Author Topic: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)  (Read 86566 times)


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #540 on: November 01, 2009, 10:04:50 PM »
rou ilu

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #541 on: November 01, 2009, 11:26:58 PM »
* Nobu dies from massive bloodloss from checking the last 5 pages.

I love you all. ;_;
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Maid Xan~

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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #542 on: November 02, 2009, 12:02:05 AM »
Roukan, you are now obligated to write a fic.
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #543 on: November 02, 2009, 12:06:02 AM »
Roukan, you are now obligated to write a fic.
I intend to as soon as I get enough material to work with. *hint, hint :3*


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #544 on: November 02, 2009, 12:14:39 AM »
what is this i don't even

I thought you guys were going to work on the dating sim AFTER you finished this.

Letty Whiterock

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #545 on: November 02, 2009, 12:16:07 AM »
These new A-F pictures own.

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #546 on: November 02, 2009, 12:18:25 AM »
what is this i don't even

I thought you guys were going to work on the dating sim AFTER you finished this.
This game and a dating sim aren't necessarily mutually exclusive

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #547 on: November 02, 2009, 12:20:23 AM »
This game and a dating sim aren't necessarily mutually exclusive

So we make this into an eroge with Shmup elements, much like Utawarerumono is an eroge with SRPG elements?
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #548 on: November 02, 2009, 12:23:56 AM »
So we make this into an eroge with Shmup elements
I was thinking the other way around :V

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #549 on: November 02, 2009, 12:26:05 AM »
You ...

are all sillies.

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #550 on: November 02, 2009, 12:36:04 AM »
You ...

are all sillies.

And you aren't, Muffin?

At least I don't ship Daiyousei X Shinki
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #551 on: November 02, 2009, 02:24:17 AM »
* Roukan would write more about Zengar Team, but it's sort of favouritism by now. >_>
<Nobu> Hey Zengar~
<Sana> Rou, if you have nobody else to write about, it's ok. :S
<Roukan> Also when I call them things like that I keep thinking of a KoF parody. T_T
<SMD-24-0x> Kanako, you need a haircut
<Sana> !
<Sana> DO IT
<BirthdayKanathoth> Just watch GpopA be the team NOBODY uses.
<Sana> ARE YOU OK!?
<Nobu> You can write about me~ :3
<BirthdayKanathoth> Btw my hair looks worse when cut.
<ShunGokuZengar> YES
<ShunGokuZengar> PLEASE
<Roukan> OH GOD
<Sana> ARE YOU OK?!

These people are to blame for what is about to follow.

Ladies and gentlemen, the final stage of THE QUEEN OF MORONS '09.

(Read while listening to this for maximum awesome.)


Ruro felt herself being thrown into the air as TSO's hand dug into her ribs. She coughed, feeling her own blood on her lips, as she flew backwards and landed on the floor in a heap.


A voice in the distance declared the end of the match, as TSO mocked her.

"You cannot escape from ban!"

Ruro pulled her head up, brushing the blood away. Donut was lying next to her, in more or less the same state.

They'd made it through the whole tournament. They'd taken out Team Gpop, Team Rou, Team Slaves and even the Mod Team to get here, and at the end of it all was one overpowered foe that was curb-stomping them all.

"...Ruro...are you alright?"

Donut called out to her, concerned.

"...I'll survive. ...But damn, she's strong."

The admin cracked her knuckles, grinning. Despite having just taken out two top-class fighters, she seemed to be perfectly healthy.

"'s all up to Zengar."

Everyone's eyes were focused on the Team's captain, who until now had been leaning on the wall, covering her face with her favourite hat. As Ruro fell to the ground she had moved away, casually walking into position. She still held her hat down, not granting TSO the honour of a glance.

"I will stehn mah hands wiff yoor blud."

A simple, stone-cold threat. TSO's eyes screamed murderous intent which caused the two fallen fighters to flinch. Zengar, though, remained unfazed, lifting the hat and looking up at her foe with a grin.


Then, with a single hand, she beckoned TSO towards her.

"Hey! Cammon, cammon!"

TSO's face fell. She was being mocked, here?! On her own grounds?! There would be no mercy for this runt, she would make sure of that.


Immediately TSO charged at her opponent, her hands posed to blow Zengar's shoulders clean out of their sockets.


Zengar was prepared, already wielding her trademark Zankantou. She made her own dash towards TSO with equal ferocity and strength.


Her target was the space between TSO's hands, aiming straight for her chest. It would be a sure kill, and now TSO had too much momentum to stop herself-


Zengar was shocked to realise that she'd been stopped dead in her tracks. Zankantou had been caught between TSO's hands effortlessly. But that was impossible, she couldn't have been ready for that unless-

...Unless she KNEW I was going for the weak point!

TSO smirked.


She pushed the sword away from her, slamming its hilt into Zengar's stomach. The swordswoman choked as her own blade turned on her, knocking her back onto the floor.

"Z-Zengar!" cried Donut.

"Dammit..." muttered Ruro.

Zengar didn't respond for a few seconds, seemingly incapacitated. Only the absence of the declaration of 'K.O.!' from the voice in the sky showed the fight was continuing. After what seemed like an eternity, Zengar rose to her knees, using Zankantou as a makeshift crutch.

"...Damn. You're better than I thought."

TSO stared her down, still totally cold and relaxed.

"I see you aren't smart enough to lie there like the dog you are. You might have spared yourself the beating I'm about to hand you."

Zengar, back on her feet, simply shrugged.

"What can I say? I'm not the sort of girl that can turn down a fight."

TSO sighed at her foe's meaningless idealism. Her hands rose into the air, leaving her wide open.

"Well, then. I'll give you one chance. Come at me."

It was obviously a trap, and Donut and Ruro had to hold back screams to warn Zengar that it couldn't be so simple. She wouldn't have listened anyway - this was a fight, and backing down in any way was an absolute loss.

"...You're too kind...!"

Zengar charged, ignoring her wounds and running straight at the admin, who by now had taken on an almost demonic grin.


Her hands began to glow, a blue energy building in them. Zengar charged on regardless, Zankantou ready to strike.


TSO's hand began to fall to the floor, the energy within them intensifying. Anyone with an ounce of sense would have started to retreat, but Zengar continued to run headlong into the attack.


As TSO's hands hit the floor, a wave of blue flames rose from it, easily taller than either its user or its target. Ruro and Donut recognised those flames - it was the Fire of Unfunny, the forbidden magic whose touch was enough to exile the victim from CPMC for good. And Zengar had dashed straight into its path.

TSO smiled behind her wall of fire. Victory was hers now, the fool had fallen for it-


What the?!

She wasn't able to make out what was happening thanks to her own attack, but the confident cry of Zengar was enough to unnerve her.

Then, to her horror, she watched as Zengar threw herself over the wall, her feet mere inches from the top of the flame. She'd propelled himself into the air through one of her lesser known attacks, producing enough momentum to send her over the attack.

...Damn, I can't stop it!

Raging Permaban couldn't be cancelled out of, so TSO was locked in place for a few fateful seconds. She desperately tried to pull her fingers off the floor as Zengar landed effortlessly behind her, turning on the spot.

The blade of Zankantou began to blaze red.


Zengar screamed nonsensically as she responded to TSO's super-move with her own. She wielded the blade like an expert, sparks trailing behind her as she dashed at the trapped admin.


Zengar could easily have impaled TSO right there and then, but she made a deliberate effort of hitting her with the blade's side. The force was enough to knock TSO forwards a few inches...right into her own wall.


TSO's cry was cut off as she touched the flames. Her body crumbled to ashes in an instant, no doubt reforming somewhere in the Addict Recovery Center. The wall, without its caster, dissipated shortly afterward.



Ruro and Donut cried out in unison as they ran towards their victorious captain. Zengar wiped sweat from her forehead, throwing her hat into the distance.

« Last Edit: November 02, 2009, 02:27:04 AM by Roukanken »

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #552 on: November 02, 2009, 02:27:13 AM »

Dance moves anyone? Just Busta Cleve!

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #553 on: November 02, 2009, 02:29:57 AM »
Rou wins at life... Except for the whole Pesco thing. We all feel for you, Rou
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.


  • Good gravy!
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #554 on: November 02, 2009, 02:31:55 AM »
It seems TSO didn't GET SIRIUS! Tsk tsk....

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #555 on: November 02, 2009, 02:35:41 AM »
ITT onthenet/suikama/drake wonder when we actually start making stuff

Yeah bros at this pace you'll have more dialogue than actual game.

So yeah it's a dating sim



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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #556 on: November 02, 2009, 02:38:22 AM »
What the christ, Roukan.

You have outdone yourself.

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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #557 on: November 02, 2009, 02:48:04 AM »
Yeah bros at this pace you'll have more dialogue than actual game.

So yeah it's a dating sim

Then I guess it's time to bust out the VN scripters


  • serial time-waster
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #558 on: November 02, 2009, 02:50:29 AM »


Zengar Zombolt

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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #559 on: November 02, 2009, 03:23:58 AM »

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #561 on: November 02, 2009, 03:39:49 AM »
That was really awesome, Rou. I'm jealous. D:

Nine West

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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #562 on: November 02, 2009, 03:41:24 AM »
That was really awesome, Rou. I'm jealous. D:

Holy crap, you are jealous of everybody aren't you. D:

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #563 on: November 02, 2009, 03:47:08 AM »
Holy crap, you are jealous of everybody aren't you. D:

I can and will parseevibe at anyone given time.

But to be fair, there are only three skills that I can really get jealous of: Art talent, writing talent, and (since this is Touhou) dodgan talent. It doesn't help that I suck at all three of them.

But now I want to draw and write more, so that's all right~


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #564 on: November 02, 2009, 03:48:18 AM »
I can and will parseevibe at anyone given time.

But to be fair, there are only three skills that I can really get jealous of: Art talent, writing talent, and (since this is Touhou) dodgan talent. It doesn't help that I suck at all three of them.

But now I want to draw and write more, so that's all right~

* Koishi Domeiji attempts to manipulate Ruro's subconscious to write more of "THAT" story.
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #565 on: November 02, 2009, 03:55:14 AM »
* Koishi Domeiji attempts to manipulate Ruro's subconscious to write more of "THAT" story.
*Fan Smack*
Don't abuse your powers, Sir Donut!
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I wonder if anyone knows the true meaning of the last song in Nanairo?
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #566 on: November 02, 2009, 04:06:57 AM »
You're still more awesome than me, Ruro. Don't be so Parsee.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #567 on: November 02, 2009, 04:08:41 AM »
But now I want to draw and write more, so that's all right~
You just need to dodge more.


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00d)
« Reply #569 on: November 02, 2009, 04:14:37 AM »
wat u say


he said not to be Parsee, not kick the Parsee up to 255, you derp.

All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.