps' locations...

> Inspect staff, what part of it seems to be damaged?  Is the tip/head still intact?
>You inspect the staff to look at the damage. There appears to be a fragment missing off of the bottom, as well as several cracks and chips in the shaft. As you look towards the head, you see a couple of slight kinks in staff as well.
>The head seems to have suffered the most damage. The fractured stubs of many side projections are present, with one or two surviving mostly intact. At the very end is a shattered round section that looks like it was once part of some kind of ring.

> Do we feel like what we remember was real?  After looking at our broken staff consider the possibility of having been knocked out from falling over and hitting our head.  We might have just had a bad dream from waking up concussed.
>Your last memory, hazy as it may be, feels too real to have been a dream...


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Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2019, 07:52:45 PM »
> That is worrying, we should probably take a look at it soon...  However since we (probably) can't see behind our back we should look for something reflective like a pool of water

> Look around for possible fragments of our staff and collect them all

> Lets not think too much of it right now if its painful

> After composing ourselves start heading off in the direction of the forest (?) where we saw those winged people


  • Seg Fault
Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2019, 02:45:30 AM »
> That is worrying, we should probably take a look at it soon...  However since we (probably) can't see behind our back we should look for something reflective like a pool of water
>You decide that you should perform a visual examination of your back as soon as you're able.

> Look around for possible fragments of our staff and collect them all
>You glance about for shards of your staff, finding none in the immediate area...

> Lets not think too much of it right now if its painful

> After composing ourselves start heading off in the direction of the forest (?) where we saw those winged people
>Supporting yourself on your staff, you begin heading off in the direction of the forest. As you get closer, you realize that the winged people appear to be young, and their wings are transparent membranes of some sort...
>A few look at you as you approach.
>"Who's that?" You hear one ask.
>"Is she human?" Says another
>"What's that stick thingy?" A third points.


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Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2019, 05:25:49 AM »
> Are we human?  Actually do we even know what humans are?
> Question them "What do you think I am?"

> "Can't you see it helps me walk?"

> "Who are you?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2019, 09:36:40 PM »
> Are we human?  Actually do we even know what humans are?
> Question them "What do you think I am?"
>The term human sounds familiar... You don't ever remember being one, though.
>"A person!" one of them helpfully answers.
>"Well DUH!" says another one, "I think she wants us to be more spes... spe... speeeh...really detailed about it!"
>"Oh. Well she's a girl person." the first sage nods.
>"She looks like a human." Another frowns
>"What if she's a Youkai? Some of them look like humans too!" yet another asks.
>"Hmm..." the group puts on thinking faces.

> "Can't you see it helps me walk?"
>"Oh..." the fairy that asked about your staff replies.

> "Who are you?"
>"We're fairies!" they answer.


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Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2019, 10:42:20 PM »
> "I'm neither of those!  I'm a final boss!"

> What do we remember being?

> Looking somewhat confused ask them "What even are Humans and Youkai?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2019, 07:39:23 PM »
> "I'm neither of those!  I'm a final boss!"
>"A boss of what?"

> What do we remember being?
>Definitely not human...
>You strain your mind for answers... You recall magicians and... something else... Demons? But you're pretty sure you weren't those either...
>Your head starts to hurt.

> Looking somewhat confused ask them "What even are Humans and Youkai?"
>The fairies stare at you.
>"I don't get it." says one of them.
>"How can you not know what those are?" another asks, "They're like... everywhere!"


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Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2019, 08:01:09 PM »
> Stop thinking about it and rub our head to ease the pain

> Shrug and say "Can you show me what Humans or Youkai look like if they're so common?  Maybe I just don't know they're called that"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2019, 05:06:31 AM »
> Stop thinking about it and rub our head to ease the pain

> Shrug and say "Can you show me what Humans or Youkai look like if they're so common?  Maybe I just don't know they're called that"
>You rub your head in an attempt to ease your pain.

>"Show you?" one asks
>"Do any of your know where that Human Village is?" says another.
>"Is that it?" A third points to the settlement you saw earlier.
>"Maybe? I dunno."
>"Anyway if you find the Human Village you can see what human people look like there!" the first sage nods.
>"For youkai you can just walk around for a while and see if someone tries to eat you." a fourth suggests.


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Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2019, 05:16:22 AM »
> Nod and follow along and look back towards then settlement when she mentions it

> "Umm tries to eat me?  Mind explaining what "eating" is?  Is it something Youkai do?  Do Humans do it too?"

> "Are there any in this forest?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2019, 05:53:18 AM »
> Nod and follow along and look back towards then settlement when she mentions it
>You do so.

> "Umm tries to eat me?  Mind explaining what "eating" is?  Is it something Youkai do?  Do Humans do it too?"
>You know what eating is. Your memory isn't that damaged. You hope...

> "Are there any in this forest?"
>"Humans or Youkai?" a fairy asks.


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Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2019, 06:09:16 AM »
> "I don't know, whichever is easiest to find"

// I thought we might not know what that is at all being an angel, but I guess we've seen plenty of others eat

Branneg Xy

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Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2019, 03:40:15 PM »
> "I don't know, whichever is easiest to find"

// I thought we might not know what that is at all being an angel, but I guess we've seen plenty of others eat
> " I mean ,since you told me that Humans are in their Settlement and Youkai around here , do you know any Special Human or Youkai  in this Forest and how to meet them " ?
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .


  • Seg Fault
Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2019, 02:59:34 AM »
> "I don't know, whichever is easiest to find"

// I thought we might not know what that is at all being an angel, but I guess we've seen plenty of others eat
>"Mostly youkai then." a fairy says.
>"Wasn't there a human in there too?" asks as second, "What was her name? Marise Krismas or something?"
>"Sounds about right" a third nods.

> " I mean ,since you told me that Humans are in their Settlement and Youkai around here , do you know any Special Human or Youkai  in this Forest and how to meet them " ?
>"I think there was one with dolls?" one says.
>"Was there?" another asks.
>"I died not long ago so I don't remember." says yet another.


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Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2019, 06:40:43 AM »
> Nod along as they explain

> "You don't remember a location?  That's a shame, how about your friends?  Do they remember?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2019, 09:37:54 AM »
> Nod along as they explain

> "You don't remember a location?  That's a shame, how about your friends?  Do they remember?"
>"Don't feel bad. We're used to it." the fairy that claimed to have died shrugs.
>"We can remember lots of stuffs and thingies until something kills us, then we kinda forget a lot of stuff that happened in the time before we poof." another explains.
>"It doesn't really bother us most of the time, though, because there's usually something really fun or interesting to do once we come back!" a third adds.


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Re: Journey of a Fallen Angel (A Sariel Quest)
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2019, 01:48:27 PM »
> After being surprised at the bit about dying and coming back say "Huh?  That sounds remarkably similar to what happened to me?  I can't remember anything before I work up other than pain and darkness..."

> Do we remember anything about our personality before we woke up?

> Look at our staff "I seem to have some fond memories of this but I can't actually remember what, it just makes me feel better by holding it"

> "Well no sense in standing around, better start looking for the doll lady while we talk"
> Start walking towards further into thr forest