Author Topic: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)  (Read 44844 times)

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #240 on: January 26, 2012, 06:58:50 AM »
>"And I was thinking about checking out the harbormaster's office. You said the document was missing from there, too. It's possible your thief left a clue there that he didn't here."

>Her expression sours. "Yeah, and just try gettin' something outta them about it. Hope you have better luck than me."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #241 on: January 26, 2012, 07:08:51 AM »
>"But, I gotta ask, captain. What if Chisato has a reason for keeping this mouse? You sure you want me to relocate her right away?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #242 on: January 26, 2012, 07:35:54 AM »
>"But, I gotta ask, captain. What if Chisato has a reason for keeping this mouse? You sure you want me to relocate her right away?"

>The question snaps her back from her brooding, a slightly sheepish expression on her face. "Er, well... I guess if it is her 'pet', it's her call what happens to it. Long as it isn't left wandering around my ship."
>She takes a deep breath and then lets it out slowly. "Okay, come on. You can talk to the little guy- er, girl- for her. Maybe she'll wanna hear what it's got to say. Can leave the rest of it for later."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #243 on: January 26, 2012, 07:48:51 AM »
>"Gotcha. Translator, I can do."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #244 on: January 26, 2012, 07:51:01 AM »
>"Gotcha. Translator, I can do."

>Murasa nods. "Right. Well, let's get this over with."
>She turns and walks back towards the galley exit.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #245 on: January 26, 2012, 07:53:19 AM »
>Follow the cap'n.
>Ask the mouse, if we don't think she's taking a nap, "Have you smelled this big one before?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #246 on: January 26, 2012, 07:56:48 AM »
>Follow the cap'n.
>Ask the mouse, if we don't think she's taking a nap, "Have you smelled this big one before?"

>You follow after Murasa.
>You're pretty sure the mouse is just remaining what it considers to be out of sight, while people are about. You ask your question.
>"Yup!" she squeaks from inside her hiding place. "That big one moved the flat wooden thing into the light and back again. Didn't give yummies, though."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #247 on: January 26, 2012, 08:01:35 AM »
>Does this box appear to be similar to the ones in the cargo hold?
>If not, ask Murasa, "Captain? This box here, does it seem... familiar, to you?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #248 on: January 26, 2012, 08:06:52 AM »
>Does this box appear to be similar to the ones in the cargo hold?
>If not, ask Murasa, "Captain? This box here, does it seem... familiar, to you?"

>It is a nondescript wooden shipping box. You don't know if it an exact match for something in the cargo hold, but it wouldn't surprise you. It is quite similar, at the least.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #249 on: January 26, 2012, 08:28:52 AM »
>"I presume you moved around a lot of these crates yourself, captain, when you were loading the ship?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #250 on: January 26, 2012, 08:39:05 AM »
>"I presume you moved around a lot of these crates yourself, captain, when you were loading the ship?"

>"Uh, yeah?" she says, raising an eyebrow dubiously.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #251 on: January 26, 2012, 10:46:32 AM »
>"Well, you remember I mentioned that another crewman found this mouse? Well, she recognizes your scent, and it seems you were the one that brought her on board, if I understand her. She was in one of your cargo crates; I'm not sure if it was this one, though."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #252 on: January 26, 2012, 11:04:23 AM »
>"Well, you remember I mentioned that another crewman found this mouse? Well, she recognizes your scent, and it seems you were the one that brought her on board, if I understand her. She was in one of your cargo crates; I'm not sure if it was this one, though."

>"Huh, really?" Murasa stops and gives the box a once-over, frowning. "Don't suppose you know how long ago that was?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #253 on: January 26, 2012, 11:08:09 AM »
>"Mice don't have the same sense of time that humanoids do, so it's hard to be precise. I get the impression, though, that Chisato might have found her not long after she came aboard. I'll ask."
>In chitterspeak, "Was it long time or short time between the flat wood being moved, and the different big one found you?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #254 on: January 26, 2012, 11:17:02 AM »
>"Mice don't have the same sense of time that humanoids do, so it's hard to be precise. I get the impression, though, that Chisato might have found her not long after she came aboard. I'll ask."
>In chitterspeak, "Was it long time or short time between the flat wood being moved, and the different big one found you?"

>Murasa nods.
>"Flat wooden thing moved lots of times," she squeaks. "Big one put me there, then big one move it. Short time, move it again. Sometimes give yummies. Then other big one move wooden thing. Not give yummies. Was kinda sad."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #255 on: January 26, 2012, 11:20:06 AM »
>"Was it always the same big one that gave you yummies, before this big one moved wood thing?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #256 on: January 26, 2012, 11:21:10 AM »
>"Was it always the same big one that gave you yummies, before this big one moved wood thing?"

>"Yes!" she squeaks cheerfully.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #257 on: January 26, 2012, 11:24:57 AM »
>"That's a good big one."
>"The last time wood thing moved, was it same big one that gave you yummies, or this big one here?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #258 on: January 26, 2012, 11:31:41 AM »
>"That's a good big one."
>"The last time wood thing moved, was it same big one that gave you yummies, or this big one here?"

>"First other big one, then this big one, then other big one again."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #259 on: January 26, 2012, 11:35:49 AM »
>"Thank you."
>In peoplespeak, to Murasa, "She said the box she was in was moved at least three times, first by the other... By Chisato, I suspect, then by you, which is probably when she came aboard, and then Chisato again, which is how she got under Chisato's bed. Assuming this is the same box, of course."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #260 on: January 26, 2012, 11:41:17 AM »
>"Thank you."
>In peoplespeak, to Murasa, "She said the box she was in was moved at least three times, first by the other... By Chisato, I suspect, then by you, which is probably when she came aboard, and then Chisato again, which is how she got under Chisato's bed. Assuming this is the same box, of course."

>The mouse chitters brightly.
>Murasa cocks her head to the side. "Wait, what? You sayin' Chisato knew she was there before I brought her on board?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #261 on: January 26, 2012, 11:45:51 AM »
>"If I understand the mouse right. Somebody fed her before you moved the box. Unless... If this was a crate of food, Chisato may simply have been loading it, might not have even known this mouse was in there, until she was on board. A mouse would easily see that as someone giving them food."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #262 on: January 26, 2012, 11:50:19 AM »
>"If I understand the mouse right. Somebody fed her before you moved the box. Unless... If this was a crate of food, Chisato may simply have been loading it, might not have even known this mouse was in there, until she was on board. A mouse would easily see that as someone giving them food."

>She waves a hand dismissively. "Eh, she can answer that herself, I guess."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #263 on: January 26, 2012, 12:02:22 PM »
>Topside, ho!

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #264 on: January 26, 2012, 08:52:46 PM »
>Topside, ho!

>You cross the rest of the floor and make your way back up the stairs to the main deck.

>Still lounging by the gangway where you left her, Chisato rolls her head absently in your direction as the pair of you reemerge from the ship. Her reaction is not immediate, but you can pinpoint the presise moment of recognition  as the idleness evaporates from her expression. She pulls herself upright, her bearing tensing.
>"Cap'n?" she says as you draw close, her tone halfway between an acknowledgement and a question. She is scrupulously avoiding looking in your direction.
>Murasa's tone is weary but firm. "I'm going to guess you know you had a mouse living in here?"
>"Well, er, yeah," Chisato replies, glancing briefly at the box, "but with respect and all... what were you poking around my room for?
>"Didn't find her in your room," Murasa says. "Found her crawling around the pantry."
>With remarkable speed, Chisato's expression twists into a florid grimace. "Goddammit!"

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #265 on: January 26, 2012, 09:00:43 PM »
>"So what's the story here?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #266 on: January 26, 2012, 09:15:44 PM »
>"So what's the story here?"

>"Why's there need to be a story?" Chisato spits, still looking like she wants yell at something. "Somethin' wrong with me not wantin' to kick the guy on sight?"
>"You can't just let mice run around on ship," Murasa says. "You have any idea what kind of shit that can cause?"
>"Hey, I know that!" she counters. "He wasn't supposed to get out."

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #267 on: January 26, 2012, 09:45:22 PM »
>"Nothing wrong with it at all. There's too many people who take mice lightly. I'm just curious why you did it. And where you found her."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #268 on: January 26, 2012, 10:05:41 PM »
>"Nothing wrong with it at all. There's too many people who take mice lightly. I'm just curious why you did it. And where you found her."

>"That makes two of us," Murasa adds.
>Chisato holds onto that frustrated scowl for a moment, before snapping out a resigned "Okay, fine."
>"Saw her run out from between two sacks of flour when I was loading up supplies a couple days back," she continues. "Caught her before she got too far. Dunno why I kept her. Just thought I would, I guess. Didn't see why anyone else should care."
>"You didn't," Murasa repeats flatly. You're not sure if this is just an acknowledgment, or commentary on her crewman's awareness.
>"She wasn't supposed to get loose, dammit!" Chisato protests, fuming again. She mutters something harsh under her breath.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 7)
« Reply #269 on: January 26, 2012, 11:49:12 PM »
>"So, what were you going to do with her?"