Author Topic: Dolphin Rider Koishi - The End  (Read 314277 times)


  • Happening Cat of the Middle of Nowhere
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #420 on: June 03, 2012, 11:52:59 PM »
Of course she?d be able to make her own swords, Koishi thought to herself.

Now I'm expecting Youmu to use Unlimited Blade Works


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #421 on: June 04, 2012, 02:45:06 AM »
I've been playing too much Binding of Isaac lately, so I'm seeing the descent into the mind as going down to the next floor, where Koishi's going to fight the boss, which is inevitably going to be twisted, messed up, and horribly disfigured.

ermmm... huh. I might need therapy.

...In other news, I'm calling Kogasa as a mindcoil victim. Her power would totally be playing on everyone's fears in a horribly nightmarish way surprising everyone.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #422 on: June 04, 2012, 06:59:05 AM »
Well, next arc is either UFO or MoF. Both should be interesting.


  • He who knew and lived.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #423 on: June 04, 2012, 04:27:53 PM »
By the way things are going the MoF siren will be either Sanae or Suwako and the UFO is either Shou or Nue.

Or I could be completely wrong.
World Domination, Baby!


  • I never talk to you
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  • People say that I should
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #424 on: June 04, 2012, 05:16:02 PM »
MoF has to be Sanae. UFO is an enigma.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #425 on: June 05, 2012, 03:14:56 PM »
I would have included some more details, but it's 11 PM here.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #426 on: June 05, 2012, 04:12:55 PM »
I would have included some more details, but it's 11 PM here.


the thought of littleshrimp making it a getamped 2 skin would be fantastic
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 06:48:28 PM by Irisu »

Silent Harmony

  • Everybody needs the Pharmarcy
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #427 on: June 05, 2012, 10:06:54 PM »
Catching up on this story has been an absolute treat.

1CC List (all shmups)
League of Legends / Harmony11(#1694)


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #428 on: June 06, 2012, 08:41:45 PM »

Jozu brought down another swing, her jagged claws tearing at Sango?s sleeves. The dolphin grabbed her arm and tried to pull her off balance. Jozu just jumped in sync with the pull, staying on her feet and sending in another swing at Sango?s side.

Under the bloodlust, Jozu?s moves were far from fluent. She struck wildly, almost at random. She made up for that clumsiness in speed, strength, and sheer reactions. She was beyond anything Sango had ever fought or even dreamed of fighting.

But I have the upper hand in intellect. I need a plan...

As Sango barely sidestepped another slash, she heard the wall crumble as Jozu punched through it. Even with her newfound strength, the shark shouldn?t have been able to hit that hard. Was this area of the manor in disrepair?

It?s better than nothing!

Sango ran down the corridor, straight towards a wall. Jozu was on her in an instant, building momentum as she pulled back a fist. Sango heard the air whistle as the attack came rushing in, rolling to the side at the last moment.

She came to a stop face first in the wall, but she?d managed to kill off most of her speed before impact. Jozu was less lucky, and Sango looked up to see the shark?s entire arm trapped in the wall. This was her opening.


Sango brought a palm chop down on Jozu?s neck. Flowing Tide wasn?t a style for brute force, but its practitioners were taught about pressure points so that they could make their hits count. By all accounts, Sango?s attack should have left Jozu?s arms locked up.

Except the shark didn?t so much as flinch.

What is she, some sort of berserker?!

Before Sango could take another free hit, Jozu tore her arm out of the woodwork. It was bloodied and covered in splinters, but she paid it no mind. Her nervous system must have shut down the ?unnecessary? connections - nerves that complained about things like pain.

Sango was beginning to feel very uncomfortable in Jozu?s presence. For a second the shark?s jagged teeth morphed into a smile. Maybe she didn?t have much of her higher functions left, but she could recognise patterns. That trick wasn?t going to work again.

The fight had been hard to start with, but for Sango it was beginning to verge on impossible. She had no way of hurting or even fazing Jozu in this state. She could deflect her attacks, but Jozu recovered too quickly for Sango to punish anything. In the end it would be a battle of endurance, and Sango was pretty sure who?d win at that.

She gulped as the next swing came in, only to see it slip right past her.


Jozu had seemingly slipped mid-swing, falling to the floor with a crash. She grasped at her head, growling and kicking as she rolled around. Sango stood over her at a barely safe distance.

?Gaah! Rraaaahh!?

The shark groaned with an agonising howl. She twisted and flailed in every direction, roaring in pain. Even if Jozu had been trying to kill her moments ago, Sango couldn?t help but feel bad watching this.

?Gaah, hnnn...?

The struggling gradually diminished, and the moaning along with it. Sango saw Jozu?s eyes flash violet for a moment before retracting back to their normal size. When the squirming stopped entirely, Jozu was looking up at the ceiling as she panted for breath.

?I...I hate it when they do that...?

She grabbed at a wall to help herself up. She could barely stand now that the damage Sango had done was kicking in. Whatever that was, it had knocked Jozu out of her bloodlust state. But why?

Before Sango could ask, Jozu cupped a hand over one ear and turned away.

?Jozu here. This had better be good,? she said to whoever was listening. Maybe it was a telepathic link of some sort. ?Uh-huh. Look, I don?t care if the rest of the operation went to hell. I was in the middle of something, and now you?ve totally killed my buzz.?

Sango stood a good distance away from Jozu, refusing to take advantage of the situation. Jozu continued her one-sided chat, her initial anger starting to fade.

?...I know you?re worried, but I?m in good hands, okay? She?s even standing there waiting on me to finish. She?s a good kid.?

Jozu gave Sango a wink. The dolphin blushed a little.

?I guess you haven?t left me with a choice, have you? Alright, I?ll consent to the warp. See you back at base.?

When she brought her hand down, a familiar hole started to open in the floor beneath her. It was the same portal that had spirited away the defeated fishmen. In other words, Jozu was running.

?Sorry about this,? she said, this time to Sango. She rubbed at her back, wincing as she touched what was probably a bruise. ?My partner was worried when she couldn?t contact me, so she had to turn my brain back on. Now I?m really not in the mood for fighting, if y?know what I mean.?

?You have a partner who can screw with your head?? Sango asked.

Jozu shrugged. ?We?re kinda close, I guess. Something about having a strong bond together. Either way, I need to go report about how we just failed spectacularly and stuff.?

The hole grew until Jozu began to fall into it. She sank slowly, offering Sango a salute as she descended.

?Next time I?m gonna make sure she doesn?t interfere, got it??

Sango tried to grab her arm and yank Jozu out of the hole, but by the time she had made it up close the portal was already closing. Sango?s fingers pressed against solid wood, finding no trace of her opponent.

She was relieved to not be dead, but she couldn?t help but feel a little cheated.

?Hey!? A voice echoed out from around the corner. Turning around, Sango saw Mokou jogging down the corridor towards her. She looked utterly unscathed, which fit Jozu?s story that the Claw had lost on all counts.

?Yo, just checking if everything?s fine on your end. What happened to the shark chick??

Sango wasn?t quite sure how to feel as she responded. Eventually she settled for begrudging relief.

?I think I just won on a technicality.?


Koishi cricked her neck. She took a moment to notice how used she was getting to all of this.

?Lay her down for me, Youmu-san.?

Youmu nodded. Koishi had given her a quick explanation of how the mindcoil removal would work. She?d been very quick to accept it - likely because she knew of no other way to help her mother out of her current state.

She carefully placed Yuyuko on the ground. The noble seemed to be asleep, but Koishi had made sure to check her condition was stable before anything else. She knelt down in front of the body, putting a hand on her third eye.


Before she could start, a voice called out from behind the body. Koishi glanced up to see the familiar, ethereal form of Youki Konpaku. He stood over his mother, eyes locked on Youmu. He instantly raised his wooden blade, looking ready to take her head on.

?You. You?re the impostor. It?s your fault that-?

?No, Youki-san,? Koishi said, cutting him off. ?It?s no-one?s fault. Your mother needed help to cope, and Youmu-san needed someone to care for her. They both needed each other.?

Sakuya and Youmu both gave Koishi awkward stares as she spoke.

?Koishi-san, who are you talking to?? Sakuya asked, eyebrow raised.

Koishi pointed to the ghost hanging over Yuyuko. ?I?m talking to him, obviously.?

Sakuya stared up at where Koishi was pointing, but her expression remained befuddled. Maybe no-one other than Koishi could see him. Not that it mattered right now.

?Youki-san, I?m trying to help your mother. She?s locked you away somewhere inside her head, so I?m gonna poke around a bit and fix it. Alright??

The spirit looked upon Koishi with wonder. ?You can do that??

?It?s a talent,? Koishi replied with a wink. The other Sirens seemed to be accepting her eccentric manner. She did her best not to think about how silly she looked.

Youki?s expression lightened. Koishi saw a spark of hope jump into his eyes.

?If you can...? He started to flicker under the weight of his emotions again. ?If you can save her...I will be in your debt.?

?Don?t worry.? Koishi grabbed at her third eye again, one hand on the eyelid. ?It?s what I do.?

This had all become strangely routine to Koishi. Opening the eyelid, watching the light hit Yuyuko, and feeling herself fall out of her own body. It was getting so routine that it felt as natural as the real world now. She opened her eyes, looking about to see what the inside of Yuyuko?s mind resembled.

She stood in a forest of cherry blossoms, unable to make out the sky for the petals overhead. Black tendrils ran along the trunks of the trees, slowly grinding down the wood. Koishi didn?t want to imagine the consequences that could have on Yuyuko?s psyche.

The wind was cold, blowing towards the east. As Koishi followed its path, she saw the bright colours of the petals begin to fade. The brilliant pink gave way to pale red, and then to dark brown. The Mindcoils lapped further around the trees, eating away more and more at the wooden foundations. The further she walked, the stronger their hold on Yuyuko?s mind.

Finally Koishi found herself in a truly dead forest. She was knee-deep in dead blossom petals, wading rather than walking. As the trees broke apart at last, she found a pathway leading further to the east. The wind was stronger now, almost pushing Koishi along with it as she walked.

As she stepped out, Koishi found herself nearing the edge of a massive cliff. She looked down, unable to see anything at the bottom of the drop. She picked up a stone at her feet, throwing it into the abyss. She never heard it land. She gulped, wondering if she could die in someone else?s head.

She continued down the path, closer and closer to the cliff?s edge. Koishi had to watch she wasn?t blown off by the force, the winds getting stronger the further she went. She walked past a blank headstone, without so much as a carving on it.

Yuyuko Saigyouji was sitting at the very end of the cliff, staring into the darkness below. She was dressed in a black kimono with a veil over her head. For once she was acting her age, weak and frail as her head craned around towards Koishi.

There was a knife embedded in her chest, a red stain dried into the fabric.


Koishi darted across the cliff, taking Yuyuko by the arm and pulling her away from the ledge. Yuyuko went along with her moves willingly, like a doll with its strings cut. Koishi laid her down against the gravestone as she looked at the wound.

?What?s wrong?? Yuyuko murmured, a smile plastered onto her face. ?You aren?t worried about a little old woman past her prime, are you??

She never looked down at the dagger, though she clearly flinched from the pain it was causing her. The stain on her kimono was slowly growing larger.

?Saigyouji-san, your chest-?

?Shhh.? Yuyuko brought a hand up to Koishi?s lips, silencing her. ?I know, Komeiji-san.?

Koishi stuttered on the words, incredulous. ?B-But it?s hurting you! We need to take it out, or...?

?Or I?ll die?? Yuyuko chuckled to herself, shaking her head. ?Kids these days. I swear, your games and movies have given you some terrible ideas about life.?

She pulled herself up on the tombstone, leaning back on it as she looked off into the distance. The sky was a single-tone grey.

?A wound like this is painful, but it stops the blood flow. If I take it out, there?s going to be a great big hole in my heart. How do you think that will turn out??

Koishi took another look at the wound. The whole blade had dug into Yuyuko, with only the hilt still visible. Yuyuko would lose dangerous amounts of blood. Koishi couldn?t tell how long the blade was, but for it to be causing this much pain it would have to be several inches at least. The prognosis was poor.

But I can?t leave her like this...

The noble barely had the strength to move. If Koishi grabbed at the knife, she probably couldn?t offer much resistance. Maybe Yuyuko couldn?t die of blood loss in her own mind. Was that a risk Koishi was willing to take?

She thought it over for a moment. Yuyuko paid her no mind as she did so, still staring at the clouds above.

...Right. That might just work.

Carefully, Koishi brought out a hand towards the dagger, closing it around the hilt. Yuyuko went rigid as the knife twitched in her chest.

?Komeiji-san...what do you think you?re doing...??

Yuyuko didn?t want to be helped. She wanted to keep this knife in her chest for the rest of her life. Koishi couldn?t let that happen. She had to save Yuyuko, whether or not she wanted to be saved.

?Saigyouji-san, I want you to start thinking about everything you?ve done with Youki for the last ten years.?

?W-Wha? But why would I-?

?Just do it!? Koishi couldn?t hide her desperation. Her hands were trembling as she gripped Yuyuko?s shoulder for support. She had to remove the knife if she wanted to save Yuyuko from the Mindcoil, but if she made a mistake...

No. I promised Youki-san I would help her. She brushed the thoughts aside, her hands going still as she squeezed at the hilt. Yuyuko was trying to squirm about under Koishi?s grip, still too weak to really fight.

?Alright. On three.?

Koishi steeled herself. Yuyuko was muttering, too quiet for Koishi to hear. She saw the same word forming on her lips over and over again.







Koishi pulled the dagger out in one smooth movement.

Yuyuko?s bloodcurdling scream almost knocked her off the cliff.

?IYAAAAAAAAAAAAH! PUT IT BACK, PUT IT BACK, PUT IT BAAACK!? She flailed like a dying insect, limbs jerking weakly in all directions. Blood gushed onto her kimono, soaking the fabric completely. Koishi was quick to act, dropping the knife and grabbing the ribbon around her neck. She wrapped it around Yuyuko?s chest as a makeshift bandage, pushing down on it to try and stop the bleeding.

?Please, Saigyouji-san! You have to remember!?

Yuyuko continued to struggle, trapped between Koishi and the gravestone. Her eyes were streaming with tears as her strength began to fade. Koishi could hear her pulse dwindling as she pressed on the wound.

?Youki...Youkiiiii...don?t leave me like this...?

Her eyes began to glaze over. Her heart was giving up. Right now, in Koishi?s arms, Yuyuko was dying. She was remembering the truth, and it was literally killing her.

Koishi gulped. She had one shot at this, and if it didn?t work she?d never forgive herself for it.

?Saigyouji-san, I know it?s hard. But you have to remember these last ten years. You were happy, weren?t you??

Yuyuko?s eyes drifted towards Koishi. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out.

?You were still a mother,? Koishi continued, almost screaming the words to make sure that Yuyuko could hear her. ?Maybe Youki-san was gone, but there was another child. What was her name??

There was no answer for what felt like an eternity. Yuyuko?s pulse was tiny, ready to give out at any moment. A pool of blood was forming around her, growing by the second.

Dammit, I?m losing her!

Koishi shook Yuyuko, yelling into her ear. ?Saigyouji-san, don?t give up! What was her name?!?

There was still no reply, only a slow breath out as Yuyuko went limp entirely. The flow of blood from the wound slowed to a stop. Koishi could no longer hear Yuyuko?s heartbeat.

No! Not like this!

Koishi put both hands over Yuyuko?s chest, pressing down over her heart. She wasn?t sure how much carried over in the subconscious, but she had to try.

?One, two, three, four...?

The body jerked and shook beneath her, but Yuyuko?s eyes were blank. Still, Koishi kept thumping.

?Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two...?

A minute passed. Two minutes. Maybe five. Koishi wasn?t paying attention. She wasn?t going to stop until Yuyuko came back to her. Her hands were sticky and soaked with blood, but she couldn?t afford to surrender. Not after the promise she?d made to Youki.

The choked gasp of Yuyuko breathing again was one of the most beautiful sounds Koishi had ever heard.


Yuyuko was back, but she was still clearly weak. Koishi kept thumping at her chest, likely the only thing keeping her from passing out again. The noble winced and yelped with every compression.

?Nnn, khhh...why?? she whispered, with all the strength she had. ?Why can?t you just let me die??

That wasn?t an option. Koishi shook her head.

?You can?t be that selfish, Saigyouji-san. There?s someone waiting for you. Someone whose heart you?ll break if you let die now.?

Yuyuko?s eyes widened with amazement. ?But Youki is...Youki is-?

?It?s not Youki!? Koishi yelled. ?You have to remember her. You took her in when her family passed away. You were going to raise her like she was your own daughter.? It was getting to her. The blood, the death, the pressure. Koishi felt her eyes filling up with tears. ?Her name! You have to tell me her name!?

The noble?s mouth hung open for a moment, like the fact had struck her for the first time. She looked upwards, trying to draw the answer from the clouds above.


The word finally started to leak from her lips. Koishi could feel Yuyuko?s heart getting stronger as she came closer and closer to the answer.


Koishi nodded feverishly. ?Keep remembering, Saigyouji-san. You can do this!?

Blood was oozing from the wound, but Koishi could feel the flow start to weaken. In contrast, Yuyuko?s heart was growing stronger as she came to terms with the truth at last.

?That?s right. Youmu...? Yuyuko nodded as the memories began to take form again. ?She was a feisty child. The only girl her age who could challenge my Youki in a fight, and the first to ever beat him. She was a brilliant talent, but...after the accident, she was never really the same. There was a little hole in her heart. After we took her in, she cried herself to sleep for the first few weeks. I could hear her from across the hall...?

Koishi took her hands away from Yuyuko?s chest. Yuyuko?s heart continued to pump on its own, as the bloodflow grew weaker and weaker.

?But she got better.? Yuyuko smiled to herself. ?We did what we could for her, Youki and I. I gave her a room to herself, and trained her in the same way I?d train my own son. Youki could barely walk, but he still made the effort to see her every day. I think it was the first time Youki ever acted his age. Around each other, they could be children rather than warriors.?

The last few droplets of blood tainted the kimono. By now the fabric was ruined, with more red than black.

?Then I...I...? The final piece of the puzzle clicked into place. Yuyuko went silent as dread washed over her. ?Oh, God, what have I done?!?

She fell forwards, burying her face in Koishi?s chest. She sobbed wildly as Koishi gave her a comforting pat on the back. The wound had closed, but it would leave an ugly scar for a long time to come.

?It?s okay, Saigyouji-san. You?re not alone.?

Koishi kept patting at Yuyuko?s back. She wasn?t sure how long she sat there, but at last Yuyuko pulled herself up and rubbed at her eyes.

? right, Komeiji-san. I have Youmu, don?t I??

Koishi nodded. She picked up the dagger that had been embedded in Yuyuko?s chest for so long. With a still-clean part of her ribbon, she wiped the blood from it and handed it over to the noble.

?I think you know what you need to do now.? Koishi looked towards the gravestone. Yuyuko nodded in solemn understanding, shifting herself around to face it. She brought the dagger down, grinding the tip against the rock.

As soon as she began to carve, there was a unholy screech in the direction of the forest. From here Koishi could see the Mindcoil starting to retract. Yuyuko looked up for a moment at the sound.

?It?s nothing. Keep writing.?

The noble complied. She seemed willing to go along with Koishi now. She spent a while thinking over what to write, but with each line she drew in the stone the screeching grew louder. The Mindcoil was letting out its final death howls.

At last, Yuyuko moved away from the stone, throwing the dagger off the cliff into the abyss beneath. She looked upon the inscription with a sad grin.

Here lies Youki Saigyouji,
taken long before his time.
He was a great warrior,
but a better son.

The howling from the forest dwindled into nothing. Koishi saw the last of the black markings descend from the trees, but the damage they had done remained. She was still looking into a field of death as she felt herself weakening.

But she couldn?t help but smile to herself. She knew that if Yuyuko could make it through that part of the forest, there?d be a brilliant field of cherry blossoms waiting for her on the other side.

And I know a girl who?ll help her along the way...



Koishi was slower than usual in getting to her feet. She breathed through her nose, the cool evening air clearing away the lingering smell of blood. Yuyuko was still lying in front of her, unconscious. There was no gaping hole in her chest, thankfully. That would have been difficult to explain.

??Is it done???

Youmu and Youki spoke at once. The spirit still hung over his mother, fidgeting with nerves as he looked Koishi in the eye. Youmu was much more controlled, but she?d taken Sakuya?s hand and was squeezing it for support.

?I did what I could,? Koishi said. ?I opened her eyes, but I don?t think she?s through the mourning stage yet. I?ll need you to help her with that, Youmu-san.?

Youmu nodded. Besides a heaving sigh and another squeeze at Sakuya?s hand, she didn?t let her emotions betray her. Youki, in comparison, was trembling on the spot.

?I...thank you, stranger,? he said. He reached down and stroked at Yuyuko?s forehead. He looked more mature than his mother as he tended to her with a bright smile. ?Mother, I was so worried you had forgotten me forever. I?m so sorry for leaving you like this, but I have to go.?

He began to come apart, his feet crumbling to dust in the wind. Next came his legs, his torso, and his arms. Koishi gasped at the sight, but Youki simply shrugged at it.

?Don?t worry. I?ve outstayed my welcome in this world for long enough. It?s time for me to see what?s on the other side.?

The last part of Youki to fade away was his face. He was smiling until the end, his last words merely a whisper on the wind.

?Farewell, mother. I will always love you.?

Then he was gone, and the winds died along with him. Koishi stared up into the spot where Youki had once stood, bowing forwards.

?Goodbye, Youki-san. May your soul find peace at last.?

Sakuya and Youmu nodded along with her. They couldn?t see Youki, but they seemed to understand what was going on. Youmu let go of Sakuya?s hand at last, putting an arm behind her mother and lifting her to her feet.

?So what now?? she asked. ?When will she wake up??

?It?ll be an hour or so, I think,? Koishi answered. ?She won?t remember the Sirens or the Mindcoil, but she should at least remember what happened to Youki-san.? She looked up at Youmu, frowning. ?You?ll want to be with her when she wakes up. She?s going to have a lot to come to terms with.?

?Right.? Youmu started to carry her towards the staircase, only to bump into someone else going the other way.

?Whoa, sorry.? Mokou carefully moved to the side to let Youmu past before catching up with the other Sirens. She seemed just about unharmed, though she had a nervous grin on her face. ?Looks like I showed up late. Everything alright on this end??

Koishi nodded. Before she could say anything else, Sakuya interjected.

?So what have you come here to admit to us??

The phoenix-girl flinched. ?Damn, am I that obvious??

Sakuya simply shrugged.

?Guess I may as well come clean now,? Mokou said, rubbing at the back of her head with a sigh. ?See, I did a liiiiiittle bit of damage to the front entrance...?


As Yuyuko opened her eyes, she felt as if she had stepped out of a long dream.


For an instant there was a pain in her chest, and she jolted awake as she grabbed at her heart. As she sat up, she found herself lying in her own bed, scratches and scrapes all over her body. This wasn?t a new experience for her - as a fighter, she was used to the occasional injury. What was more concerning was that she couldn?t remember how she?d been hurt in the first place.

?Mother, are you alright??

Footsteps started down the hallway, moving towards her room. Youki?s voice, she thought to herself. It was comforting to know she was being cared for-

No, that?s not it.

Yuyuko furrowed her brow. That was Youki. It had to be. She?d heard that voice for the last ten years. How could it not be Youki? She tried to hide her concern as the door opened.

A young swordsman stepped into the room, carrying two cups of green tea. He handed one of them to Yuyuko, and she accepted it gratefully. She felt her body warm up as the warm liquid slipped down her throat.

?I have been better,? she said after downing half the cup in one shot. ?I think I may finally have to accept I?m not a young woman anymore.?

The swordsman smiled. His face was unusually bright, Yuyuko thought to herself. Normally he was more refined and mature than this. It was a refreshing change. She had always wanted Youki to be a little more childish.

No, that?s wrong.

Again, the voice in the back of her head was nagging at her. Something was wrong with this whole scenario, but she couldn?t put a word to it. Her hands began to shiver.

?Mother?? The swordsman looked her over again, drawing closer. Concern was etched on his face. ?Is there a problem??

Yuyuko couldn?t help but look into his eyes. There was something that didn?t fit with Youki?s expression. Something strange, something unnatural. It was almost as if-

as if she wasn?t looking at Youki at all.


She remembered. It felt as if her brain had been rammed by a truck. She placed the tea on the cabinet at her side, shrinking into her bed covers.

That?s not my son.

?Mother!? Her guest pulled at the covers to look at her. Yuyuko couldn?t bear to look the swordsman in the eye.

That?s not even a man.

Yuyuko thought back to the past, searching for a distant memory. A name fell off of her lips, one that she hadn?t spoken for ten years.


At the same time, saying that name was relieving and heartbreaking. Yuyuko felt as if she had finally stepped out of her dream and into the real world, but that meant...

Youki is dead.

The weight of the realisation pressed her against the bed. She fell silent, like the revelation had knocked the life out of her. It was only when Youmu wrapped her arms around her that she felt warmth return to her body.

?It?s alright, mother.? Youmu patted her on the back. The feeling felt familiar to her, but in a way she couldn?t put into words. ?I?m here now.?

Yuyuko felt ill. She couldn?t stand it. She almost spat the words out, but any anger in them was directed at herself.

?Don?t call me that. I?m not your mother.?

To her surprise, Youmu simply smiled. She hugged Yuyuko harder, giving her a faint kiss on the cheek.

?Of course you are. For the last ten years, you raised me with love and care as if I was your own son. You did everything you could to make me happy.?

Yuyuko shook her head. She couldn?t accept this. She didn?t deserve to be forgiven just like that.

?But Youmu, I...I did something terrible to you. I took away ten years of your life out of selfishness. I only cared for you because you reminded me of my son. In spite of that, how can you still call me your mother??

She pushed Youmu away. Rather than fighting back, Youmu let herself be knocked away. She wasn?t offended, but she didn?t try to push her way back into Yuyuko?s face again.

?You?re right. What you did was horrible, but you weren?t alone in it.? She pulled away her gi, revealing her chest. Rather than a bra, she was wearing a tightly-wrapped sarashi to hide her breasts. ?I could have left at any time and shown this to somebody, and your whole world would have come apart. I could have pushed you out of this fantasy any time I wanted, but I didn?t.?

She smiled, but her expression conveyed more sorrow than happiness. ?I?m as guilty as you are, mother. I wanted to be Youki. I wanted to have a family again, and making you admit the truth might have lost me that chance forever.?

She forced a laugh. ?And remember, you took me in when I thought I had lost everything. You were willing to give me another opportunity to live my life. I can?t thank you enough for that.?

Yuyuko wasn?t sure whether to laugh or cry. She?d been so stupid. After Youki had died, she was terrified of being left alone. Yet here was a girl who had cared for her for ten years, shielding her from the painful truth.

?We?re both such fools, aren?t we?? Yuyuko said as she sat up again. Youmu nodded along with her, the pair of them wearing bittersweet grins.

?Ah, I just remembered something.? Yuyuko turned around to the cabinet she?d laid her cup on. She grabbed at the middle cabinet, pulling it open and reaching inside. After some fumbling, she pulled out a black ribbon from within.

?I took this from you, didn?t I? Youki never wore a ribbon, after all.?

Youmu stared at the ribbon in awe, like it was made of solid gold. Yuyuko offered it to her, and Youmu snatched it out of her hands. Her fingers moved clumsily as she tied it into her hair. She hadn?t worn it for ten years, so she was out of practice.

When at last she?d managed to put on the ribbon, Yuyuko looked at her with an overwhelming sense of nostalgia.

?My, it?s like you?re eight years old again.?

Youmu flinched. For an instant, Yuyuko could see the girl blushing. She couldn?t help but giggle at the sight. It felt like Youmu was the one light brightening up her day.

She wasn?t over Youki yet. She wasn?t sure if she?d ever be able to think about him without her heart breaking a little. But with Youmu by her side, she felt she?d find the strength to smile again.

Youmu...I can?t thank you enough.


Sango pouted as she dumped another pile of gravel into the crater.

?How am I going to explain this to the boss? I am so getting demoted...?

Mokou had left a good bit of damage in her wake, most of which was too drastic to fix in a few hours. The gate was a lost cause, but the front door clipped back into place with a little bit of coercion. The Sirens had hastily replaced the gate with a set of wooden boards, with a door-shaped gateway built into it. It wasn?t the prettiest piece of handiwork, but it was more or less functional.

?See? Like nothing ever happened.? Mokou rubbed her hands in satisfaction. She?d been leading the charge for three reasons - she had more stamina left than any of her teammates, she knew her way around a hammer and nails better than anyone else, and it was only fair that she was made to clean up her own mess. The rest of the team either dealt with side jobs or handled the comparatively simple job of filling the hole that Mokou had left in the ground. Luckily there were plenty of materials to be found in the shed, though that had necessitated a few long journeys through the manor to the back garden.

?Oh, certainly. The gravel looks exactly like the grass that used to be there,? Sakuya said with a wry grin. ?Though I?m relatively sure those flowers were alive when we got here.?

?Hey, I?m not a miracle worker. I figure Youmu-san?s a decent gardener. Give her a few months and this place?ll be good as new.?

The cars at the entrance were gone after a quick call to the Kawashiro Towing Service. Nitori had only hung around long enough to get a short explanation of the scenario before hauling away the limousine the Claw had been using, muttering something about analysis. Komachi had called a tow truck from her insurer half an hour later, heading off along with them to work through all the necessary red tape.

By the time they?d managed to make the front garden look like a shadow of its former self, Youmu emerged from the front door. Mokou pumped her fist when she saw it stay upright this time.

?How did it go?? Koishi asked.

?She?s awake, and responsive,? Youmu answered. She seemed younger than she was an hour ago. The ribbon in her hair probably contributed to that. ?She?ll need time to heal, though. I think she needs me to be with her.?

Koishi nodded. She had expected as much. ?We understand. We?ll try to keep you out of our affairs for as long as possible, but if there?s an emergency we may need to ask for your help.?

?Of course. After all you?ve done for me, it?s the least I can do.? She bowed with the utmost severity, but the hair-ribbon softened her expression a little.

Sakuya was next to come forward, giving her sister a hug. ?I?ll visit whenever I can, alright??

Youmu returned the hug, almost melting in her sister?s grasp. Now she really did look like a girl her age. ?I?ll hold you to that, Miyo. We have a lot of catching up to do.?

?I?ll teach you to play poker, and you teach me how to swing a sword. Everybody wins.?

?Poker? Can?t we play something civilised like shogi instead??

Sakuya didn?t answer, but Koishi saw her rolling her eyes.

It was getting dark when the Sirens finally started to leave. Youmu led them to the gate and waved them off. She watched them all the way down the road, until she was just a speck in the distance. Koishi felt a warmth deep in her heart as she waved back, leaving with the feeling that she?d made a real change in someone else?s life.

?So, Sakuya-san,? Mokou said, nudging at Sakuya?s shoulder. ?When am I gonna get those cookies??


?Komeiji was talking to ghosts??

Nitori was attentive in spite of her lack of sleep. She had called Sango in the following morning for an emergency debriefing. Too much had gone on last night for her to be content with the explanation she?d been given.

?Yes, boss. She was talking to Youki Saigyouji?s ghost, in particular.?

That was particularly unusual, and well out of the range of Koishi?s normal abilities. She pulled up the table of rankings on her computer and added a few extra pluses to Koishi?s grade.

?How?s Konpaku??

?She?s gonna be busy. Saigyouji-san needs a lot of help right now. I think we need to give her some space.?

Nitori nodded, one hand tapping at her desk. The family situation there was a sensitive issue, and she didn?t want to interfere with it if possible. She?d been worried about the Mindcoils for a while, honestly - the extractions had seemed too clean, too perfect. Maybe it was because every victim had some sort of support to fall back on after they were saved. Either way, she didn?t want to test that hypothesis too thoroughly.

?Anything else to report, Tororetsu?? she asked. She wanted to get this debriefing over with so she could help herself to a good night?s sleep.

?No, ma?am.? Sango tilted her head a little. ?Though I thought you were doing an analysis on the car the Black Claw had been using last night. Did you find anything??

This was the question Nitori hadn?t wanted to hear. She concealed her discomfort as she started on her answer.

?I traced the car to a local dealer. Bought online with an untraceable email address and credit card. From what I can tell, Saigyouji picked it up on the way back to the manor and brought the other girl along with her.?

The dolphin frowned, crossing her arms. ?Wow, these guys are really good at covering their tracks. You?d think they would have left something behind.?

If only you knew, Nitori thought to herself.

?Anyway, thanks for the report. You?re dismissed.?

Sango saluted. ?Aye aye, ma?am.? She turned on her heels, walking out of Room 495. The passageway slid shut behind her.

As soon as she was out of the room, Nitori felt her heart rate return to normal. She wasn?t used to lying to her agents. She?d been grappling with herself over whether to tell the truth all night, as she ran the hundredth test to make sure she wasn?t following a false lead.

The numbers didn?t lie. They couldn?t. Right now, Nitori was sitting on a revelation that could blow the war right open. In her day, keeping info like this to herself would have qualified as treason. Her conscience was telling her to come out with the truth, but she didn?t know if she had the nerve to follow through with it.

Well, you know what they say, she thought to herself as she dumped the papers in a nearby trashcan. She threw in a lighter a few seconds later, watching as they caught alight. What you don?t know can?t hurt you.



  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #429 on: June 06, 2012, 08:46:26 PM »
So we're done again. Another arc finished, and another story in my head that I've finally put down to paper. I'm starting to delude myself into thinking I might actually finish this story one of these days.

Anyway, the usual shoutouts are in order. Thanks to Iced, my proofreader, and the guy who beats me over the head when I try to give up. Thanks to #s-l the chat for giving me a place to blabber when I don't feel like writing. Thanks to everyone who got involved over here - I really appreciate all the support you guys are showing.

And just generally, thanks to everyone who's kept up with DRK for this long. It's been nearly two years and 200,000 words since I started, and I wouldn't have made it this far without the support of everyone reading and keeping up. I can't thank you guys enough.

Until next time. Hopefully summer will give me more time to work on the next arc...

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #430 on: June 06, 2012, 10:08:24 PM »
Fantastic arc, as always. :3 I'm guessing there'll be three more arcs. Two for the other Sirens, then one final, epic conclusion arc thingy. I could be wrong, though. Part of me doesn't want this story to end~

By the way, I'm going to have to kill you for that cliffhanger. Not cool, man. Not cool. :V I mean, what?


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #431 on: June 06, 2012, 10:18:08 PM »
That was one of the most thrilling arcs so far, I have to admit. :3

Can't wait to see what the next one brings!

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #432 on: June 06, 2012, 11:05:17 PM »
Wait, Jozu said something about her employer messing with her mind.


Am I reading the signs correctly?
Is Satori really the bad guy?
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #433 on: June 07, 2012, 01:52:21 AM »
Is Satori really the bad guy?

It's certainly a possibility I've considered. She's certainly going to show up at some point, but I have my own suspicions as to when and in what role she will.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #434 on: June 07, 2012, 04:00:37 AM »
Wait, Jozu said something about her employer messing with her mind.


Am I reading the signs correctly?
Is Satori really the bad guy?

While that's certainly a possibility, it seems a bit too obvious right now. I'm thinking more along the lines of
Satori being an 8th Siren.
That would also be fairly obvious, but it makes more sense in my mind. I dunno.


  • I never talk to you
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  • People say that I should
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #435 on: June 07, 2012, 05:52:00 AM »
Satori went from "probably a Siren" to "probably a baddie" to me. Thing is, I believe Jozu was referring to another underling when she mentioned her telepathic partner. That bit with Nitori at the end is the obvious red herring clue, though. I was actually thinking Jozu's partner was a new OC.


Meh, nevermind. On reread it's pretty obvious the boss is Satori, what with 'sharing a close bond' and being in charge of the operation. I thought it would be less obvious than this. :C
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 05:54:58 AM by BT »


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #436 on: June 07, 2012, 06:51:56 AM »
If Satori's the Claw leader, then that would mean she's not Koishi's sister. I realize it can be hard to keep this in mind, but most of the characters seen so far, and all of the Sirens, are human, even the ones, such as Koishi, that are youkai in Touhou series canon. The animals are youkai, as is Nitori, and obviously the Black Claw leader as well. Although she may not be the true leader; she's just the one we've known as the leader so far. Regardless, we know she's a youkai because in one of the segments from her PoV early on, she noted that she recognized Nitori from way back when, and that was, what, hundreds of years ago? Thousands? I don't remember, but either way, humans don't live that long. So Koishi's sister is not the Claw leader unless Koishi is also a youkai, which would contradict things that have already been stated, such as the Sirens being humans. If Satori is the Claw leader, then, it means she's not Koishi's sister, and I'm pretty sure she is Koishi's sister. I think that Satori may very well be under Claw control, and there's also a high likelyhood that she's a Siren, but right now, I'd have to say that no, she's not the Claw leader.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #437 on: June 07, 2012, 07:05:45 AM »
If Satori's the Claw leader, then that would mean she's not Koishi's sister. I realize it can be hard to keep this in mind, but most of the characters seen so far, and all of the Sirens, are human, even the ones, such as Koishi, that are youkai in Touhou series canon. The animals are youkai, as is Nitori, and obviously the Black Claw leader as well. Although she may not be the true leader; she's just the one we've known as the leader so far. Regardless, we know she's a youkai because in one of the segments from her PoV early on, she noted that she recognized Nitori from way back when, and that was, what, hundreds of years ago? Thousands? I don't remember, but either way, humans don't live that long. So Koishi's sister is not the Claw leader unless Koishi is also a youkai, which would contradict things that have already been stated, such as the Sirens being humans. If Satori is the Claw leader, then, it means she's not Koishi's sister, and I'm pretty sure she is Koishi's sister. I think that Satori may very well be under Claw control, and there's also a high likelyhood that she's a Siren, but right now, I'd have to say that no, she's not the Claw leader.

Though, I think it's highly possible that Koishi is a Youkai. In fact, I have very little doubt in my mind that she is a Youkai, and that they were wrong about all the Sirens being humans. Koishi is, obviously, a VERY special case, which could allow for her to be the exception to the rule.

On a side note, I actually am starting to think Satori is under claw control. She doesn't necessarily have to be the leader; I'm thinking she's probably just one of the higher-ups. Pretty much a Black Claw equivalent of Koishi, what with the Sango/Jozu parallel. I'm not sure how I feel about this, since it is a bit too obvious, but if Rou pulls it off well, the obviousness won't matter much to me.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #438 on: June 07, 2012, 07:09:23 AM »
Since this is a magical girl kinda thing, there's a good chance she's the equivalent of Black Lady/Dark Moon from Sailor Moon.

Alternate Theory:
Since she said she recognized Nitori from way back when, there could be a possibility that she's being bodyjacked.
Like, some evil force is using her as a mere puppet, and the Satori we saw wasn't really the real one, but the evil force masquerading as her.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • I never talk to you
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  • People say that I should
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #439 on: June 07, 2012, 10:50:50 AM »
Obviously I meant that Satori is under Mindcoil control. If the leader has to be some kind of youkai, then I guess it's not Satori, but 'the leader' could also be the mindcoil itself. \o/


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #440 on: June 07, 2012, 07:15:23 PM »
Obviously I meant that Satori is under Mindcoil control. If the leader has to be some kind of youkai, then I guess it's not Satori, but 'the leader' could also be the mindcoil itself. \o/

Even if the leader would be something as eldritch as the mindcoil itself, just how would Yukari try to deal with something that we have no idea how it would be personificated? Nitori stated that youkai had the same ideals and concepts of magic as humans did, and that the humans rebelled against them and their offer of peaceful living, so the youkai had to fight fire with fire. Cast in point; The Ravager. But because of how it's ambigous sentinence absolutly screwed everyone over and formed the Black Claw, then what sort of machinations would form it in modern-day Gensouto?
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 08:57:28 PM by Irisu »

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #441 on: June 07, 2012, 07:37:35 PM »
Wait, that just gave me another idea.
The Ravager IS  The Mindcoil!
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #442 on: June 07, 2012, 07:49:01 PM »
Alternate, probably out there idea:
The Ravager is the Yatagarasu, and something very, very bad is going to happen to Okuu.

Silent Harmony

  • Everybody needs the Pharmarcy
  • Justice never dies!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #443 on: June 09, 2012, 07:24:10 AM »
I don't know why, but I feel like things tied themselves up a little too cleanly this time. Thinking hard, I guess I just would've loved to have seen more interaction between
Miyo and Yuyuko
, especially given the former's bitter feelings towards the latter. Also how in the world is
Yuyuko going to introduce Youmu to the world, and what kind of fallout are we in for given that she's basically "forced" a girl to pretend to be her son for 10 years. Youmu may have gone along by choice, but only because the alternative was being an orphan.
I suppose there is always more time for all of that in the future.

Another great arc overall, despite my grumblings just now. I eagerly await the next one.

1CC List (all shmups)
League of Legends / Harmony11(#1694)


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 Complete
« Reply #444 on: June 09, 2012, 10:21:17 PM »
I don't know why, but I feel like things tied themselves up a little too cleanly this time. Thinking hard, I guess I just would've loved to have seen more interaction between
Miyo and Yuyuko
, especially given the former's bitter feelings towards the latter. Also how in the world is
Yuyuko going to introduce Youmu to the world, and what kind of fallout are we in for given that she's basically "forced" a girl to pretend to be her son for 10 years. Youmu may have gone along by choice, but only because the alternative was being an orphan.
I suppose there is always more time for all of that in the future.

Another great arc overall, despite my grumblings just now. I eagerly await the next one.

Youmu wouldn't mind it - remember how she keeps pointing out all she had to do was just expose her chest, etc etc, but didn't, because she likes having a mother now. Now she's gotten Yuyuko to acknowledge that she really is Youmu and not Youki, she'd probably be willing to go out as Youki just to keep things simple.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6 Begins!
« Reply #445 on: August 15, 2012, 09:43:13 PM »
Sup, guys.

Arc 6.

Weekly updates.

Let's go.


History class had never been so nerve-wracking.

Ever since the incident at the protest, Keine had focused her attention on Sango alone. There was no doubt she?d seen something, but most people would have discarded it as a trick of the mind by now. The professor?s obsession with Sango was verging on inhuman.

It had started with a polite request for Sango to remove her jacket. When that failed she cited school rules, only to be blocked when Koishi reminded her that the dress code didn?t forbid wearing anything on top of the uniform. Then followed a series of hare-brained schemes to smoke out Sango?s secret - resulting in today, where she had turned all the room?s radiators on at full temperature.


Sango?s head slumped on the desk, sweat dripping off of her forehead. Keine had ?conveniently? seated her right next to one of the radiators, and the dolphin had been struggling just to stay conscious. Her eyes were locked on the conspicuous new addition to the teacher?s desk - a digital camera, its red light flashing on and off, already focused on Sango?s seat. It had been programmed to track the dolphin, never moving away from her.

?What the hell?s going on?? one of the students muttered. ?Maybe Tororetsu-san is weird, but there?s no way it?s worth all this.?

?Yeah,? another boy said, undoing the top buttons of his shirt. ?Who the hell would up the temperature on a sunny day like this??

The grumbles scattered across the class in all directions. It was the sort of chatter that Keine normally wouldn?t tolerate, but the rest of the class may as well not have existed. The professor had her eyes on Sango alone, watching for the slightest twitch or complaint.

Koishi bit her lip. Her companion looked ready to pass out. The clock on the other side of the room ticked on at a leisurely pace, each second stretching out longer than the last. Part of her wondered if the class would ever come to an end.

Thankfully, it did.


As soon as the bell sounded, Sango was on her feet and shimmying behind Koishi to get some distance from the radiator. She pumped her fist in self-congratulation, running for the door to make a quick trip to the nearest water fountain.

?Just a moment, Tororetsu-san,? Keine said, holding an arm out in front of the doorway. ?I?d like to talk to you after class, please.?

The muttering and grumbling fell silent in an instant. The unwavering heat gave way to a deathly chill throughout the classroom. No-one exchanged words - Keine?s reputation already spoke for itself. A couple of students winced in recollection.

Koishi gulped. This didn?t bode well for Sango. The dolphin broke away from the crowd, standing in the far corner that Keine pointed towards. The rest of the class shuffled out of the room, most of them staring at the floor as they left.

Only Mokou turned around on the way out. She looked up towards Koishi, lifting her eyebrows in a silent question.

Koishi nodded. Don?t worry, Mokou-san. I?ll handle this.

Mokou was slow to respond, but at last let the hubbub of the crowd consume her. The last few stragglers drifted out of the doorway, leaving only three people in the room.

?I don?t recall telling you to stay behind,? Keine said, her voice venomous as she turned to Koishi. ?I asked for Tororetsu-san, and no-one else.?

Koishi took a deep breath as she approached the teacher, standing right in front of her desk. ?Pardon me for asking, but you never said why you wanted to see Sango-san on her own.?

A raised eyebrow. ?And since when is that your business??

?She?s my friend. Isn?t that enough??

Keine?s eyes shot daggers into Koishi, as if she was trying to kill her with a glance. Koishi stood firm, feet pressing into the floor as she held her ground. After a five-second standoff, the teacher sighed.

?You know what this is about, Komeiji-san.? Keine opened a drawer in her desk, rustling around in it as she spoke. ?Your friend has been showing a consistent lack of discipline since her arrival here. She even refuses to follow a simple order like taking her jacket off.?

At last, Keine removed a strap of leather as long as her arm. She gave it a practice swing on the ground, scattering the dust with a lightning-fast crack.

?I believe some punishment is in order.?

Sango eyed the belt cautiously, hands falling to her sides. Keine took long, proud steps towards her, stroking the leather like a prized possession.

Koishi?s stomach churned. She?d heard stories of the professor?s use of corporal punishment, but this was her first time witnessing it first hand.

?Tororetsu-san. Hold your hand out, please.?

The dolphin obeyed, holding her right arm out for the teacher to see. Keine took a step back to get the proper distance, before bringing the belt down on Sango?s hand with a smack.


The dolphin let out a yelp as a red mark appeared where she?d been struck. It was nothing her youkai physique couldn?t handle, but that didn?t make it any less painful. Keine pulled the belt back in, growling.

?Well, Tororetsu-san? All I?m asking is for you to take the jacket off. If you won?t do it, we?ll be here all night.?

Sango winced, but ultimately shook her head. There was too much at stake for her to let Keine know the truth. The teacher?s face darkened, and she brought the belt down on Sango again, with a little more force than last time.

The strike never reached its target.


Keine blurted out Koishi?s name as she pulled the belt back. The blow had caught Koishi just above the eye, and it was every bit as painful as she had expected it to be. Her knees almost buckled from the impact, but she managed to keep herself standing as she stood between Sango and the teacher.

?Kamishirasawa-sensei...this has to stop.? She took a step forward, trying to intimidate a woman almost two heads taller than her. ?You?ve been picking on Sango-san for no good reason. Giving her extra homework, calling her out on mistakes that everyone makes...what do you have against her??

Keine?s face warped at the accusation. On instinct she brought the belt in again, this time making it crack against Koishi?s cheek. A crescent cut appeared on the Siren?s face as her whole body trembled.

But she stood firm.

?And now you?re trying to beat it out of her,? she said, letting a deep-seated anger bubble up to the surface. ?What gives you the right to hurt another human being like that??

Keine?s expression was rabid now. Her eyes flared, her lips twisted, and for an instant Koishi could see the words forming on her lips.

She?s a monster.

That was what Keine wanted to say. That was what she?d seen at the protest. That was what she?d been trying to prove. But she could hardly make an accusation like that without evidence. That was what the camera was for - even if no-one was around, it would catch Sango in the act if she took the jacket off.

?It ends now.? Koishi stood as tall as she could manage. ?Sango-san is my friend. If you want to hurt her, you?ll have to get through me first.?

Sango let out a little gasp. She shook her head, her hair flapping about behind her. Koishi-san, don?t do this! I can take the hits better than you can!

Keine?s eyes narrowed. She held her nose up, looking down on Koishi as if the Siren was the most disgusting thing she?d ever laid her eyes on.

I know. Koishi?s knees were still shaking. The pain made her eyes mist up. She dug her fingernails into her palms to fight the urge to yell. But if I just sat there and let her hit you, what sort of friend would that make me?

That had been her once. She had been too cowardly to defend anyone, let alone herself. But she refused to let herself fall into that trap again. She looked up at Keine, the tears in her eyes belying her determination.

?You little-?

Keine pulled her arm as far back as she could for maximum impact. Koishi watched the strike come in in slow motion, the air around it splitting apart with such force it almost produced a wind current.


A voice from the doorway stopped Keine mid-swing. Her heart almost leaped out of her throat as she turned around to face the speaker. Iku Nagae was stomping through the doorway, with the same indignant expression as Koishi. Mokou hung right behind her, face flushed as she caught her breath.

?What do you think you?re doing to these girls?? She grabbed the camera on the desk as she passed it. ?And you?re recording it, too? What on earth is wrong with you??

Keine?s presence disappeared the moment Iku picked up the camera. She dropped the belt harmlessly at her feet, the blood flushing from her face. Her mouth bobbed open and shut, but no sound emerged.

?Come with me,? Iku said, grabbing Keine by the sleeve and tugging her away. ?You have a lot of explaining to do.?

Keine followed along, almost lifeless as she trailed behind. Koishi and Sango watched her stumble out of the room, neither of them speaking a word until the teachers were well out of earshot.

?Well, that went a lot better in my head.? Koishi grabbed at her face, the adrenaline of the situation starting to wear off. Her skin stung where she?d been lashed by the belt, and there?d be a mark left there for certain.

?You all right?? Mokou darted over to Koishi, taking a quick glance at her wounds. ?Hmm...looks painful, but I think I can help with it. If we head back to my place, I can whip up a cream that?ll fix you right up.?

?Koishi-san...? Sango still struggled to find the words, staring at Koishi in awe. When at last she spoke, she planted a hand squarely on Koishi?s shoulder. ?What was that all about? You know that hurt you a lot more than it would have hurt me. There was no reason for you to-?

?I know.?

With two small words, Koishi silenced Sango in an instant. She smiled in spite of the pain from her newfound injuries.

?It?s a reflex, y?know? I just do it without thinking. When I see someone in trouble, I kind of jump into action and do everything I can. Isn?t that what heroes do??

Sango didn?t seem impressed - in fact, if anything, Koishi?s story seemed to concern her. She opened her mouth to speak again, but Mokou beat her to it.

?She?s got a point, Koishi-san. I know you wanted me to let you handle this yourself, but when I saw her pull out the belt I figured you were in over your head. You?re lucky I managed to run into Nagae-san pretty quickly.?

That didn?t sound quite as heroic, but Mokou did have a point. Koishi felt her initial rush of courage diminish a little. Maybe she was going too far with her heroics, especially if they left her feeling as crummy as this.

? far away is your house again, Mokou-san??

?Five minutes, tops. Two if you run.? She beckoned Koishi towards the exit. ?This way.?

Koishi nodded. She took a step forward before turning back to Sango. The dolphin stood in place, Koishi?s declaration still ringing in her ears.

?Sango-san, aren?t you going to come with us?? Koishi gave her a poke on the shoulder, and she jerked upright.

?Uh, yeah! That?d be great.?

She brightened up, putting an arm around Koishi as she headed for the doorway. The Siren smiled to herself. Maybe she?d been a bit pushy about it, but her intentions couldn?t have been better if she tried.

?Now, I?m gonna warn you,? Mokou said, waving a finger about. ?This stuff doesn?t smell all that good, so I?d advise you to hold your nose...?


With all of her recent excursions, Sakuya was beginning to wonder when Patchouli would just grow tired of her antics and throw her out of the house.

She?d been working double time while she was at home to make up for it, but Patchouli never seemed ready to let her off the hook. She?d made threats of redundancy once or twice, but the odds of her following through on them were almost non-existent. Patchouli was harsh, but ultimately she had to know that Sakuya had an irreplaceable bond with the Scarlet sisters.

Not that it stopped her from coming up with a new snide comment every time Sakuya came home, of course.

Luckily, Patchouli was much more understanding when it came to visiting Youmu. Long-lost sisters were a big deal, after all. Sakuya had kept to her word and visited whenever she wasn?t needed. Given that patrols mainly consisted of attending local events and watching for anyone interesting, it turned out the team could survive in her absence. She made three or four visits a week, walking wherever the public transport couldn?t take her. She?d considered taking a lift from Meiling, but she had never been a fan of ten-car pileups.

Today was one of those visits. She took a moment to catch her breath as she finished the climb up the hill to the Saigyouji manor. It wasn?t getting any shorter, but she was building up her stamina little by little. Youmu would have been able to run laps around her. She?d always been the more athletic sister, and ten years of swordplay had just made the gap between them larger.

It?s a shame she?s so simple when it comes down to it.

Sakuya playfully twirled around the bag in her hand. This was an idea she?d been pondering for a while, and she?d only finally found the nerve to try out. She?d worked up Youmu?s trust over the last few days, so with any luck the swordsman would buy into the scheme without any clue she was being duped.

The gate was still as flimsy as they?d left it. Sakuya cringed a little as she slipped through the gateway and walked across the gravel towards the front door. Youmu was already waiting for her at the entrance.

?I?m surprised no-one?s tried to break this down,? Sakuya said, tapping at the wood with one hand.

?An attack on the Saigyouji family?? Youmu smirked. ?The thieves of the area know better than that.?

In spite of her recent revelations, Youmu had kept strictly to her usual gi. Only the hair-ribbon offered a hint towards her femininity. Sakuya frowned as she followed her sister into the manor.

?How?s your mother?? she asked. It was a question she forced herself to ask out of politeness. She still hadn?t come to terms with Yuyuko?s actions, whatever her excuse happened to be. For Youmu?s sake Sakuya stayed well away from the noble, in case she did something everyone would regret.

?It?s complicated. There?s a lot of bureaucracy she has to wade through, and it?s taking its toll on her.? Youmu sighed. At least she?d started to emote like a real person now. ?There might even be some charges filed against her involving fraud. The kendo association are trying to keep the whole thing under wraps - they might have a national scandal on their hands.?

?What, are they mad that a mere girl managed to outdo their best competitors?? Sakuya ruffled at Youmu?s hair, eager to shift the subject away from Yuyuko. The swordsman barely flinched. She was probably used to her mother giving her the same treatment.

?Anyway, she?s taking a little rest right now. I?ve been tending to her wherever I can, and hopefully after a few months we?ll have this all sorted out.? Youmu pulled her head back. ?What about you? I still can?t believe you took a job as a maid. It sounds so...beneath you.?

Sakuya chuckled. ?Perhaps it is, but it was better than nothing. And everything?s fine at home. Flan?s been busy with a project of hers. Remilia hired a professional costume artist to design a magical girl outfit with her. Kirisame, I think her name was.?

?Isn?t she a little old for fantasies like that??

?You?re never too old for that sort of thing, in my opinion.? Sakuya put on a devilish grin. ?I mean, look at Koishi-san. She?s probably got the silliest outfit of all of us, but she?s really getting into the whole superhero business.?

Youmu began to blush. ?Is that normal for girls these days??

?No. But neither is being a super-strict swordsman, so you two have a lot in common.?

That was enough to silence Youmu on the matter. Sakuya felt warmer in her presence, like she?d been reunited with a long-lost piece of herself, but there was a straightforwardness to her that Sakuya would have never possessed.

It gave her so many opportunities for entertainment, she was unable to contain herself.

?By the way,? Sakuya said, twirling the bag in her hand again, ?I was wanting to ask you something.?

?What is it??

?When was the last time you dressed like a girl??

Youmu tripped, narrowly keeping herself from falling over. Now she was really blushing.

?W-What sort of question is that?? she wheezed.

Sakuya shrugged, reaching into the bag and pulling out some clothes. She laid a grey blazer on the ground in front of Youmu, then a skirt to go along with it. Youmu pulled back as if she was allergic to them.

?What?s the matter?? Sakuya asked. ?I was thinking you?d look sort of cute in it, that?s all.?

Youmu?s face was beetroot, and she couldn?t bring herself to look forwards. She stumbled on her words, flapping her arms about as her charisma buckled up and died.

?Cute? Why would I want to be cute?! I?m a grown woman, Miyo!?

?Oh, come on. You don?t even have to wear it in front of your mother or anything.?

?No. Absolutely not!? Youmu crossed her arms with a mighty ?hmph?. For all her supposed maturity, she still knew how to pout like a child. Sakuya let out a well-rehearsed sigh.

?What if I made it a bet?? She reached into her pocket, pulling out a silver coin. ?Let?s make it 50/50. Heads, you play dressup. Tails, I go sparring with you for an hour. Sound fair??

Sparring with Youmu for an hour was verging on suicide, especially for someone with as little training as Sakuya. Youmu glowered at her, no doubt imagining the sort of pain she?d inflict on Sakuya if she won. That was exactly what Sakuya wanted her to be thinking about.

?You promise that you won?t complain if you lose?? the swordsman grumbled. Her hands were already clenched as her blushing started to fade.

Sakuya curtseyed. ?Only if you promise to do the same.?

Youmu weighed the thought over for some time. She looked down at the outfit in dread, then towards Sakuya with visible hostility. Finally she gave Sakuya a pained nod.

?Don?t worry. I?ll try not to break anything too badly.?

Oh, I?m not worrying at all, Sakuya thought to herself as she flipped the coin upwards.

It would land on heads. She knew that. Using a two-headed coin killed the suspense a little. Youmu would disapprove, of course, but technically Sakuya hadn?t lied to her. She?d just chosen not to mention that there were no tails on this coin.  Better yet, Youmu had trapped herself - she?d promised not to complain, and she didn?t seem the sort to go back on her vows.

You samurai and your honour, Sakuya thought to herself. So easy to play with...


Sumire?s offer had been irresistible.

Komachi?s return to law was not as triumphant as she?d been hoping for. If Eiki had been in charge she would have started on the top rung again, but with another head judge acting in her place Komachi was reduced to basic archiving. In short, she was exactly where she?d been as Eiki?s subordinate.

She?d been okay with it before, but that was because she had given up on being a lawyer. Now that she wanted back into the practice, the lack of progress was infuriating. She had started to peek over people?s shoulders, offering tidbits of advice for their cases as she went through withdrawal.

A few days later, Sumire approached Komachi with the deal. She had been working on the Morichika case ever since his acquittal, digging into every lead and every possibility. Her output was astounding, especially for someone so new, but she was still prone to the occasional rookie slip-up.

This was exactly why she had come to Komachi.

?I figured that it was worth testing how true all the rumours about you were,? Sumire had said, slipping a folder of research onto the desk. ?Besides, whatever the higher-ups say, we can?t waste talent like you on pencil pushing. So, you want in??

It was the easiest decision Komachi had ever made. As soon as she?d opened the folder she felt her brain click into position, long-forgotten synapses firing at blinding speed. She devoured Sumire?s research, taking in every fact and tidbit from the invaluable to the mundane. She began to fill the blanks in her head, building hypotheses and arguments strong enough to demand further inquiry.

The days were long, but brutally efficient. The two lawyers split their efforts between research and analysis. Sumire was better with fieldwork because she lacked the suspicious aura that Komachi possessed. She was also a lot more friendly with sources, whereas Komachi was far from easy to open up to.

They built a system to work by: Sumire would travel around the city and follow up any new leads during the day, and in the evenings Komachi would put the puzzle together and decide where her companion had to go next. They saw little of each other; both of them were so caught up in their own work that they had little time to be social. They would speak for half an hour at most in the evenings when Sumire handed in her findings for the day.

It was in one of these short meetings that Komachi saw a change in Sumire.  Her enthusiasm was muffled, her expression distant and her hands impatient. She had put together another immaculate report, but she almost trembled as she placed it on Komachi?s desk. The lawyer was on edge as she opened the file and read through Sumire?s work.

?Talk me through this,? Komachi said. She trusted Sumire to have written down her thoughts concisely, but it was best to let the girl speak her mind.

?Ah, yes,? Sumire stuttered. ?So like you asked, I did some reading into Morichika?s childhood to look for potential contacts.?

?And you found...??

?Well, he was a problem child from early on. His parents were gamblers and frequently blew their rent payments on Pachinko. They were habitual liars themselves, abusing family and friends for loans they would never pay back. He was about seven when they broke up and he went to live with his father.?

?This is where we reach his school troubles, right??

?Yes. Morichika picked up the habit from his parents, and there?s a history of disciplinary action against him. His father paid him little mind, usually too caught up in his own debt to do much parenting. Over the years he moved up from small-time pickpocketing to doing some work under a local dealer. Obviously when he used his profits to move into business he got rid of the damning evidence. All I?ve got is hearsay from a convicted criminal, and that?ll never hold in court.?

Komachi nodded. This was textbook Morichika play - he removed anything blatantly incriminating, but left behind just enough to get the police curious. He never got away without leaving some sort of vague clue towards his involvement, sometimes even deliberately leaving a mark. It was verging on pathological, like he was trying to demonstrate how untouchable he was to anyone who wanted to bring him in. So far, he?d been right - the Layla Prismriver case had been the closest they?d ever come to catching him, but that slip-up with the forensic officer had destroyed all of their work.

But he was human, Komachi thought to herself. He couldn?t run forever, especially if he couldn?t resist leaving a trail of breadcrumbs in his wake.

?So, wanna tell me why you?re so riled up?? she asked. Sumire flinched for a moment, but hung her head in shame as another side of the story oozed out of her.

?Komachi-san...the more I read into Morichika?s past, the more I wonder how much of a monster he really is. He was born into a bad family and got brought up to see lying and stealing as a virtue. I feel it?s not so much his fault as it is the fault of the circumstances he got brought up in.?

Of course. It should have been more obvious. Sumire was the sort that had come into the practice seeking justice, putting away evildoers and protecting the innocent. In truth, it was never as simple as that - everyone had something to hide, and conversely even the greatest monsters were usually pushed down the road to darkness by someone else.

That problem had plagued Komachi for a while, but around the time she?d left the practice she had found her answer. She closed the file, sighing as she looked up to Sumire with almost maternal pity.

?Look, maybe you?re right. Maybe Morichika is some tragic figure whose childhood would make kids in Africa cry. But that?s not your problem, Sumire. Think of the Prismriver sisters. If you went up and told them that it wasn?t Morichika?s fault that Layla died, they?d skin you alive.?

Sumire gasped, taken aback by Komachi?s cruel streak. Komachi paid her no mind as she continued.

?Prison?s more than just a cell and a window, Sumire. There are professionals who make it a job to work with these people, who tend to criminals and try to fix them. They?re called psychologists. But there are other professionals who make a living out of locking these people away before they can do any more harm.?

She threw the folder at Sumire. ?That's what you are, so start acting like it. Look for schoolmates, anyone who can get us a proper link to that dealer. We need something concrete to pin him to, and everything else will go from there.?

For a moment Komachi was afraid she?d pushed too hard. Sumire barely grabbed the folder, a few pages falling out onto the floor. She nodded as she twisted towards the door and let herself out, not bothering to pick up the fallen sheets.

?Damn.? Komachi muttered to herself as she picked up the fallen paper. No big loss. There?d been nothing of value in that report anyway.

Maybe she was trying too hard to fix the kid. Sumire reminded her too much of how she?d been in the olden days - bold, bright, and painfully naive. Without a helping hand, Sumire might fall into the same trap that had cost Komachi her job. She was trying to help, but she had never been much of an orator. That was the sort of thing she usually left to other people.

?Heh.? Komachi smirked as she pulled out another folder of finances. She?d been looking through Morichika?s business dealings when she had nothing else to look at, and there were a few promising leads to follow up on. ?Koishi-san, what I?d give to have you here right now...?


  • I don't mean to be greedy...
  • ... but white rice is my favorite food.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #446 on: August 15, 2012, 10:00:29 PM »
Uuuuoooooooohhhhhhhhh!!! It's back!

Which reminds me I still have to draw normal Komachi :Y


  • catnapping
  • three dots connect to rectangles
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #447 on: August 15, 2012, 11:00:33 PM »
You have no idea how excited I was when I saw the '-new-' next to this thread

And I see your favorite word is still 'immaculate'
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #448 on: August 15, 2012, 11:17:08 PM »
yeah! New magical girl hijinks!

I have no idea what's even going to happen in this arc, since there was no preview, but I know it's gonna be great!
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #449 on: August 16, 2012, 12:36:19 AM »
I've been waiting for this!

Can't wait to see where it goes this time! :3

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.