Author Topic: CPSS7: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED  (Read 228411 times)


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #570 on: January 22, 2016, 11:47:11 AM »

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #571 on: January 22, 2016, 12:41:29 PM »

Q: Why do [people who watch this] find it funny?
A: Because someone was speaking with a Kansai accent.

This killed me.

Also, it was really interesting (like the host points out) that they didn't really get what the video was trying to say at first. I found it really encouraging, though, that when they were asked some pointed questions about the depicted situation, they showed a pretty good level of tolerance for foreigners who are at least trying to speak the language. Kind of gives me a little bit of hope for the new generation of Japanese.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 12:49:15 PM by Tengukami »

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #572 on: January 22, 2016, 01:49:17 PM »
Getting the gift done and sent ended up being quite an ordeal. Based on Helepolis' past gifts, I had been entertaining the idea of a sending something involving a puzzle of some sort. I had even considered the lock + lockpicks one, but rejected that because of doubts about the legality (hence my surprise when Hele did exactly that).
Drawing Tamashii, who was an Undertale fan, gave me the perfect opportunity to go overboard with this, moreso because I was also a fan and soon had all kinds of ideas for it.
But just then a selection process for a teaching position opened up and I got very busy studying and traveling out of state to take it. So when I was free again I had to go around buying lunchboxes, making holes in for locks in them, printing stuff and assembling everything. (I had to give up on some ideas in the end, like the snake-in-a-can with Flowey's face that springs out and throws "friendliness tic-tacs" on you. =p)
It was way after the international deadline when I managed to sent it, and then I was worrying whether it wouldn't arrive super late, if it wouldn't be stopped at the border for all the suspicious locked boxes inside, if the lollipops wouldn't melt, and lastly if  my partner wouldn't find the puzzle thing too dumb or boring.
Fortunately, none of that happened. Seeing some of the other gifts, I kinda feel I should've sent more stuff, but the "experience" factor seemed to have been pretty successful. :)
I told my girlfriend to remember me to not got through this kind of trouble next time, but who am I kidding, I'll probably do it anyway. (●`‿?●)

Nietz detected.
Hey, I have a reputation to maintain. (danbooru link)

Wait, so while you actually were speaking in Japanese, she refused to speak back in Japanese and kept putting up English!? Why?
Happens annoyingly often, especially in Tokyo. A lot less elsewhere though. I guess it might be that they're used to getting tourists who can't speak Japanese or have only a few phrases memorized. Cultural stubbornness about foreigners not being supposed to speak Japanese also definitely plays a part though.

Rin Kagamine

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #573 on: January 22, 2016, 02:34:20 PM »
My shipping story: Costed me money. I found the recording of movies quite fun to be honest.

Also highly suspicious of Vic Viper rigging the pairing system to roll me as SS. I am not quite sure what he did to Reimu in order to make her HAXOR the list. Probably was one hell of a donation.

Wait, so while you actually were speaking in Japanese, she refused to speak back in Japanese and kept putting up English!? Why?
Every single year I gotta shout about how the hat has no bias! No respect.

It's extremely common. I rarely got the BIKURIII response but I often tried to greet people first. I actually ran into more of the "we're gonna keep speaking Japanese at you until you understand" treatment in Hiroshima, but outside the city that disappeared.

Also, our Melonbooks was like 2/3 R18 stuff. I bought my Sukusuku Hakutaku there :V


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #574 on: January 22, 2016, 03:27:01 PM »
If it makes you all feel any better, I'm a fluent speaker of the native language here and still get people answering me in English. I've taken to pretending I don't understand English in order to make them respond in the language I just used when talking to them.

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #575 on: January 22, 2016, 07:19:55 PM »
Go frustrated parliamentarian on them.

As for me...I just had no idea what tot get Zirene, we've pretty much never interacted. So I just got some Magic cards, which he seems to esteem to quite heavily, and a stuffed dog since his list included dog stuff (I assumed it wasn't toys for dogs, but I wondered sometimes! Then a can of Cincinnati-style chili, because he listed foodstuffs, and that is literally the only regional dish we have. Then I spend ages fretting that my note my have come off as chiding or mean, rather than good-natured friendly frustration. Cost me more than I anticipated to ship it, but I was being super optimistic on that front anyways.

Also: Thank you again, Forza. All that stuff was great, and more than I deserved ;_;


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #576 on: January 22, 2016, 08:00:53 PM »
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #577 on: January 22, 2016, 09:30:48 PM »
shipping story: ran out a few hours before a final while sick to ship it totally forgetting a box and packing it right at the shipping center

bun finals this year were kinda hell but next year i won't even have them!

I'm glad you liked the tea and chocolate though, I keep forgetting to ask about allergies/likes when I do this.

My only real regret is not getting the same tea holder my father got me. That thing is just adorably dumb.


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #578 on: January 22, 2016, 09:40:41 PM »
Shipping of what got there:  Entirely uneventful.

The originally planned "other thing":  Hoo boy.  Apparently the place I ordered the intended thing from had a really ancient address on file; I hadn't realized I made the account so long ago and coulda sworn I had to  put in my actual address, but apparently not and that's the end of that.

Still working on figuring out how I wanna rectify this(and don't tell me not to because I SAID THERE'D BE ANOTHER THING THERE'S GONNA BE ANOTHER THING. >=(  ).
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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #579 on: January 22, 2016, 10:58:31 PM »
I sent the Kokoro and Koishi poster to Raik, but got the address mixed up. The only bigger issue with that is that for some reason, Amazon wouldn't give me an applicable tracking number, so I spent something like a week trying to find until they sent an email with the name of the company that shipped it. I was lost because I thought they provided all the info I needed, until I realized a few days later that they never gave me the correct TRACKING number for the international shipping. It was only until later that Raik got his gift (I am so sorry for what happened).
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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #580 on: January 23, 2016, 02:07:45 PM »
Partner likes: Robots, cards, JRPG. I don't know any of them! Don't play Yu-Gi-Oh, don't watch Gundam (okay, I did play Xenogears), don't have his Steam ID (I should have sent him Steam Wallet). Touhou it is then.

In convention lookin for stuff: discovered that Kantai Collection is the Shit in Singapore, not much Touhou, want to buy Mokou related item, she's not famous unlike Flan.

Shipping: Uncle got a friend work at FedEx, ask about the price, HOLY FREAK! That just as expensive as my stuff! FedEx, you're dick. Local post it is. Wrap my gift like a champz, they don't accept my MAD wrappinz, double wrap, sent. (The post doesn't accept red wrapping and paper wrapping)


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #581 on: January 23, 2016, 03:39:07 PM »
No money was spent on packing or wraps but I did spend quite some time gathering the materials.
I printed off the shipping label and school-glued it around the edges. You clean up this glue using water before it dries. So, no worries even if it got rained on, right?

Shipping within the States was easy. Gently release box onto the countertop inside the post office and trust that it makes it. I would hope that if all the forms are done right, it would be as equally humanless/painless for international. Gotta wonder if self-driving cars will eventually take away jorbs.

coasters! The note says they represent something, but I am a philistine who can't puzzle.

That the color's slightly off is something I had failed to fix, but I was still hoping for at least one out of three, however imperfect or abstract. Have you held them up in pure daylight yet?


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #582 on: January 24, 2016, 03:18:19 PM »
Wait, so while you actually were speaking in Japanese, she refused to speak back in Japanese and kept putting up English!? Why?

No bloody clue, guessing she was panicked because she couldn't speak English. Also, I had an Indian woman do it to me in Shinjuku in McDonalds as well just yesterday. TRIGGERED
Similarly, when I don't catch what's been said because Japanese people love to mumble then they instantly switch to English even though I just asked them to repeat or said it was difficult to hear ;_; gaijin struggles

also yeah I found people didn't do it nearly as much outside Tokyo.
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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED
« Reply #583 on: January 24, 2016, 10:39:21 PM »
Drawing Tamashii, who was an Undertale fan, gave me the perfect opportunity to go overboard with this, moreso because I was also a fan and soon had all kinds of ideas for it.
But just then a selection process for a teaching position opened up and I got very busy studying and traveling out of state to take it. So when I was free again I had to go around buying lunchboxes, making holes in for locks in them, printing stuff and assembling everything. (I had to give up on some ideas in the end, like the snake-in-a-can with Flowey's face that springs out and throws "friendliness tic-tacs" on you. =p)
It was way after the international deadline when I managed to sent it, and then I was worrying whether it wouldn't arrive super late, if it wouldn't be stopped at the border for all the suspicious locked boxes inside, if the lollipops wouldn't melt, and lastly if  my partner wouldn't find the puzzle thing too dumb or boring.
Fortunately, none of that happened. Seeing some of the other gifts, I kinda feel I should've sent more stuff, but the "experience" factor seemed to have been pretty successful. :)

Oh my gosh, Nietz, what you did was amazing; you shouldn't feel bad because things got busy. Stuff like that happens pretty often, and even if it was late, I was pleased with everything that was in there; and the Undertale theme was simply perfect. It made it worth the wait, for sure! Having read up on your actions with Waru and Helepolis earlier on, it really was an amazing experience; and seriously, keep being awesome! I think Puppy might have ripped out Flowey's face if you did that trick, though; she doesn't trust those flowers any more~ ^^ {Do it to the poor person who gets you next time}

Also, as for stories on our end, I feel like the credit list should say Tamashii & Puppy, seeing as the plush was made by her. I did research into what other stuff Dora liked, and then I remembered seeing you post about PAD pretty often. So yeah, it was the perfect thing; and Puppy was happy to make it. Everything else was stuff I threw in; it wasn't that much, but I'm glad you loved the plush, that was the main present. We actually thought we had less time than we did; but when they said because it was staying in Europe, I still had like an extra week to send it. To think this was my first time not sending outside of Europe; felt weird~ :V