Author Topic: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You, Ei, Yume - Gameplay Translation into deep Dreams  (Read 382147 times)

to use the combo one of the 2 need to have the pagoda equipped.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
How is the WP bonus for the Koishi drama stage even doable. Help? Also as that question implies, I'm at the Yumeko stage right now. As for whoever asked for the problem with the Ei patch, Flan wouldn't spawn in, no matter how long I waited :/. Also Eiki is still rediculously op as a player unit, I'm suprised she wasnt nerfed. I am liking Nue's gimmick, she's really fun to use, as well as Lily Black. Medicine gives armor down, right?

Go to the left of 4 left and 1 Up of
before you attack initially.
Save before you Convince, I can't remember the answers you are suppose to give quite right, if you did it incorrectly, she will move 1 space left on every wrong answer, so just trial and error it.

The fight as a whole is not a problem, I just tried to down her from 1 phase (in my group there were Cirno + Dai, Letty + Lily White (since I still had 4.0) Shou and Nazrin (without Padoga ... they have combo, but it can not be used) and the Ship that could not attack I forgot that the anchor a combo attack) with all this, as I already wrote - I was able to deal 20k ~ 35k damage per 1 FPM. And down it to from 100%HP non spell to 50%HP of the final card in 1 turn.

Yes ... I could not down Alert from Senses, since she had twice chosen Satori as the target, and I forgot to switch Orin to Utsuho (she has support defense)

If I bomb her first card, maybe I will be able to fully cope with it in one phase (?)

Sorry from double posting.

Just bomb for breathing space on the final card when you pass it back to her.  You only get -30 power vs. 200 if you don't.
Thing with this game is that it always presents you with a bad situation where you want to bomb, but the card that comes afterwards is a million times worse.

Case and point, last game, Eirin's 1st Card sets all armor to 0, you might think that is a very bad thing, so if you use 1 of your 2 bombs there, you think it will be fine.  In actuality, no, what comes afterwards is absolutely dreadful, since you cannot do ANYTHING.  In order to win there, you have bomb twice to free people from the spell. (or you can just use Alice's dolls, then you need no bombs), but that is not the point I am trying to make.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 04:08:17 PM by c l e a r »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
delete this

to use the combo one of the 2 need to have the pagoda equipped.

Yes, haha, the funniest - I did not seen that Nazrin does not increase cost when equipping Pagoda (unlike Shou) ... I needed 0.5 cost.

Just bomb for breathing space on the final card when you pass it back to her.  You only get -30 power vs. 200 if you don't.
Thing with this game is that it always presents you with a bad situation where you want to bomb, but the card that comes afterwards is a million times worse.

Well, I started from now on "" and finished it with Reimu + Marisa "" in One turn, used bomb her first spell card from Lily + Letty (This was in the total 200k HP+ damage ), She does not have good chances of dodging, so some of my characters already had a 100% chance of hitting without strike (but Satori strongly helped)
Ichirin and Uzan are of course a wow (240+ SP)

Must always remember: 150 power is a bad number when dropping from a ship ...

is much easier to pull off, because she does not have a starting MAP to pressure you with.  Everyone afterwards, I would assume at this point, has a starting MAP making it much harder.  At least the ones that I have seen so far are quite weak, that might change.

In this regard, I think to try to take advantage Border of the Vanguard and Rearguard Yukari. That would switch under MAP characters standing back.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 08:35:20 AM by Nikkanoffun »

Toyohime's map is dumb. It has a huge radius. Very hight damage. And can be used to snipe thing if you have the right skill. I know Okuu gets even more rediculously dumb with hers, but the whole downgrade thing is off putting. Anyway, Chen got a new skill in this game, and I dont know what it does. Help?

It casts Zeal once when her Power reaches 130.

Toyohime's map is dumb. It has a huge radius. Very hight damage. And can be used to snipe thing if you have the right skill.

There is a reason it bears the name of the weapon that single-handedly destroys Alpha 3.

Doesn't it take 150 Power to use though? Frankly I've had trouble getting good use out of it, since it only comes into play once most of the trash is already dead.


  • Drill baby drill!
Starting someone off with 150 power isn't difficult, inbetween the power +10 starting item, tipsy, rising force, Rouse, and Inspiration.

Though frankly speaking
Toyohime isn't...great if you don't use her MAP, I avoided using it and she was...remarkably squishy for a support defender with a barrier,along with some iffy hit rates that late into the game. Yorihime is definitely the better of the two, as she can be set up to single or nearly so handedly delete just about any spell card in the game just by giving her a lunatic shooter and maybe a handful of extra weapons levels.

In general I think the best units in 4 are probably
Shinki, Yorihime, Marisa Yuyuko, and Yukari (caveat). The first is an outrageously bulky, extremely powerful super who has incredible support spirits, a really large SP pool that goes the distance thanks to SP regen, and super high range. She has no post move but that's not actually a problem in a game with both partners and buyable hit and away. Yorihime can chunk an entire health bar by herself and is a super solid dodge tank outside of that role with extremely respectable damage and a fantastic spirit list.  Marisa does everything Yorihime does, but requires Renew support for her nuclear launch detected (but even without it her MP pool is big enough at this point where she can spam sparks with, of all things, access to assail and wow that's kind of outrageous.) Yuyuko has a incredible spirit list (including...soul? She really needed soul on top of everything else?), fantastic damage, amazing ranges, and is both considerably dodgy and super durable, making her remarkably hard to kill. Yukari, meanwhile, is just a super strong super at this point who's SP pool is huge enough now that she can do anything she wants for a time, but without the mystic memory she's not quite as good since she'll probably lack enough SP to do just one more spirit.

Honorable mentions to Yuuka and Hisoutensoku. The former you only have for like two maps even though she's bonkers strong, and the latter being let down by its inability to be put in a team, even though it's probably one of the best units in the game otherwise.

While I agree with most of what you said,
When I used Yori and Toyo on my first playthrough, they both pulled their own weight with very high damage. I get what you mean by she is squishy, but I bought guard lv2. As an honorable mention for heavy hitters, Parsee with her skill for increased damage for how many attacks the enemy has and Yuugi have practically 1 hit life bars for me, it's crazy

Doesn't it take 150 Power to use though? Frankly I've had trouble getting good use out of it, since it only comes into play once most of the trash is already dead.

It is meaningful to take absolutely on any support, and on those characters who at the very beginning use sp.
For most of the purely combat characters, the skill is rather useless, either you will not use sp at starting, or you will have some problems (I like to drop on the boss at 170 power, having a maximum sp)

The second skill level is quite expensive, and the first one will give you an average of 30 sp.
I do not know where to take it... because I always do not have enough slots for skills.

Also, I do not know that "との相互の" now means a reciprocal bonus of friendship (earlier it was written in the second line). So ... Ichirin and Murasa should become an even more absurd team? (Now I'm thinking of taking off + 50sp for Uzana)
« Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 08:44:19 PM by Nikkanoffun »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Well, I finally know a lot more about the
Map now that I played it extensively.

Now that I know Marisa can pull a HIKARI NI NAAAAAREEEE for a whooping 32,000 Damage to Nightmare Mima (Danmaku Power Maximum with 420 Full MP, and Courage),
I think I can deal with the map a lot more easier now and actually send some units north to deal with the other
for the WP on the next playthru.

Huge threats on the Map from what I have seen:
Mokou: In Range on Turn 3, Resurrects twice, has Fuijiyama Volcano MAP (1-5), the good thing is that the range is rather small, but she is still a threat.
Koishi and Utsuho: Both are in range on Turn 4: during this turn, Nue should have Confuse on.  Koishi herself is nothing, but her field with Utsuho hiding in it (Null Strike) is ridiculous with Confuse on, bomb and take at least Utsuho out.  Utsuho needs to be dealt with before she gets to the main core of the formation and blows everything away with Giga Flare MAP.
Tenshi: In Range on Turn 5, has very thick armor from her field, and tend to be hiding in or near Mima's field.  She has Assail instead of Courage, so she can move do her MAP on the same turn.
Ran: In Range on Turn 8, has Ultimate Buddist Enemy MAP (1-6), needs Strike to be taken down, otherwise Split Image happens.
Kanako: In Range on Turn 9, unlike the rest of the threats, she has no MAP, but she uses Snipe and Assail (again with something she cannot learn), and has double move.  She can run to 10 spaces away, and just fire off Valor and Fury Charged Mountain of Faith twice in a turn, which pretty much kills anything she targets into.  If you got on board Support Defends (AI only Fury if Support Defend is in the front), there is nothing you can do to stop her.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 11:47:50 PM by c l e a r »

I want to note: In my opinion, the mutual bonus of friendship is the most balanced PS for many characters (as after 3 levels you get + 3% damage -3% damage reduction, +3% accuracy / evasion, chance of critical hit) In this you get + 18% if both characters are exposed 3lvl (If they already have a +3)

Account of Eiki, I'm a little disappointed, her set of attacks is pretty sluggish and the damage that she can make is too low ... I think she's the weakest of 3.5.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 01:26:07 PM by Nikkanoffun »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
I want to note: In my opinion, the mutual bonus of friendship is the most balanced PS for many characters (as after 3 levels you get + 3% damage -3% damage reduction, +3% accuracy / evasion, chance of critical hit) In this you get + 18% if both characters are exposed 3lvl (If they already have a +3)

Account of Eiki, I'm a little disappointed, her set of attacks is pretty sluggish and the damage that she can make is too low ... I think she's the weakest of 3.5.

I think the biggest problem with her is that she lacks a piercing attack, and relies solely on Fury to punch through Barriers.  However, I use
for her superb PS "Cheer!" cause it starts everyone with a +7 power in the beginning of the stage.

Oh, so I am at the obligatory, you start with no power stage and at half health and SP lol.  I did some head math.  Unless the Giant Sheep power downs me every turn, can I just use Elrin's new PS, which I affectionately named: Shady Drugs, to get the Prismrivers powered up, so Merlin can just try to make my units not a worthless pile of trash?

I think the biggest problem with her is that she lacks a piercing attack, and relies solely on Fury to punch through Barriers.  However, I use
for her superb PS "Cheer!" cause it starts everyone with a +7 power in the beginning of the stage.

Yes, but Yuyuko can do the same and even better, she has nowhere to expend her huge pool of sp.

Koishi ... quite cunning, but the natural weak in everything plays against she (literally any FPM + Support kicked out of it 45-55% HP)
Of course, it can somehow make a trick with teleportation, but only if you are very lucky, since only one teleportation point will be far from you, it will not be difficult to get into the other two.
I coped with she in one turn ... I needed zeal from Reimu and Marisa. Ichirin and Murasa for some reason did not get the effect of Hot blood in he FPM ... but got +1 action from Iku (I did not understand how it works) and compensated for this.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 04:41:02 PM by Nikkanoffun »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Yuyuko can only go so far thought, I take any free power I can get.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Koishi ... quite cunning, but the natural weak in everything plays against she (literally any FPM + Support kicked out of it 45-55% HP)
Of course, it can somehow make a trick with teleportation, but only if you are very lucky, since only one teleportation point will be far from you, it will not be difficult to get into the other two.
I coped with she in one turn ... I needed zeal from Reimu and Marisa. Ichirin and Murasa for some reason did not get the effect of Hot blood in he FPM ... but got +1 action from Iku (I did not understand how it works) and compensated for this.

I am thinking about trapping her in a corner before starting her spells on the next playthru.  That way her teleports can controlled better.

is hilarious, but I wonder does she always aim her MAP down once she starts
Double Spark
, if so, then it is a hilarious blind spot.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 10:56:59 PM by c l e a r »

Eiki's skills are what make her retarded. Her round accuracy skill makes her nigh unkillable unless the enemy has huge accuracy or casts spirits. Her damage rounding skill also should be strong, as it could potentially increase dps. I've been using suika alot this last playthrough, and her new finisher is really good, I mean she isn't top tier, but it was nice seeing her go LLL and do 13k to Meeko on the Lunarian stage. Also since I just beat up Makura, her mp drain spell has a different animation depending on who she attacks, it's really something. Also Parsee and Yuugi did about 20k on her last bar :O


  • Drill baby drill!
Eiki's definitely one of the weaker 3.5s, but she's still a strong unit. Access to Fury is a big deal in this game,  her ranges are good enough, her damage output is respectable although not enormous, and she avoids the awkward misses/hits that sub 100% hit rate and less than 0% avoid rates can cause. I don't know how well she'd pan out in the later maps for hard without investment, but on Normal at least she gives you that extra layer of security that other reals don't quite manage without extreme investment or the yin-yang orbs. She's mostly let down by her awful movement, and no real defensive fallbacks for the sake of Lunatic, but then  Lunatic is poorly balanced over-all.

Top tier doesn't matter in Dream too much though since anyone can be top tier with 2-3 WP levels, full upgrades, and one of the better items. ...Well, except Kurumi.

Don't forget Remi, she's just sooo.... bad. She farts around flailing at minions, and hits the boss for moderate damage. Kinda sad. Kanako at least can deal damage, and hit and away saved her bigtime. Not everyone can be Yuyuko.
Byakuren is kinda one of the best 3.5s in my opinion, she gets pretty strong. Yukari's new finisher is pretty strong as well, I like it alot.

I'd also like to add how weapon scaling is dumb in this game. My maxed Rumia with the 200 weapon power FUB plus the keystone and oshirasama got NightBird to have 6000 power.
Baka Quintet had a whopping near 7200 with all the Baka enhance skills on

The Spoiler for the Stage 75 WP bonus in the OP is set incorrectly by the way.

Don't forget Remi, she's just sooo.... bad. She farts around flailing at minions, and hits the boss for moderate damage. Kinda sad. Kanako at least can deal damage, and hit and away saved her bigtime. Not everyone can be Yuyuko.
Byakuren is kinda one of the best 3.5s in my opinion, she gets pretty strong. Yukari's new finisher is pretty strong as well, I like it alot.

Remilia gets Sense + (25) which automatically makes it an imbalanced character. Its finisher is still very strong (but you want to take she only in the night chapters). In any case, it can stand as a back (she has a lot of HP + regeneration) and provide strong assistance and support defense (not to mention Sens +) or to stand in front, where it also has a pretty good chance of evasion.

I'd also like to add how weapon scaling is dumb in this game. My maxed Rumia with the 200 weapon power FUB plus the keystone and oshirasama got NightBird to have 6000 power.
Baka Quintet had a whopping near 7200 with all the Baka enhance skills on

To increase the strength of combo attacks, you need to up the attack power from the rest of her characters, although the proportion of the pumping is a little uneven, since to increase the strength by 1 point you will most likely have to pump it to 1 point for all other characters, or a multiple of one character.

I reached the first chapter of Makai ... this is utter absurdity. I absolutely do not understand how this can be adequately clear. (Almost all the new opponents have 60% of hits in any up to the limit of the pumped-in real-type) Insects do not damage at all anything (though Youmu and Yuyuko are pretty good with them). Moreover, all the characters in the foreground lose 10%MP of each turn.
Yumeko just starts and on the second turn already can kill any character of his choice.

I have a soap about this: Yumeko will always attack the character with the smallest Hp (bosses always cast Fury / Hot Blood if they know that this blow will be fatal, they do not see the support defense, and they can do it if they think that their damage Too small) in this case, you can use the character with invincibility as a priority goal, since the Iron Wall may not sufficiently reduce the damage from the first blow, and the second blow will go under the Fury.
In this case, the priority goal was Nazrin (5kHP), she by some miracle was able to withstand 3 hits defending herself. Murasa has 5500HP, if you raise the rest of the characters HP-factor, you can make she a constant target.
I think that the Potential for Defense / Critical in this case is better than Accuracy / Evasion.

I noticed bosses no longer choose Defence / Evasion on a fatal blow, they also do not do this if the attack goes beyond their range.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 02:07:46 PM by Nikkanoffun »

Kogasa had chosen to defend randomly in her match, it was strange. She didn't care about valored final spark, but she defended against mountain of faith. I didn't know Remi was redeemed in this game, I might go ahead and use her now. Which makai map are you talking about? The 1st one with Yumeko? Or the last makai  map with Shinki and Yumeko together?


  • Drill baby drill!
Remilia is still as bad as she was in 3 - that is, not unusuable, but over-costed and she didn't get nearly enough to catch-up, which is a huge problem when the power gulf got so high. Sakuya also falls prey to this due to
showing up and basically being Sakuya 2.0, with Sakuya not....really, getting anything. Sense + helps for Remilia, but it's just not enough.

You can still use them, there's still plenty of systems that allow you to enable them to be as good, and they aren't outright unusable, but Remilia and others just lag behind. Doesn't matter that much for FMW though since we don't really have a LTC community or anything.

In fact, I was a little lucky ...
Yumeko begins to try to kill Mima if she is in the zone of her attack (since I did not take she in Ei and did not even give updates) she has 4500HP but Yumeko can not break through her barrier even without activated perfection, AI Just does not see the barriers.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Remilia is still as bad as she was in 3 - that is, not unusuable, but over-costed and she didn't get nearly enough to catch-up, which is a huge problem when the power gulf got so high. Sakuya also falls prey to this due to
showing up and basically being Sakuya 2.0, with Sakuya not....really, getting anything. Sense + helps for Remilia, but it's just not enough.

You can still use them, there's still plenty of systems that allow you to enable them to be as good, and they aren't outright unusable, but Remilia and others just lag behind. Doesn't matter that much for FMW though since we don't really have a LTC community or anything.

Pachy got the excellent Philosopher's Stone
, you do use Remillia for one stage though, the stage when are going to
Mugenkan to go to the Dream World
, you use Remi there solely to delete the Evil's Eye danmaku for a WP speed clear.

I have been using
Yumeko's Demon Slayer PS
with Letty's Triumph, and they are just killing it and they became one of my favorite go to teams, dealing 10,000 damage with just using Fury + Triumph to even the
« Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 07:46:02 PM by c l e a r »

If you think that's dumb, use her with Alice (you'll miss out on magic team, but Alice had nice crit damage boosts.) Parsee and Yuugi are also pretty crazy for a 5.0 team. What ever the damage increase is for her ps that boost damage proportionately to how many attacks the enemy has, it gets crazy vs enemies with lots of spells. It feells nice to almost 1 hit
with a full power mode on her last bar.


  • Drill baby drill!
On that note, it's really kind of a shame
you only get Yuuka for eight maps total, and only two to play around with her new toys in Dream. You don't get much more for Hisoutensoku, nor for Shinki or the Watatsuki trio, and a bunch of the new toys over-all.

Training also seems...somewhat useless? It's four levels if a unit's extremely behind, scaling down to 3, 2, and then just 1, which doesn't really help catch people up. On top of that, the PP aspect seems...also extremely lacking, +10 PP is almost nothing. It'd be really useful if it was there from map 1, but there's just not enough time in dream for it to be of much use, since anyone who's behind at this point is way too behind to catch-up with training, and it would have been too much of a drain on resources to keep two armies worth of units trained up so that's not a option either. I guess for NG+ stuff?

For the most part dream is still probably my favorite SRPG of all time though, it's just a shame we're likely never going to get a chance to use the prior mentioned units more than their limited availability in this game.

Training also seems...somewhat useless? It's four levels if a unit's extremely behind, scaling down to 3, 2, and then just 1,

In SRW Z it is always 500 experience.
I agree to the account of the PP, taking into account that those who were taken to the head receive 5PP ... Well, in general, yes, it's not enough.

I also note, I really do not have enough the opportunity to get points (money?) In this option ... haha)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2017, 08:28:31 AM by Nikkanoffun »

I never noticed the training option. Wierd. I think sanbondo could start a new series with TD as its start, use existing character who kinda rally up to solve TD, use chars of all factions for 13.5, with a chose your own faction thing. 14 could be a similar idea, with charging the needle castle with existing units and TD units as allys. The same for 15 and 14.5. The only thing is having every unit being playable would be dumb, so the returning units would be the units who are playable, mabye the 2.0/2.5 like Cirno, Rumia and co., the 3 fairys, Prismrivers, Keine, Shou and the other Buddhists could work as well. Later down the line, the other 3.5s and 2.5s that don't have a reason to join, Remi, Flan, Yuyuko and Yukari (though those two could quite easily be playable from the start of TD) could join in and eventually assemble a huge cast again. End this new series is with mabye another OC with Junko and Hecatia or mabye the casts from 16 or 15.5 joining in for the last game.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2017, 09:05:18 AM by LazorPagoda »

I never noticed the training option. Wierd. I think sanbondo could start a new series with TD as its start, use existing character who kinda rally up to solve TD, use chars of all factions for 13.5, with a chose your own faction thing. 14 could be a similar idea, with charging the needle castle with existing units and TD units as allys. The same for 15 and 14.5. The only thing is having every unit being playable would be dumb, so the returning units would be the units who are playable, mabye the 2.0/2.5 like Cirno, Rumia and co., the 3 fairys, Prismrivers, Keine, Shou and the other Buddhists could work as well. Later down the line, the other 3.5s and 2.5s that don't have a reason to join, Remi, Flan, Yuyuko and Yukari (though those two could quite easily be playable from the start of TD) could join in and eventually assemble a huge cast again. End this new series is with mabye another OC with Junko and Hecatia or mabye the casts from 16 or 15.5 joining in for the last game.

I would not mind if they made Meeko as a "protagonist".
However, who knows? It's still too early to think about it.

Also, Koishi has the Sense (20) ... but because of her autocast Alert, in reality you get only a Strike at a standard price...

Although belatedly, I note that now the enemies passing near other enemies make them turn off their danmaku field, apparently so the developers decided to protect the characters from excessive fields.

A couple of fun things:

SLG-skill Sisters Aki duplicate effect seishin on them both if they stand a group.
Raisen deals 20% more damage If she under the influence effect seishin "Snipe"
Tewi deals 30% more damage If she under the influence effect seishin "Blessing"
« Last Edit: June 05, 2017, 09:41:56 PM by Nikkanoffun »