With Destiny of Spirits getting killed at the end of June, I've been grinding out as much as I can since yesterday. Unfortunately, the game saved map data on the Vita, so since I didn't know that and deleted it completely, I have to start exploring the map from scratch again. Maybe the hardest part will be the final three areas, given that they're all four-battle zones with multiple bosses, and they're really damn powerful, at least for my sad state. I might have a ton of orbs to revive with, but if I want that trophy, I may need to buy more.
Plus, y'know, vacation and limited net access for the next three weeks is going to be injurious. I have no doubts it's possible, now that I actually have motivation to explore the map, but it'll be very, very rough.
Among the titles I'm bringing along for vacay are Conception II, Nep Re;Birth2, and Akiba's Trip. I don't think I'll get far enough to Plat any of them, (or hell, even beat Conception), but I have time. I have time.