Author Topic: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)  (Read 47159 times)


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Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #90 on: September 01, 2009, 02:06:19 AM »
Less talk, more Kilgadere.

Nine West

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Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #91 on: September 01, 2009, 05:12:57 AM »
It seems that Roukan is currently busy tending to his own OC.


  • Charismatic grizzly bear
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Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #92 on: September 01, 2009, 05:57:27 AM »
man, If I wasn't so lazy and untalented, I'd make a comic of this.
Wotters gonna' wot


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #93 on: September 09, 2009, 02:37:41 PM »
I feel bad for leaving this un-updated for so long. I'm trying to come up with something, but I'm still sorta nervous when it comes to developing personas for certain people. Consider this a work in progress just to prove that I'm still alive. >_>


Kilga woke up bleary-eyed the next morning, yesterday's events still fresh in his mind. He hauled himself out of bed, threw his breakfast straight down his throat and hastily started up his PC.

He hasn't been on the Quicktopic since last he avoiding me?

He wasn't used to seeing Pesco genuinely angry at anyone. Occasionally the rabbit got a little more severe and serious, but never anything beyond that. He must have really overdone it the night before.

Eh, whatever. He'll be over it by the time Day 2 rolls around.

That was what he said to himself, but as he booted up RosenKreuzStilette to get his mind off of it he felt the name seep back into his head over and over again. He turned the music up to drown his own thoughts out, but all it earned him were sore ears.

Pesco. Pesco. Pesco, Pesco, Pesco Pesco Pesco Pesco PescoPescoPesco-


Distracted by his own thoughts, Kilga died at the hands of Liebea. His response was an immediate ragequit, and a quick cup of coffee. He was probably still half-asleep, he'd be fine once he woke up a little.

UK is a Miller Insane Cop Lynchee next game I run. Geez.


When the topic opened up again, no-one pretended to be surprised by the body lying on the floor, with its long blode hair wrapped around its head like a halo. UncertainKitten was looming over the corpse, turning around to cheerfully welcome the players back.

"Morning, people! You guys have probably guessed now that Kiro got hit last night. Lucky for you he's just a plain vanilla Townie, nyaa."

Behind her, the corpse raised an arm to the sky.

"Can...can I get up ye-"

UK promptly smacked Kiro in the face with her heel. His complaining stopped immediately as he was knocked out cold.

"So yeah, day 2 starts now, you guys know the drill."

She dragged the body out as those present began to form a circle. Taking a quick look around, Kilga was mildly worried to see no sign of Pesco. Had something happened to him in real life, or-

"Now then, let's begin with the proceedings of Day 2."

One voice rose up amongst the crowd, calling the rest of those present to attention. Its owner was Serpentarius, wearing a traditional yama outfit with a pair of snakes running down the sleeves. He seemed roughly a head shorter than his companions, but did his best to ignore the fact.

"Irritatingly, yesterday's wagon doesn't give us much to work with in terms of scumbuddies, so we're going to have to choose someone based on scuminess alone. On that note..."


And yes, I did choose Liebea deliberately. T_T

Edible, I need a mental image of you that isn't Saber/Batman. :V

Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #94 on: September 09, 2009, 03:06:27 PM »
Saber dressed up as Batman.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
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Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #95 on: September 09, 2009, 04:43:21 PM »
I'm the Goddamn Saber!
Kill me.


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #96 on: September 09, 2009, 05:07:49 PM »
Can...can I get up ye-

I'm going to have to use this the next time I'm NK'ed as a VT.

Also, Edible is om nom nom Saber. You can't deny it.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #97 on: October 04, 2009, 08:06:28 PM »
Back again, for the very 4th time.


Serp's sharp gaze fell on an otherwise distracted player, leisurely munching on an orange. His light blonde hair and blue eyes reminded some of King Arthur (if he'd been an absurdly beautiful woman, admittedly) but any sense of royalty was shattered by the raincoat he wore like a cape and cowl. The first accusation against him went ignored, the orange winning out in terms of importance.

"...Edible. You had no input in yesterday's main wagons, so unless you start producing en masse today there's going to obviously be a lot of suspicion on your shoulders. Anything to comment on?"

Serp, with a hint of irritation in his voice, clarified his accusation. He earned a slight nudge of Edible's head in response.

"Not how I play."

Four small words worked their way out of Edible's mouth, sounding surprisingly low-pitched given his femimine stature (even by MotK's standards). He was chewing on the orange again before Serp's brain could process that he'd been dismissed.

"...Wait, what?"

"Nothing big happened last night until Rou snapped. Kiro was a big talker, obviously some sort of Townie. Nothing to comment on then, nothing to comment on now."

Serp felt his blood boiling as Edible continued to argue that he didn't need to contribute. The snakes running down his sleeves started to crawl slightly, almost ready to jump out of the fabric and attack him-

No, Serp. You've got to be the bigger man here. ...Metaphorically.

"...Well, I'm afraid that there's no way I can interpret that sentiment other than as an excuse for anti-Town play. ##Vote: Edible."

The ear-like points on Edible's raincoat perked up as the vote was declared, but besides that he showed no visible sign of emotion. He finished the last slice of his orange, casually pulling out another from a pocket as soon as he'd discarded the remains of the first.

"It's what I do. Hang back, wait for scum to trip up. I'm Edible."

"And I find that particularly fitting, since with a playstyle like that you're going to be eaten alive."

Serp felt no need to say anything further, ending the discussion with the best witty quip he could come up with. With their discussion over, there was a voiceless cue for the rest of the players to throw their opinions into the ring. The case had been made, and the Town was ready to pass its judgement.

All, that is, except for one player.

Pesco...where are you?

Kilga had only been paying vague attention to the debate between Serp and Edible, his attention focused on looking for a giveaway pair of white rabbit ears in the crowd. So far his search had turned up nothing, and he was starting to get concerned.

...Wait a minute. Why am I worried about him? It's Pesco, right?

Kilga paused for a moment, realising that something had changed over the last few days. In the last day phase he'd have loved something like this, an excuse for Pesco to get lynched and for Kilga to no longer have to spend any time with him, but now he actually genuinely did want his teammate to survive.

What the hell's happening with me? The guy's wormed his way right into my head.

Kilga stumbled through the crowd, partially to see if he could get a better view from outside and partially because he needed some space right now. His eyes spun around him, looking everywhere but in front-



Someone bounced off of Kilga's impressively flat chest, stumbling backwards onto the floor. A googly-eyed hat fell to his side as he rubbed at his long, purple hair. He adjusted his labcoat, brushing himself off before standing up again.

"What was that for, Kilga?"

The rabbit was too distracted to pay his victim much attention, brushing him off as he walked on.

"Sorry, Sodium. I'm sorta busy right now."

He walked further on, trying to make it as far out as he could to get a good view of everybody. Sodium, unimpressed with Kilga's apology, started to follow after him.

"Look, I'm not trying to ask for a lot here, but that's basic manners, isn't it? And the argument is sorta over there, in case you didn't notice-"

Shut up. Please, please, PLEASE shut up.

Kilga scrunched up his ears as best he could, but given their size he wasn't able to block out sound entirely. Apparently he couldn't just block Sodium out, so he'd need to find some other way to-


Walking past the two of them at that point was a familiar face, looking absently towards the discussion as he pulled away a streak of his scarlet hair. Seeing a perfect opportunity, Kilga poked Alice on the shoulder.

"Hey. Guess who I brought you?"

He walked on as Alice silently nodded. Sodium continued to tail him, growing angrier by the minute.

"Okay, seriously, Kilga. Now you're just being plain- ah!?"

A hand grabbed him around the collar, tugging him in by the labcoat. Alice looked down at the captive Sodium with a devious grin.

"...Sodium Nitrate."

Just hearing that name was enough to make Sodium start squirming.

"D-Don't call me that! It's Peroxide! Sodium Peroxide!"

Alice ignored his pleas entirely, tapping the fingers of his free hand on Sodium's hat.

"Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Fluoride, Sodium Permanganate~"

Kilga gave a thumbs up to Alice as he walked away, a silent thank you for dealing with the problem. Sodium simply struggled fruitlessly against the godmother's grasp.

"Y-You guys are so mean...;_;"


Jeez, there are so many regulars. Just off the top of my head I think I still need to find places for Nietz, Zak and Affinity...-_-


  • *
Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #98 on: October 04, 2009, 08:17:00 PM »
*ASCII thumbs-up* post here

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #99 on: October 04, 2009, 08:22:23 PM »

And Alice uses a lot more complicated stuff, but whatever.
Na_2O_2, NaNO_3, NaOH, NaF, NaMnO_4

And why aren't I a replacement? =V

Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #100 on: October 04, 2009, 10:16:38 PM »
SoNaNOCa? *brick'd*

But yeah. I see where this is going ...


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
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Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #101 on: October 26, 2009, 02:47:38 AM »
So, did this die Rou? I don't want it dead. You said it wouldn't be dead!


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #102 on: October 26, 2009, 02:54:14 AM »
Yeah, I'm really sorry I haven't been updating this properly. -_-

The problem's twofold, really:

1. I've been trying to juggle too much right now. Music for Ijiyatsu, writing Case Files now, writing this, university...

2. This one's gonna sound a lot cruder, but in recent weeks I've sort of lost my passion for Mafia, so to speak. I'm hoping it's only a temporary feeling, but every game is just getting me angrier at the players and (worse) damaging my opinion of them outside the game. Thus right now I'm not really seeing a lot of players in the best light, a feeling I'd like to be able to get over sooner rather than later. I don't thinking writing about them right now is going to turn out well. -_-


  • Blackouts=Makeouts! ;)
  • hohoho~*
    • in devianart
Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #103 on: October 26, 2009, 06:58:00 AM »
well,even if they are "the classic crack pairing..." my solicitude is obvious: Rinnosuke-Youki. The no existence of fanfics of this put me in despair. Please be the person who make history.if want plots,i have ideas:

a.-the love blooms in the battlefield...before Reimu and the rest,the last war for Gensokyo independence begins and...
b.-after the story about Youmu and the lamp of souls, the next day another person enters asking for the same thing...
c.-or in one of the trips to Muenzuka searching objects, Rinnosuke founds something more...
d.-or that spring,like all the another springs of all that years, he no wants go with the rest to the flower viewing and are inside his shop, seeing the white sakura in front of his window,because...

and don`t worry,i can wait n_n

Monochrome Rainbow~* Technicolor Ochoufujoshi!
(?y ahora en espa?ol ,yay!) he will be Adequate?

Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #104 on: October 26, 2009, 06:03:33 PM »
Sudden crazy idea: a pairing of me with E-Mouse, titled "Of Mice And Muffins." Must include a reference to Frank Zappa's "The Muffin Man."


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #105 on: July 19, 2010, 12:22:04 AM »
I didn't realise it had been over 14 days since I updated this. Thanks for the reminder, forum.

Anyway I got asked to update, so I did. You're welcome, UK. =_=


They had a term for the players who hung around as far away from the conversation as possible, not contributing anything in terms of assistance when it came to finding scum. They were lurkers, and it wasn't a term used as a compliment. Carth in particular had gained a reputation for wanting to purge lurkers from the face of the earth the instant Day 3 rolled around, insistent that lurking was an inherently scummy behaviour. Alice had proven him wrong on more than one occasion, and when the team saved up to buy him a Nazi uniform labelled 'MAIDENKAMPF, HITLER OF LURKERS', no-one could argue that his rabid urge to lynch the people who were quiet didn't fit the uniform.

Kilga wasn't much lighter on the subject, and he felt a little dirty as he left the rest of Town to themselves. But Pesco's absence was uncharacteristic of him. Any other day he would be right in people's faces, pissing them off until they snapped and gave him a tell to work with. He never lurked, not even as scum.

Did I do this?

Why was he so worried, anyway? Pesco wouldn't get lynched today, at least, not with Town stuck in the middle of this Edible/Serp fight. It reeked of Town/Town, but right now he didn't care enough to offer his opinion on the matter.

Wait. That was the wrong question to ask. Better was 'Why am I worried about Pesco at all?'

Yesterday, he would have killed to see Pesco lynched and end this game before it could really start. It'd be a jerk move on Town, but it wasn't like MotK Town ever won anyway. Yet only 24 hours later, here he was genuinely concerned for Pesco. If he'd seen anyone else flip-flop their behaviour like that, he'd have called them a liar on the spot.

Except he knew right now his thoughts were genuine.

"Hello there."

A voice from beneath him pulled Kilga out of his trance. Sitting on the floor at his side, watching the ensuing feud from afar, was a young man in a pair of round, intelligent-looking glasses. Compared to the mystical avatars the rest of MotK had taken on, his was actually the most unique of all in that it was completely ordinary.

"Oh, uh. Hey, Nietz. Didn't see you there."

"Don't worry. No-one ever does."

The words were a little unnerving, but this far out no-one would have heard the exchange.

"...An interesting sight. One of them is scum. Maybe both."

Unlike Alice, who simply chose not to speak at all, Nietz left his comments as tiny snippets rather than full-blown sentences. Initially it had been eerie but, like with Alice, it had become a character quirk of his and went mostly unignored.

Kilga hated that.

"Look, I don't have time for this. I've gotta go...somewhere."

Obviously Kilga didn't want to risk spilling his role right now, so he made a petty excuse and quickly walked on. The young man he left behind only turned to look at him once, adjusting his glasses ever so slightly.

The light curved in such a way that even if he'd looked behind him, Kilga wouldn't have been able to see the smirk running across Nietz's face. This was ammunition, and he was going to use it...


He couldn't go out much further now. That worried him.

By now there was no way to hear the discussion at all. The only thing left from here was the Logout Station - though logging out could easily be done manually, there was a station available to allow players to leave in a more permanent manner from the game. Obviously the station was off-limits most days, unless you came to the GM with a good reason for dropping.

Does Pesco have one of those...?

Kilga felt his heart pound when he saw a figure in the distance. By the time he realised he was running, he already had to stop to catch his breath. It was for nothing, though - the girl standing alone, looking a little nervous, was UK.

"N-Nyaa? Kilga, what're you doing here?"

It took him a few seconds to get the words out. What the hell was wrong with him today?

"Pesco...he's nowhere. You seen him...?"

In fact, while he was on this subject, what was wrong with UK? She was squirming around, looking all sorts of uncomfortable. Wasn't she supposed to be using this alone time to mock him about how he was joined to the hip with one of his worst enemies?

" do I say this? I'm, uh, not sure how much I'm allowed to say..."

Her tail curled up into itself, and her ears drooped. Now Kilga was starting to feel some genuine concern, and without being in full control he had placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Please. I need to know."

He didn't notice how determined he sounded until the words slipped out of his mouth. He flinched, but his grip remained firm. UK's eyes looked around, trying to focus on anything other than Kilga, but all she could see from here was the vast grey expanse of the forum walls.

" dropping."

Kilga's heart skipped a beat.

"The hell?! Don't go and tell me he's dere for Rou and feels guilty about getting him modkilled, 'cause that joke just isn't funny anymore."

"No. It's...well, it's your fault."

It felt like he'd been punched in the gut.

"Well...Pesco's still here, just finishing things up. You might get a few minutes to talk if you hurry."

That was all he needed to hear, and immediately he was running again towards the Logout Station. The catgirl maid wore a pout as she watched him run, feeling her own heart sink.

"Nyaah...Pesco, how did you let it come to this?"


A nearly-9-month necro? I think this might be a CPMC record.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #106 on: July 19, 2010, 12:31:42 AM »
Pure liquid awesome
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
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Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #107 on: July 19, 2010, 12:45:52 AM »
Thanks Rou. I enjoyed the newest installment a lot.


  • *Roll*
  • *fwump*
Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #108 on: July 19, 2010, 01:43:28 AM »
Oh man this is back, awesome man o/


  • NEETz
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Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #109 on: July 19, 2010, 05:30:20 PM »
Whoa, I wasn't expecting this to resurface. Keep up the awesome, Rou!

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
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Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #110 on: July 20, 2010, 07:10:37 AM »
Pesco... ;_;


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Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #111 on: July 20, 2010, 07:52:57 AM »
I don't normally follow Mafia (in that I don't even have a clue what it is, exactly) but this is an entertaining read. Especially since it involves Kilga falling for Pesco.

Dead Princess Sakana

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  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #112 on: July 20, 2010, 08:02:38 AM »
So that is Rou's infamous Mafia-fic I heard about  :3


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #113 on: July 20, 2010, 08:57:58 AM »
How sweet to have Kilga follow me to the ends of the game :3


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Inaba of the Mindhax and Inaba of the Oppai
« Reply #114 on: August 16, 2010, 07:54:56 PM »
He wasn't sure quite what he wanted to see as he made it to the Logout Station. Maybe this was all something personal, something that he had nothing to do with in the slightest, and this was all just totally over his head. Maybe pursuing this would only serve to make things worse.

...No. She said it was my fault.

Kilga shook his head as he ran, clearing his mind again. His legs were leaden and his chest was burning, but he still pushed himself onward. He refused to wait even a second to relax, just in case that second was the vital difference. It wouldn't be much longer now, surely.


The Station came into view - a simplistic booth that seated only one person, and locked itself on the inside so no-one could intervene. It only took a few minutes to finish the paperwork, and after a final confirmation the player would be removed from the remainder of the game.

It was so simple, in fact, that Alice insisted that efforts be taken to make the process more threatening so that new players wouldn't turn tail the instant things got rough. As a result, the Station had one little quirk - a heaving guillotine blade hanging above the user, its edge kept sharp at all times. It would never actually reach its target - they'd have logged out before it was released - but its presence was enough to frighten people back into the game.

A sign above the booth informed Kilga that it was indeed OCCUPIED, but the inside curtain had been pulled down to stop him from peering in.

"Dammit, Pesco, open up! You can't just drop from the game without telling me what's happening!"

Something moved inside the booth. Kilga heard the sound of a chair swiveling around to face him, but the curtain remained closed.

For one of the first times he could remember, Kilga was lost for words.

What do I say? What do I say...?

His vocabulary was nowhere near as varied as he thought, as he suddenly came to the realisation he couldn't come up with anything to say that was remotely comforting.

"...Look. I understand you're pissed at me, and if you want to still walk away after this then I'll let you go. But...can I at least get an explanation of what's going on? Please."

Silence. There was no way for him to know if his words had any effect unless Pesco said something, and every moment without an answer made him more and more afraid he was too late. It'd be more obvious, though - the sound of the guillotine slicing through the air would be proof enough that Pesco was gone.


A voice creaked out from within the booth. It was followed by a serious of sniffles, that evolved into sobs.

"うさあああう...Kilga-chan, you're such an idiot..."

Kilga made out the sound of Pesco slamming a hand into the window. His voice had grown shrill now, and sounded like it didn't belong to him in the slightest.

"All this time, all these games we've played together. All I wanted was to for you to notice me, to pay a little attention to me. You're so cool when you get serious, Kilga-chan - it's exciting just to watch. I even started trolling harder just to give you more reason to act like it because I loved it so much, うさ..."

Kilga felt his feet lock in place. He wanted to leave, this was all too much for him, and yet he couldn't pull himself away. This was getting far too personal now - if he read into this in the wrong context, it almost sounded like...

"So I tried to set things up to be near to you for a change. UK owed me a favour, so I asked her to put the two of us together for this game. I wanted to try and work up the nerve, but...I couldn't do it. And being so close to you without having the nerve to say was too much. Every time I stood next to you my heart wanted to burst right out of my chest, and...うさう..."

Pesco broke down into muffled sobs again. This had definitely crossed the line now - Pesco had gone beyond trying to be a friend and shifted into outright love. Kilga was tempted to just run for the hills before this got any more difficult, and he would have done exactly that if Pesco had confessed like this before the last two days they'd spent together. But something had changed in that short space of time, and Kilga felt it was worth at least offering some closure. Perhaps there was something lingering in there, but it wouldn't work out.

"Pesco...look, I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear, but long story short I don't feel the same. I...I may think that there's something impressive in there, but I just don't swing that way. It's just a case of you being a guy, that's all."

Kilga sighed. It would be a jump to say it was the only thing stopping him, but he'd never held any romantic interest in the male body, so a relationship like that just wouldn't have worked for him.

Pesco was quiet for a long time after that. Kilga heard something shuffling inside the booth - maybe Pesco finishing the preparations to leave. By now, he was fine with it - there was nothing left for him to do, and the only alternative was this situation growing more awkward still.

"Kilga-chan. I have a question for you, うさ."

He didn't expect Pesco to speak up again, and especially not with as much determination. The big confession had already been made, hadn't it? What else was left for Pesco to say?

"...You said that it's because I'm a guy, right?"

Kilga did a double take, not sure exactly where this line of reasoning was meant to head.

He wasn't ready for what was waiting for him when the curtain opened up. Pesco was standing inside, but the dress was lying folded up in the corner of the room. All Pesco was wearing was the incriminating panties from last night and - much to Kilga's amazement - a simple bra to cover a generous cleavage.

"Then what about now?"

Kilga's heart flat-out stopped for what felt like a full second. Alice had put a lot of time and effort into the persona spell, but it had its limits. The one thing it point-blank couldn't do was shift people across genders - which was why he and Rou were still blatantly male even when using female characters as their avatars.

But Pesco's body here was distinctly female. Only now did he suddenly realise the incriminating evidence that he'd accidentally uncovered last night. He'd never even thought about it then, but now everything was clicking into place.

...Shit. That's...

Pesco managed to force a smile while still semi-naked.

"I didn't think anyone would take me seriously otherwise...I'm sorry for lying to you."

This wasn't happening. It couldn't be happening.

But it was.

Pesco was a girl.


*awaits inevitable rage*


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #115 on: August 16, 2010, 09:06:23 PM »
Pesco is a girl.

It has been written! It must be so.

*also awaits rage*


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
  • Do you not trust my aim?
Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #116 on: August 16, 2010, 10:06:11 PM »
That's an amazing twist. I am enjoying this tons.


  • Blackouts=Makeouts! ;)
  • hohoho~*
    • in devianart
Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #117 on: August 17, 2010, 05:58:01 AM »
(oh,almost forget who i ask a long time ago for a fic,actually half continue sleeping. suddenly i had the idea who that sword is cursed and he will begin to act VERY SUSPICTIOUS.XD)
and good story, original and inesperated ending, even i don?t understand the whys of that (i never played mafia,for example...XD) ;)
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 07:05:21 AM by VIVItheHeiwa »

Monochrome Rainbow~* Technicolor Ochoufujoshi!
(?y ahora en espa?ol ,yay!) he will be Adequate?


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #118 on: August 17, 2010, 06:47:40 AM »
What size are my oppai????

Whatever size Kilga wants them to be.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 08:33:56 AM by Roukanken »


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Re: Crack Pairings A-Go-Go (Where Roukan Sells Himself For Your Pleasure)
« Reply #119 on: August 17, 2010, 08:35:41 AM »
Kilga is your real father