Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Rika and Nitori's Garage Experiments => Topic started by: Drake on March 12, 2015, 06:35:20 AM

Title: [Scripting Tool] DNH Shot Compiler
Post by: Drake on March 12, 2015, 06:35:20 AM
I did another thing. This is a Python script that generates a Danmakufu shot definition script from a formatted JSON file. The usefulness mainly comes from how easily multiple bullets of the same type and animated bullets are written up, which will hopefully become very apparent. It's very easy to generate large shot definition scripts with minimal specification. No more copypasting forever and second-guessing whether you added up some coordinates properly.

Download (
(View repository on GitHub) (


Code: [Select]
python [input] [output]

Code: [Select]
shotcompile.exe [input] [output]

Takes an optional input and output argument, defaulted to shots.json and shots.dnh.


File must be valid JSON, although comments are stripped so those are fine. See examples for what JSON looks like.

shot_image: String containing the same path to the file you'd usually put in. (e.g. "./etama01.png")

delay_rect: Array containing the same rect you'd usually put in. (e.g. [2,478,34,510])

delay_color: Array containing the same color as usual. (e.g. [128,128,128])

colors: Object containing the colors present in the shot sheet. Keys can be arbitrary strings and values are arrays containing that color. (e.g. "red": [255,0,0])

shots: Array of objects containing the main shot data. Each object represents a group of one shot type and assumes the group of shots only differ in where their rects are positioned.

Shot Groups - The format for each shot group object in the shots array is as follows:

origin: An array containing the starting (x,y) position for the group of shots. (e.g. [0,0])

size: An array containing the width and height of the shots. (e.g. [12,12])

off: An array containing the (x,y) offset between the rects of each shot. (e.g. [16,0])

colors: An array of strings corresponding to each individual shot's color. Only colors defined in the "global" colors object are recognized. The length of this array determines how many shots are defined. (e.g. ["red","green","blue"])

animation (optional): An array of size 4, where the first two elements are the (x,y) offset between the rects of each animation frame, the third element is the number of frames in the animation, and the fourth is the duration of each frame. The off key can be omitted if this key is present (for single animated shots). (e.g. [16,0,5,4])

collision (optional): If set to a number, is the radius of each shot's hitbox. If set to an array of size 3, the elements are the radius and (x,y) offset of the hitbox. If set to an array of these arrays, multiple hitboxes are given. (e.g. 8, [8,0,-2], [[4,0,-2],[4,0,2]])

fixed_angle (optional): Set to true if the shot graphic remains fixed, false if it rotates according to movement angle.

angular_velocity (optional): If set to a number, is the number of degrees the graphic rotates per frame. If set to an array of size 2, the velocity is randomized between the two numbers (i.e. [-4,4] -> rand(-4,4)).

render (optional): A string describing the blend type used for the shot group. Valid types are "ALPHA","ADD","ADD_RGB","ADD_ARGB","MULTIPLY", "SUBTRACT", "INV_DESTRGB".

delay_rect (optional): Array containing the rect for the delay graphic, overriding the global one.

delay_color (optional): Array containing the color for the delay graphic, overriding the global one.

delay_render (optional): A string describing the blend type used for the delay graphic. Valid types are as above.


See the included shots.json file (and compile it) for a more complete, practical sample that makes use of most options.

The example below generates a shot definition script with 20 bullets, each 8x8, with one row of ten bullets starting at (4,4) and a second row starting at (4,14).
Code: [Select]
"shot_image": "./etama01.png",
"delay_rect": [2,478,34,510],
"shots": [
"origin": [4,4],
"size": [8,8],
"off": [10,0],
"collision": 4,
"colors": ["red","darkred","orange","yellow","green","aqua","blue","purple","pink","white"]
"origin": [4,14],
"size": [8,8],
"off": [10,0],
"collision": 4,
"fixed_angle": true,
"colors": ["red","orange","yellow","green","aqua","ltblue","blue","purple","pink","white"]
"colors": {
"red": [255,0,0], "darkred": [128,0,0], "orange": [255,128,0], "yellow": [255,255,0],
"green": [32,160,0], "aqua": [0,255,255], "ltblue": [0,128,255], "blue": [0,0,255],
"purple": [128,0,255], "pink": [255,0,255], "white": [255,255,255]

Made this about a week ago and was waiting until I could cook up a better sample file so you could try it out right away and see how it works. A certain someone seems to have found it before I posted here, so maybe some of you know about it already.