Author Topic: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure  (Read 226736 times)

Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #90 on: July 21, 2017, 02:31:09 AM »
>So... not Fuyuki? Because that would be closer west than east from here, right?
>Do we think we could localize it more specifically if we were, say, looking at a map? Might some place 'feel right' to us?

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #91 on: July 21, 2017, 02:40:04 AM »
>So... not Fuyuki? Because that would be closer west than east from here, right?
>Do we think we could localize it more specifically if we were, say, looking at a map? Might some place 'feel right' to us?

>You think so. You're reasonably sure it would be about equidistant, but it should be closer to go west by at least a few dozen to few hundred miles?
>It's worth a shot?


Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #92 on: July 21, 2017, 02:46:40 AM »
>"'Make plans to deal with mistakes'. I promise you, I'll be happy to make as many layers of contingency plans as it'll take to get us both through this thing in one piece. I'm in no hurry to end up dead."
>Let's pull out a map and see if we can track down where the Grail is

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #93 on: July 21, 2017, 01:13:44 PM »
>"'Make plans to deal with mistakes'. I promise you, I'll be happy to make as many layers of contingency plans as it'll take to get us both through this thing in one piece. I'm in no hurry to end up dead."
>Let's pull out a map and see if we can track down where the Grail is

>Head to the front room, where you keep all your mundane books. Robin follows you out.
>Your front room,'s been better. Books are scattered around, as well as various papers and junk mail. You know where everything is, for the most part, it's just that you can never really summon up the energy to put things away. A TV, which exists exclusively as a gaming peripheral, occupies a knock-off IKEA entertainment center, connected to a huge mess of cords and consoles. In the corner is your computer, which you forgot to put into sleep mode.
>You quickly hunt down your 2014 atlas as Robin stands in the middle of the room, looking around. Opening it to the United States section, you glare at it and concentrate. You feel something tugging you eastward again, and after a few moments, you think you can visualize a course on the map. It seems to be leading you toward the East Coast, the Pennsylvania/Delaware region, to be precise. You feel that you will need to get to the sea.


Suwako Moriya

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #94 on: July 21, 2017, 01:18:53 PM »
> What's displayed on our computer?
The only thing this dimension does well is show its ass. We might as well applaud it! - Albert Burneko

Well, this game happened.

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #95 on: July 21, 2017, 01:46:16 PM »
> What's displayed on our computer?

>...Something very embarrassing.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #96 on: July 21, 2017, 01:51:04 PM »
>...turn the monitor off.


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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #97 on: July 21, 2017, 02:29:14 PM »
>Remember to call her Archer from now on.
>Curse the distance, see what we can do about pinpointing the location and what our options are for setting up a base of operations after we figure out how we're getting there. Without a Workshop our chances are slim.
>In fact we can probably try pinpointing it with a Mystery of some sorts, we're the earth and water type.
>Reanalyze Archer or ask her outright, see what details we can glean about her Noble Phantasms. Those are our most powerful tools.
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #98 on: July 21, 2017, 07:07:01 PM »
>Remember to call her Archer from now on.
>Curse the distance, see what we can do about pinpointing the location and what our options are for setting up a base of operations after we figure out how we're getting there. Without a Workshop our chances are slim.
>In fact we can probably try pinpointing it with a Mystery of some sorts, we're the earth and water type.
>Reanalyze Archer or ask her outright, see what details we can glean about her Noble Phantasms. Those are our most powerful tools.

>You pledge to do your best to remember this.
>You can probably take some of your things with you; how much depends on the method you employ to get there.
>You might be able to do this if you were willing to spend some time and mana on it, but it is nice you've found as much as you have as easily as you have.
>You don't need to ask, you already knew the moment the two of you sealed your pact.
>Yew Bow: A bow made from wood considered holy to the Celtic Peoples of Northern Europe. Known for its concentrations of taxine, a potent poison. The yew tree was believed to be the gateway to the underworld, and the act of carving a bow from it separated one away, making them a person of the forest. This poison aided Archer well in her life as she lead a one-woman revolt against the cruel treatment of the peasantry of Nottingham. A humble weapon at a glance, the yew's poison flows strongly within it, adding its bite to arrows launched from it when Archer wills it. One suffering from poison may then have the effect amplified, exploding outward and eating even further at the target's body. As well, Archer may opt to focus the phantasm's power into a single arrow and fire it into a tree, causing it to release poison over an area for some time. This will inhibit its other functions for a time, though it will still serve as a weapon.
>No Face May King: A representation of the faceless lord of the forest that Archer came to be associated with, her green and brown clothing allow her to blend seamlessly into the world. With some preparation she can use it move around practically unseen, though it does not mask her from being sensed by other methods. Without preparation, it can be used to briefly cloak her actions for a moment, until others can adjust to what they've seen. As an aspect of the forest, it works best in nature and places of isolation, and with somewhat less effect in more and more developed areas or crowded areas.


Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #99 on: July 21, 2017, 08:53:29 PM »
>Do we have any idea the timeframe for the War? How quickly do we need to arrive at our intended destination?
>Do we have a car and a driver's licence?
>Do we have access to any more mystical means of transportation?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #100 on: July 21, 2017, 09:02:54 PM »
>Do we have any idea the timeframe for the War? How quickly do we need to arrive at our intended destination?
>Do we have a car and a driver's licence?
>Do we have access to any more mystical means of transportation?

>You don't think there is one. It theoretically goes on until someone obtains the right to claim the grail.
>You have a valid Illinois driver's license and a used 2003 Honda Civic.
>You suppose airline tickets are kinda mystical, they involve flight.


Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #101 on: July 21, 2017, 09:15:39 PM »
>But that's a no to any kind of teleportation, even with preparation?
>Do we think we'd be able to localize the place we're supposed to reach better if we were closer?
>Do we know of any other magic or ritual that might help us localize it from where we currently are?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #102 on: July 21, 2017, 09:28:44 PM »
>But that's a no to any kind of teleportation, even with preparation?
>Do we think we'd be able to localize the place we're supposed to reach better if we were closer?
>Do we know of any other magic or ritual that might help us localize it from where we currently are?

>Teleportation is a form of magic that no one in this era could hope to use.
>You sure hope so.
>There's a few divination rituals you could try, but you'd have to sink some serious time and mana into it.


Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #103 on: July 21, 2017, 09:44:26 PM »
>"Okay, so."
>Flag Archer over and point to our current location on the map
>"We're currently here."
>"The grail is somewhere over here."
>Sketch a finger around the general area we believe it to be
>"That's pretty non-specific, I know, but if I can sense that much from 700 miles away, it seems likely I'll be able to get a much better picture as we get closer."

>What condition in our car in, anyway?
>And how easily transportable are the materials for those divination rituals, were we to take them with us?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #104 on: July 21, 2017, 09:52:05 PM »
>"Okay, so."
>Flag Archer over and point to our current location on the map
>"We're currently here."
>"The grail is somewhere over here."
>Sketch a finger around the general area we believe it to be
>"That's pretty non-specific, I know, but if I can sense that much from 700 miles away, it seems likely I'll be able to get a much better picture as we get closer."

>What condition in our car in, anyway?
>And how easily transportable are the materials for those divination rituals, were we to take them with us?

>Archer lets out a long whistle. "I understand there's ways to do that faster than walking," she says. "But even then, that sounds pretty far..."
>Your car's in pretty okay condition. You probably don't want to try to do anything crazy with it, but you're not worried about a cross-country drive as far as it's concerned.
>You aren't sure, not without looking things over, but you can probably stash everything into a cooler? Lab equipment necessary will be the make or break point.


Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #105 on: July 21, 2017, 09:57:13 PM »
>Do we have any awareness of the summoning ritual imparting any modern knowledge on the heroic spirits that are summoned? Or, as far as we're concerned, do we need to explain to her what a car is?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #106 on: July 21, 2017, 10:06:08 PM »
>Do we have any awareness of the summoning ritual imparting any modern knowledge on the heroic spirits that are summoned? Or, as far as we're concerned, do we need to explain to her what a car is?

>You understand that they should have enough knowledge to not be left helpless in the era that they are in, but you don't know how far that extends.


Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #107 on: July 21, 2017, 10:11:52 PM »
>"Well, I have a car we can use and it can probably get us to the general area in around 12 hours, give or take."
>" you know what a car is?"

>What time of the day is it anyway? (And how long have we been up, for that matter?)

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #108 on: July 21, 2017, 10:19:30 PM »
>"Well, I have a car we can use and it can probably get us to the general area in around 12 hours, give or take."
>" you know what a car is?"

>What time of the day is it anyway? (And how long have we been up, for that matter?)

>"One of those chariots that move themselves, right?" says Archer.
>It is late afternoon. You have been up since this morning.


Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #109 on: July 21, 2017, 10:36:29 PM »
>"That's, well... I suppose that's not such a bad way to think of them. They don't actually move on their own, of course; they have a combustion engine inside them which, well... I suppose the simplest explanation might be that it uses the force of tiny explosions created by setting sparks to oil within a complicated metal chamber to make the wheels turn. Er, I guess you maybe don't care how it actually works...."
>Sheepish head scratch
>"Anyway, they're very fast and reliable and probably our best bet for getting to wherever the grail is."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #110 on: July 21, 2017, 10:53:04 PM »
>"That's, well... I suppose that's not such a bad way to think of them. They don't actually move on their own, of course; they have a combustion engine inside them which, well... I suppose the simplest explanation might be that it uses the force of tiny explosions created by setting sparks to oil within a complicated metal chamber to make the wheels turn. Er, I guess you maybe don't care how it actually works...."
>Sheepish head scratch
>"Anyway, they're very fast and reliable and probably our best bet for getting to wherever the grail is."

>"I'm going to be honest, that sounds worse than a good horse in every conceivable way," says Archer. "So, what's the plan, Master?"

Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #111 on: July 21, 2017, 11:04:45 PM »
>"It's too late to leave today. I think I should probably use the rest of the day to prepare and pack as many supplies as I can reasonably take with us and then we set out tomorrow morning. Get closer to the general area of the grail and then figure where we need to go from there. Probably rent a hotel room or something, wherever we end up. I have absolutely no knowledge of the other Masters, but I doubt any of them are close to where we are right now, so I'm not sure there's much for you to go scouting for just yet. Unless you disagree, of course."
>Do we have any contacts in that general area?


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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #112 on: July 21, 2017, 11:17:33 PM »
Just as a heads-up, Chicago to the Delaware coast is a legitimate full-day's drive. Like, even assuming stops only for meals and the bathroom. It'll also be really hard for a single driver. It's not impossible, certainly, but I want to make sure you all know what you're getting into.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #113 on: July 21, 2017, 11:19:54 PM »
>"It's too late to leave today. I think I should probably use the rest of the day to prepare and pack as many supplies as I can reasonably take with us and then we set out tomorrow morning. Get closer to the general area of the grail and then figure where we need to go from there. Probably rent a hotel room or something, wherever we end up. I have absolutely no knowledge of the other Masters, but I doubt any of them are close to where we are right now, so I'm not sure there's much for you to go scouting for just yet. Unless you disagree, of course."
>Do we have any contacts in that general area?

>You don't know of any contacts.
>"Right. What kind of supplies are you thinking?" she says.


Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #114 on: July 21, 2017, 11:21:55 PM »
I checked google maps for an estimate of the driving time and then added a little more on top, but you're the one who's actually done a bunch of driving back and forth the US so I'll certainly defer to you on that one.

But keep in mind, we don't necessarily have to make the whole trip in a day - just get close enough to hopefully get a better idea of where our ultimate destination is.

>How much space would 'all the magical supplies we have on-hand that would be reasonably useful in our current situation' take up? Is this something we can reasonably cart around with us?
>Do we actually have enough food on-hand for a couple days' road trip?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #115 on: July 21, 2017, 11:28:24 PM »
>How much space would 'all the magical supplies we have on-hand that would be reasonably useful in our current situation' take up? Is this something we can reasonably cart around with us?
>Do we actually have enough food on-hand for a couple days' road trip?

>Reasonably useful is an extremely broad category whose answer ranges from, "You have enough pockets" to "You would need a large truck"
>You...might? You tend to eat more takeout than you like to admit. You're sure it would be better to get stuff dedicated to the trip.


Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #116 on: July 21, 2017, 11:31:54 PM »
>All materials/reagents we have on-hand for our most familiar spells, as well as anything with an obvious use for combat, concealment/warding, and divination magics. Could this all fit in a suitcase or two?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #117 on: July 21, 2017, 11:43:08 PM »
>All materials/reagents we have on-hand for our most familiar spells, as well as anything with an obvious use for combat, concealment/warding, and divination magics. Could this all fit in a suitcase or two?

>Warding may be difficult, good wards take time to lay out. Otherwise, yes. ...Assuming you had suitcases.


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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #118 on: July 21, 2017, 11:55:20 PM »
>Retrieve suitcases from closet.
Did you bring a light?

Smash the Fash; The far right belongs in the TRASH.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #119 on: July 21, 2017, 11:57:44 PM »
>Retrieve suitcases from closet.

>You ain't some rich-ass princess magus livin' in a mansion by yourself since you were in third grade with more money than half the damn town. That's why you work for a livin'.
