Author Topic: Art Tips Thread II  (Read 243704 times)


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #30 on: July 22, 2012, 05:36:41 PM »
Just because you're aiming for one style doesn't mean you shouldn't try others.  :V

some progress videos:

Seeing artwork go from a basic sketch to a beautiful piece can be really reassuring.


Also my own improvement:   :derp:

As for learning how to draw by looking at other peoples work, I would guess it depends on the type of learner you are.  Also don't just look actually STUDY the image.

And since i'm bad at correcting others work I'll leave that to someone else.  :ohdear:


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #31 on: July 22, 2012, 06:53:15 PM »
So, what effect is watching those progress videos supposed to have on me? Also, what do you mean by studying other people's work? And, to be honest here, I'm unable to do those memes; I threw away most of my works.

I'd still appreciate a correction of that pic I posted, though.


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #32 on: July 23, 2012, 01:14:18 PM »
This is my favourite process video ever.
And this is my second favourite.
 Look up some of the other videos on this guy's channel, he goes around NicoNico uploading processes of awesome artists, you'll be sure to find one that matches your ideal style there. Then watch it and rewatch it until you can see how the artist forms the stroke, how they hold the pen, how they draft the proportions. This is what it means to study the drawing.

I think I can see part of your problem but it's something you have to figure out on your own or you won't learn anything. I had the same issue.

As for correcting your sketch, I don't mind doing it but give me some time, I have a lot on my plate ATM.

Also my own improvement:   :derp:
I love that before and after, Paradox, I had to look twice though because at first I thought the improved version was the second one. :V
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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #33 on: July 23, 2012, 01:25:14 PM »
someoni answer my question  :getdown:


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #34 on: July 23, 2012, 03:46:47 PM »
Sorry Fondue, I think the only thing I could give you tips on is hands. :U
A lot of people seem to teach it via skeletons and stuff, but although I'm not the hand-drawin' master, I think it would be better actually to start with references. You'll find that pretty much any practical hand pose you'll need is in a manga or reference collection. Once you get the hang of that, you can move on to skeletons and whatnot for the more complicated finger-poses.


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #35 on: July 23, 2012, 04:42:47 PM »
Okay, that might work, thanks.
I might as well do the copy-paste thing after all then.


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #36 on: July 28, 2012, 04:02:23 PM »
Every time I take more than 10 minutes at a time to draw, I tend to feel queasy. I think its because of my fear of drawing (which I've had for quite some time now). How do I fix this fear?

Also, when I try to apply the advice I've been give, it just never works for me. I never gain any insight or anything. Maybe I'm applying it wrong. So, how do I apply all these tips?

Also, how do I silence my inner critic? He's been one of my major obstacles since the beginning.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 04:32:19 PM by TERMspeon »


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2012, 11:07:01 PM »
At this point it seems pretty clear that you don't like drawing, even if you want to. Although I'm not sure you're exactly afraid of drawing, I understand why you might be tense about it. Unfortunately, you just can't make yourself like something. You should know as well as I do that it just doesn't work like that. I'm going to reiterate the point that you have to treat drawing as a serious discipline, which means you're just going to have to learn to force yourself to practice whether you like it or not - Like studying for a final from a class you're about to fail.
But remember that you don't have to like something to become good at it. However, if you choose this mindset, then enjoyment will mean very little. You can't worry about having fun when you draw. Just draw. Emphasize technical aspects, and not artistic self-expression. It sounds almost heretic. In general though, it's not as uncommon as you think. No one has fun trying to get the same music notes down over and over, or studying to death, or practicing shooting a hoop for the hundredth time. For these people, and maybe for you, it's not about enjoyment. It's about willpower, perseverance, sacrifice, and just plain old forcing yourself to do it.

Anyway, for practice, you could try copying some simple drawings. Not tracing, of course, and definitely not just once. Redraw the same reference picture over and over.
While you're at it, analyze the picture. Think about how the artist drew this picture. What guidelines might he have used? What proportions are the most important to get right for this angle and pose? This part technically seems disproportional, so why does it still look okay? Think about some tutorials you've read in the past. Does this picture fit in with what the tutorials say? Stuff like that.

I would highly discourage silencing your inner critic. We've talked about accepting failure, and this is like that. To silence your inner critic is to ignore the problems in your drawing. If he sees something wrong, you probably should fix it. Like a strict editor, he's not there just to oppose you - He's there to work with you.
And when you do try to fix something, it probably won't resolve within the first try. You may have to redraw something countless times before it looks right. But if you do it enough, you'll start to get a handle on your weaknesses.
Also tip: Use references so you always know what something's supposed to look like. Trying to guess your way through a drawing, though it sounds pretty dumb, happens admittedly more often to each of us than we'd like to think.

So yeah. Basically, practice more, worry less. If things are discouraging, just force yourself through the hard times, though you don't know when those times will end. It's not always fun, and that's just how it is. But you've heard that enough times from me.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 12:57:32 AM by KrackoCloud »


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #38 on: July 29, 2012, 02:51:39 PM »
I... can't just make myself like something? That's the opposite of what my high school art teacher told me when I asked her for help...but she's incompetent, so I'll believe you. All right. I'll force myself harder, and try everything you suggested, with all the repetition. Though, what do you mean by technical aspects, and what would be an example of a simple drawing? And, about can I figure out how the artist drew the picture?

And about my inner critic, I want to silence it because it isn't helpful at all; he just tells me I did the drawing wrong, but not how to fix it or where exactly the problem is. It's an destructive critic; rather than working with me he seems to just want to troll me like some 4chan asshat :ohdear: Also, where would I find references?


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2012, 09:01:27 PM »
I don't want to be discouraging. When I say a person can't make himself like something, I don't mean you'll hate drawing forever. You can definitely change your mindset and/or motivate yourself. You might end up liking drawing more as you get better. But it's nearly impossible to just wake up one day and decide that drawing is going to be your favorite thing from now on, you know?
Anyway, it's still only my take on things. I could just be more pessimistic than some other people.

Moving on! Technical aspects are basically things like proportions and perspective, coloring and shading.

A simple drawing can be found pretty easily. A picture of a person standing and looking to the side is pretty simple, unless his/her clothing is particularly complex. A picture of just a person's head is also usually pretty simple. There shouldn't be a lot of movement. You should be able to find a few just by reading a non-action manga.

How to know how an artist draws something? You may never know for sure, but as I mentioned, you can try reconciling the pictures with tutorials you've seen.
For example, when I just started learning how to draw, tutorials commonly told me that heads should start with a circle. So whenever I saw pictures of people, esp. while reading manga, I would look at them and try to see if I could fit in a base circle. Sometimes, it didn't work, since a number of manga styles use slightly stretched heads.
Or, many say that a human figure is about 7-8 heads tall. While reading Bleach, I noticed that the artist tends to make his characters even taller than that.
Basically, the idea is to figure out which guidelines work for certain styles. Analyzing pictures like this will help you recognize styles, form your own personal rules for drawing, and see your own pictures more objectively.
Some people also have sped up videos of their drawing processes, so you can see where they start and what guidelines they use. This can be pretty helpful too.

If your inner critic is just telling you it's wrong, the fact still stands that something's wrong about the picture. But you'll need to figure it out. Do an analysis of your own picture, just like with others. Think about the rules you've learned about proportions. Compare your picture with references.
Don't stop trying to figure out what's wrong, or else the same mistake will live even longer! If you need help finding the problems, well, you've got an art forum right here.
There's always going to be that part of you that calls your drawings terrible, even when you get better. But hopefully, as you improve, he'll become a bit more civil about it. At the very least, use that hope to motivate you to practice harder.

References? As usual, just read some manga :U. If you're looking for a particular pose, even just Google Images should be more than enough. You might find some links to stock image websites from there, too.


Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2012, 09:45:06 PM »
References? As usual, just read some manga :U.
Don't do this.


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #41 on: July 29, 2012, 10:06:19 PM »
Don't do this.
Whoops. Sorry Termspeon. I forgot art's gonna be really important for your future. Forget about that :x


Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #42 on: July 29, 2012, 10:19:15 PM »
You still haven't explained why you absolutely must learn to draw.


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #43 on: July 31, 2012, 11:35:42 AM »
@KrackoCloud: Yeah, things don't "just" work like that, despite that I've grown up being taught. I'll try out all that advice, with repetition as well. Thanks.

@Kinoko: It's complicated and I'd rather not explain, but art is a skill I'll need to supplement another skill I'll be working on after I get good enough at art (it's not like art will be my main occupation, though it'll be just as important).


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #44 on: August 05, 2012, 07:55:43 PM »
I find it kind of funny when people decide they're gonna learn anatomy and actually pick up a Gray's Anatomy book and attempt to learn the scientific names for every muscle and bone. -.- Honestly, great, you can be a doctor, but just because doctors have the human body down pat doesn't mean they can draw it.
Why? It's because what people need more than a knowledge of anatomy is a sense of it.
What helps tremendously, I find, is holding a picture up to a mirror or, if working digitally, flipping the picture.
Unless I flip a picture several times while digitally drawing, I find that my eyes stop seeing errors in slant and proportion. I know it might sound weird, but try it with a picture, preferably while you're still working on it; staring at the same thing for a while can make you see it a lot differently than other people will, and it really helps.

I've developed a sort of motto, that artistic skill doesn't depend on how well you can make art, but how well you can see it.
Sorry if I sound condescending;; My older sister is an artist, and by talking to me in a somewhat belittling, but very constructive, way on the topic of art, I improved from derpy animu faces to realism very quickly. Hated myself and my art for a good while, but I guess that comes with it.
I need to stop combining adjectives with "sauce" and "pants" and thinking this makes a unique word.
It makes me look stupidsauce.


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #45 on: August 05, 2012, 09:45:49 PM »
^ This.

Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #46 on: August 11, 2012, 05:03:24 AM »
I lol'd when I read of "Learn How To Produce Your Own Music In LMMS".
LMMS is constantly thrown around as a joke on My Little Remix since its like the equivalent of Windows Movie Maker, it's not exactly pro, but whatever.
Eh, I'm not very helpful I guess... I just mess around with stuff (Sytrus, Synth1, NI Massive and Harmless to be specific) until I find a sound I like, then I use those sounds. Even though I didn't (still don't) know what I was doing, I accidentally found some pretty good sounds. I honestly didn't have any clue of what most of the already existing music tips were talking about...  ???
As for the actual music writing, just lay out some random chords that sound like they would go good together, then make a melody that goes with it. You don't have to read a bunch of books or web pages to hear dissonance or just something that plain sounds bad. Once you do that, just keep adding to it with what you think sounds good. I'm not sure how to word it, but it's best to avoid using your conscious mind too much... feel and do it, don't think about yourself putting thought into it. (A general rule for most art I keep to myself anyways)

Also, "Music is art too!" can't everything be considered art really?


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #47 on: August 11, 2012, 08:27:50 AM »

Also, "Music is art too!" can't everything be considered art really?

Go to deviantart then come back here and tell me that :V

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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #48 on: August 11, 2012, 12:39:37 PM »
okay that actually trips a wire in my brain; the other day my friend was saying that you shouldn't "falsely label" yourself an "artist" unless creating art is your "job." Therefore, unless I'm making money, or have a large following, I am not an artist, and he will get annoyed if I call myself that instead of my proper title: "Hobbyist."
It may seem like a stupid argument, but I really got angry when he said Leonardo DaVinci---who was sublimely unpopular while he was alive and people only started buying his paintings after he was dead--- wasn't an artist. Until after he died.
If you ask me, an artist is someone who creates art. Someone who only creates art for the money actually sounds... anti-artistic, but that could be just me.  :derp:
I need to stop combining adjectives with "sauce" and "pants" and thinking this makes a unique word.
It makes me look stupidsauce.

Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #49 on: August 12, 2012, 01:13:31 AM »
I really need help with realistic expressions - especially profile ones. Whenever I try to draw someone with an angry expression they always come out looking distraught or sad, and I can't find any useful tutorials.


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #50 on: September 19, 2012, 12:30:49 PM »
Okay sorry for necro-bumping but
How do I draw shoes and feet?


Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #51 on: September 19, 2012, 03:24:05 PM »
Okay sorry for necro-bumping but
How do I draw shoes and feet?

you don't becuz boots are the only thing you should draw :v   Booooootsmasterrace
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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #52 on: September 19, 2012, 04:11:37 PM »
you don't becuz boots are the only thing you should draw :v   Booooootsmasterrace
But Satori wears shoes and I'm trying to draw her :V



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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #53 on: September 19, 2012, 04:48:57 PM »
But Satori wears shoes and I'm trying to draw her :V


Satori wears slippers not shoes, you should draw her with boots anyway!

I found this useful though.
Congregation of Impertinent Drama Queens.

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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #54 on: September 19, 2012, 04:53:50 PM »

Oh well thanks anyway


Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #55 on: September 19, 2012, 10:53:27 PM »

Oh well thanks anyway


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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #56 on: September 20, 2012, 06:14:31 AM »
I found this useful though.
I find feet in general a bit difficult, so thanks for the link. (saving Tyshea's tut for use in this)
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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #57 on: September 20, 2012, 08:04:21 PM »
I really need help with realistic expressions - especially profile ones. Whenever I try to draw someone with an angry expression they always come out looking distraught or sad, and I can't find any useful tutorials.

Even if you're drawing baby-faced animu girls or otherwise turning down the definition, you still need to understand the underlying shapes are there. Get some face time in front of a mirror, make funny faces, consider how each expression pulls the various muscles in different directions. Like how a smile pulls the cheeks and the corners of the mouth and the skin around the eyes outward to the sides. That kind of thing.

This is a good source of funny faces, too

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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #58 on: November 20, 2012, 02:58:09 AM »
Wow, has it really been two months? Anyway, here's a really useful tutorial on shading basics, one of the best I've seen.

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Re: Art Tips Thread II: Music is art too!
« Reply #59 on: November 20, 2012, 04:25:37 AM »
Does anyone have any experience with a Monoprice tablet? I'm only hearing good things about it left and right, but I'm just making sure. It sounds pretty great.
Also, there's apparently this tracing flap. Does it work well? Do most models have it?