Author Topic: [Art] PC-9801 danmaku animation (for use on MAD & YTPMV fan videos)  (Read 9677 times)

Silent Sinner in Scarlet

  • Chiptune musician in PMD98
  • I will remain silent on that question.
    • My musician profile on CD Baby
I recently isolated the danmaku animation from the 1998 ZUN Soft logo screen (used on TH04 & TH05) and turned it into a GIF animation on a transparent background:

I also have this as a PNG animation (APNG):
Also as a GIF animation on black background:
And as a PNG animation on black background:

I released this animation here on this forum for use as an asset on Danmakufu-like fan games (refer to my sister thread on Rika & Nitori?s Garage Experiments for this particular purpose), and also as a visual effect on MAD and YTPMV fan videos (like those often seen on Nico Nico and YouTube).

If you do use this on a MAD or YTPMV (or even start a new online fad series with this), please notify me by replying to this thread; I would like to see it in full action. Thankee!
« Last Edit: April 28, 2019, 07:28:33 AM by Silent Sinner in Scarlet »